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How to save a screen shot with AHK?

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I use this short script to save a screen shot:
Send +{PrintScreen}
FileAppend, %ClipboardAll%, Screen.jpg
but when I open this file later, it's all black. Why is it so?

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Saving a Screen capture as a immage is more complicated than that. See Screen Capture with Transparent Windows and Mouse Cursor for an example.

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Thank you for this link, None! I am studying it at the moment.

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IrfanView has an excellent screenshot saving utility, aside from being a great image processor. It can save screenshots upon keystroke or timer, and it works in games as well.

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I Use This Code Here. I Forgot Where Which Topic I Got it From. But You Do Need IrfanView With It.
ifnotexist, C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop   ; Location Of The Saved Capture
fileCreateDir, C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop   ; Location Of The Saved Capture
Run, "C:\Program Files (x86)\IrfanView\i_view32.exe" /capture=0 /convert=C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop\capture_$U(`%Y-`%m-`%d_`%H`%M`%S).png
; Location Of IrfanView.exe and Location Of The Saved Capture

; /capture=0 takes a screenshot of the whole desktop
; /capture=1 takes a screenshot of the active window
; /capture=2 takes a screenshot of the client area of the active window

Just Edit Where IrfanView is Located and where you want to Place The ScreenShot.

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irfanview commands / examples
<!-- m -->http://www.autohotke...218.html#418218<!-- m -->

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No no no, the point of using Irfanview is to NOT write any AHK code at all. :? It already comes with its own screenshot utility, that's what I was saying.

Open Irfanview and go to Options -> Capture/Screenshot (or just press C while Irfanview is active). A GUI pops up in which you can select what parts of the screen to capture, what hotkey to trigger it with, what folder to save the files in, and what format, dimensions, compression and so forth to save them as. It's much more comprehensive than anything you'd knock together with AHK and, as I said, it works inside games. (Getting screenshot utilities to work inside games is apparently quite complicated because you need to intercept frames from the GPU etc etc).

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Well With a AHK Script Like this. There's No Point In Opening IrfanView At All. =)

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Well With a AHK Script Like this. There's No Point In Opening IrfanView At All. =)

I guess that only matters if you want to spend time writing code instead of taking screenshots. :p

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In the <!-- m -->http://www.autohotke...pic.php?t=49950<!-- m --> thread we made some progress to something like this. There are several versions.

My version requires some more files (like Splash.ahk for the splashimgs).

I am planning on releasing the script to non-AHK users too. [Edit] ScreenClip can now be copied to clipboard, saved as a file or uploaded. In all cases the results will go to your clipboard (as links in the latter cases). Hotkeys are Leftclick (copied), Shift+Click (saved) Ctrl+Click (upload).

AHK Library requirements: Splash.ahk <!-- m -->http://www.autohotke...php?t=33506<!-- m -->

Files: AHK or EXE (EXE will work even if you don't have the library).

If you do not already have a scriptstarter, I recommend AppStarter [DOWNLOAD .exe] which is the second script in the first post of <!-- m -->http://www.autohotke...pic.php?t=65119<!-- m -->.

; Script working name: ScreenClipping (to ImageShack)
; Language:       English
; Platform:       Windows 7 
; Version author: Sumon (find me at AHK forums, www.autohotkey.com/forum)
; Original author(s): Learning one, Zonanic: See http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=49950 thread
; Script Function: Upon holding a hotkey (Leftclick), drag the mouse to capture a picture which is copied to your clipboard.
;                  Upon holding (Ctrl+click), upload picture to imageshack and get the link in your clipboard. The picture will also be saved in the PrintScreen folder, and the link in Data\ScreenClippingUploadedIMGs.txt
;                  Upon holding (Shift+click), save the image as a file.
; AHK Library requirements: Splash.ahk (http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=18040), httpQuery.ahk (http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=33506)

