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SceneRenamer - Renames "Scene" releases of TV Show

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Here is another release: 1.42.10


1.42.10 (5-5-2010) [Pacheco]
- Corrected* the bug of duplicating release info in case of no name of episodes in TVDB
........(* to do that, I've to remove the getting name from file feature!)
- Corrected a bug in the names of shows, that make "Brothers & Sisters" appear as "Brothers & Sisters"
- Changed the action of Cancel in "Select a show from list", from "keep the old name" to cancel the operation of geting names from TVDB
- Some minor corrections in "texts"

; SceneRenamer
; Modified By Paradox iamparadox at netscape.net
; Added RELEASE feature by Pacheco
; AutoHotkey Version: 1.0.48+
; Script Function:
;   Extracts season and episode info from the filename
;   and uses that to retreive info from TheTVDB.com to rename
;   the file to a user-specified format

;   Special thanks to TheTVDB.com
;   This project would not have been possible without their top-notch API

#Include xpath.ahk

SendMode, Input
SetWorkingDir, %A_ScriptDir%

WindowTitle = SceneRenamer v1.42.10 [Modified By Paradox & Pacheco]

Gui, Add, Button, Default gButtonAddFolder, &Add folder
Gui, Add, Button, x+20 gButtonAddFile, &Add file
Gui, Add, Button, x+20 gButtonClear, &Clear list
Gui, Add, Text, x+150 w50, Status:
Gui, Add, Edit, +ReadOnly x+0 w400, Waiting for user to add/drop file(s)...

Gui, Add, ListView, xm r26 w800 -ReadOnly vMyListView, Name|Preview|Directory|Extension|TVDB Series ID No

Gui, Add, DropDownList, w300 AltSubmit vNameScheme, (Show Title) - (SS)x(EE) - (Episode Title)|(Show Title) - S(SS)E(EE) - (Episode Title)|(SS)x(EE) - Episode Title|S(SS)E(EE) - (Episode Title)|(Show Title) - S(SS)E(EE) - (Episode Title) - (Release)||
Gui, Add, DropDownList, x+10 w180 AltSubmit vSeparator, Use spaces as separators||Use.periods.as.separators|Use_underscores_as_separators
Gui, Add, Button, x+100 gButtonGetTVDBInfo, &Get TVDB Info
Gui, Add, Button, x+10 gButtonRename, &Rename files

Gui, Add, Checkbox, xm Checked vZero, Pad with zero?
Gui, Add, Checkbox, x+10 vCache, Cache Episode Info?
Gui, Add, Checkbox, x+10 vRename, Allow Direct Rename?
Gui, Add, Checkbox, x+10 Checked vClear, Clear List after Rename?

Menu, MyContextMenu, Add, Open, ContextOpenFile
Menu, MyContextMenu, Add, Properties, ContextProperties
Menu, MyContextMenu, Add, Remove item, ContextRemoveItem

Gui, Show,, %WindowTitle%


   If A_GuiControl <> MyListView
   Menu, MyContextMenu, Show, %A_GuiX%, %A_GuiY%

   FocusedRowNumber := LV_GetNext(0, "F")
   If not FocusedRowNumber
   LV_GetText(FileName, FocusedRowNumber, 1)
   LV_GetText(FileDir, FocusedRowNumber, 3)
   IfInString A_ThisMenuItem, Open
      Run %FileDir%\%FileName%,, UseErrorLevel
      Run Properties "%FileDir%\%FileName%",, UseErrorLevel
   If ErrorLevel
      MsgBox Could not perform requested action on "%FileDir%\%FileName%".

   RowNumber = 0
      RowNumber := LV_GetNext(RowNumber - 1)
      If not RowNumber

   Gui +OwnDialogs
   FileSelectFolder, TargetFolder,, 3, Select a folder:
   If not TargetFolder  ; The user pressed cancel
   StringRight, LastChar, TargetFolder, 1
   If LastChar = \
      StringTrimRight, TargetFolder, TargetFolder, 1
   GuiControl, -Redraw, MyListView ; Improves performance by disabling redrawing
   Loop %TargetFolder%\*.*
      FileName := A_LoopFileFullPath
      SplitPath, FileName,,, FileExt  ; Get the file extension
      If FileExt in avi,mkv,mp4,srt
         LV_Add(Row, A_LoopFileName, "", A_LoopFileDir, FileExt)
   GuiControl, +Redraw, MyListView  ; Turn redrawing back on
   LV_ModifyCol()  ; Resize each column to fit
   LV_ModifyCol(2, 60)  ; Expand "Preview" to keep the header visible
   LV_ModifyCol(4, 60)  ; Expand "Extension" to keep the header visible
   LV_ModifyCol(5, 110)  ; Expand "TVDB Series ID No" to keep the header visible
   ControlSetText, Edit1, Added folder %TargetFolder%, %WindowTitle%

   Gui +OwnDialogs
   FileSelectFile, TargetFile
   If not TargetFile
   SplitPath, TargetFile,,, FileExt  ; Get the file extension
   If FileExt in avi,mkv,mp4,srt
      SplitPath, TargetFile, FileName, TargetFolder
      LV_Add(Row, FileName, "", TargetFolder, FileExt)
      LV_ModifyCol()  ; Resize each column to fit
      LV_ModifyCol(2, 60)  ; Expand "Preview" to keep the header visible
      LV_ModifyCol(4, 60)  ; Expand "Extension" to keep the header visible
      LV_ModifyCol(5, 110)  ; Expand "TVDB Series ID No" to keep the header visible
      ControlSetText, Edit1, Added file %TargetFile%..., %WindowTitle%
   Gui +OwnDialogs
   Loop, parse, A_GuiEvent, `n
      TargetFile = %A_LoopField%
      SplitPath, TargetFile,,, FileExt  ; Get the file extension
      If FileExt in avi,mkv,mp4,srt
         SplitPath, TargetFile, FileName, TargetFolder
         LV_Add(Row, FileName, "", TargetFolder, FileExt)
         LV_ModifyCol()  ; Resize each column to fit
         LV_ModifyCol(2, 60)  ; Expand "Preview" to keep the header visible
         LV_ModifyCol(4, 60)  ; Expand "Extension" to keep the header visible
         LV_ModifyCol(5, 110)  ; Expand "TVDB Series ID No" to keep the header visible
         ControlSetText, Edit1, Added file %TargetFile%..., %WindowTitle%


