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WASD Controls script for Titan Quest and Torchlight

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Not being happy with the (very few) WASD control scripts floating around the internet, I read up on Autohotkey scripting and made my own. Top-down RPGs like Torchlight and Titan Quest require you to click on the ground to move your character, which gets annoying and sometimes painful. This script implements full eight-directional WASD movement that only applies to the game window, so you can still type normally outside it. It also scales gracefully to different resolutions and window sizes.

New update, v3. Download page with newest version is at http://www.desiquint...om/wasdcontrols, source code for v3 is below.

Changelog for v3:[*:2576bzcr]Fixed the problem with the script suppressing drop-down menus in some games.
[*:2576bzcr]Improved performance by setting coordinates only once at runtime, instead of every 1 millisecond. =\
[*:2576bzcr]Tightened offset coordinates so that tapping a key will make the character move the shortest distance possible for better control: no more accidentally walking into fireballs. (Note: Titan Quest controls are improved, but still quite loose because TQ requires you to place clicks quite far away from the character for them to register. Torchlight controls are perfect.)
[*:2576bzcr]Allowed mouse to snap back to where the user originally placed it when no WASD buttons are pressed.WASD Controls For Torchlight, v3
; WASD Controls For Torchlight v3
; Author:         Desi Quintans <[email protected]>
; Website:         http://www.desiquintans.com
; Script Function:
;   Enables WASD controls in Torchlight. Works across all resolutions, and in both
;   Windowed and Full-Screen modes. Does not mess up your typing outside the game.
;	M key now toggles Automap (in place of A).
;	F now switches weapons (in place of W).

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
#MaxHotkeysPerInterval, 200
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
SetDefaultMouseSpeed, 0
; Initialise variables.
final_x_coord = 0
final_y_coord = 0
are_coordinates_initialised = 0

SetTimer, Button_Pressed, 1

	IfWinActive, Torchlight
		if (are_coordinates_initialised != 1)
			; Set coordinate offsets specific to the game. This only initialises once, when the script first detects the game window
			; as active. If the user changes game resolutions the script will need to be reloaded, but this is still much better
			; than performing the same calculations to set the same variables with the same values every 1 millisecond.
				WinGetPos,,, total_width, total_height, A ; In case of running a Window, or in a resolution not matching the Desktop's.
				x_axis_centre := round(total_width//2)
				y_axis_centre := round(total_height*0.51) ; This is corrected for true horizontal movement.
				up_coord := y_axis_centre-round(total_height*0.05)
				down_coord := y_axis_centre+round(total_height*0.06)
				left_coord := x_axis_centre-round(total_width*0.045)
				right_coord := x_axis_centre+round(total_width*0.045)
				are_coordinates_initialised = 1
		if GetKeyState("w", "P") || GetKeyState("s", "P") || GetKeyState("a", "P") || GetKeyState("d", "P")
			; Remember the position of the mouse pointer before the WASD keys were pressed.
				MouseGetPos, prior_x_pos, prior_y_pos
			; Use the chosen coordinates as their respective keys get pressed to direct the mouse pointer.
				if GetKeyState("w", "P")
					final_y_coord := up_coord
				else if GetKeyState("s", "P")
					final_y_coord := down_coord
					final_y_coord := y_axis_centre
				if GetKeyState("a", "P")
					final_x_coord := left_coord
				else if GetKeyState("d", "P")
					final_x_coord := right_coord
					final_x_coord := x_axis_centre
				; Perform the directed click. This is a click-hold that immediately gets released.
				; Click-hold is necessary as some games don't register a single click.
				Click down %final_x_coord% %final_y_coord%
				Click up
				; Put the mouse pointer back in its original place.
				Sleep, 40
				Click, %prior_x_pos% %prior_y_pos% Left 0

#IfWinActive, Torchlight
	s::Numpad2 ; Remaps intrusive keys to prevent then from opening the skill window and automap.
	f::w ; F now switches weapons
	m::a ; M now toggles automap.
WASD Controls For Titan Quest Series, v3
; WASD Movement For Titan Quest Series v3
; Author:         Desi Quintans <[email protected]>
; Website:         http://www.desiquintans.com
; Script Function:
;   Enables WASD controls in the Titan Quest series of RPGs. Works across all resolutions, and in both
;   Windowed and Full-Screen modes. Does not mess up your typing outside the game.

