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Subtitle framerate changer (Srt, FPS)

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Subtitle (.srt) framerate changer v1.0

With this you can convert between different subtitle framerates.

- batch convert (single file mode/multiple files mode)
- drag and drop mode
- supported formats: Subrip (.srt) !!
- built-in framerates: 30.000, 29.97, 25.000, 24.000, 23.99, 23.978, 23.976, 20, 15.000, 12.000, custom

Todo: add more supported formats, add synchronization feature

Download the compiled exe from here: https://ahknet.autoh...ubframerate.exe

Download the source from here: https://ahknet.autoh...ubframerate.ahk
It works through srtrate.exe (<!-- m -->http://subtools.sf.net/<!-- m -->) with FileInstall, so if you're gonna compile it from source you're gonna need srtrate.exe.
Srtrate.exe for compiling: https://ahknet.autoh...hks/srtrate.exe or http://subtools.sf.net/
The Ico file: https://ahknet.autoh...ubframerate.ico

Tested on WindowsXP Pro SP2.

Full Code:
; Script created by GAHKS (2009) https://ahknet.autohotkey.com/~gahks/
; Core exe (srtrate.exe) created by http://subtools.sf.net/
; Subtitle framerate converter v 1.0

script_name = Subtitle framerate changer
SetTitleMatchMode, 3
dragdropmode_active = 0
about_exists = 0
help_exists = 0
FileInstall, srtratesrc.exe, %A_ScriptDir%\srtrate.exe
Menu, tray, NoStandard
Menu, TrayFileMenu, add, &Select a single file, InputBrowse
Menu, TrayFileMenu, add, Select &multiple files, Input2Browse
Menu, tray, add, &File, :TrayFileMenu
Menu, tray, add,
Menu, tray, add, &Drag and drop mode, DragDrop
Menu, TrayHelpMenu, add, &Help, Help
Menu, TrayHelpMenu, add, &About, About
Menu, tray, add, &Help, :TrayHelpMenu
Menu, tray, add,
Menu, tray, add, E&xit, Ex
Menu, FileMenu, add, &Select a single file, InputBrowse
Menu, FileMenu, add, Select &multiple files, Input2Browse
Menu, FileMenu, add, 
Menu, FileMenu, add, E&xit, Ex 
Menu, GuiMenuBar, add, &File, :FileMenu
Menu, DragDropMenu, add, A&ctivate, DragDrop
Menu, GuiMenuBar, add, &Drag and Drop, :DragDropMenu
Menu, HelpMenu, add, &Help, Help
Menu, HelpMenu, add, &About, About 
Menu, GuiMenuBar, add, &Help, :HelpMenu 
Gui, Add, Tab2, w330 h430 vGuiTab, &Single file|&Multiple Files|
Gui, Add, Text, x+10 y+10, Select an input file
Gui, Add, Edit, vinput_b_input xp+10 yp+20 w240 h20,
Gui, Add, Button, gInputBrowse vbutton_b_input xp+240 yp+0 w50 h20, &Browse
GuiControl, Focus, button_b_input
Gui, Add, Text, xp-250 y+10, Select an output folder
Gui, Add, Edit, vinput_b_output xp+10 yp+20 w240 h20,
Gui, Add, Button, gOutputBrowse vbutton_b_output xp+240 yp+0 w50 h20, B&rowse 
Gui, Add, ComboBox, vinput_fps_input xp-240 y+30 w100, 30.000|29.97|25.000||24.000|23.99|23.978|23.976|20|15.000|12.000
Gui, Add, Text, xp+110 yp+0, Choose Input FPS
Gui, Add, ComboBox, vinput_fps_output xp-110 yp+30 w100, 30.000|29.97|25.000||24.000|23.99|23.978|23.976|20|15.000|12.000
Gui, Add, Text, xp+110 yp+0, Choose Output FPS
Gui, Add, Button, gConvert vbutton_ok xp-110 yp+50 w70 h20, Conver&t
Gui, Add, Button, gEx vbutton_cancel xp+90 yp+0 w70 h20, Cance&l
Gui, Tab, 2
Gui, Add, Text, x+10 y+10, Select input files (All files must be the same FPS)
Gui, Add, Button, gInput2Browse vbutton2_b_input xp+250 yp+0 w50 h20, Browse
Gui, Add, Edit, vinput2_b_input xp-240 yp+30 w290 h150 -Wrap Multi,
GuiControl, Focus, button2_b_input
Gui, Add, Text, xp-10 yp+170, Select an output folder
Gui, Add, Edit, vinput2_b_output xp+10 yp+20 w240 h20,
Gui, Add, Button, gOutput2Browse vbutton2_b_output xp+240 yp+0 w50 h20, Browse 
Gui, Add, ComboBox, vinput2_fps_input xp-240 y+30 w100, 30.000|29.97|25.000||24.000|23.99|23.978|23.976|20|15.000|12.000
Gui, Add, Text, xp+110 yp+0, Choose Input FPS
Gui, Add, ComboBox, vinput2_fps_output xp-110 yp+30 w100, 30.000|29.97|25.000||24.000|23.99|23.978|23.976|20|15.000|12.000
Gui, Add, Text, xp+110 yp+0, Choose Output FPS
Gui, Add, Button, gConvert2 vbutton2_ok xp-110 yp+50 w70 h20, Convert
Gui, Add, Button, gEx vbutton2_cancel xp+90 yp+0 w70 h20, Cancel
Gui, Menu, GuiMenuBar 
Gui, Show, w350 h450, %script_name%