   TargetFolder =
   TargetFile =
   ControlSetText, Edit1, Cleared Listview, %WindowTitle%

InternetCheckConnection(Url="",FIFC=1) {
   Return DllCall("Wininet.dll\InternetCheckConnectionA", Str,Url, Int,FIFC, Int,0)


GetTVDBInfo() {
   LV_GetText(LVFileName, 1, 1)
   If not LVFileName
      Gui +OwnDialogs
      MsgBox, 0,Fatal Error!, You must select a folder or select/drop files before connecting to TheTVDB.com!
   LV_GetText(LVFileDir, 1, 3)  ; Get the file directory
   LV_GetText(LVFileExt, 1, 4)  ; Get the file extension

   URL := "http://www.thetvdb.com"

   If not InternetCheckConnection(URL)
      Msgbox, 48, [%URL%]  , Connection Failed!

   RowNumber = 1
   ShowInfo := GetTVDBShows(GetShowName(LVFileName, LVFileDir))
   StringSplit, ShowArray, ShowInfo, `,
   ShowName = %ShowArray1%
   SeriesIDNo = %ShowArray2%
      Gui +OwnDialogs
      If A_Index > 1
         LV_GetText(LVPrevFN, RowNumber - 1, 1)  ; Get the preceeding rows filename
         LV_GetText(LVPrevFD, RowNumber - 1, 3)  ; Get the preceeding rows file directory
         PrevShowName := GetShowName(LVPrevFN, LVPrevFD)
         StringUpper, UpperPrevSN, PrevShowName

