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Load an INI file in ListView GUI control in AutoHotkey

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I want to load the contents of an INI file into a listview control in autohotkey

the structure of INI file is as follows


On the click of a button I want to show the contents (shown above) of the ini file in the ListView control.

I also want to add, edit, delete the section of such inifile using the same LISTVIEW control.

Please help me write code for this.


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Have a look here, may be this helps you:
[Lib] ini v1.0 - Basic ini string functions

Here is a basic example using that library. It shows how it load an ini file and adds to the list view. Look yourself for editing it.

#Include ini.ahk

SendMode Input 
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%

; Load a file into ini variable or create it yourself.
;ini_load(ini, "dir\file.ahk")
ini =

; Next part of this script is copied from the AutoHotkey manual and changed at some points.

; Create the ListView with two columns:
Gui, Add, ListView, r20 w700 gMyListView, Name|Path

sections := ini_getAllSectionNames(ini)
Loop, Parse, sections, `,
    LV_Add("", A_LoopField, ini_getValue(ini, A_LoopField, "Path"))

LV_ModifyCol()  ; Auto-size each column to fit its contents.
LV_ModifyCol(2)  ; For sorting purposes.

; Display the window and return. The script will be notified whenever the user double clicks a row.
Gui, Show

if A_GuiEvent = DoubleClick
    LV_GetText(RowText, A_EventInfo)  ; Get the text from the row's first field.
    ToolTip You double-clicked row number %A_EventInfo%. Text: "%RowText%"

GuiClose:  ; Indicate that the script should exit automatically when the window is closed.

No signature.

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Thanks for your help tuncay :) I appreciate you taking out time for my question.
So far I have done like this (without the inifile library)

Here is the code

; ------------ SETTINGS FOR BELOW SCRIPT --------------
#SingleInstance force

; complete path to the storage file
inifile = %A_ScriptDir%\AHKcommands.ini

; program name
progname = progname

; author
author = author

; commands file
commandsfile = %A_ScriptDir%\AHKcommands.txt

; ------------ SETTINGS ENDS -------------------------
Gui, Default
Gui, Font, S10 CDefault, Verdana
Gui, Add, Button, vhelpbutton x360 y5 w15 h20 , '?'
Gui, Add, Button, vrunbutton x266 y45 w35 h25 Default , &Run
Gui, Add, Button, vcancelbutton x306 y45 w55 h25 , &Cancel
Gui, Add, Button, gSettingsButton x16 y80 w80 h25 , &Settings
Gui, Add, Edit, vkeyword x16 y45 w230 h25
Gui, Font, S14 CDefault Bold, Verdana
Gui, Font, S12 CDefault Bold, Verdana
Gui, Add, Text, x16 y15 w300 h20 , Enter Program Keyword
Gui, Show, h120 w379, %progname% By %author%

; focus on the vkeyword edit textfield
WinGetActiveTitle, ATitle
IfInString, ATitle, %progname%
	ControlFocus, Edit1, %progname%
	if ErrorLevel
		MsgBox,64,%progname%, could not focus on keyword textfield

MsgBox, 64, About - %progname%, %progname% - Created By - %author%`n`nFeature Suggestions, Bugs, Feedback`[email protected]`n`nCredits: http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=557

Gui, Submit
IniRead, OutputVar, %inifile%, %keyword%, Path
Run %OutputVar%, ,UseErrorLevel
if ErrorLevel = ERROR
	MsgBox, 64, Error - %progname%, File located at "%OutputVar%" could not be found.
Gui, Destroy

; code that will execute when the user clicks "cancel" or "close" button or presses escape button
Gui, Destroy

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Setttings Dialog Section ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Gui, 2:Default ;this makes sure that listview control is populated with all values properly
;IniSettingsEditor(progname, inifile, 0, 0)
Gui, 2:Add, ListView, ginientries vinientries x16 y15 w440 h140, ProgKeyword|Path
Gui, 2:Add, Button, vaddbutton x16 y175 w60 h30 , &Add
Gui, 2:Add, Button, x136 y175 w100 h30 , &Cancel
Gui, 2:Add, Button, x256 y175 w100 h30 , &Edit
Gui, 2:Add, Button, x366 y175 w90 h30 , &Delete
Gui, 2:Show, x131 y91 h223 w477, Settings - %progname%

;;;;;; Populate the list view control over here ;;;;;;;;;;
;;;; count the number of lines in the inifile
FileRead, f1, %inifile%
Lines:=ErrorLevel + 1

Lines /= 2

keywordline = 1
pathline = 2

; loop until all lines/2 
Loop, %Lines%
    FileReadLine, keywordwholeline, %inifile%, %keywordline%
    StringTrimLeft, newstr, keywordwholeline, 1
    StringTrimRight, newstr1, newstr, 1
    keywordline += 2