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
#MaxHotkeysPerInterval, 200
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
SetDefaultMouseSpeed, 0
; Initialise variables.
final_x_coord = 0
final_y_coord = 0
are_coordinates_initialised = 0

SetTimer, Button_Pressed, 1

	if WinActive("Titan Quest") || WinActive("Titan Quest: Immortal Throne")
		if (are_coordinates_initialised != 1)
			; Set coordinate offsets specific to the game. This only runs once, when the script first detects the game window
			; as active. If the user changes game resolutions the script will need to be reloaded, but this is still much better
			; than performing the same calculations to set the same variables with the same values every 1 millisecond.
				WinGetPos,,, total_width, total_height, A ; In case of running a Window, or in a resolution not matching the Desktop's.
				x_axis_centre := round(total_width//2)
				y_axis_centre := round(total_height*0.575) ; This is corrected for true horizontal movement.
				up_coord := y_axis_centre-round(total_height*0.095)
				down_coord := y_axis_centre+round(total_height*0.16)
				left_coord := x_axis_centre-round(total_width*0.07)
				right_coord := x_axis_centre+round(total_width*0.07)
				are_coordinates_initialised = 1
		if GetKeyState("w", "P") || GetKeyState("s", "P") || GetKeyState("a", "P") || GetKeyState("d", "P")
			; Remember the position of the mouse pointer before the WASD keys were pressed.
				MouseGetPos, prior_x_pos, prior_y_pos

			; Use the chosen coordinates as their respective keys get pressed to direct the mouse pointer.
				if GetKeyState("w", "P")
					final_y_coord := up_coord
				else if GetKeyState("s", "P")
					final_y_coord := down_coord
					final_y_coord := y_axis_centre
				if GetKeyState("a", "P")
					final_x_coord := left_coord
				else if GetKeyState("d", "P")
					final_x_coord := right_coord
					final_x_coord := x_axis_centre
				; Perform the directed click. This is a click-hold that immediately gets released.
				; Click-hold is necessary as some games don't register a single click.
				Click down %final_x_coord% %final_y_coord%
				Click up
				; Put the mouse pointer back in its original place.
				Sleep, 40
				Click, %prior_x_pos% %prior_y_pos% Left 0

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Version 2 offers 100% support for Torchlight, loading of customised offset coordinates tailored to each game, as well as more elegant code.

Update: This old code shows support for Diablo. I removed this in v2.1 because I could not test it.

; WASD Movement in top-down action RPGs v2
; Author:			Desi Quintans <[email protected]>
; Website:			http://www.desiquintans.com
; Script Function:
;	Enables WASD controls in popular top-down action RPGs like Titan Quest, Diablo et al. Works across all resolutions, and in both
;	Windowed and Full-Screen modes. Does not mess up your typing outside the game.
;	Sadly, the script *must* hijack your mouse because of user permission problems when trying to pass 'invisible' mouseclicks
;	in Windows Vista and Windows 7. You'd basically use WASD while exploring or travelling, and switch to normal mouse control when
;	fighting.

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
SetDefaultMouseSpeed, 0
final_x_coord = 0
final_y_coord = 0

SetTimer, Button_Pressed, 1

	WinGetPos,,, total_width, total_height, A ; In case of running in Windowed mode, or in a resolution not matching the Desktop's.
	x_axis_centre := round(total_width//2)
	y_axis_centre := round(total_height*0.575) ; This is corrected for true horizontal movement.
	up_coord := y_axis_centre-round(total_height*0.16)
	down_coord := y_axis_centre+round(total_height*0.06)
	left_coord := x_axis_centre-round(total_width*0.085)
	right_coord := x_axis_centre+round(total_width*0.085)

	WinGetPos,,, total_width, total_height, A ; In case of running in Windowed mode, or in a resolution not matching the Desktop's.
	x_axis_centre := round(total_width//2)
	y_axis_centre := round(total_height*0.51) ; This is corrected for true horizontal movement.
	up_coord := y_axis_centre-round(total_height*0.13)
	down_coord := y_axis_centre+round(total_height*0.1)
	left_coord := x_axis_centre-round(total_width*0.08)
	right_coord := x_axis_centre+round(total_width*0.08)