         NewShowName := GetShowName(LVFileName, LVFileDir)
         StringUpper, UpperCurrSN, NewShowName
         If UpperCurrSN <> %UpperPrevSN%
            ShowInfo := GetTVDBShows(NewShowName)
            StringSplit, ShowArray, ShowInfo, `,
            ShowName = %ShowArray1%
            SeriesIDNo = %ShowArray2%
      UpperPrevSN =
      SeasonNumber := GetSeasonNumber(LVFileName)
      EpisodeNumber := GetEpisodeNumber(LVFileName)
;~       OriginalTitle := GetTitle(LVFileName)
      ReleaseInfo := GetRelease(LVFileName)
      ControlSetText, Edit1, Processing "%ShowName%" Season "%SeasonNumber%" Episode "%EpisodeNumber%", %WindowTitle%
      If SeriesIDNo
         IfInString, ShowName, %A_Space%
            StringReplace, SafeShowName, ShowName, %A_Space%, _, All
            SafeShowName = %ShowName%
         EpisodeInfo := GetTVDBEpisodes(SeriesIDNo, SeasonNumber, EpisodeNumber, SafeShowName)
         StringSplit, OutputArray, EpisodeInfo, `,
         SeasonNumber = %OutputArray1%
         EpisodeNumber = %OutputArray2%
         EpisodeTitle = %OutputArray3%
         If EpisodeTitle
            StringReplace, EpisodeTitle, EpisodeTitle, \, %A_Space%~%A_Space%, All
            StringReplace, EpisodeTitle, EpisodeTitle, /, %A_Space%~%A_Space%, All
            StringReplace, EpisodeTitle, EpisodeTitle, :, %A_Space%~%A_Space%, All
            StringReplace, EpisodeTitle, EpisodeTitle, *, %A_Space%~%A_Space%, All
            StringReplace, EpisodeTitle, EpisodeTitle, ?,, All
            StringReplace, EpisodeTitle, EpisodeTitle, ", ', All
            StringReplace, EpisodeTitle, EpisodeTitle, <, %A_Space%less than%A_Space%, All
            StringReplace, EpisodeTitle, EpisodeTitle, >, %A_Space%greater than%A_Space%, All
            StringReplace, EpisodeTitle, EpisodeTitle, |, %A_Space%~%A_Space%, All
            StringReplace, EpisodeTitle, EpisodeTitle, &`#44;, `,, All
            StringReplace, EpisodeTitle, EpisodeTitle, &, &, All
;~          If OriginalTitle
;~          {
;~             StringReplace, OriginalTitle, OriginalTitle, \, %A_Space%~%A_Space%, All
;~             StringReplace, OriginalTitle, OriginalTitle, /, %A_Space%~%A_Space%, All
;~             StringReplace, OriginalTitle, OriginalTitle, :, %A_Space%~%A_Space%, All
;~             StringReplace, OriginalTitle, OriginalTitle, *, %A_Space%~%A_Space%, All
;~             StringReplace, OriginalTitle, OriginalTitle, ?,, All
;~             StringReplace, OriginalTitle, OriginalTitle, ", ', All
;~             StringReplace, OriginalTitle, OriginalTitle, <, %A_Space%less than%A_Space%, All
;~             StringReplace, OriginalTitle, OriginalTitle, >, %A_Space%greater than%A_Space%, All
;~             StringReplace, OriginalTitle, OriginalTitle, |, %A_Space%~%A_Space%, All
;~             StringReplace, OriginalTitle, OriginalTitle, &`#44;, `,, All
;~             StringReplace, OriginalTitle, OriginalTitle, &, &, All
;~          }
         GuiControlGet, PadZero,, Zero
         If PadZero = 1
            SeasonNumber := PadZero(SeasonNumber)
            EpisodeNumber := PadZero(EpisodeNumber)
         GuiControlGet, NamingScheme,, NameScheme
         If NamingScheme = 1
            If EpisodeTitle
               NewFileName = %ShowName% - %SeasonNumber%x%EpisodeNumber% - %EpisodeTitle%
;~             Else If OriginalTitle
;~                NewFileName = %ShowName% - %SeasonNumber%x%EpisodeNumber% - %OriginalTitle%
               NewFileName = %ShowName% - %SeasonNumber%x%EpisodeNumber%
         Else if NamingScheme = 2
            If EpisodeTitle
               NewFileName = %ShowName% - S%SeasonNumber%E%EpisodeNumber% - %EpisodeTitle%
;~             Else If OriginalTitle
;~                NewFileName = %ShowName% - S%SeasonNumber%E%EpisodeNumber% - %OriginalTitle%
               NewFileName = %ShowName% - S%SeasonNumber%E%EpisodeNumber%
         Else If NamingScheme = 3
            If EpisodeTitle
               NewFileName = %SeasonNumber%x%EpisodeNumber% - %EpisodeTitle%
;~             Else If OriginalTitle
;~                NewFileName = %SeasonNumber%x%EpisodeNumber% - %OriginalTitle%
               NewFileName = %SeasonNumber%x%EpisodeNumber%
         Else If NamingScheme = 4
            If EpisodeTitle
               NewFileName = S%SeasonNumber%E%EpisodeNumber% - %EpisodeTitle%
;~             Else If OriginalTitle
;~                NewFileName = S%SeasonNumber%E%EpisodeNumber% - %OriginalTitle%
               NewFileName = S%SeasonNumber%E%EpisodeNumber%
         Else If NamingScheme = 5
            If StrLen(ReleaseInfo) > 0
               If EpisodeTitle
                  NewFileName = %ShowName% - S%SeasonNumber%E%EpisodeNumber% - %EpisodeTitle% - %ReleaseInfo%
;~                Else If OriginalTitle
;~                   NewFileName = %ShowName% - S%SeasonNumber%E%EpisodeNumber% - %OriginalTitle% - %ReleaseInfo%
                  NewFileName = %ShowName% - S%SeasonNumber%E%EpisodeNumber% - %ReleaseInfo%
               If EpisodeTitle
                  NewFileName = %ShowName% - S%SeasonNumber%E%EpisodeNumber% - %EpisodeTitle%
;~                Else If OriginalTitle
;~                   NewFileName = %ShowName% - S%SeasonNumber%E%EpisodeNumber% - %OriginalTitle%
                  NewFileName = %ShowName% - S%SeasonNumber%E%EpisodeNumber%
         MsgBox, Couldn't get correct show name...`nProcessing Stopped!
;~          StringReplace, LVFN, LVFileName, \, %A_Space%~%A_Space%, All
;~          StringReplace, LVFN, LVFN, /, %A_Space%~%A_Space%, All
;~          StringReplace, LVFN, LVFN, :, %A_Space%~%A_Space%, All
;~          StringReplace, LVFN, LVFN, *, %A_Space%~%A_Space%, All
;~          StringReplace, LVFN, LVFN, ?,, All
;~          StringReplace, LVFN, LVFN, ", ', All
;~          StringReplace, LVFN, LVFN, <, %A_Space%less than%A_Space%, All
;~          StringReplace, LVFN, LVFN, >, %A_Space%greater than%A_Space%, All
;~          StringReplace, LVFN, LVFN, |, %A_Space%~%A_Space%, All
;~          StringReplace, LVFN, LVFN, &`#44;, `,, All
;~          StringReplace, LVFN, LVFN, &, &, All
;~          StringTrimRight, LVFN, LVFN, 4
;~          Loop
;~          {
;~             StringRight, LastChar, LVFN, 1
;~             If (LastChar = "-" or LastChar = " ")
;~                StringTrimRight, LVFN, LVFN, 1
;~             Else
;~                Break
;~          }
;~          NewFileName = %LVFN%
      GuiControlGet, Sep,, Separator
      If Sep = 2
         StringReplace, NewFileName, NewFileName, %A_Space%, ., All
      Else If Sep = 3
         StringReplace, NewFileName, NewFileName, %A_Space%, _, All
      NewFileName = %NewFileName%.%LVFileExt%
      LV_Modify(RowNumber, Col1, LVFileName, NewFileName, LVFileDir, LVFileExt, SeriesIDNo)
      LV_ModifyCol(4, 60)
      LV_ModifyCol(5, 110)  ; Expand "TVDB Series ID No" to keep the header visible
      LVFileName =
      LVPrevFN =
      ShowArray1 =
      OutputArray1 =
      OutputArray2 =
      OutputArray3 =
      SeasonNumber =
      EpisodeNumber =
      EpisodeTitle =
      OriginalTitle =
      RowNumber := RowNumber + 1
      LV_GetText(LVFileName, RowNumber, 1)  ; Get the filename
      If not LVFileName  ; Break the loop at the end of the list
      LV_GetText(LVFileDir, RowNumber, 3)  ; Get the file directory
      LV_GetText(LVFileExt, RowNumber, 4)  ; Get the file extension
   ControlSetText, Edit1, Finished querying TheTVDB.com. Ready to rename..., %WindowTitle%