Gui +OwnDialogs 
If dropped_file_list <> 
	MsgBox, 35, Warning!, The list isn't blank. Should I add the files to the list?`n`nAdd the files to the list (Press YES)`nReplace the files on the list with the new ones (Press NO)`nNeither one / I don't know (Press CANCEL)
	IfMsgBox, Cancel
	IfMsgBox, No
	 dropped_file_list = 
Loop, parse, A_GuiEvent, `n
	dropped_file_list = %dropped_file_list%%A_LoopField%`n
GuiControl, Choose, GuiTab, 2
GuiControl,, input2_b_input, %dropped_file_list%

If about_exists = 1 
	WinActivate, About %script_name%
about_exists = 1
Gui, 1:+Disabled
Gui, 3:Destroy
help_exists = 0
Gui, 2:+owner1
Gui, 2:Add, Text,xp+10 yp+10,2009 (C) Gahks, subtools
Gui, 2:Add, Text,xp+0 yp+30, Core exe - srtrate.exe - created by: 
Gui, 2:Add, Text, cBlue g2LaunchSubtools, http://subtools.sourceforge.net/
Gui, 2:Add, Text, xp+0 yp+30, GUI created by GAHKS in Autoit scripting language
Gui, 2:Add, Text, cBlue g2LaunchGahks, https://ahknet.autohotkey.com/~gahks/
Gui, 2:Add, Button, g2CloseAbout vbutton3_cancel x+50 yp+30 w70 h20, Cancel
Gui, 2:Show, w330 h200, About %script_name%
GuiControl, 2:Focus, button3_cancel

Gui, 1:-Disabled
Gui, 2:Destroy
about_exists = 0

Run, http://subtools.sourceforge.net/

Run, https://ahknet.autohotkey.com/~gahks/

If help_exists = 1 
	WinActivate, %script_name% Help
help_exists = 1
Gui, 1:+Disabled
Gui, 2:Destroy
about_exists = 0
Gui, 3:+owner1
Gui, 3:Add, Text,xp+10 yp+10 w300, Single file mode:`nSelect the subtitle file you want to convert.`nThe file format must be .srt!`nSelect a folder: the program will put the converted subtitles here.`nSet the framerate - FPS - of the input sub. and the framerate of the movie to which you want to adjust your subtitle file.`nIf you don't select an output folder, the program will put the converted subtitle files here: [Input_subtitle_files_folder]\converted_subtitles.
Gui, 3:Add, Text,xp+0 yp+140 w300, Multiple files mode:`nSame as above, only here  you can select and convert multiple subtitle files at once. You can Drag'N'Drop srt files to the list.
Gui, 3:Add, Text,xp+0 yp+50 w300, File menu, Drag and drop mode:`nIf you activate this option, the windows will be always on top, until you deactivate it.
Gui, 3:Add, Text,xp+0 yp+50 w300, More about subtitles and framerates:
Gui, 3:Add, Text,yp+15 cBlue g3LaunchSubinfo, http://www.doom9.org/sub.htm
Gui, 3:Add, Button, g3CloseHelp vbutton4_cancel x+50 yp+70 w70 h20, Cancel
Gui, 3:Show, w330 h380, %script_name% Help
GuiControl, 3:Focus, button4_cancel

