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Screen Capture with Transparent Windows and Mouse Cursor

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Look at DataLife's code on post #210.

There is a new AutoHotkey forum here.

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First of all thanks to Sean for this awesome lib!

I been using it for a while now, but lately, as I moved to Win8.1 64bit, part of it that converts captured image to file stopped working. I.e. I can still capture part of screen and it will be on clipboard, but it doesn't save it to file the way it used to.

I've searched for answers on this & other forums, but couldn't find anything. Could anyone please help me, what needs to be changed in the code?

Btw, I tried running script as Admin, and opening it with AutoHotkeyU64.exe - it didnt help...

filename = block1.png
initialx := 0 
initialy := 0 
finalx := 100 
finaly := 100 
qualityofpic := 100 
CaptureScreen(initialx, initialy, finalx, finaly, (finalx - initialx), (finaly - initialy), False, fileName, qualityofpic) 
splashimage, 1:block1.png, X100 Y100 

;========================= Capture screen function ====================================
 Screen Capture with Transparent Windows and Mouse Cursor Function by SEAN

dllcall("psapi.dll\EmptyWorkingSet", "UInt", -1)

CaptureScreen(inix, iniy, finx, finy, rt5, rt6, bCursor = False, sFile = "", nQuality = "")
nL := inix
nT := iniy
nW := finx - inix
nH := finy - iniy
znW := rt5
znH := rt6

mDC := DllCall("CreateCompatibleDC", "Uint", 0)
hBM := CreateDIBSection(mDC, nW, nH)
oBM := DllCall("SelectObject", "Uint", mDC, "Uint", hBM)
hDC := DllCall("GetDC", "Uint", 0)
DllCall("BitBlt", "Uint", mDC, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", nW, "int", nH, "Uint", hDC, "int", nL, "int", nT, "Uint", 0x40000000 | 0x00CC0020)
DllCall("ReleaseDC", "Uint", 0, "Uint", hDC)
If bCursor
CaptureCursor(mDC, nL, nT)
DllCall("SelectObject", "Uint", mDC, "Uint", oBM)
DllCall("DeleteDC", "Uint", mDC)
If znW && znH
hBM := Zoomer(hBM, nW, nH, znW, znH)
If sFile = 0
Else Convert(hBM, sFile, nQuality), DllCall("DeleteObject", "Uint", hBM)

CaptureCursor(hDC, nL, nT)
VarSetCapacity(mi, 20, 0)
mi := Chr(20)
DllCall("GetCursorInfo", "Uint", &mi)
bShow   := NumGet(mi, 4)
hCursor := NumGet(mi, 8)
xCursor := NumGet(mi,12)
yCursor := NumGet(mi,16)

VarSetCapacity(ni, 20, 0)
DllCall("GetIconInfo", "Uint", hCursor, "Uint", &ni)
xHotspot := NumGet(ni, 4)
yHotspot := NumGet(ni, 8)
hBMMask  := NumGet(ni,12)
hBMColor := NumGet(ni,16)

If bShow
DllCall("DrawIcon", "Uint", hDC, "int", xCursor - xHotspot - nL, "int", yCursor - yHotspot - nT, "Uint", hCursor)
If hBMMask
DllCall("DeleteObject", "Uint", hBMMask)
If hBMColor
DllCall("DeleteObject", "Uint", hBMColor)

Zoomer(hBM, nW, nH, znW, znH)
mDC1 := DllCall("CreateCompatibleDC", "Uint", 0)
mDC2 := DllCall("CreateCompatibleDC", "Uint", 0)
zhBM := CreateDIBSection(mDC2, znW, znH)
oBM1 := DllCall("SelectObject", "Uint", mDC1, "Uint",  hBM)
oBM2 := DllCall("SelectObject", "Uint", mDC2, "Uint", zhBM)
DllCall("SetStretchBltMode", "Uint", mDC2, "int", 4)
DllCall("StretchBlt", "Uint", mDC2, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", znW, "int", znH, "Uint", mDC1, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", nW, "int", nH, "Uint", 0x00CC0020)
DllCall("SelectObject", "Uint", mDC1, "Uint", oBM1)
DllCall("SelectObject", "Uint", mDC2, "Uint", oBM2)
DllCall("DeleteDC", "Uint", mDC1)
DllCall("DeleteDC", "Uint", mDC2)
DllCall("DeleteObject", "Uint", hBM)
Return zhBM

Convert(sFileFr = "", sFileTo = "", nQuality = "")
If sFileTo  =
sFileTo := A_ScriptDir . "\screen.bmp"
SplitPath, sFileTo, , sDirTo, sExtTo, sNameTo

If Not hGdiPlus := DllCall("LoadLibrary", "str", "gdiplus.dll")
Return sFileFr+0 ? SaveHBITMAPToFile(sFileFr, sDirTo . "\" . sNameTo . ".bmp") : ""
VarSetCapacity(si, 16, 0), si := Chr(1)
DllCall("gdiplus\GdiplusStartup", "UintP", pToken, "Uint", &si, "Uint", 0)

If !sFileFr
DllCall("OpenClipboard", "Uint", 0)
If  DllCall("IsClipboardFormatAvailable", "Uint", 2) && (hBM:=DllCall("GetClipboardData", "Uint", 2))
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromHBITMAP", "Uint", hBM, "Uint", 0, "UintP", pImage)
Else If sFileFr Is Integer
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromHBITMAP", "Uint", sFileFr, "Uint", 0, "UintP", pImage)
Else DllCall("gdiplus\GdipLoadImageFromFile", "Uint", Unicode4Ansi(wFileFr,sFileFr), "UintP", pImage)

DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageEncodersSize", "UintP", nCount, "UintP", nSize)
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageEncoders", "Uint", nCount, "Uint", nSize, "Uint", &ci)
Loop, % nCount
If InStr(Ansi4Unicode(NumGet(ci,76*(A_Index-1)+44)), "." . sExtTo)
pCodec := &ci+76*(A_Index-1)
If InStr(".JPG.JPEG.JPE.JFIF", "." . sExtTo) && nQuality<>"" && pImage && pCodec
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetEncoderParameterListSize", "Uint", pImage, "Uint", pCodec, "UintP", nSize)
DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetEncoderParameterList", "Uint", pImage, "Uint", pCodec, "Uint", nSize, "Uint", &pi)
Loop, % NumGet(pi)
If NumGet(pi,28*(A_Index-1)+20)=1 && NumGet(pi,28*(A_Index-1)+24)=6
pParam := &pi+28*(A_Index-1)

If pImage
pCodec ? DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSaveImageToFile", "Uint", pImage, "Uint", Unicode4Ansi(wFileTo,sFileTo), "Uint", pCodec, "Uint", pParam) : DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateHBITMAPFromBitmap", "Uint", pImage, "UintP", hBitmap, "Uint", 0) . SetClipboardData(hBitmap), DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDisposeImage", "Uint", pImage)

DllCall("gdiplus\GdiplusShutdown" , "Uint", pToken)
DllCall("FreeLibrary", "Uint", hGdiPlus)

CreateDIBSection(hDC, nW, nH, bpp = 32, ByRef pBits = "")
NumPut(VarSetCapacity(bi, 40, 0), bi)
NumPut(nW, bi, 4)
NumPut(nH, bi, 8)
NumPut(bpp, NumPut(1, bi, 12, "UShort"), 0, "Ushort")
NumPut(0,  bi,16)
Return DllCall("gdi32\CreateDIBSection", "Uint", hDC, "Uint", &bi, "Uint", 0, "UintP", pBits, "Uint", 0, "Uint", 0)

SaveHBITMAPToFile(hBitmap, sFile)
DllCall("GetObject", "Uint", hBitmap, "int", VarSetCapacity(oi,84,0), "Uint", &oi)
hFile:= DllCall("CreateFile", "Uint", &sFile, "Uint", 0x40000000, "Uint", 0, "Uint", 0, "Uint", 2, "Uint", 0, "Uint", 0)
DllCall("WriteFile", "Uint", hFile, "int64P", 0x4D42|14+40+NumGet(oi,44)<<16, "Uint", 6, "UintP", 0, "Uint", 0)
DllCall("WriteFile", "Uint", hFile, "int64P", 54<<32, "Uint", 8, "UintP", 0, "Uint", 0)
DllCall("WriteFile", "Uint", hFile, "Uint", &oi+24, "Uint", 40, "UintP", 0, "Uint", 0)
DllCall("WriteFile", "Uint", hFile, "Uint", NumGet(oi,20), "Uint", NumGet(oi,44), "UintP", 0, "Uint", 0)
DllCall("CloseHandle", "Uint", hFile)

DllCall("GetObject", "Uint", hBitmap, "int", VarSetCapacity(oi,84,0), "Uint", &oi)
hDIB := DllCall("GlobalAlloc", "Uint", 2, "Uint", 40+NumGet(oi,44))
pDIB := DllCall("GlobalLock", "Uint", hDIB)
DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "Uint", pDIB, "Uint", &oi+24, "Uint", 40)
DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "Uint", pDIB+40, "Uint", NumGet(oi,20), "Uint", NumGet(oi,44))
DllCall("GlobalUnlock", "Uint", hDIB)
DllCall("DeleteObject", "Uint", hBitmap)
DllCall("OpenClipboard", "Uint", 0)
DllCall("SetClipboardData", "Uint", 8, "Uint", hDIB)

Unicode4Ansi(ByRef wString, sString)
nSize := DllCall("MultiByteToWideChar", "Uint", 0, "Uint", 0, "Uint", &sString, "int", -1, "Uint", 0, "int", 0)
VarSetCapacity(wString, nSize * 2)
DllCall("MultiByteToWideChar", "Uint", 0, "Uint", 0, "Uint", &sString, "int", -1, "Uint", &wString, "int", nSize)
Return &wString

nSize := DllCall("WideCharToMultiByte", "Uint", 0, "Uint", 0, "Uint", pString, "int", -1, "Uint", 0, "int",  0, "Uint", 0, "Uint", 0)
VarSetCapacity(sString, nSize)
DllCall("WideCharToMultiByte", "Uint", 0, "Uint", 0, "Uint", pString, "int", -1, "str", sString, "int", nSize, "Uint", 0, "Uint", 0)
Return sString

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Is there a way to designate the path, for the output file? I wish it to output the file on my desktop.



I believe it is.

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Hi, unfortunately i cannot download ScreenCapture.ahk.
Link doesn't work (404-not found). Can anyone confirm?

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Hi, unfortunately i cannot download ScreenCapture.ahk.
Link doesn't work (404-not found). Can anyone confirm?

You can find the code in this post.

Check out my scripts.  (MyIpChanger) (XPSnap) (SavePictureAs) All my scripts are tested on Windows 7, AutoHotkey 32 bit Ansi unless otherwise stated.

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You can find the code in this post.


Thank you, dear datalife!