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Pathfinding with A*

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  • Last active: May 02 2015 06:05 PM
  • Joined: 23 Aug 2010
An optimised implementation of the A* search algorithm, a popular algorithm often used for finding the shortest path between a start location and a goal.

Its performance stems from usage of relevant data structures such as the binary min-heap for open list node selection and map fields for membership testing.


Path := PathFind(Grid,StartX,StartY,EndX,EndY)
For Index, Node In Path

NOTE: The grid is in the form Grid[X,Y], not Grid[Y,X]. If you use something like the following the rows and columns will be inverted:

Grid := [[0,0,0,0,0],

This can be fixed through transposition:

NewGrid := []
For IndexY, Row In Grid
    For IndexX, Entry In Row
        NewGrid[IndexX,IndexY] := Entry



A usage example is included at the top of the file.