#IfWinActive, Torchlight
	s::Numpad2 ; Remaps intrusive keys to prevent then from opening the skill window and automap.
	m::a ; M now toggles automap.

	if WinActive("Titan Quest: Immortal Throne") || WinActive("Titan Quest") || WinActive("Torchlight") || WinActive("Diablo") || WinActive("Diablo 2") || WinActive("Diablo II") ; Wasn't quite sure of the Diablo window titles.
		; Some games (eg. Torchlight) do not receive a single click and only register a Click Down. This is here to undo the
		; Click Down that comes at the end of the loop, or else the user would press a button and continue walking towards
		; the mouse cursor forever.
		Click up
		if GetKeyState("w", "P") || GetKeyState("s", "P") || GetKeyState("a", "P") || GetKeyState("d", "P")
			; Decide which set of coordinates to use in the game.
				if WinActive("Titan Quest: Immortal Throne") || WinActive("Titan Quest")
					Gosub, Titan_Quest_Coords
					Gosub, Torchlight_Coords
			; Use the chosen coordinates as their respective keys get pressed to direct the mouse pointer.
				if GetKeyState("w", "P")
					final_y_coord := up_coord
				else if GetKeyState("s", "P")
					final_y_coord := down_coord
					final_y_coord := y_axis_centre
				if GetKeyState("a", "P")
					final_x_coord := left_coord
				else if GetKeyState("d", "P")
					final_x_coord := right_coord
					final_x_coord := x_axis_centre
				Click down %final_x_coord% %final_y_coord%

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Doesn't work for me on win7 in Titan Quest: Immortal Throne in windowed mode. (havent tried fullscreen.)

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Gimme a sec.

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Okay, please redownload from http://www.desiquint...om/wasdcontrols. The built-in Torchlight support was screwing with Titan Quest, so I separated the scripts. Just run the Titan Quest one and ignore the Torchlight one. Compiled .exes and source .ahks included as normal.

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New version, v3. Check the original post in this thread for Changelog, updated code, and download link.

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Hi Desi,

I'm quite new to this stuff. I tried all your guidelines, and all I get is the mouse cursor flickering in all direction. The character does NOT move at all.

The only good effect I see is the auto map going from A to M, and I cant access the skill tree/Window (S by default).

I'm using Windows 7, but I also tested your mod in Windows XP, and same effect as stated above. I tried downloading the Autohotkey program, and all I get is the same results.

It does NOT work whether in Fullscreen or Window mode. Does this work with any version (patch) of the game? Or is the operating system a factor?

Either way, I can't move the character with supposed WASD key control, just the mouse cursor/pointer flickering in all direction when I press the WASD keys.

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I also tried the mod for Titan Quest, and same problems and results as stated above.

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The cursoring moving and flickering is an unavoidable part of the script; it's basically moving the cursor around your character and applying a click every forty milliseconds. If you are not moving, then it means that the cursor is placing itself on top of your character instead of on the ground around him or her.

To fix this, open the script in a text editor and find the following lines.

up_coord := y_axis_centre-round(total_height*[color=red]0.05[/color])
down_coord := y_axis_centre+round(total_height*[color=red]0.06[/color])
left_coord := x_axis_centre-round(total_width*[color=red]0.045[/color])
right_coord := x_axis_centre+round(total_width*[color=red]0.045[/color])

The numbers in red tell the cursor how far from the centre of the screen it should be placed. Increase these numbers by small amounts until you find something that works consistently. I recommend increasing in increments of 0.005 or 0.01.

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Thanks, giving it another shot!

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Dear Desi...

Your a f-----g GENIUS!!!! 8)

But, let me explain, I decided to try one of your older works, the VERSION 2 from one of your older post on Oct. 29, 2010. I decided to try since I could never get to work your recent suggestion.

VERSION 2 works as smooth as silk, it might be that certain parameters might be missing from VERSION 3.1 (don't know which). But man, I'll go with this setup, I'm gonna save it as an AHK file.