Gui, 1:-Disabled
Gui, 3:Destroy
help_exists = 0

Run, http://www.doom9.org/sub.htm

If dragdropmode_active = 0
dragdropmode_active = 1
Menu, DragDropMenu, Check, A&ctivate
Menu, Tray, Check, &Drag and drop mode
WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, On, %script_name%
GuiControl, Choose, GuiTab, 2
dragdropmode_active = 0
Menu, DragDropMenu, Uncheck, A&ctivate
Menu, Tray, Uncheck, &Drag and drop mode
WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, Off, %script_name%
Gui +OwnDialogs 
WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, Off
FileSelectFile, dialog_b_input, 3, %A_Desktop%, Select input subtitle file..., Subtitle files (*.srt)
If dialog_b_input = 
GuiControl,, input_b_input, %dialog_b_input% 
If dialog_b_input <> 
	GuiControl, Focus, button_b_output
WinActivate, %script_name%
If dragdropmode_active = 1
	WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, On
GuiControl, Choose, GuiTab, 1
return ;END InputBrowse

Gui +OwnDialogs 
WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, Off
FileSelectFolder, dialog_b_output,, 1, Select output folder...
If dialog_b_output = 
GuiControl,, input_b_output, %dialog_b_output% 
GuiControlGet, read_input_b_input,, input_b_input 
GuiControlGet, read_input_b_output,, input_b_output 
If read_input_b_input = 
	GuiControl, Focus, button_b_input
Else If read_input_b_output = 
	GuiControl, Focus, button_b_output	
	GuiControl, Focus, input_fps_input
WinActivate, %script_name%
If dragdropmode_active = 1
	WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, On
GuiControl, Choose, GuiTab, 1
return ;END OutPutBrowse

Gui +OwnDialogs 
WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, Off, %script_name%
GuiControlGet, convert_file_input,, input_b_input 
GuiControlGet, convert_file_output,, input_b_output 
GuiControlGet, convert_fps_input,, input_fps_input
GuiControlGet, convert_fps_output,, input_fps_output
If convert_file_input =
	MsgBox, 48, Cannot proceed, Select a subtitle file (.srt) to convert and an output folder!
StringSplit, substrings_inputpath, convert_file_input, \
substrings_inputpath_last = %substrings_inputpath0%
output_filename := substrings_inputpath%substrings_inputpath_last%
nr_of_loops := substrings_inputpath_last
convert_file_out = 
	If a_index >= %nr_of_loops%
		convert_file_out := convert_file_out "\" substrings_inputpath%a_index%
StringTrimLeft, convert_file_out_trimmed, convert_file_out, 1
If convert_file_output =
	convert_file_output = %convert_file_out_trimmed%\converted_subtitles
	FileCreateDir, %convert_file_output%
Else If convert_file_output = %convert_file_out_trimmed%
	MsgBox, 52, Warning!, The input folder and the output folder is the same. This way the selected subtitle file will be overwritten.`nDo you proceed?
	IfMsgBox, No
		convert_file_output = %convert_file_out_trimmed%\converted_subtitles
		MsgBox, 64, Output folder changed, The subtitle file will be converted to this folder:`n%convert_file_output%
		FileCreateDir, %convert_file_output%
convert_filepath_output := convert_file_output "\" output_filename
Gui, 1:+Disabled
Menu, Tray, Disable, &File
Menu, Tray, Disable, &Help
Menu, Tray, Disable, &Drag and drop mode
WinGetPos, X,Y, Width,, %script_name%
Gui, 4:+owner1
Gui, 4:-0xC00000
Gui, 4:+0x800000
Gui, 4:Font, s12,
Gui, 4:Add,Text,x+80 y+50,Conversion in progress...
Gui, 4:Show, x%X% y%Y% w%Width% h130,Conversion in progress... 
WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, Off,,Conversion in progress...
WinMove,,Conversion in progress..., %X%, Y+140, 
WinActivate,, Conversion in progress...
RunWait, %A_ScriptDir%\srtrate.exe "%convert_fps_input%" "%convert_fps_output%" "%convert_file_input%" "%convert_filepath_output%",,Hide
Gui, 4:Destroy
Gui, 1:-Disabled
Menu, Tray, Enable, &File
Menu, Tray, Enable, &Help
Menu, Tray, Enable, &Drag and drop mode
MsgBox, 68, Done!, Conversion done. Your converted file is in:`n%convert_file_output%`nWould you like to open the folder now?
IfMsgBox, Yes
	Run, explorer.exe %convert_file_output%
WinActivate, %script_name%
If dragdropmode_active = 1
	WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, On, %script_name%
return ;END Convert
Gui +OwnDialogs 
WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, Off
FileSelectFile, dialog2_b_input, M3, %A_Desktop%, Selext two or more subtitle files..., Subtitle files (*.srt)
If dialog2_b_input = 
GuiControlGet, i2_b_i_blank,, input2_b_input
add_to_list = 
If i2_b_i_blank <> 
	MsgBox, 35, Warning!, The list isn't blank. Should I add the files to the list?`n`nAdd the files to the list (Press YES)`nReplace the files on the list with the new ones (Press NO)`nNeither one / I don't know (Press CANCEL)
	IfMsgBox, Cancel
	IfMsgBox, Yes
	 add_to_list = yes
fullpath = 
Loop, parse, dialog2_b_input, `n
	If a_index = 0
		dialog2_b_input_substrings_nr = %A_LoopField%
	Else If a_index = 1
		dialog2_b_input_folder = %A_LoopField%
	fullpath = %fullpath%%dialog2_b_input_folder%\%A_LoopField%`n
If add_to_list = yes
	fullpath = %i2_b_i_blank%%fullpath%
GuiControl,, input2_b_input, %fullpath% 
GuiControl, Focus, button2_b_output
WinActivate, %script_name%
If dragdropmode_active = 1
	WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, On
GuiControl, Choose, GuiTab, 2
return ;END Input2Browse

