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How to do simple Winamp controls while winamp is minimized?

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Hi guys

been searching through the forums and seems like there's a lot of winamp control scripts around here, but not exactly to what i wanted..

closes one i found was iNop's post here:
http://www.autohotke... ... ght=winamp

im trying to do something similar, that is to use my keyboard's multimedia keys to control winamp, but even if winamp isnt active..

i keep my winamp minimized in system tray most of the time.

I would like to control winamp while it is in the systemtray.

simple things i'd like to do is PLAY/PAUSE/STOP/FORWARD/BACK ..

can anyone help??

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I believe the postmessage command should do what you need. Rajat posted a long list of winamp postmessage information underneath this tutorial:


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ok.. i went through it... pretty easy on most apps.. did soem already for my different software..


still no luck with winamp...

here's what i got so far:

PostMessage, 0x111, 40048,,,- Winamp

40048 is for next track as explained in your link.....

but how do i forward this command/message to winamp when it is minimized to the sytemtray?

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Refer to this post.

Here is an example to get you started:

DetectHiddenWindows, On

; -- Windows message --
WM_COMMAND				= 0x0111
WM_USER            		= 0x0400

; -- Winamp commands --
WINAMP_PAUSE			= 40046
WINAMP_STOP				= 40047

; -- Winamp IPC message --
WM_WA_IPC         		:= WM_USER
/*	1	= playing
	3	= paused
	0	= not playing

SendMessage, WM_USER, 0, IPC_ISPLAYING,, ahk_class Winamp v1.x
if ( ErrorLevel = 1 or ErrorLevel = 3 )
	SendMessage, WM_COMMAND, WINAMP_PAUSE, 0,, ahk_class Winamp v1.x
	MsgBox, Winamp is stopped.

;SendMessage, WM_COMMAND, WINAMP_STOP, 0,, ahk_class Winamp v1.x

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first of all I'm totally newbie at scripting things :p

Like clever_j I've been seeking in these forums for a script that allows to control winamp while it is in the systemtray; I thought I've finally found the answer with this thread, but unfortunately there is not an complete answer, and I don't understand anything in scripting (I've tried to solve the problem myself with the few clues I've got, but it's simply too hard for me).
So, instead of creating a new thread, I prefer up this one.

here is the problem:
I've tried this script
DetectHiddenText, On
DetectHiddenWindows, On
winamppath = c:\program files\winamp\winamp.exe ;change winamp path here

SendMessage, 0x400,0,104,,ahk_class Winamp v1.x
if errorlevel = 0
SendMessage, 0x111,40045,,,ahk_class Winamp v1.x

SendMessage, 0x111,40046,,,ahk_class Winamp v1.x

It works well when winamp is not in tray, otherwise it doesn't; also my winamp is always in tray, so this script is pretty useless for me ^^'

Does anyone knows a script that allow to control winamp (particularly pause/unpause) when he is in tray, and moreover when there is an application in full screen (like a game) ?
It would be great if someone takes me out of this scripting maze :D

ps: my OS is XP pro SP1

edit: ok, solved: it was an incompatibility with another script with an automatic execution section, so I made 2 separated scripts.

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Does anyone found solution how to post messages to winamp when it is minimized to systray?
Does anyone know how to control it when it minimized to tray?

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Russian guys are mega smart :))
Just found solution for minimized to tray winamp in russian forum
I tested it is working!
; AutoHotkey Version:
; Автор:                Androgen Belkin
; Имя скрипта:          ControlsWinamp.ahk (v.2.1)
; Управление Winamp'ом с NamPad'а (цифровая клавиатура).
#NoTrayIcon        ; не отображать иконку скрипта в трее
#NoEnv          ; запрещаем имена переменных как у переменных окружения (повышаем производительность скрипта)
SendMode Input     ; новый режим высылки без задержки и повышенной надежности
DetectHiddenWindows, On    ; искать в скрытых окнах (если Winamp свернут)