   LV_GetText(LVNewFileName, 1, 2)
   If not LVNewFileName
      GuiControlGet, DirectRename,, Rename
      If DirectRename = 1
         Gui +OwnDialogs
         MsgBox, 0,Fatal Error!, You must scan your files against TheTVDB.com before you rename them!
      RowNumber = %A_Index%
      LV_GetText(LVFileName, RowNumber, 1)  ; Get the original filename
      LV_GetText(LVNewFileName, RowNumber, 2)  ; Get the new filename
      LV_GetText(LVFileDir, RowNumber, 3)  ; Get the file dir
      LV_GetText(LVFileExt, RowNumber, 4)  ; Get the file extension
      If not LVNewFileName  ; Break the loop at the end of the list
      ControlSetText, Edit1, Renaming "%LVFileName%" to "%LVNewFileName%", %WindowTitle%
      FileMove, %LVFileDir%\%LVFileName%, %LVFileDir%\%LVNewFileName%  ; Finally, rename it
      LV_Modify(RowNumber, Col1, LVNewFileName, "", LVFileDir, LVFileExt, SeriesIDNo)
   RenameCount := RowNumber - 1
   ControlSetText, Edit1, Finished renaming files! Refreshing file list., %WindowTitle%
   GuiControlGet, ClearIt,, Clear
   If ClearIt = 1
      GuiControl, +Redraw, MyListView  ; Turn redrawing back on
      LV_ModifyCol()  ; Resize each column to fit
      LV_ModifyCol(2, 60)  ; Expand "Preview" to keep the header visible
      LV_ModifyCol(4, 60)  ; Expand "Extension" to keep the header visible
      LV_ModifyCol(5, 110)  ; Expand "TVDB Series ID No" to keep the header visible
   ControlSetText, Edit1, Finished Successfully!, %WindowTitle%

;Provide a filename (greek.s01e01.original.title.avi) and this should return the original title (in case a title isn't found)
   SplitPath , FileName, name, dir, ext, FileName
   IfInString, FileName, .
      StringReplace, FileName, FileName, ., %A_Space%, All
   IfInString, FileName, _
      StringReplace, FileName, FileName, _, %A_Space%, All
   If RegExMatch(FileName, "i)s[0-9][0-9]? ?e[0-9][0-9]?", SeasonAndEpisode)
      StringGetPos, SeasonAndEpisodePos, FileName, %SeasonAndEpisode%
      NumberOfChars := (StrLen(FileName)-(StrLen(SeasonAndEpisode)+SeasonAndEpisodePos))
      StringRight, ShowTitle, FileName, NumberOfChars
   Else If RegExMatch(FileName, "i)[0-9][0-9]?x[0-9][0-9]?", SeasonAndEpisode)
      StringGetPos, SeasonAndEpisodePos, FileName, %SeasonAndEpisode%
      NumberOfChars := (StrLen(FileName)-(StrLen(SeasonAndEpisode)+SeasonAndEpisodePos))
      StringRight, ShowTitle, FileName, NumberOfChars
   Else If RegExMatch(FileName, "[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]?", SeasonAndEpisode)
      StringGetPos, SeasonAndEpisodePos, FileName, %SeasonAndEpisode%
      NumberOfChars := (StrLen(FileName)-(StrLen(SeasonAndEpisode)+SeasonAndEpisodePos))
      StringRight, ShowTitle, FileName, NumberOfChars
      StringRight, LastChar, ShowTitle, 1
      If (LastChar = "-" or LastChar = " ")
         StringTrimRight, ShowTitle, ShowTitle, 1
      StringLeft, FirstChar, ShowTitle, 1
      If (FirstChar = "-" or FirstChar = " ")
         StringTrimLeft, ShowTitle, ShowTitle, 1
   Return ShowTitle

;Provide a filename (s01e01.avi or greek.s01e01.avi) and Directory name (C:\TV\greek) and this should return the show name
GetShowName(FileName, FileDir)
   TempName := GetName(FileName)
   If not TempName
      TempName := GetNameFromDir(FileName, FileDir)
   Return TempName
;Provide a filename (greek.s01e01.avi) and this should return the show name
   SplitPath , FileName, name, dir, ext, FileName
   IfInString, FileName, .
      StringReplace, FileName, FileName, ., %A_Space%, All
   IfInString, FileName, _
      StringReplace, FileName, FileName, _, %A_Space%, All
   If RegExMatch(FileName, "i)s[0-9][0-9]? ?e[0-9][0-9]?", SeasonAndEpisode)
      StringGetPos, SeasonAndEpisodePos, FileName, %SeasonAndEpisode%
      StringLeft, ShowName, FileName, (SeasonAndEpisodePos - 1)
   Else If RegExMatch(FileName, "i)[0-9][0-9]?x[0-9][0-9]?", SeasonAndEpisode)
      StringGetPos, SeasonAndEpisodePos, FileName, %SeasonAndEpisode%
      StringLeft, ShowName, FileName, (SeasonAndEpisodePos - 1)
   Else If RegExMatch(FileName, "[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]?", SeasonAndEpisode)
      StringGetPos, SeasonAndEpisodePos, FileName, %SeasonAndEpisode%
      StringLeft, ShowName, FileName, (SeasonAndEpisodePos - 1)
      StringRight, LastChar, ShowName, 1
      If (LastChar = "-" or LastChar = " ")
         StringTrimRight, ShowName, ShowName, 1
   If SeasonAndEpisodePos > -1
      Return ShowName
      Return FileName

;Provide a filename (s01e01.avi) and Directory name (C:\TV\greek) and this should return the show name
GetNameFromDir(FileName, FileDir)
   Directory = %FileDir% - %FileName%
   SplitPath , Directory, NewFileName, dir, ext, name
   Return GetName(NewFileName)