#SingleInstance force
SetBatchLines, 10ms
FileInstall, data/screenclipping_help.txt, data/screenclipping_help.txt
IfNotExist, PrintScreen
      FileCreateDir, PrintScreen
If there're hotkeys here: Commentating out the hotkey, since I launch it from another script - NOTE TO SELF: Reenable (+ the "ExitApp") before posting on AHK forums
; ======== Hotkeys ========
Hotkey, LButton, CopyClip
Hotkey, ^LButton, ImageshackClip
Hotkey, +LButton, ImageSaveClip
Hotkey, LButton, Off
Hotkey, ^LButton, Off
Hotkey, +LButton, Off
Hotkey, LButton, On ; These will be disabled again once you have clicked-and-dragged
Hotkey, ^Lbutton, On 
Hotkey, +LButton, On
Splash_On("Click and drag to copy the area to your clipboard.`nShift-click and drag to create a file`nCtrl+click and drag to create a file and upload it to Imageshack automatically.")
;===ScreenClipping LEFT ("Copy to clipboard") =========================================================================
If (FileExist("screen.bmp"))
   FileRecycle, screen.bmp
FileAppend,, screen.bmp

Splash_Off() ; We don't wanna capture any splashtext
CoordMode, Mouse ,Screen
MouseGetPos, MX, MY
Gui, +AlwaysOnTop -caption +Border +ToolWindow +LastFound
WinSet, Transparent, 80
Gui, Color, lime

While, (GetKeyState("LButton", "p"))
   MouseGetPos, MXend, MYend
   Send {control up}
   w := abs(MX - MXend)
   h := abs(MY - MYend)
   If ( MX < MXend )
   X := MX
   X := MXend
   If ( MY < MYend )
   Y := MY
   Y := MYend
   Gui, Show, x%X% y%Y% w%w% h%h%
   Sleep, 10
Hotkey, Lbutton, Off
Hotkey, ^LButton, Off
Hotkey, +Lbutton
MouseGetPos, MXend, MYend
Gui, Destroy
If ( MX > MXend )
   temp := MX
   MX := MXend
   MXend := temp
If ( MY > MYend )
   temp := MY
   MY := MYend
   MYend := temp
Area = %MX%, %MY%, %MXend%, %MYend%
Sleep, 100   ; if omitted, GUI sometimes stays in picture
CaptureScreenLeft(Area)   ; Saves selected area without cursor in Clipboard.
Splash_On("Copied to clipboard") ; FOR LATER - gonna insert a preview here
Gosub, Exit
;===Hotkeys CTRL+CLICK (Copy to Imageshack, get link) =========================================================
ImageSaveClip = True
Splash_Off() ; We don't wanna capture any Splashtext
CoordMode, Mouse ,Screen
MouseGetPos, MX, MY
Gui, +AlwaysOnTop -caption +Border +ToolWindow +LastFound
WinSet, Transparent, 80
Gui, Color, purple

While, (GetKeyState("LButton", "p"))
   MouseGetPos, MXend, MYend
   Send {control up}
   w := abs(MX - MXend)
   h := abs(MY - MYend)
   If ( MX < MXend )
   X := MX
   X := MXend
   If ( MY < MYend )
   Y := MY
   Y := MYend
   Gui, Show, x%X% y%Y% w%w% h%h%
   Sleep, 10
Hotkey, Lbutton, Off
Hotkey, ^LButton, Off
Hotkey, +LButton, Off
MouseGetPos, MXend, MYend
Gui, Destroy
If ( MX > MXend )
   temp := MX
   MX := MXend
   MXend := temp
If ( MY > MYend )
   temp := MY
   MY := MYend
   MYend := temp
Area = %MX%, %MY%, %MXend%, %MYend%
Sleep, 100   ; if omitted, GUI sometimes stays in picture
CaptureScreen(Area)   ; Saves selected area without cursor in Clipboard

    * Create folder.
   IfNotExist, PrintScreen
      FileCreateDir, PrintScreen

    * Reset counter.
   countLoop := 1

    * Repeat until we have unused name for file.

       * Reset string.
      countLoopString := countLoop
       * Add leading zeroes to string.
         if (StrLen(countLoopString) < 4)
            countLoopString := "0" countLoopString
            Goto, loopStringAddZeroes
       * Form the name of new file.
      newFileName := "PrintScreen\img_" countLoopString ".jpg"
       * Check if file name is taken.
      IfExist, % newFileName
         Goto, loopFileName