; ========== НАСТРОЙКИ ПОЛЬЗОВАТЕЛЯ ==========
Winamp_Path = D:\Program_2\Winamp\winamp.exe ; путь к Winamp'у
Vol_Step = 4 ; на сколько процентов изменять громкость за один раз
; ========== КОНЕЦ НАСТРОЕК ПОЛЬЗОВАТЕЛЯ ==========

$Numpad0:: Send, {Numpad0} ; высылать Numpad0 всегда, кроме тех случаев, когда он используется в горячих клавишах
$NumpadIns:: Send, {NumpadIns} ; высылать NumpadIns всегда, кроме тех случаев, когда он используется в горячих клавишах
$NumLock:: Send, {NumLock} ; высылать NumLock всегда, кроме тех случаев, когда он используется в горячих клавишах

; ========== ЗАПУСТИТЬ WINAMP ==========
NumpadIns & NumpadEnter:: ; запустить winamp
Numpad0 & NumpadEnter:: ; запустить winamp
Launch_Media:: ; обработка мультимедийной клавы
    IfNotExist, %Winamp_Path% ; если НЕ существует указанный файл для запуска, то...
        Return ; закончить обработку горячей клавиши
; Если путь указан верно, то...
    Process, Exist, Winamp.exe ; проверить существование процесса
    If ErrorLevel <> 0 ; если Winamp уже запущен, то...
        WinActivate, ahk_class Winamp v1.x ; активировать окно
    ; если не запущен, то...
    Run, %Winamp_Path% ; запустить
Return ; закончить обработку горячей клавиши

; ========== ЗАКРЫТЬ WINAMP ==========
NumpadIns & NumpadDel:: ; закрыть winamp
Numpad0 & NumpadDot:: ; закрыть winamp
    PostMessage, 0x111, 40001,,, ahk_class Winamp v1.x ; закрыть Winamp
Return ; закончить обработку горячей клавиши

; ========== ВОСПРОИЗВЕДЕНИЕ/ПАУЗА ==========
NumpadIns & NumpadClear:: ; воспроизведение/пауза
Numpad0 & Numpad5:: ; воспроизведение/пауза
Media_Play_Pause:: ; обработка мультимедийной клавы
SendMessage, 0x400,, 104,, ahk_class Winamp v1.x ; проверка воспроизведения
    If ErrorLevel = 0 ; если не воспроизводится, то...
        PostMessage, 0x111, 40045,,, ahk_class Winamp v1.x ; включить воспроизведение
    Else ; если воспроизводится, то...
        PostMessage, 0x111, 40046,,, ahk_class Winamp v1.x ; поставить на паузу
Return ; закончить обработку горячей клавиши

~Space:: ; воспроизведение/пауза (если активно окно Winamp)
    IfWinActive, ahk_class BaseWindow_RootWnd ; если активное окно - Winamp
        SendMessage, 0x400,, 104,, ahk_class Winamp v1.x ; проверка воспроизведения
        If ErrorLevel = 0 ; если не воспроизводится, то...
            PostMessage, 0x111, 40045,,, ahk_class Winamp v1.x ; включить воспроизведение
        Else ; если воспроизводится, то...
            PostMessage, 0x111, 40046,,, ahk_class Winamp v1.x ; поставить на паузу
Return ; закончить обработку горячей клавиши

; ========== ПРЕДЫДУЩИЙ ТРЕК ==========
NumpadIns & NumpadLeft:: ; предыдущий трек
Numpad0 & Numpad4:: ; предыдущий трек
Media_Prev:: ; обработка мультимедийной клавы
    PostMessage, 0x111, 40044,,, ahk_class Winamp v1.x ; предыдущий трек
Return ; закончить обработку горячей клавиши

; ========== СЛЕДУЮЩИЙ ТРЕК ==========
NumpadIns & NumpadRight:: ; следующий трек
Numpad0 & Numpad6:: ; следующий трек
Media_Next:: ; обработка мультимедийной клавы
    PostMessage, 0x111, 40048,,, ahk_class Winamp v1.x ; следующий трек
Return ; закончить обработку горячей клавиши

