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WIPmania - WorldIP free geolocation DB/API [URL]

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WIPmania - WorldIP free geolocation DB/API

Real-Time Access via WorldIP API

Querying WorldIP geolocation service via the published API returns the most up-to-date results on geographic location of an IP address.

Using API is free for any purpose, personal or business, if you are making fewer than 10.000 requests per calendar day. A simple yet powerful API allowing you to query the WorldIP database with a single link.

There is also a downloadable database, and a FF plugin.

New here? Please, before you post...
1. Read the tutorial and try the examples. -> 2. Take a look at the command list to get an idea of what you could do. -> 3. Create your script. Consult the documentation and the FAQ if you get stuck. -> 4. Search the forum if you need help or examples, method 1 (forum), method 2 (site), method 3 (Google). -> 5. Post your code on the forum in the "Ask for Help" section if you still run into problems (but read this first). -> 6. There is more AHK on autohotkey.net and the Wiki and there is an AHK IRC chat.

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Kinda coincidence! :shock: I've found [URLGeoLocator] two minutes ago.

Gibt man in die Eingabezeile des URLGeoLocator eine IP-Nummer oder einen Domainnamen so fragt das Programm bei einer Internetdatenbank die Koordinaten des Rechners ab und zeigt sie auf einer Weltkarte.

Enter an URL or an internet address at URLGeoLocator's command line and it will get the assigned coordinates of that box, received from an Internet DB, to display them at a worldmap.