    * Capture screenshot.
   CaptureScreen(Area, False, newFileName, 100)
If (ImageSaveClip = "True") ; If we just wanted to save an image, we are done now :)
   Splash_On("DONE! File saved as " . newFileName)
   Slash = \
   ClipBoard:= A_ScriptDir Slash newFileName
   Gosub, Exit
SplashImage, %NewFileName%, b, CAPTURED! - uploading...,, %NewFileName%
; START OF UPLOAD, Upload function from AHK forums -> HTTPQuery, @ http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=33506, modified by author Sumon

   image = %NewfileName%
   boundary := makeProperBoundary()
   post:="--" boundary "`ncontent-disposition: form-data; name=""MAX_FILE_SIZE""`n`n"
      . "1048576`n--" boundary "`ncontent-disposition: form-data; name=""xml""`n`nyes`n--"
      . boundary "`ncontent-disposition: form-data; name=""fileupload""; filename="""
      . ofn """`nContent-type: " MimeType(img) "`nContent-Transfer-Encoding: binary`n`n"
      . placeholder "`n--" boundary "--"
   headers:="Content-type: multipart/form-data, boundary=" boundary "`nContent-Length: " strlen(post)
   size := httpQuery(result:="","http://www.imageshack.us/index.php",post,headers)
   ; Gui,Add,Edit,w800 h600, % result
   ; Gui,Show
StringGetPos, LinkPos, Result, <image_link>
StringGetPos, LinkPosEnd, Result, </image_link>
LinkLength := (LinkPosEnd-LinkPos-12)
StringMid, LinkText, Result, LinkPos+13, %LinkLength%
; MsgBox, RESULT picture is in %LinkText%
ClipBoard = %LinkText%
FileAppend, `n%Linktext%, Data/ScreenClippingUploadedIMGs.txt
; GuiClose:
; GuiEscape:
;   ExitApp

      n .= chr(64+a_index)
   n .= "0123456789"
   Loop,% StrLen(A_Now) {
      Random,rnd,1,% StrLen(n)
      b .= RegExReplace(SubStr(n,rnd,1),".$","$" (round(UL)? "U":"L") "0")
   Return b

MimeType(ByRef Binary) {
   MimeTypes:="424d image/bmp|4749463 image/gif|ffd8ffe image/jpeg|89504e4 image/png|4657530"
          . " application/x-shockwave-flash|49492a0 image/tiff"
      hex .= substr(@,(*(a:=&Binary-1+a_index)>>4)+1,1) substr(@,((*a)&15)+1,1)
      if ((substr(hex,1,strlen(n:=RegExReplace(A_Loopfield,"\s.*"))))=n)
         Mime := RegExReplace(A_LoopField,".*?\s")
   Return (Mime!="") ? Mime : "application/octet-stream"
; START OF "Include" part (HttpQuery)
; Requires httpQuery to be in your standard library OR to be included
; httpQuery-0-3-5.ahk
httpQuery(byref Result, lpszUrl, POSTDATA="", HEADERS="")
{   ; v0.3.5 (w) Sep, 8 2008 by Heresy & derRaphael / zLib-Style release
   ; updates Aug, 28 2008   
   ; currently the verbs showHeader, storeHeader, and updateSize are supported in httpQueryOps
   ; in case u need a different UserAgent, Proxy, ProxyByPass, Referrer, and AcceptType just
   ; specify them as global variables - mind the varname for referrer is httpQueryReferer [sic].
   ; Also if any special dwFlags are needed such as INTERNET_FLAG_NO_AUTO_REDIRECT or cache
   ; handling this might be set using the httpQueryDwFlags variable as global
   global httpQueryOps, httpAgent, httpProxy, httpProxyByPass, httpQueryReferer, httpQueryAcceptType
       , httpQueryDwFlags
   ; Get any missing default Values
   defaultOps =
   (LTrim Join|
      if StrLen(%httpOption%)=0
         %httpOption% := httpDefault

   ; Load Library
   hModule := DllCall("LoadLibrary", "Str", "WinINet.Dll")

   ; SetUpStructures for URL_COMPONENTS / needed for InternetCrackURL
   ; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa385420(VS.85).aspx
   offset_name_length:= "4-lpszScheme-255|16-lpszHostName-1024|28-lpszUserName-1024|"
                  . "36-lpszPassword-1024|44-lpszUrlPath-1024|52-lpszExtrainfo-1024"
   ; Struc Size               ; Scheme Size                  ; Max Port Number
   NumPut(60,URL_COMPONENTS,0), NumPut(255,URL_COMPONENTS,12), NumPut(0xffff,URL_COMPONENTS,24)

   ; Split the given URL; extract scheme, user, pass, authotity (host), port, path, and query (extrainfo)
   ; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa384376(VS.85).aspx