; ========== НАЗАД НА 5 СЕКУНД ==========
NumpadIns & NumpadHome:: ; назад на 5 секунд
Numpad0 & Numpad7:: ; назад на 5 секунд
^Media_Prev:: ; обработка мультимедийной клавы (CTRL+)
    PostMessage, 0x111, 40144,,, ahk_class Winamp v1.x ; назад на 5 секунд
Return ; закончить обработку горячей клавиши

; ========== ВПЕРЕД НА 5 СЕКУНД ==========
NumpadIns & NumpadPgUp:: ; вперед на 5 секунд
Numpad0 & Numpad9:: ; вперед на 5 секунд
^Media_Next:: ; обработка мультимедийной клавы (CTRL+)
    PostMessage, 0x111, 40148,,, ahk_class Winamp v1.x ; вперед на 5 секунд
Return ; закончить обработку горячей клавиши

; ============== ОСТАНОВИТЬ ===============
NumpadIns & NumpadEnd:: ; остановить
Numpad0 & Numpad1:: ; остановить
Media_Stop:: ; обработка мультимедийной клавы
    PostMessage, 0x111, 40047,,, ahk_class Winamp v1.x ; остановить воспроизведение
Return ; закончить обработку горячей клавиши

; ========== ВОСПРОИЗВОДИТЬ ВРАЗБРОС =============
NumLock & NumpadMult:: ; воспроизводить вразброс (включить/выключить)
    PostMessage, 0x111, 40023,,, ahk_class Winamp v1.x ; воспроизводить вразброс
Return ; закончить обработку горячей клавиши

; ========== СВЕРНУТЬ/РАЗВЕРНУТЬ ==========
NumpadIns & NumpadMult:: ; свернуть/развернуть
Numpad0 & NumpadMult:: ; свернуть/развернуть
WinAmp_Min_Restore: ; метка входа из WIN+S (она понадобится, если использовать скрипт для управления окнами)
    WinGet, State, MinMax, ahk_class Winamp v1.x
    If State = -1 ; если окно минимизировано, то...
        WinActivate, ahk_class Winamp v1.x ; восстановить свернутое окно
    Else ; если окно НЕ минимизировано, то...
        IfWinActive, ahk_class BaseWindow_RootWnd ; если окно активно, то...
            WinMinimize, ahk_class Winamp v1.x ; свернуть окно
        Else ; если окно НЕ активно, то...
            WinActivate, ahk_class Winamp v1.x ; активизировать окно (вывести на передний план)
Return ; закончить обработку горячей клавиши

; ========== ДИАЛОГ ОТКРЫТИЯ ФАЙЛОВ ==========
NumpadIns & NumpadDiv:: ; диалог открытия файлов
Numpad0 & NumpadDiv:: ; диалог открытия файлов
    WinActivate, ahk_class Winamp v1.x ; активизировать окно
    PostMessage, 0x111, 40029,,, ahk_class Winamp v1.x ; открытие окна открытия
Return ; закончить обработку горячей клавиши

; ========== ОКНО - ПОВЕРХ ВСЕХ ==========
NumpadIns & NumpadUp:: ; окно winamp - поверх всех
Numpad0 & Numpad8:: ; окно winamp - поверх всех
    PostMessage, 0x111, 40019,,, ahk_class Winamp v1.x ; окно - поверх всех
Return ; закончить обработку горячей клавиши

; ========== ПОКАЗАТЬ/СКРЫТЬ ПЛЕЙ-ЛИСТ ==========
NumpadIns & NumpadDown:: ; показать/скрыть плей-лист
Numpad0 & Numpad2:: ; показать/скрыть плей-лист
    PostMessage, 0x111, 40040,,, ahk_class Winamp v1.x ; показать/скрыть плей-лист
Return ; закончить обработку горячей клавиши