    FileReadLine, pathwholeline, %inifile%, %pathline%
    StringTrimLeft, newpathwholeline, pathwholeline, 5
    pathline += 2
    LV_Add("", newstr1, newpathwholeline)

if A_GuiEvent = DoubleClick
    LV_GetText(RowText, A_EventInfo)  ; Get the text from the row's first field.
    InputBox, newvalue, Edit - %progname%, Enter new value,,300,130,,,,,%RowText%
    ;LV_ModifyCol(1,%newvalue%, ProgKeyword)
    ;MsgBox,,, You double-clicked row number %A_EventInfo%. Text: "%RowText%"

Gui, 2:Destroy

    FileSelectFile, SelectedFile, 3, , Select the file for adding it to %progname%
    if ErrorLevel <>
        ; below line will create 4 variables (name, dir, ext, name_n_ext, drive) use any of them for the loop
        SplitPath, SelectedFile, name, dir, ext, name_no_ext, drive
        if %name%
            InputBox , cmd , %progname% - keyword, Enter the keyword for this program,,300,130
            if ErrorLevel <>
                ;write the cmd variable to ini file, if the file is not present it will be created
                IniWrite, %SelectedFile%, %IniFile%, %cmd%, Path
                if ErrorLevel
                    MsgBox, 16, %progname%, Error adding the `n%SelectedFile%.
                    MsgBox, 64, %progname%, Program keyword : '%cmd%' successfully added for file : `n%SelectedFile%
                    ; now write the user entered "keyword" in your commands file
                    ; it will be created if not found
                    FileAppend, %cmd%`n, %commandsfile%
                    if ErrorLevel
                        MsgBox, 16, Error - %progname%, Error adding the %cmd% to commands file.
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Setttings Dialog Section ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

	SetKeyDelay, 0
	SetBatchLines, 5ms
	CoordMode, ToolTip, Relative
	AutoTrim, Off

    global progname
    global author
    global commandsfile



	; Editor Window Recognition
	; (make it blank to make the script seek all windows)

	ETitle = %progname% By %author%

	;Minimum word length to make a guess

	WLen = 1

	; Press F4 to complete command
	; Escape & Enter clear command


	;Gets path to AutoHotkey
	RegRead, AHKPATH, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, AutoHotkeyScript\Shell\Run\Command,
	StringGetPos, POS, AHKPATH, \AutoHotkey.exe
	StringReplace, AHKPATH, AHKPATH, ",, A

	;reads command syntaxes
	Loop, Read, %commandsfile%
	   tosend = %a_loopreadline%

	   StringReplace, tosend, tosend, }, +], a
	   StringReplace, tosend, tosend, {, +[, a
	   StringReplace, tosend, tosend, #, {#}, a
	   StringReplace, tosend, tosend, ``n, {enter}, a
	   StringReplace, tosend, tosend, ``t, {tab}, a
	   StringReplace, tosend, tosend, ``b, {bs}, a

	   cmd%a_index% = %toSend%

	   ;Editor window check
	   WinGetActiveTitle, ATitle
	   IfNotInString, ATitle, %ETitle%
		  Setenv, Word,
		  sleep, 500
	   ;Get one key at a time
	   Input, chr, L1 V, {enter}{F4}{bs}{esc}
	   EndKey = %errorlevel%
	   ;Blanks word reserve
	   ifequal, EndKey, Endkey:Enter, Setenv, Word,
	   ifequal, EndKey, Endkey:Escape, Setenv, Word,
	   ;Backspace clears last letter
	   ifequal, EndKey, Endkey:BackSpace, StringTrimRight, Word, Word, 1
	   ifnotequal, EndKey, Endkey:BackSpace, Setenv, Word, %word%%chr%
	   ;Wait till minimum letters
	   StringLen, len, Word
	   IfLess, len, %wlen%
	   ;Match part-word with command
	   Num =
	   Match =
		  IfEqual, cmd%a_index%,, Break
		  StringLen, len, word
		  StringLeft, check, cmd%a_index%, %len%
		  IfEqual, word, %check%
			 num = %a_index%
	   ;If no match then clear Tip
	   IfEqual, Num,
	   ;Show matched command
	   StringTrimLeft, match, cmd%num%, 0
	   display_y = %A_CaretY%
	   display_y -= 20 ; Move tooltip up a little so as not to hide the caret.
	   IfNotEqual, Word,,ToolTip, %match%, %A_CaretX%, %display_y%
	   ;Complete command
	   IfNotEqual, Word,, IfEqual, EndKey, Endkey:F4
		  StringLen, len, Word
		  Send, {BS %len%}%match%
		  Word =

I want to add the functionality of editing and deleting a row/column of listview control on the click of Delete/edit button, the changes done will also be reflected in the corresponding ini file.

Help me with this functionality.

Any type of suggestions are welcome. Help me optimize the code for the above script too.


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For the editing, read the data from your ListView with
LV_GetText(OutputVar, RowNumber, ColumnNumber)
and fill the new Gui with this data. Then the user can edit it. After clicking ok, use
LV_Modify(RowNumber, Option, NewCol1, NewCol2)
to update the ListView. I suggest you read more about these functions in the manual.

deletes a specific row.