   ; Update variables to retrieve results
   ; Import any set dwFlags
   dwFlags := httpQueryDwFlags
   ; For some reasons using a selfsigned https certificates doesnt work
   ; such as an own webmin service - even though every security is turned off
   ; https with valid certificates works when
   if (lpszScheme = "https")

   ; Check for Header and drop exception if unknown or invalid URL
   if (lpszScheme="unknown") {
      Result := "ERR: No Valid URL supplied."
      Return StrLen(Result)

   ; Initialise httpQuery's use of the WinINet functions.
   ; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa385096(VS.85).aspx
   hInternet := DllCall("WinINet\InternetOpenA"
                  ,(httpProxy != 0 ?  INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_PROXY : INTERNET_OPEN_TYPE_DIRECT )

   ; Open HTTP session for the given URL
   ; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa384363(VS.85).aspx
   hConnect := DllCall("WinINet\InternetConnectA"
                  ,"uInt",hInternet,"Str",lpszHostname, "Int",nPort
                  ,"Str",lpszUserName, "Str",lpszPassword,"uInt",INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP

   ; Do we POST? If so, check for header handling and set default
   if (Strlen(POSTDATA)>0) {
      if StrLen(Headers)=0
         Headers:="Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
   } else ; otherwise mode must be GET - no header defaults needed

   ; Form the request with proper HTTP protocol version and create the request handle
   ; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa384233(VS.85).aspx
   hRequest := DllCall("WinINet\HttpOpenRequestA"
                  ,"uInt",hConnect,"Str",HTTPVerb,"Str",lpszUrlPath . lpszExtrainfo
                  ,"Str",ProVer := "HTTP/1.1", "Str",httpQueryReferer,"Str",httpQueryAcceptTypes
                  ,"uInt",dwFlags,"uInt",Context:=0 )

   ; Send the specified request to the server
   ; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa384247(VS.85).aspx
   sRequest := DllCall("WinINet\HttpSendRequestA"
                  , "uInt",hRequest,"Str",Headers, "uInt",Strlen(Headers)
                  , "Str",POSTData,"uInt",Strlen(POSTData))

   VarSetCapacity(header, 2048, 0)  ; max 2K header data for httpResponseHeader
   VarSetCapacity(header_len, 4, 0)
   ; Check for returned server response-header (works only _after_ request been sent)
   ; http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa384238.aspx
   Loop, 5
     if ((headerRequest:=DllCall("WinINet\HttpQueryInfoA","uint",hRequest

   If (headerRequest=1) {
      Loop,% headerLength
         if (*(&res-1+a_index)=0) ; Change binary zero to linefeed
   } else
      res := "timeout"

   ; Get 1st Line of Full Response
      RetValue := A_LoopField
   ; No Connection established - drop exception
   If (RetValue="timeout") {
      html := "Error: timeout"
      return -1
   ; Strip protocol version from return value
   RetValue := RegExReplace(RetValue,"HTTP/1\.[01]\s+")
    ; List taken from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes
   HttpRetCodes := "100=Continue|101=Switching Protocols|102=Processing (WebDAV) (RFC 2518)|"
              . "200=OK|201=Created|202=Accepted|203=Non-Authoritative Information|204=No"
              . " Content|205=Reset Content|206=Partial Content|207=Multi-Status (WebDAV)"
              . "|300=Multiple Choices|301=Moved Permanently|302=Found|303=See Other|304="
              . "Not Modified|305=Use Proxy|306=Switch Proxy|307=Temporary Redirect|400=B"
              . "ad Request|401=Unauthorized|402=Payment Required|403=Forbidden|404=Not F"
              . "ound|405=Method Not Allowed|406=Not Acceptable|407=Proxy Authentication "
              . "Required|408=Request Timeout|409=Conflict|410=Gone|411=Length Required|4"
              . "12=Precondition Failed|413=Request Entity Too Large|414=Request-URI Too "
              . "Long|415=Unsupported Media Type|416=Requested Range Not Satisfiable|417="
              . "Expectation Failed|418=I'm a teapot (RFC 2324)|422=Unprocessable Entity "
              . "(WebDAV) (RFC 4918)|423=Locked (WebDAV) (RFC 4918)|424=Failed Dependency"
              . " (WebDAV) (RFC 4918)|425=Unordered Collection (RFC 3648)|426=Upgrade Req"
              . "uired (RFC 2817)|449=Retry With|500=Internal Server Error|501=Not Implem"
              . "ented|502=Bad Gateway|503=Service Unavailable|504=Gateway Timeout|505=HT"
              . "TP Version Not Supported|506=Variant Also Negotiates (RFC 2295)|507=Insu"
              . "fficient Storage (WebDAV) (RFC 4918)|509=Bandwidth Limit Exceeded|510=No"
              . "t Extended (RFC 2774)"
   ; Gather numeric response value
   RetValue := SubStr(RetValue,1,3)
   ; Parse through return codes and set according informations
      HttpReturnCode := SubStr(A_LoopField,1,3)    ; Numeric return value see above
      HttpReturnMsg  := SubStr(A_LoopField,5)      ; link for additional information
      if (RetValue=HttpReturnCode) {
         RetMsg := HttpReturnMsg