; ========== УДАЛИТЬ ФАЙЛ С ДИСКА =============
~+DEL:: ; SHIFT+DEL - удалить файл с диска
    IfWinActive, Playlist Editor ; если активно окно "Playlist Editor"
        Send, !+{DEL} ; нажать ALT+SHIFT+DEL (удалить файлы с диска)
        KeyWait, DEL ; ожидать пока клавиша не будет отпущена (чтобы исключить срабатывание от простого удержания нажатой клавиши)
    ; ========== ... И СОХРАНЕНИЕ ПЛЕЙ-ЛИСТА =============
;~          Send, ^{sc01F} ; выслать CTRL+S (сохранить плей-лист)
Return ; закончить обработку горячей клавиши

; ========== ВЫКЛЮЧИТЬ ЗВУК =============
NumLock & NumpadSub:: ; выключить звук
    SoundSet, 1,, Mute ; выключить все звуковые устройства
Return ; закончить обработку горячей клавиши

; ========== ВКЛЮЧИТЬ ЗВУК =============
NumLock & NumpadAdd:: ; включить звук
    SoundSet, 0,, Mute ; включить все звуковые устройства
Return ; закончить обработку горячей клавиши

; ========== УМЕНЬШИТЬ ГРОМКОСТЬ =============
NumpadIns & NumpadSub:: ; уменьшить громкость
Numpad0 & NumpadSub:: ; уменьшить громкость
    IfWinExist, ahk_class Winamp v1.x
        Loop, %Vol_Step%
            PostMessage, 0x111, 40059,,, ahk_class Winamp v1.x ; уменьшить звук
Return ; закончить обработку горячей клавиши

; ========== УВЕЛИЧИТЬ ГРОМКОСТЬ =============
NumpadIns & NumpadAdd:: ; увеличить громкость
Numpad0 & NumpadAdd:: ; увеличить громкость
    IfWinExist, ahk_class Winamp v1.x
        Loop, %Vol_Step%
            PostMessage, 0x111, 40058,,, ahk_class Winamp v1.x ; увеличить звук
Return ; закончить обработку горячей клавиши

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I found the code to control winamp when it's minimized to the tray right in AHK help file, titled 'Automating Winamp'.

#z:: ; Previous song
IfWinNotExist ahk_class Winamp v1.x
; Otherwise, the above has set the "last found" window for use below.
ControlSend, ahk_parent, z  ; Previous song

#x:: ; Play
IfWinNotExist ahk_class Winamp v1.x
; Otherwise, the above has set the "last found" window for use below.
ControlSend, ahk_parent, x  ; Play

#c:: ; Pause
IfWinNotExist ahk_class Winamp v1.x
; Otherwise, the above has set the "last found" window for use below.
ControlSend, ahk_parent, c  ; Pause

#v:: ; Next song
IfWinNotExist ahk_class Winamp v1.x
; Otherwise, the above has set the "last found" window for use below.
ControlSend, ahk_parent, b  ; Next song

Here are some of the keyboard shortcuts available in Winamp 2.x (may work in other versions too). The above example can be revised to use any of these keys:

Key to send Effect
c Pause/UnPause
x Play/Restart/UnPause
v Stop
+v Stop with Fadeout
^v Stop after the current track
b Next Track
z Previous Track
{left} Rewind 5 seconds
{right} Fast-forward 5 seconds
{up} Turn Volume Up
{down} Turn Volume Down

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i don't remember where i got this at, but I've been using it for a while:

;*              *
;*    Winamp    *
;*              *
; Parameters        Description
; ==========        -----------
; p_Command         Winamp command/message.  This is a Winamp window command or
;                   a message to the Winamp program.  See the "Commands" section
;                   for more  information.  [Required]
; p_Option          Message option.  This parameter is only used if p_Command is
;                   idenfied as a WM_USER or WM_COPYDATA message.  The default
;                   value is 0.  [Optional]
; Commands
; ========
; There are 2 types commands:
;   1)  Window commands.  These commands allow you to determine the status of
;       the Winamp window(s) and to perform actions on these windows.  The
;       following commands are currently supported:
;           Command     Description/Return Code
;           -------     -----------------------
;           Active      Returns true if Winamp is active, false if it is not.
;           Activate    Activates the Winamp window.  Returns false if Winamp
;                       does not exist.
;           Exist       Returns true if the Winamp windows exist, false if they
;                       do not.
;           Minimize    If active, will minimize Winamp.  Returns false if
;                       Winamp does not exist.
;           Title       Returns the Winamp window title.  Depending on the
;                       configuration of Winamp, the title includes the artist
;                       and the song title of the current song.  This
;                       information can be extracted from the window title for
;                       other uses.
;   2)  Winamp message.  Winamp has been programmed to receive and respond to
;       a large number of messages sent to the primary Winamp window.  These
;       messages allow you to manipulate the Winamp and allow you to get the
;       current status of Winamp conditions.
;       Instead of using the raw Windows message components, this function uses
;       message "names" which are then converted into the standard message
;       components.  Once a message has been coded in this function, you only
;       have to remember (or look for) the appropriate message "name" in order
;       to use it.
;       Unfortunately, there are too many messages to document in this section.
;       Here's how to find/use the message names in the AHK code:
;       The message "names" can be extracted from the variables that begin with
;       "WA_WM_COMMAND_", "WA_WM_USER_" and "WA_WM_COPYDATA_".  For example, the
;       "WA_WM_COMMAND_NextTrack" variable is assigned the message that
;       instructs Winamp to skip to the next track in the playlist.  To send
;       this message to Winamp, simply call this function using "NextTrack" as
;       the command parameter, i.e. Winamp("NextTrack")
;   Notes
;   =====
;       Parameters
;       ----------
;       All spaces are removed from the p_Command parameter before the parameter
;       is processed.  This modification allows the function to use more
;       user-friendly (readable?) commands.  For example, the following all
;       execute the the same command:
;           Winamp("SetPlaylistPosition",273)
;           Winamp("Set PlaylistPosition",273)
;           Winamp("Set Playlist Position",273)
;       Winamp Versions
;       ---------------
;       Not all of the messages will work on all versions of Winamp.  Most
;       require version 2.0 or greater, many require version 2.05 or greater,
;       and a few require version 5.00 or greater.  Unfortunately, you have to
;       either do a "try it and see" or you have to download the SDK to
;       determine if the message will work with your version.  If you have a
;       fairly recent version of Winamp, it is likely that everything will work.
;       See the "References and Credit" section for more information.
;       Return Codes
;       ------------
;       The return codes for the Window commands are documented in the
;       "Commands" section above.
;       The return codes for the Winamp messages, if applicable, are documented
;       within the code.  If Winamp is not running or if the message "name" is
;       not is not found, return code 999 is returned.
;   References and Credit
;   =====================
;   Only a small fraction of the total number of Winamp messages have been
;   included in this function.  See the following posts for more complete list
;   of messages:
;       http://forums.winamp.com/showthread.php?threadid=180297
;       http://autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=126
;   Much of the Winamp message documentation included in this function was 
;   extracted from these posts and from the Winamp SDK.
;   Although these posts are stll contain accurate information (for the most
;   part), the latest versions of Winamp SDK include new messages and updated
;   documentation.  At this writing, the following include links to the latest
;   versions of the Winamp SDK:
;        http://www.winamp.com/nsdn/winamp/sdk/
;        http://forums.winamp.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=168643
;   Most of the code to process WM_COPYDATA messages was extracted from the AHK
;   help file and from posts on the AHK forum.
;   Thank you to everyone who contributed.
;   Examples Of Use
;   ===============
;   Here are a few examples of how this function can be used in a script:
;   ;----- Start of examples -----
;   ^#!Up::Winamp("Play")  ;-- Nothing will happen if Winamp is not running.
;   ^#!Down::
;   if Winamp("Exist")  ;-- winamp running?
;       if Winamp("Is Playing")=1  ;-- Playing? (Check to avoid Pause toggle)
;           Winamp("Pause")
;   return
;   ^#!Left::Winamp("Previous Track")  ;-- Go back 1 track
;   ^#!Right::Winamp("Next Track")  ;-- Skip to the next track
;   ;----- End of examples -----