Gui +OwnDialogs 
WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, Off
FileSelectFolder, dialog2_b_output,, 1, Select output folder...
If dialog2_b_output = 
GuiControl,, input2_b_output, %dialog2_b_output% 
GuiControlGet, read_input2_b_input,, input2_b_input
GuiControlGet, read_input2_b_output,, input2_b_output 
If read_input2_b_input = 
	GuiControl, Focus, button2_b_input
Else If read_input2_b_output = 
	GuiControl, Focus, button2_b_output	
	GuiControl, Focus, input2_fps_input
WinActivate, %script_name%
If dragdropmode_active = 1
	WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, On
GuiControl, Choose, GuiTab, 2
return ;END Output2Browse

Gui +OwnDialogs 
WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, Off, %script_name%
GuiControlGet, convert2_file_input,, input2_b_input
GuiControlGet, convert2_file_output,, input2_b_output
GuiControlGet, convert2_fps_input,, input2_fps_input 
GuiControlGet, convert2_fps_output,, input2_fps_output 
If convert2_file_input = 
	MsgBox, 48, Cannot proceed, Select a subtitle file (.srt) to convert and an output folder!
StringSplit, splitrows_c2_f_i, convert2_file_input, `n
StringSplit, splitunits_splitrows_c2_f_i, splitrows_c2_f_i1, \
convert2_file_inpath =
Loop {
	If a_index = %splitunits_splitrows_c2_f_i0%
	convert2_file_inpath := convert2_file_inpath "\" splitunits_splitrows_c2_f_i%a_index%
StringTrimLeft, convert2_file_inpath_trimmed, convert2_file_inpath, 1
If convert2_file_output = 
	convert2_file_output = %convert2_file_inpath_trimmed%\converted_subtitles ;
	FileCreateDir, %convert2_file_output%
Else If convert2_file_output = %convert2_file_inpath_trimmed%
	MsgBox, 52, Warning!, The input files are in the output folder. They will be overwritten this way. Do you proceed?
	IfMsgBox, No
		convert2_file_output = %convert2_file_inpath_trimmed%\converted_subtitles ;
		MsgBox, 64, Changed output folder, The output folder is changed to:`n%convert2_file_output%`n
		FileCreateDir, %convert2_file_output%
Gui, 1:+Disabled
Menu, Tray, Disable, &File
Menu, Tray, Disable, &Help
Menu, Tray, Disable, &Drag and drop mode
WinGetPos, X,Y, Width,, %script_name%
Gui, 4:+owner1
Gui, 4:-0xC00000
Gui, 4:+0x800000
Gui, 4:Font, s12,
Gui, 4:Add,Text,x+80 y+50,Conversion in progress...
Gui, 4:Show, x%X% y%Y% w%Width% h130,Conversion in progress... 
WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, Off,,Conversion in progress...
WinMove,,Conversion in progress..., %X%, Y+140, 
WinActivate,, Conversion in progress...
	If a_index > %splitrows_c2_f_i0%
	current_loop_item := splitrows_c2_f_i%a_index%
	StringSplit, splitunits_current_loop_item, current_loop_item, \
	last_loop_unit_nr = %splitunits_current_loop_item0%
	filename_output := splitunits_current_loop_item%last_loop_unit_nr%
	convert2_file_output_with_filename = %convert2_file_output%\%filename_output%
	RunWait, %A_ScriptDir%\srtrate.exe "%convert2_fps_input%" "%convert2_fps_output%" "%current_loop_item%" "%convert2_file_output_with_filename%",, Hide
Gui, 4:Destroy
Gui, 1:-Disabled
Menu, Tray, Enable, &File
Menu, Tray, Enable, &Help
Menu, Tray, Enable, &Drag and drop mode
MsgBox, 68, Done!, Conversion done. Your converted files are in:`n%convert2_file_output%`nWould you like to open the folder now?
IfMsgBox, Yes
	Run, explorer.exe "%convert2_file_output%"
WinActivate, %script_name%
If dragdropmode_active = 1
	WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, On, %script_name%
Return ;END Convert2