   ; Global HttpQueryOps handling
   if strlen(HTTPQueryOps)>0 {
      ; Show full Header response (usefull for debugging)
      if (instr(HTTPQueryOps,"showHeader"))
         MsgBox % res
      ; Save the full Header response in a global Variable
      if (instr(HTTPQueryOps,"storeHeader"))
         global HttpQueryHeader := res
      ; Check for size updates to export to a global Var
      if (instr(HTTPQueryOps,"updateSize")) {
            If RegExMatch(A_LoopField,"Content-Length:\s+?(?P<Size>\d+)",full) {
               global HttpQueryFullSize := fullSize
         if (fullSize+0=0)
            HttpQueryFullSize := "size unavailable"

   ; Check for valid codes and drop exception if suspicious
   if !(InStr("100 200 201 202 302",RetValue)) {
      Result := RetValue " " RetMsg
      return StrLen(Result)

   fsize := 0
   Loop            ; the receiver loop - rewritten in the need to enable
   {               ; support for larger file downloads
      bc := A_Index
      VarSetCapacity(buffer%bc%,1024,0) ; setup new chunk for this receive round
      ReadFile := DllCall("wininet\InternetReadFile"
      ReadBytes := NumGet(BytesRead)    ; how many bytes were received?
      If ((ReadFile!=0)&&(!ReadBytes))  ; we have had no error yet and received no more bytes
         break                         ; we must be done! so lets break the receiver loop
      Else {
         fsize += ReadBytes            ; sum up all chunk sizes for correct return size
         sizeArray .= ReadBytes "|"
      if (instr(HTTPQueryOps,"updateSize"))
         Global HttpQueryCurrentSize := fsize
   sizeArray := SubStr(sizeArray,1,-1)   ; trim last PipeChar
   VarSetCapacity(result,fSize+1,0)      ; reconstruct the result from above generated chunkblocks
   Dest := &result                       ; to a our ByRef result variable
      , Dest += A_LoopField
   DllCall("WinINet\InternetCloseHandle", "uInt", hRequest)   ; close all opened
   DllCall("WinINet\InternetCloseHandle", "uInt", hInternet)
   DllCall("WinINet\InternetCloseHandle", "uInt", hConnect)
   DllCall("FreeLibrary", "UInt", hModule)                    ; unload the library
   return fSize                          ; return the size - strings need update via VarSetCapacity(res,-1)
; END OF "Include" part
SplashImage, Off ; HEY! This actually means that you ARE done uploading! :)
Splash_On("DONE! Link is in your clipboard.`n" . LinkText)
GoSub, Exit

; === Extra subroutines ======================
SetTimer, SplashOffNow, -2000
SetTimer, SplashOffNow, -4000
SplashImage, Off
; Change if you want to have it running constantly - esc is a common key
Sleep 1500
   StringSplit, rt, aRect, `,, %A_Space%%A_Tab%
   LnL := rt1 ; Since CaptureScreen (for fileupload) used s
   LnT := rt2
   LnW := rt3 - rt1
   LnH := rt4 - rt2
   LznW := rt5
   LznH := rt6