    ;[  AHK Environment  ]
    DetectHiddenWindows On

    ;[  Format parameters  ]
    ;-- "Command"
    p_Command=%p_Command%  ;-- AutoTrim
    StringReplace p_Command,p_Command,%A_Space%,,All

    ;-- "Option"
    p_Option=%p_Option%    ;-- AutoTrim

    ;[  Initialize  ]
    GroupAdd l_WinampGroup,ahk_class BaseWindow_RootWnd
    GroupAdd l_WinampGroup,ahk_class Winamp EQ
    GroupAdd l_WinampGroup,ahk_class Winamp Gen
    GroupAdd l_WinampGroup,ahk_class Winamp PE
    GroupAdd l_WinampGroup,ahk_class Winamp Video
    GroupAdd l_WinampGroup,ahk_class Winamp v1.x
    l_WinampWindowTitle=ahk_class Winamp v1.x

    ;[  Process command  ]
    gosub ProcessCommand

    ;[  Reset environment  ]
    DetectHiddenWindows %l_SavedDetectHiddenWindows%

    ;[  Return to sender  ]
    return %l_ReturnCode%

    ;*                               *
    ;*                               *
    ;*        Process Command        *
    ;*                               *
    ;*                               *
    ;-- Rule of thumb: Look for the "group" but act on the "window".

    ;*                       *
    ;*    Window commands    *
    ;*                       *
    ;[  Active  ]
    if p_Command in active,ifactive,ifwinactive
        IfWinActive ahk_group l_WinampGroup

    ;[  Activate  ]
    if p_Command in activate,winactivate
        IfWinExist ahk_group l_WinampGroup
            IfWinNotActive ahk_group l_WinampGroup
                WinActivate %l_WinampWindowTitle%

    ;[  Exist  ]
    if p_Command in exist,ifexist,ifwinexist
        IfWinExist ahk_group l_WinampGroup

    ;[  Minimize  ]
    if p_Command in min,minimize
        IfWinExist ahk_group l_WinampGroup
            IfWinActive ahk_group l_WinampGroup
                WinMinimize %l_WinampWindowTitle%

    ;[  Title  ]
    if p_Command=title
        IfWinExist ahk_group l_WinampGroup
            WinGetTitle l_TrackTitle,%l_WinampWindowTitle%
    ;  Include other Winamp window commands here

    ;*                       *
    ;*    Winamp Messages    *
    ;*                       *
    ;-- Winamp running? 
    IfWinNotExist ahk_group l_WinampGroup

    ;[                       ]
    ;[  WM_COMMAND Messages  ]
    ;[                       ]
    ;-- Define WM_COMMAND messages 
    WA_WM_COMMAND_Exit         =40001   ;-- Exit Winamp
    WA_WM_COMMAND_PreviousTrack=40044   ;-- Go to the previous track
    WA_WM_COMMAND_Play         =40045   ;-- Play/Restart
    WA_WM_COMMAND_Pause        =40046   ;-- Pause (toggle)
    WA_WM_COMMAND_Stop         =40047   ;-- Stop
    WA_WM_COMMAND_NextTrack    =40048   ;-- Skip to the next track
    WA_WM_COMMAND_VolumeUp     =40058   ;-- Increase volume a little (~1.5%)
    WA_WM_COMMAND_VolumeDown   =40059   ;-- Reduce volume a litte (~1.5%)  
    WA_WM_COMMAND_FastRewind   =40144   ;-- Fast-rewind 5 seconds
    WA_WM_COMMAND_FadeoutStop  =40147   ;-- Fadeout and stop
    WA_WM_COMMAND_FastForward  =40148   ;-- Fast-forward 5 seconds