;Provide a filename (greek.s01e01.avi) and this should return the season number
   If RegExMatch(FileName, "i)s\K[0-9][0-9]?.?e[0-9][0-9]?", SeasonAndEpisode)
      StringSplit, OutputArray, SeasonAndEpisode, e E, .
      SeasonNumber = %OutputArray1%
      IfInString, SeasonNumber, 0
         StringGetPos, ZeroLoc, SeasonNumber, 0
         If ZeroLoc = 0
            StringTrimLeft, SeasonNumber, SeasonNumber, 1

   Else If RegExMatch(FileName, "i)[0-9][0-9]?x[0-9][0-9]?", SeasonAndEpisode)
      StringSplit, OutputArray, SeasonAndEpisode, x X
      SeasonNumber = %OutputArray1%
      IfInString, SeasonNumber, 0
         StringGetPos, ZeroLoc, SeasonNumber, 0
         If ZeroLoc = 0
            StringTrimLeft, SeasonNumber, SeasonNumber, 1
   Else If RegExMatch(FileName, "[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]?", SeasonAndEpisode)
      StringTrimRight, SeasonNumber, SeasonAndEpisode, 2
      IfInString, SeasonNumber, 0
         StringGetPos, ZeroLoc, SeasonNumber, 0
         If ZeroLoc = 0
            StringTrimLeft, SeasonNumber, SeasonNumber, 1
   Return SeasonNumber

;Provide a filename (greek.s01e01.avi) and this should return the episode number
   If RegExMatch(FileName, "i)s\K[0-9][0-9]?.?e[0-9][0-9]?", SeasonAndEpisode)
      StringSplit, OutputArray, SeasonAndEpisode, e E, .
      EpisodeNumber = %OutputArray2%
      IfInString, EpisodeNumber, 0
         StringGetPos, ZeroLoc, EpisodeNumber, 0
         If ZeroLoc = 0
            StringTrimLeft, EpisodeNumber, EpisodeNumber, 1
   Else If RegExMatch(FileName, "i)[0-9][0-9]?.?x[0-9][0-9]?", SeasonAndEpisode)
      StringSplit, OutputArray, SeasonAndEpisode, x X
      EpisodeNumber = %OutputArray2%
      IfInString, EpisodeNumber, 0
         StringGetPos, ZeroLoc, EpisodeNumber, 0
         If ZeroLoc = 0
            StringTrimLeft, EpisodeNumber, EpisodeNumber, 1
   Else If RegExMatch(FileName, "[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]?", SeasonAndEpisode)
      StringRight, EpisodeNumber, SeasonAndEpisode, 2
      IfInString, EpisodeNumber, 0
         StringGetPos, ZeroLoc, EpisodeNumber, 0
         If ZeroLoc = 0
            StringTrimLeft, EpisodeNumber, EpisodeNumber, 1
   Return EpisodeNumber

;============================== RELEASE ==========================
   ; Stores the source, codec and group to use latter

   ; FoundPos := RegExMatch( VAR, "i)[\._[:space:]]hdtv[\._[:space:]]")

   ;~ Check EXTRA tags
   WS := RegExMatch( Filename, "i)[\._[:space:]]ws[\._[:space:]]")
   If (WS >= 7)

   EXTENDED := RegExMatch( Filename, "i)[\._[:space:]]extended[\._[:space:]]")
   If (EXTENDED >= 7)

   INTERNAL := RegExMatch( Filename, "i)[\._[:space:]]internal[\._[:space:]]")
   If (INTERNAL >= 7)
   PREAIR := RegExMatch( Filename, "i)[\._[:space:]]preair[\._[:space:]]")
   If (PREAIR >= 7)

   FINAL := RegExMatch( Filename, "i)[\._[:space:]]final[\._[:space:]]")
   If (FINAL >= 7)

   REPACK := RegExMatch( Filename, "i)[\._[:space:]]repack[\._[:space:]]")
   If (REPACK >= 7)

   PROPER := RegExMatch( Filename, "i)[\._[:space:]]proper[\._[:space:]]")
   If (PROPER >= 7)
   ;~ Get SOURCE!
   Source_720p := RegExMatch( Filename, "i)[\._[:space:]]720p[\._[:space:]]")
   If (Source_720p >= 7)
      RELEASE = %RELEASE%720p.

   Source_1080p := RegExMatch( Filename, "i)[\._[:space:]]1080p[\._[:space:]]")
   If (Source_1080p >= 7)
      RELEASE = %RELEASE%1080p.

   Source_1080i := RegExMatch( Filename, "i)[\._[:space:]]1080i[\._[:space:]]")
   If (Source_1080i >= 7)
      RELEASE = %RELEASE%1080i.

   Source_HDTV := RegExMatch( Filename, "i)[\._[:space:]]hdtv[\._[:space:]]")
   If (Source_HDTV >= 7)

   HR := RegExMatch( Filename, "i)[\._[:space:]]hr[\._[:space:]]")
   If (HR >= 7)

   Source_PDTV := RegExMatch( Filename, "i)[\._[:space:]]pdtv[\._[:space:]]")
   If (Source_PDTV >= 7)

   Source_DVDRip := RegExMatch( Filename, "i)[\._[:space:]]dvdrip[\._[:space:]]")
   If (Source_DVDRip >= 7)
   ;~ Get CODEC!
   CODEC_XVID := RegExMatch( Filename, "i)[\._[:space:]]xvid[\._[:space:]-]")
   If (CODEC_XVID >= 12)

   CODEC_X264 := RegExMatch( Filename, "i)[\._[:space:]]x264[\._[:space:]-]")
   If (CODEC_X264 >= 12)
      RELEASE = %RELEASE%x264-

   CODEC_DIVX := RegExMatch( Filename, "i)[\._[:space:]]divx[\._[:space:]-]")
   If (CODEC_DIVX >= 12)
   RegExMatch( Filename, "i)[\._[:space:]-].+\.", GROUP, TAGSOFFSET+1)
   StringTrimRight, GROUP, GROUP, 1
   StringTrimLeft, GROUP, GROUP, 1
   StringUpper, GROUP, GROUP 
   Return RELEASE