   LmDC := DllCall("CreateCompatibleDC", "Uint", 0)
   LhBM := CreateDIBSectionLeft(LmDC, LnW, LnH)
   LoBM := DllCall("SelectObject", "Uint", LmDC, "Uint", LhBM)
   LhDC := DllCall("GetDC", "Uint", 0)
   DllCall("BitBlt", "Uint", LmDC, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", LnW, "int", LnH, "Uint", LhDC, "int", LnL, "int", LnT, "Uint", 0x40000000 | 0x00CC0020)
   DllCall("ReleaseDC", "Uint", 0, "Uint", LhDC)
   DllCall("SelectObject", "Uint", LmDC, "Uint", LoBM)
   DllCall("DeleteDC", "Uint", LmDC)
CaptureScreen(aRect = 0, bCursor = False, sFile = "", nQuality = "")
   If   !aRect
      SysGet, nL, 76
      SysGet, nT, 77
      SysGet, nW, 78
      SysGet, nH, 79
   Else If   aRect = 1
      WinGetPos, nL, nT, nW, nH, A
   Else If   aRect = 2
      WinGet, hWnd, ID, A
      VarSetCapacity(rt, 16, 0)
      DllCall("GetClientRect" , "Uint", hWnd, "Uint", &rt)
      DllCall("ClientToScreen", "Uint", hWnd, "Uint", &rt)
      nL := NumGet(rt, 0, "int")
      nT := NumGet(rt, 4, "int")
      nW := NumGet(rt, 8)
      nH := NumGet(rt,12)
   Else If   aRect = 3
      VarSetCapacity(mi, 40, 0)
      DllCall("GetCursorPos", "int64P", pt)
      DllCall("GetMonitorInfo", "Uint", DllCall("MonitorFromPoint", "int64", pt, "Uint", 2), "Uint", NumPut(40,mi)-4)
      nL := NumGet(mi, 4, "int")
      nT := NumGet(mi, 8, "int")
      nW := NumGet(mi,12, "int") - nL
      nH := NumGet(mi,16, "int") - nT
      StringSplit, rt, aRect, `,, %A_Space%%A_Tab%
      nL := rt1
      nT := rt2
      nW := rt3 - rt1
      nH := rt4 - rt2
      znW := rt5
      znH := rt6

   mDC := DllCall("CreateCompatibleDC", "Uint", 0)
   hBM := CreateDIBSection(mDC, nW, nH)
   oBM := DllCall("SelectObject", "Uint", mDC, "Uint", hBM)
   hDC := DllCall("GetDC", "Uint", 0)
   DllCall("BitBlt", "Uint", mDC, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", nW, "int", nH, "Uint", hDC, "int", nL, "int", nT, "Uint", 0x40000000 | 0x00CC0020)
   DllCall("ReleaseDC", "Uint", 0, "Uint", hDC)
   If   bCursor
      CaptureCursor(mDC, nL, nT)
   DllCall("SelectObject", "Uint", mDC, "Uint", oBM)
   DllCall("DeleteDC", "Uint", mDC)
   If   znW && znH
      hBM := Zoomer(hBM, nW, nH, znW, znH)
   If   sFile = 0
   Else   Convert(hBM, sFile, nQuality), DllCall("DeleteObject", "Uint", hBM)

CaptureCursor(hDC, nL, nT)
   VarSetCapacity(mi, 20, 0)
   mi := Chr(20)
   DllCall("GetCursorInfo", "Uint", &mi)
   bShow   := NumGet(mi, 4)
   hCursor := NumGet(mi, 8)
   xCursor := NumGet(mi,12)
   yCursor := NumGet(mi,16)

   VarSetCapacity(ni, 20, 0)
   DllCall("GetIconInfo", "Uint", hCursor, "Uint", &ni)
   xHotspot := NumGet(ni, 4)
   yHotspot := NumGet(ni, 8)
   hBMMask  := NumGet(ni,12)
   hBMColor := NumGet(ni,16)

   If   bShow
      DllCall("DrawIcon", "Uint", hDC, "int", xCursor - xHotspot - nL, "int", yCursor - yHotspot - nT, "Uint", hCursor)
   If   hBMMask
      DllCall("DeleteObject", "Uint", hBMMask)
   If   hBMColor
      DllCall("DeleteObject", "Uint", hBMColor)

Zoomer(hBM, nW, nH, znW, znH)
   mDC1 := DllCall("CreateCompatibleDC", "Uint", 0)
   mDC2 := DllCall("CreateCompatibleDC", "Uint", 0)
   zhBM := CreateDIBSection(mDC2, znW, znH)
   oBM1 := DllCall("SelectObject", "Uint", mDC1, "Uint",  hBM)
   oBM2 := DllCall("SelectObject", "Uint", mDC2, "Uint", zhBM)
   DllCall("SetStretchBltMode", "Uint", mDC2, "int", 4)
   DllCall("StretchBlt", "Uint", mDC2, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", znW, "int", znH, "Uint", mDC1, "int", 0, "int", 0, "int", nW, "int", nH, "Uint", 0x00CC0020)
   DllCall("SelectObject", "Uint", mDC1, "Uint", oBM1)
   DllCall("SelectObject", "Uint", mDC2, "Uint", oBM2)
   DllCall("DeleteDC", "Uint", mDC1)
   DllCall("DeleteDC", "Uint", mDC2)
   DllCall("DeleteObject", "Uint", hBM)
   Return   zhBM