    ;  Include other WM_COMMAND messages here

    ;-- Aliases 
    WA_WM_COMMAND_Next    :=WA_WM_COMMAND_NextTrack
    WA_WM_COMMAND_Rewind  :=WA_WM_COMMAND_FastRewind
    WA_WM_COMMAND_Fadeout :=WA_WM_COMMAND_FadeoutStop
    WA_WM_COMMAND_Forward :=WA_WM_COMMAND_FastForward

    ;-- Attempt to match p_Command 
    ;-- to known message     

    ;-- Valid WM_COMMAND message? 
    if strlen(l_WM_COMMAND_Message)
        ;-- Send message to Winamp.  Wait for a response.
        SendMessage 0x0111,l_WM_COMMAND_Message,,,%l_WinampWindowTitle%

    ;[                    ]
    ;[  WM_USER Messages  ]
    ;[                    ]
    ;-- Define WM_USER messages 
    WA_WM_USER_GetVersion=0         ;-- Version will be 0x20yx for winamp 2.yx.
                                    ;   Versions previous to Winamp 2.0
                                    ;   typically (but not always) use 0x1zyx
                                    ;   for 1.zx versions.  For Winamp 5.x, it
                                    ;   uses 0x50yx for Winamp 5.yx e.g. 5.01 ->
                                    ;   0x5001.
                                    ;   Note: Returned version may not match the
                                    ;   exact value of current version.  i.e.
                                    ;   Version 5.02 may return the same value
                                    ;   as for 5.01.

    WA_WM_USER_StartPlay=102        ;-- Starts/Restarts playback at the
                                    ;   beginning of the current track in the
                                    ;   playlist.
    WA_WM_USER_IsPlaying=104        ;-- Returns 1 if WA is playing, returns 3 if
                                    ;   WA is paused, and returns 0 if WA is NOT
                                    ;   playing.

    WA_WM_USER_GetOutputTime=105    ;-- If p_Option=0, returns the current
                                    ;   playback position in milliseconds.  If
                                    ;   p_Option=1, returns current track length
                                    ;   in seconds.  Returns -1 if WA is not
                                    ;   playing or if an error occurs.
                                    ;   Observations
                                    ;   ------------
                                    ;     p_Option=0
                                    ;     ----------
                                    ;     If Winamp is stopped, returns
                                    ;     4294967295.
                                    ;     If playing streaming data, returns the
                                    ;     amount of time the stream has been
                                    ;     playing, in milliseconds.
                                    ;     p_Option=1
                                    ;     ----------
                                    ;     If playing streaming data, returns
                                    ;     4294967295.
                                    ;     If playing non-streaming data, will
                                    ;     sometimes return 4294967295 if the
                                    ;     message is sent while WA is in-between
                                    ;     tracks.  If you're planning to send WA
                                    ;     this message/option immediately after
                                    ;     after forcing a track change
                                    ;     (PreviousTrack or NextTrack), insert a
                                    ;     minor delay (sleep 1) in-between the
                                    ;     track change and this message/option
                                    ;     to avoid getting the 4294967295 value.
                                    ;     If playing non-streaming data, will
                                    ;     sometimes return 4294967295 if the
                                    ;     message is sent immediately after a
                                    ;     "Play" message.  Insert a significant
                                    ;     delay (sleep 50 should do it) after
                                    ;     the "Play" message to avoid getting
                                    ;     the 4294967295 value.

    WA_WM_USER_JumpToTime=106       ;-- Sets the position of the current track
                                    ;   to the offset specified in p_Option (in
                                    ;   milliseconds).

    WA_WM_USER_WritePlayList=120    ;-- Writes the current playlist to
                                    ;   <winampdir>\\Winamp.m3u, and returns the
                                    ;   current playlist position (relative to
                                    ;   0).