;Provide a show name (greek) and it will return the TVDB data for the show name (Greek) and series ID (80301) as a CSV (Greek,80301)
   Global SeriesName, SeriesIDNum
   IfExist, Series_ID.xml
      FileDelete, Series_ID.xml
   UrlDownloadToFile, http://www.thetvdb.com/api/GetSeries.php?seriesname="%ShowName%", Series_ID.xml
   XPath_Load(xml, "Series_ID.xml")
   FileDelete, Series_ID.xml
   SeriesNameNodeCount := XPath(xml, "/Data/Series/SeriesName/Count()")
   If SeriesNameNodeCount = 1
      SeriesIDNum := XPath(xml, "/Data/Series/seriesid/text()")
      SeriesName := XPath(xml, "/Data/Series/SeriesName/text()")
   Else If SeriesNameNodeCount > 1
      SeriesIDNum := XPath(xml, "/Data/Series/seriesid/text()")
      SeriesName := XPath(xml, "/Data/Series/SeriesName/text()")
      SeriesOverview := XPath(xml, "/Data/Series/Overview/text()")
      StringSplit, OutputArraySID, SeriesIDNum, `,
      StringSplit, OutputArraySN, SeriesName, `,
      StringSplit, OutputArraySO, SeriesOverview, `,
      Gui, 2: Default
      Gui, 2: +ToolWindow +Owner1
      Gui, 2: Add, ListView, xm r15 w600, Show name|Show description|TVDB series ID no.
      Gui, 2: Add, Text, y+7
      Gui, 2: Add, Button, x+475, Select
      Gui, 2: Add, Button, x+15, Cancel
      Loop, %SeriesNameNodeCount%
         SeriesIDNum := OutputArraySID%A_Index%
         SeriesName := OutputArraySN%A_Index%
         StringReplace, SeriesName, SeriesName, \, %A_Space%~%A_Space%, All
         StringReplace, SeriesName, SeriesName, /, %A_Space%~%A_Space%, All
         StringReplace, SeriesName, SeriesName, :, %A_Space%~%A_Space%, All
         StringReplace, SeriesName, SeriesName, *, %A_Space%~%A_Space%, All
         StringReplace, SeriesName, SeriesName, ?,, All
         StringReplace, SeriesName, SeriesName, |, %A_Space%~%A_Space%, All
         StringReplace, SeriesName, SeriesName, &`#44;, `,, All
         StringReplace, SeriesName, SeriesName, &, and, All

         SeriesOverview := OutputArraySO%A_Index%
         StringReplace, SeriesOverview, SeriesOverview, \, %A_Space%~%A_Space%, All
         StringReplace, SeriesOverview, SeriesOverview, /, %A_Space%~%A_Space%, All
         StringReplace, SeriesOverview, SeriesOverview, :, %A_Space%~%A_Space%, All
         StringReplace, SeriesOverview, SeriesOverview, *, %A_Space%~%A_Space%, All
         StringReplace, SeriesOverview, SeriesOverview, ?,, All
         StringReplace, SeriesOverview, SeriesOverview, ", ', All
         StringReplace, SeriesOverview, SeriesOverview, <, %A_Space%less than%A_Space%, All
         StringReplace, SeriesOverview, SeriesOverview, >, %A_Space%greater than%A_Space%, All
         StringReplace, SeriesOverview, SeriesOverview, |, %A_Space%~%A_Space%, All
         StringReplace, SeriesOverview, SeriesOverview, &`#44;, `,, All
         StringReplace, SeriesOverview, SeriesOverview, &, and, All
         If not SeriesOverview
            SeriesOverview = (No show description provided)
         LV_Add(Row, SeriesName, SeriesOverview, SeriesIDNum)
         LV_ModifyCol(3, 110)
         SeriesIDNum =
         SeriesName =
         SeriesOverview =
      Gui, 2: Show,,Which Show?
      Gui, 1: Default
      WinWaitClose, Which Show?
   If not SeriesName
      SeriesName = %ShowName%
   J = %SeriesName%,%SeriesIDNum%
   ShowName =
   SeriesIDNum =
   SeriesName =
   SeriesOverview =
   Return J

;Labels required for Gui 2
   Gui, 2: Destroy
   FocusedRowNumber := LV_GetNext(0, "F")
   If not FocusedRowNumber
      MsgBox, 0, Warning!, You must select a show or press cancel!
   LV_GetText(SeriesName, FocusedRowNumber, 1)
   LV_GetText(SeriesIDNum, FocusedRowNumber, 3)
   FocusedRowNumber =
   Gui, 2: Destroy