Convert(sFileFr = "", sFileTo = "", nQuality = "")
   If   sFileTo  =
      sFileTo := A_ScriptDir . "\screen.bmp"
   SplitPath, sFileTo, , sDirTo, sExtTo, sNameTo

   If Not   hGdiPlus := DllCall("LoadLibrary", "str", "gdiplus.dll")
      Return   sFileFr+0 ? SaveHBITMAPToFile(sFileFr, sDirTo . "\" . sNameTo . ".bmp") : ""
   VarSetCapacity(si, 16, 0), si := Chr(1)
   DllCall("gdiplus\GdiplusStartup", "UintP", pToken, "Uint", &si, "Uint", 0)

   If   !sFileFr
      DllCall("OpenClipboard", "Uint", 0)
      If    DllCall("IsClipboardFormatAvailable", "Uint", 2) && (hBM:=DllCall("GetClipboardData", "Uint", 2))
      DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromHBITMAP", "Uint", hBM, "Uint", 0, "UintP", pImage)
   Else If   sFileFr Is Integer
      DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateBitmapFromHBITMAP", "Uint", sFileFr, "Uint", 0, "UintP", pImage)
   Else   DllCall("gdiplus\GdipLoadImageFromFile", "Uint", Unicode4Ansi(wFileFr,sFileFr), "UintP", pImage)

   DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageEncodersSize", "UintP", nCount, "UintP", nSize)
   DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetImageEncoders", "Uint", nCount, "Uint", nSize, "Uint", &ci)
   Loop, %   nCount
      If   InStr(Ansi4Unicode(NumGet(ci,76*(A_Index-1)+44)), "." . sExtTo)
         pCodec := &ci+76*(A_Index-1)
   If   InStr(".JPG.JPEG.JPE.JFIF", "." . sExtTo) && nQuality<>"" && pImage && pCodec
   DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetEncoderParameterListSize", "Uint", pImage, "Uint", pCodec, "UintP", nSize)
   DllCall("gdiplus\GdipGetEncoderParameterList", "Uint", pImage, "Uint", pCodec, "Uint", nSize, "Uint", &pi)
   Loop, %   NumGet(pi)
      If   NumGet(pi,28*(A_Index-1)+20)=1 && NumGet(pi,28*(A_Index-1)+24)=6
         pParam := &pi+28*(A_Index-1)

   If   pImage
      pCodec   ? DllCall("gdiplus\GdipSaveImageToFile", "Uint", pImage, "Uint", Unicode4Ansi(wFileTo,sFileTo), "Uint", pCodec, "Uint", pParam) : DllCall("gdiplus\GdipCreateHBITMAPFromBitmap", "Uint", pImage, "UintP", hBitmap, "Uint", 0) . SetClipboardData(hBitmap), DllCall("gdiplus\GdipDisposeImage", "Uint", pImage)

   DllCall("gdiplus\GdiplusShutdown" , "Uint", pToken)
   DllCall("FreeLibrary", "Uint", hGdiPlus)
CreateDIBSectionLeft(LhDC, LnW, LnH, Lbpp = 32, ByRef LpBits = "")
   NumPut(VarSetCapacity(Lbi, 40, 0), Lbi)
   NumPut(LnW, Lbi, 4)
   NumPut(LnH, Lbi, 8)
   NumPut(Lbpp, NumPut(1, Lbi, 12, "UShort"), 0, "Ushort")
   NumPut(0,  Lbi,16)
   Return   DllCall("gdi32\CreateDIBSection", "Uint", LhDC, "Uint", &Lbi, "Uint", 0, "UintP", LpBits, "Uint", 0, "Uint", 0)
CreateDIBSection(hDC, nW, nH, bpp = 32, ByRef pBits = "")
   NumPut(VarSetCapacity(bi, 40, 0), bi)
   NumPut(nW, bi, 4)
   NumPut(nH, bi, 8)
   NumPut(bpp, NumPut(1, bi, 12, "UShort"), 0, "Ushort")
   NumPut(0,  bi,16)
   Return   DllCall("gdi32\CreateDIBSection", "Uint", hDC, "Uint", &bi, "Uint", 0, "UintP", pBits, "Uint", 0, "Uint", 0)