    WA_WM_USER_SetPlaylistPos=121   ;-- Sets the playlist position to the track
                                    ;   number (relative to 0) specified by the
                                    ;   value of p_Option.

    WA_WM_USER_SetVolume=122        ;-- Sets the volume to the value of p_Option
                                    ;   which can be between 0 (silent) and 255
                                    ;   (maximum).  If p_Option is set to -666
                                    ;   (I know, it's evil), will return the
                                    ;   current volume (0 - 255).

    WA_WM_USER_SetPanning=123       ;-- Sets the panning (balance) to the value
                                    ;   of p_Option, which can be between -127
                                    ;   (all left) and 127 (all right).

    WA_WM_USER_GetListLength=124    ;-- Returns the length of the current
                                    ;   playlist, in tracks.

    WA_WM_USER_GetListPos=125       ;-- Returns the position in tracks (relative
                                    ;   to 0) in the current playlist.    

    WA_WM_USER_GetInfo=126          ;-- Returns information about the currently
                                    ;   playing track.  If p_Option=0, returns
                                    ;   sample rate (i.e. 44100). If p_Option=1,
                                    ;   returns the bitrate (Note: If VBR, will
                                    ;   return the "current" bitrate).  If
                                    ;   p_Option=2, returns the number of
                                    ;   channels. 

    WA_WM_USER_RestartWinamp=135    ;-- Restarts Winamp.
    ;  Include other WM_USER messages here

    ;-- Aliases 
    WA_WM_USER_Version            :=WA_WM_USER_GetVersion

    WA_WM_USER_PlaybackPosition   :=WA_WM_USER_GetOutputTime

    WA_WM_USER_SetTrackPosition   :=WA_WM_USER_JumpToTime


    WA_WM_USER_SetBalance         :=WA_WM_USER_SetPanning

    WA_WM_USER_PlaylistPosition   :=WA_WM_USER_GetListPos

    WA_WM_USER_TrackInformation   :=WA_WM_USER_GetInfo

    WA_WM_USER_Restart            :=WA_WM_USER_RestartWinamp 

    ;-- Attempt to match p_Command 
    ;-- to known message     

    ;-- Valid WM_USER message? 
    if strlen(l_WM_USER_Message)
        ;-- Send message to Winamp.  Wait for a response.
        SendMessage 0x400,p_Option,l_WM_USER_Message,,%l_WinampWindowTitle%

    ;[                        ]
    ;[  WM_COPYDATA Messages  ]
    ;[                        ]
    ;-- Define WM_COPYDATA messages 
    WA_WM_COPYDATA_EnqueueFile=100      ;-- Adds the file/address found in
                                        ;   p_Option to the end of the playlist.

    ;  Include other WM_COPYDATA messages here

    ;-- Aliases 
    WA_WM_COPYDATA_Enqueue :=WA_WM_COPYDATA_EnqueueFile

    ;-- Attempt to match p_Command 
    ;-- to known message     

    ;-- Valid WM_COPYDATA message? 
    if strlen(l_WM_COPYDATA_Message)

        ;-- Send message to Winamp.  Wait for a response.

    ;[  No valid messages found  ]

    ;-- Return to sender

;*                      *
;*    Insert Integer    *
;*                      *
;-- This function was extracted from the AHK help file - Keyword: OnMessage
InsertInteger(pInteger,ByRef pDest,pOffset=0,pSize=4)
	loop %pSize%  ; Copy each byte in the integer into the structure as raw binary data.
		DllCall("RtlFillMemory",UInt,&pDest+pOffset+A_Index-1,UInt,1,UChar,pInteger>>8*(A_Index-1) & 0xFF)

  • Members
  • 53 posts
  • Last active: Feb 04 2009 04:30 PM
  • Joined: 26 Jun 2007
You can also simply activate the keyboard mapping in Winamp. You don't need AHK for that.