;Provide the "TVDB series ID", "season number" and "episode number" and this will return the TVDB season number, episode number, and episode title as a CSV (3,1,The Day After)
GetTVDBEpisodes(SeriesIDNum, SeasonNum, EpisodeNum, ShowName)
   GuiControlGet, CacheInfo,, Cache
   FileName = data/%ShowName%_%SeasonNum%x%EpisodeNum%.xml
   If CacheInfo = 1
      IfNotExist, FileName
         UrlDownloadToFile, http://www.thetvdb.com/api/563E39CDC7F666DF/series/%SeriesIDNum%/default/%SeasonNum%/%EpisodeNum%/en.xml, %FileName%
      If not XPath_Load(xml, FileName)
         Msgbox, 48, [XPath]  , Load of %FileName% Failed!
      IfExist, Episode_Info.xml
         FileDelete, Episode_Info.xml
      UrlDownloadToFile, http://www.thetvdb.com/api/563E39CDC7F666DF/series/%SeriesIDNum%/default/%SeasonNum%/%EpisodeNum%/en.xml, Episode_Info.xml
      If not XPath_Load(xml, "Episode_Info.xml")
         Msgbox, 48, [XPath]  , Load of "Episode_Info.xml" Failed!
      FileDelete, Episode_Info.xml
   SeasonNumber := XPath(xml, "/Data/Episode/SeasonNumber/text()")
   EpisodeNumber := XPath(xml, "/Data/Episode/EpisodeNumber/text()")
   EpisodeTitle := XPath(xml, "/Data/Episode/EpisodeName/text()")
   If not EpisodeTitle
      IfExist, %FileName%
         FileDelete, %FileName%
   If not SeasonNumber
      SeasonNumber = %SeasonNum%
   If not EpisodeNumber
      EpisodeNumber = %EpisodeNum%
   K = %SeasonNumber%,%EpisodeNumber%,%EpisodeTitle%
   SeasonNumber =
   EpisodeNumber =
   EpisodeTitle =
   Return K

;Pads a variable with a preceeding zero
   VarToPadLen := StrLen(VarToPad)
   If VarToPadLen = 1
      VarToPad = 0%VarToPad%
   VarToPadLen =
   Return VarToPad


1.0 (10-5-2009)
   - Original script
1.1 (10-6-2009)
   - Fixed a bug with adding a single file where the file would not be renamed
   -- Forgot to define the TargetFile's TargetFolder when updating the GUI
1.2 (10-13-2009)
   - Fixed another bug with adding a single file where the file would not be renamed
   - Fixed a bug with parsing the series overview where the non-comma delimiter (,) would be displayed
   -- Titans XPath replaces commas with "," (no quotes)
1.30 (11-8-2009)
   - Added a new method of selecting a show name when multiple results are returned
   -- Secondary ListView gui is displayed allowing the user to select the correct show
   - Script now compares the current filename against the previous filename (filenames converted to UPPERCASE)
   -- Drasitically reduces the number of requests against the TVDB and speeds everything up when renaming multiple shows all with the same name
   - Added a check and replace system for invalid filename characters
   -- StringReplace these chars \ / : * ? "" < > | with descriptive replacements
   - Fixed a bug in the GetEpisodeNumber() function
   -- A single digit season number would sometimes cause too few of the episode numbers to be returned when SeasonAndEpisode contained (e|x)
   - Tweaked GetSeasonNumber() and GetEpisodeNumber() to more reliably return correct data
   -- StringGetPos and String(Left|Right) were swapped for StringSplit to more predictably split SeasonAndEpisode regardless of (e|x) char location
   - Added a check to make sure files have a new filename in the preview column before renaming
   - Added a static window title which may be needed for various features in the future as well as making things look nicer :P
1.40 (11-15-2009)
   - Added status bar
   - Fixed a bug where a file would not have a preceeding zero added if no info was found on TheTVDB by adding PadZero() function
   -- Preceeding zero was only added in GetTVDBEpisodes() which means that if SeriesIDNo was blank (i.e. no info pulled from TheTVDB) the Season and Episode number would not get padded

1.40a (12-11-2009) by Pacheco
   - Added an option to preserve the information of [Source.Codec-Group] if present

1.41 (12-10-2009)
   - Fixed a serious bug where no results would be returned for ShowName inside the GetTVDBShows function would return the first result infinitely
   -- Had to clear the SeriesName var at the end of the function so that on the next loop iteration the correct var contents would exist
1.42 (12-11-2009)
   - Fixed a minor bug where the second time the GetTVDBInfo button was pressed, the first item in the list view would not actually be rescanned
   -- Had to clear the UpperPrevSN and PrevShowName vars so that the second time the button was pressed it would compare the correct names

1.42.1 (2-5-2010) [Paradox]
   - Added new checkbox and supporting code that allows you to save the xmls downloaded in data/%ShowName%_%SeasonNum%x%EpisodeNum%.xml to make future renames quicker.
   -- Added check that determines if you are connected to the internet and thetvdb.com is reachable
   - Added better handling for previous showname
   -- Clean up some code that caused shows to use the previous renamed file settings wrongly
   - Renamed GetShowName(FileName) to GetName(FileName) and added new GetShowName(FileName, FileDir) to implement the following feature without requiring big changes to existing scripts.
   -- Added GetNameFromDir(FileName, Directory) to handle using the directory name as the showname, in case you are renaming files named 01x01 - title.avi the directory must, of course, be named as the show name.
   - Added debug message box if the episode info xml can't be read for some reason.
   -- Fixed Bug where first file would be properly renamed "Castle [2009] - 01x01 - Title" and the rest would be improperly renamed Castle - 01x02 - Title"
   - I am planning to add more features including using the API properly to download All the Episode information for a show and cache it locally/update on a regular basis.
   -- Also Planning to add a feature that will recognize when you are missing episodes from a season and either create a .txt file with the show name, season, episode, and title in the directory, or, keep track of it in a log file of some sort.
1.42.2 (2-5-2010) [Paradox]
   - Added support for choosing if you want to use spaces, periods or underscores as separators
   -- Added A checkbox that allows you to clear the list after renaming, so you don't have to click the button :)
   - Moved some things on the interface around a bit to accommodate previous features.
   -- Fixed an error where the list of files in the directory were being displayed after renaming instead of the previous items, renamed.
   - Added an option that allows you to click on rename and have it do the TVDB lookup and rename all in one (Be careful with this option)
   -- Fix up a few other small bugs
1.42.3 (2-5-2010) [Paradox]
   - Remove Some debug code I forgot to remove before.
   -- Save original title (The part between the 01x01 and the extension), if any to be added back later if no official title is found.
   - Implement better way of refreshing the display after a rename.
1.42.4 (2-5-2010) [Paradox]
   - Fix Typo that would keep files with no . in them at all from being renamed properly. (Exists in original 1.42 script as well)
1.42.5 (2-6-2010) [Paradox]
   - Fix renaming files with no Season and Episode Number (use original filename)
1.42.5a (2-8-2010) [Paradox]
  - Re-added code to read/keep the info of the release version... [by Pacheco]
1.42.6 (2-9-2010) [Paradox]
  - Fixed a typo where a closing curly brace } was in the wrong place.
1.42.7 (2-9-2010) [Paradox]
  - Fixed handling of files without release info such as group and format.
1.42.8 (2-17-2010) [Pacheco]
  - Re-written the Release info fetching (now with regex), and added some more release tags
1.42.9 (5-5-2010) [Pacheco]
  - Corrected a bug with some release tags (missing the "dot")
  - Added the option of drag'n'drop [multiple] files directly to the window
1.42.10 (5-5-2010) [Pacheco]
  - Corrected* the bug of duplicating release info in case of no name of episodes in TVDB
     (* to do that, i've to remove the getting name from file feature!)
  - Corrected a bug in the names of shows, that make "Brothers & Sisters" appear as "Brothers & Sisters"
  - Changed the action of the cancel in "Select a show from list", from "keep the old name" to abort operation of getting names
  - Some minor corrections in "texts"