;On Exit
FileDelete, %A_ScriptDir%\srtrate.exe

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I´ve been looking for custom framerate changer that I can MODIFY


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clearly i am a noob at AHK

did u actually type all of this?!?? thats some neat stuff

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SrtSynch function
This is a subtitle framerate changer and timing adjuster function, I created it to replace the FileInstall-embedded converter solution with a pure ahk one. It can:
- convert between subtitle framerates
- set (+,-) delay on subtitles
- it works on subtitles in SubRip (.srt) format hence the name

Download it from here: https://ahknet.autoh...ks/SrtSynch.ahk
Check out the Documentation here: https://ahknet.autoh...ks/SrtSynch.htm

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Subframerate v1.1
- new feature: set delay
- now supports converting with command line switches (without using the gui)
- the script now uses the above SrtSynch function to synchronize subtitles instead of srtrate.exe

Screenshot: https://ahknet.autoh...erate-vista.jpg

Exe: <!-- m -->https://ahknet.autoh...ubframerate.exe<!-- m -->
Source: <!-- m -->https://ahknet.autoh...ubframerate.ahk<!-- m -->

Exe and source: <!-- m -->https://ahknet.autoh...com/~gahks/old/<!-- m -->

Command line usage:
changing the framerate:
subframerate.exe delay_or_framerate input_subtitle output_subtitle input_fps output_fps
setting a delay:
subframerate.exe delay_or_framerate input_subtitle output_subtitle delay is_delay_positive

delay_or_framerate - 0 if setting delay 1 if changing the framerate
input_subtitle - full path of the input subtitle file enclosed in quotation marks, if contains a whitespace
output_subtitle - full path of the input subtitle file enclosed in quotation marks, if contains a whitespace
delay - value of delay in ms
is_delay_positive - 0 if negative (if the subtitles are too slow) 1 if positive (if the subtitles are too fast)
input_fps - the framerate of the input subtitles to three decimal places without decimal separator (e.g. 25.000 will be 25000, 29.97 will be 29970 etc.)
output_fps - the framerate of the output subtitles to three decimal places without decimal separator

For further info see the Remarks section of the documentation of SrtSynch function.

@PeaceL I did.

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it worked.

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fantastic program... works perfectly

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Thanks, it works perfectly end is too easy to use.


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unicode support would be nice :D

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I'm trying to convert a subtitle file from a 25 fps DVDrip to subtitle for HD video 23.976 fps. (of the same movie of course)

althought the first dialog is synchronised (I applied a delay using your tool in order to do so) after a while the audio and the subtitle are no more synchronised, it shifts.

I applied 25 fps at the input and 23.976 fps at the output, so the parameters shoudl be correct.

has anyone else tried to do something similar ?

thanks for your help


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Thanks for a great utility. One question only. Is the 23.976 fps "correct", in terms of respect to the actual floating point that this framerate is (i.e. 24000/1001), or is it simplified so that it actually does three-decimal-only? I tried applying "24000/1001" for output framerate (custom), but output file got all messed up.

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I don't know about great :), but I'm really glad you find it useful.

As a matter of fact I don't really know the technical details of movies in depth, and to be honest, I hadn't put much effort into finding out everything about frame rates before I wrote the script. I embedded the most common frame rates to three decimal places, and the script actually uses those numbers for the conversion.

If memory serves the AutoHotkey default for floating point precision is six decimal places so you can calculate 24 * 1000 / 1001 to six decimal places and use it as a custom frame rate, if you wouldn't like to modify the script.

Based on my experiences:
If everything's fine at first and then it shifts gradually, then either the input or the output frame rate is wrong, you should try different input/output frame rates. If the subtitles appear too late or too soon, but the amount of time with which the subtitles are shifted is the same throughout the whole movie, you should use the delay feature. If everything's OK for a time, and then the subtitles suddenly appear too soon or too late, but there isn't a gradual shift, rather it always appears N seconds too soon or too late, there's a difference between the two movies (like a scene cut out).



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Thank you for this utility. It works great!

(Tomas from Slovakia)

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A great " thank you" also from Romania. Didn't think such a program would be as simple to use.

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Thanks for this!