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Half-QWERTY keyboard

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Half-QWERTY keyboard

Allows you to code (or do other things) one-handed, using a normal keyboard. While the spacebar is pressed, each half of the keyboard is mirrored to the other.

#SingleInstance force
#InstallKeybdHook	; otherwise space-up tends to get dropped

; ==== keyboard configuration ====
Pair("1", "0")
Pair("2", "9")
Pair("3", "8")
Pair("4", "7")
Pair("5", "6")

Pair("q", "p")
Pair("w", "o")
Pair("e", "i")
Pair("r", "u")
Pair("t", "y")

Pair("a", semicolon := "SC27")
Pair("s", "l")
Pair("d", "k")
Pair("f", "j")
Pair("g", "h")

Pair("z", slash := "SC35")
Pair("x", period := "SC34")
Pair("c", comma := "SC33")
Pair("v", "m")
Pair("b", "n")

Pair("tab", "backspace")
Pair(dash := "SC0C", backtick := "SC29")

OneWay("capslock", "enter")	; special case...  unmirrored=enter, mirrored=quote
Hotkey,*capslock, on
Hotkey,*capslock up, on

Pair(x, y)
	OneWay(x, y)
	OneWay(y, x)

; remap `from` to `to`  (but only when space is depressed)
OneWay(from, to)
	global		; (apparently `global remap_%from%` is still invalid syntax...)

	Hotkey, *%from%,    remap_down, off
	Hotkey, *%from% up, remap_up,   off

	;ToolTip, %from%, 0, 0		; uncomment to find out what has to be converted to "SCnn" syntax
	remap_%from% := to

	if (remap_list != "")
		remap_list := remap_list . "`n"
	remap_list := remap_list . from

	Loop, parse, remap_list, `n
		Hotkey, *%A_LoopField%,    on
		Hotkey, *%A_LoopField% up, on
	remap_capslock := "'"
	hotkeys_mirrored := 0

space up::
	Loop, parse, remap_list, `n
		Hotkey, *%A_LoopField%,    off
		Hotkey, *%A_LoopField% up, off

	Hotkey,*capslock, on
	Hotkey,*capslock up, on
	remap_capslock := "enter"

	if (hotkeys_mirrored == 0)

	remap_from := SubStr(A_ThisHotKey, 2)
	remap_to := remap_%remap_from%
	; the exact equivalent of remapping, see http://www.autohotkey.com/docs/misc/Remap.htm#SendPlay
	SetKeyDelay -1
	Send {Blind}{%remap_to% DownTemp}

	hotkeys_mirrored := hotkeys_mirrored + 1

	remap_from := SubStr(A_ThisHotKey, 2, -3)	; "*enter up" => "enter"
	remap_to := remap_%remap_from%
	; the exact equivalent of remapping, see http://www.autohotkey.com/docs/misc/Remap.htm#SendPlay
	SetKeyDelay -1
	Send {Blind}{%remap_to% Up}

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nice script....