Known Bugs:

- NONE (for now)
- (but) I'll try to reactivate the getting name from files" feature

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Hey, great to see you have still been working on this, I also have made a bunch of changes, but, I have a whole long, boring story about why I haven't posted any revisions lately.... But, I will try to integrate my new changes soon and post a new version soon... My own project has become very complex and is no where near ready for a public release yet, keep tuned.

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Hey, great to see you have still been working on this, I also have made a bunch of changes, but, I have a whole long, boring story about why I haven't posted any revisions lately.... But, I will try to integrate my new changes soon and post a new version soon... My own project has become very complex and is no where near ready for a public release yet, keep tuned.

This was me, even though I logged in, the site posted this as guest anyway, I really wish they would get rid of guest posting....

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Great script, could you update it to support other languages for the infos, too?
It would be great to have German and English language support :)

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didn't understood what you mean/want

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I sometimes got the German and the English series files.
I thought, that both of them would be renamed to the English title names, is this correct?

It would be great if I can rename them to the English or the German episode names :)

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I sometimes got the German and the English series files.
I thought, that both of them would be renamed to the English title names, is this correct?

It would be great if I can rename them to the English or the German episode names :)

Ok, now i think i get it...
It could, but the info (name) of each episode comes from a site (http://www.TheTVDB.com), and there the episode titles are in English....

Now you can 2 things:
a) make a way to translate it (like a script for google translate or other), but the result would not be a very good one :S

B) find a website with the episodes titles in german (and make yourself a script that replaces the current one, and that will work in that website/with that API) to get this info from

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When I go to this site:
I can choose "Deutsch" from the language dropdown box and I get the german site of a series.
Like: http://www.thetvdb.c...id=76290&lid=14

Furthermore, on the api site there is something about the language:

Step 4: Get base information for each series

a. Retrieve <mirrorpath_zip>/api/<apikey>/series/<seriesid>/all/<language>.zip and extract <language>.xml and banners.xml.

b. Process the XML data in <language>.xml and store all <Series> data.

c. Download each series banner in banners.xml and prompt the user to see which they want to keep.

Note: Make sure you record <id> from each series, since it's returned in updates as <Series>.

Do you know how to use this?

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Here is another release: 1.50.5


1.50.(1~5) (13-Jun-2010) [Pacheco]
- Added TVRage database API
- Modified xpath.ahk to accept some strange TVRAGE API syntax (of the season)
>> so it was integrated in the code now
- Corrected some BUG that could get wrong names of episodes if any episode number in the middle is missing (like in flashforward that misses the 12 ep) in TVRAGE
- Added option to choose between the 2 databases or use both
- Removed the "cache" option inserted by Paradox (he never finished implementig his idea)
- Removed some BUGs with the new database - TVRAGE (while still testing it)


Known Bugs:

None Yet, but could be any (still needs time to test)

If anyone found any, please report them

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Sorry I havent stopped by this thread lately, I thought i was subscribed to get email updates whenever someone posts but I guess not.

Pacheco and Paradox, I am truly flattered that you guys find my work of value. This was a great learning expierence for me and you guys supporting and modifying my work is a major compliment! :D

I havent made any changes to my script since my last post, but I do have plans to add some drag-and-drop features which Ive found quite useful in other apps. I havent had a chance to investigate the intimate details of what you guys have modified in your own revisions but I will absolutely look through them and implement (with due credit of course :wink: ) anything I like.

Thanks for all the attention everyone! :D :wink:

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i don't suppose anyone who has 1.71 would be willing to re-upload it somewhere, would they?



with ahk.net down, and strictlyfocused not having logged in since 2011, i suspect that his final version is long gone unless someone finds it in their heart to upload it somewhere.



thanks ahk community. i know i'm a jerk for being "that guy" who registers and makes his first (and only?) post a request for something. i hope you'll forgive me for that. i love you.

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i don't suppose anyone who has 1.71 would be willing to re-upload it somewhere, would they?



with ahk.net down, and strictlyfocused not having logged in since 2011, i suspect that his final version is long gone unless someone finds it in their heart to upload it somewhere.



thanks ahk community. i know i'm a jerk for being "that guy" who registers and makes his first (and only?) post a request for something. i hope you'll forgive me for that. i love you.


I know this is way late but I re-uploaded my last version (1.71) since it apparently disappeared into the abyss during some forum changes?