Anyway, thanks so much work you great piece of work, regardless of what version. Keep up the good work! :)

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The only difference between v2 and the current code (aside from Titan Quest and Torchlight code being separated into their own scripts) is that the red numbers I showed you are much larger (almost twice as large). Still, if those parameters suit you, then that is awesome. :wink:

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Just a suggestion, any chance you could (if you have any free time) try making WASD AHK's for these two PC RPG games?

Sacred 1 (and it's Underworld Expansion)
Divine Divinity

I'll do some tinkering myself in my spare times.

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Modifying the current script to support any game is pretty simple. Here is the Torchlight script as an example.

1. Change the window titles (in orange) to match the window title of the new game.
2. Adjust the offset multipliers (the numbers in red) to make WASD keypresses deliver clicks as close to the player character as possible, while still being reliably detected. This is a trial-and-error operation. You'll probably need to have asymmetrical offset multipliers, as I have below, to account for the height of the player character, and if the character is actually off-centre.

The final #IfWinActive is used to disable the WASD keys, meaning that the game cannot detect them whereas your script still can. Not keeping this section may cause the game to open inventory windows etc. while you're trying to move around.

; WASD Controls For Torchlight v3.1
; Author:         Desi Quintans <[email protected]>
; Website:         http://www.desiquintans.com
; Script Function:
;   Enables WASD controls in Torchlight. Works across all resolutions, and in both
;   Windowed and Full-Screen modes. Does not mess up your typing outside the game.
;	M key now toggles Automap (in place of A).
;	F now switches weapons (in place of W).

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
#MaxHotkeysPerInterval, 200
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
SetDefaultMouseSpeed, 0
SetTitleMatchMode, 3
; Initialise variables.
final_x_coord = 0
final_y_coord = 0
are_coordinates_initialised = 0

SetTimer, Button_Pressed, 1

	IfWinActive, [color=orange]Torchlight[/color]
		if (are_coordinates_initialised != 1)
			; Set coordinate offsets specific to the game. This only initialises once, when the script first detects the game window
			; as active. If the user changes game resolutions the script will need to be reloaded, but this is still much better
			; than performing the same calculations to set the same variables with the same values every 1 millisecond.
				WinGetPos,,, total_width, total_height, A ; In case of running a Window, or in a resolution not matching the Desktop's.
				x_axis_centre := round(total_width//2)
				y_axis_centre := round(total_height*[color=red]0.51[/color]) ; This is corrected for true horizontal movement.
				up_coord := y_axis_centre-round(total_height*[color=red]0.05[/color])
				down_coord := y_axis_centre+round(total_height*[color=red]0.06[/color])
				left_coord := x_axis_centre-round(total_width*[color=red]0.045[/color])
				right_coord := x_axis_centre+round(total_width*[color=red]0.045[/color])
				are_coordinates_initialised = 1
		if GetKeyState("w", "P") || GetKeyState("s", "P") || GetKeyState("a", "P") || GetKeyState("d", "P")
			; Remember the position of the mouse pointer before the WASD keys were pressed.
				MouseGetPos, prior_x_pos, prior_y_pos
			; Use the chosen coordinates as their respective keys get pressed to direct the mouse pointer.
				if GetKeyState("w", "P")
					final_y_coord := up_coord
				else if GetKeyState("s", "P")
					final_y_coord := down_coord
					final_y_coord := y_axis_centre
				if GetKeyState("a", "P")
					final_x_coord := left_coord
				else if GetKeyState("d", "P")
					final_x_coord := right_coord
					final_x_coord := x_axis_centre
				; Perform the directed click. This is a click-hold that immediately gets released.
				; Click-hold is necessary as some games don't register a single click.
				Click down %final_x_coord% %final_y_coord%
				Click up
				; Put the mouse pointer back in its original place.
				Sleep, 40
				Click, %prior_x_pos% %prior_y_pos% Left 0

#IfWinActive, [color=orange]Torchlight[/color]
	s::Numpad2 ; Remaps intrusive keys to prevent then from opening the skill window and automap.
	f::w ; F now switches weapons
	m::a ; M now toggles automap.

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Hey guys, I can't seem to get the script to work at all... messed with the cursor positioning for a while and just couldn't get it to move my character. I can see that the cursor is being hijacked whenever I try to run the program and then use the wasd keys to move, but it won't do anything. Any hints or tips? Just can't seem to get it to work... :/