SaveHBITMAPToFile(hBitmap, sFile)
   DllCall("GetObject", "Uint", hBitmap, "int", VarSetCapacity(oi,84,0), "Uint", &oi)
   hFile:=   DllCall("CreateFile", "Uint", &sFile, "Uint", 0x40000000, "Uint", 0, "Uint", 0, "Uint", 2, "Uint", 0, "Uint", 0)
   DllCall("WriteFile", "Uint", hFile, "int64P", 0x4D42|14+40+NumGet(oi,44)<<16, "Uint", 6, "UintP", 0, "Uint", 0)
   DllCall("WriteFile", "Uint", hFile, "int64P", 54<<32, "Uint", 8, "UintP", 0, "Uint", 0)
   DllCall("WriteFile", "Uint", hFile, "Uint", &oi+24, "Uint", 40, "UintP", 0, "Uint", 0)
   DllCall("WriteFile", "Uint", hFile, "Uint", NumGet(oi,20), "Uint", NumGet(oi,44), "UintP", 0, "Uint", 0)
   DllCall("CloseHandle", "Uint", hFile)
   DllCall("GetObject", "Uint", hBitmap, "int", VarSetCapacity(oi,84,0), "Uint", &oi)
   LhDIB :=   DllCall("GlobalAlloc", "Uint", 2, "Uint", 40+NumGet(oi,44))
   LpDIB :=   DllCall("GlobalLock", "Uint", LhDIB)
   DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "Uint", LpDIB, "Uint", &oi+24, "Uint", 40)
   DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "Uint", LpDIB+40, "Uint", NumGet(oi,20), "Uint", NumGet(oi,44))
   DllCall("GlobalUnlock", "Uint", LhDIB)
   DllCall("DeleteObject", "Uint", LhBitmap)
   DllCall("OpenClipboard", "Uint", 0)
   DllCall("SetClipboardData", "Uint", 8, "Uint", LhDIB)
   DllCall("GetObject", "Uint", hBitmap, "int", VarSetCapacity(oi,84,0), "Uint", &oi)
   hDIB :=   DllCall("GlobalAlloc", "Uint", 2, "Uint", 40+NumGet(oi,44))
   pDIB :=   DllCall("GlobalLock", "Uint", hDIB)
   DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "Uint", pDIB, "Uint", &oi+24, "Uint", 40)
   DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "Uint", pDIB+40, "Uint", NumGet(oi,20), "Uint", NumGet(oi,44))
   DllCall("GlobalUnlock", "Uint", hDIB)
   DllCall("DeleteObject", "Uint", hBitmap)
   DllCall("OpenClipboard", "Uint", 0)
   DllCall("SetClipboardData", "Uint", 8, "Uint", hDIB)

Unicode4Ansi(ByRef wString, sString)
   nSize := DllCall("MultiByteToWideChar", "Uint", 0, "Uint", 0, "Uint", &sString, "int", -1, "Uint", 0, "int", 0)
   VarSetCapacity(wString, nSize * 2)
   DllCall("MultiByteToWideChar", "Uint", 0, "Uint", 0, "Uint", &sString, "int", -1, "Uint", &wString, "int", nSize)
   Return   &wString

   nSize := DllCall("WideCharToMultiByte", "Uint", 0, "Uint", 0, "Uint", pString, "int", -1, "Uint", 0, "int",  0, "Uint", 0, "Uint", 0)
   VarSetCapacity(sString, nSize)
   DllCall("WideCharToMultiByte", "Uint", 0, "Uint", 0, "Uint", pString, "int", -1, "str", sString, "int", nSize, "Uint", 0, "Uint", 0)
   Return   sString

 *                           END OF FILE

And to prove the awesomeness of my script, I will count the time it takes to ScreenClip this sentence.

Posted Image

5 seconds, including typing out the <img>-tag and pasting the link.

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  • 2 posts
  • Last active: Apr 24 2015 06:42 PM
  • Joined: 04 Apr 2014

Check this AHK code to autosave without using IrfanView. Uses MSPaint, and no additional scripts to install. Pretty straight forward and easy code. Customizable folder and file name. Currently filename is timestamp. 