If you want update your ini file, I would read whole ListView data and create a ini structure and then delete the file on disk and create a new file with this updated ListView data. Then the file is updated.

I saw in your script, that you load the file to count lines. And then you FileReadLine every line in a Loop that inifile twice AND later IniRead specific value from that inifile. That is very heavy load and read cycle from disk, if you have many entries. One load, read, close cycle a file from disk is many hundred times slower than read from memory. Load the file once, and then read from a variable (means memory). Thats why I suggested you my ini-library. This is the exact reason why it is made.

Even if you do not use my ini-library, you can speed up your work. Once loaded the file into a variable, you do not read the file again (unless it is changed).

Also FileReadLine does not only open and read the file again, your construct is unsecure too. What if anything other is found in your inifile? May be blank lines, or added space before and after key name or the value. And what is, if there are other sections? The user could edit your inifile with another editor, because he expects that the inifile is a standard inifile and will be used by you as such one.

In place of FileReadLine, use such a construct:
FileRead, ini, AHKCommands.ini
Loop, Parse, ini, `n, `r
    MsgBox %A_LoopField%

Ahh, I understand that your keywordwholeline variable is the section from the ini file. That is extremly unsecure.

And may be add these standard commands to your scripts beginning part:
SendMode Input 
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%

No signature.

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Thanks tuncay...

Here is the complete code, (working so far :O ),

How can I improve it's structure, readability and efficiency,.

The program saves the keywords in ini file and for autocompletion, the words are separately stored in a commandsfile.

Download Complete Source Code (RAR)


; ------------ SETTINGS FOR BELOW SCRIPT --------------
#SingleInstance force
SendMode Input 
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%

; complete path to the storage file
inifile = %A_ScriptDir%\AHKcommands.ini

; program name
progname = QuickLaunchy

; author
author = Gaurav Sharma

; commands file
commandsfile = %A_ScriptDir%\AHKcommands.txt

;------------ SETTINGS ENDS -------------------------;

;------------------------ Main Window ------------------------;
Gui, Default
Gui, Font, S10 CDefault, Verdana
Gui, Add, Button, vhelpbutton x360 y5 w15 h20 , '?'
Gui, Add, Button, vrunbutton x266 y45 w35 h25 Default , &Run
Gui, Add, Button, vcancelbutton x306 y45 w55 h25 , &Cancel
Gui, Add, Button, gSettingsButton x16 y80 w80 h25 , &Settings
Gui, Add, Edit, vkeyword x16 y45 w230 h25
Gui, Font, S14 CDefault Bold, Verdana
Gui, Font, S12 CDefault Bold, Verdana
Gui, Add, Text, x16 y15 w300 h20 , Enter Program Keyword
Gui, Show, h120 w379, %progname% By %author%

; focus on the vkeyword edit textfield
ControlFocus, Edit1 ,%progname%
if ErrorLevel
	MsgBox,,%progname%, could not focus on keyword textfield
;WinSet, AlwaysOnTop, on, %progname%
WinGetActiveTitle, ATitle
IfInString, ATitle, %progname%
	ControlFocus, Edit1, %progname%
	if ErrorLevel
		MsgBox,64,%progname%, could not focus on keyword textfield

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Question mark button clicked ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Gui, +OwnDialogs
MsgBox, 64, About - %progname%, %progname% - Created By - %author%`n`nFeature Suggestions, Bugs, Feedback`[email protected]`n`nCredits: `nWithout these libraries this small utility wouldn't have been completed`nIntellisense -  http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=557`nIni Lib - http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=46226`n`nMany thanks to the author of above libraries.

;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Run button clicked ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Gui, Submit
IniRead, OutputVar, %inifile%, %keyword%, Path
Run %OutputVar%, ,UseErrorLevel
if ErrorLevel = ERROR
	MsgBox, 64, Error - %progname%, File located at "%OutputVar%" could not be found.
Gui, Destroy

; code that will execute when the user clicks "cancel" or "close" button or presses escape button
Gui, Destroy

;----------------- Setting button clicked ------------------------;
Gui, 2:Destroy
Gui, 2:Default ;this makes sure that listview control is populated with all values properly
Gui, 2:Font, S10 CDefault, Verdana
;IniSettingsEditor(progname, inifile, 0, 0)
Gui, 2:Add, ListView, ginientries vinientries -LV0x10 AltSubmit x16 y15 w440 h140 -Multi, ProgKeyword|Path
Gui, 2:Add, Button, vaddbutton x16 y175 w60 h25 , &Add
Gui, 2:Add, Button, x136 y175 w100 h25 , &Cancel
Gui, 2:Add, Button, x256 y175 w100 h25 , &Edit
Gui, 2:Add, Button, x366 y175 w90 h25 , &Delete
Gui, 2:Show, x131 y91 h223 w477, Settings - %progname%

; Read the entire inifile in a variable named "ini"
FileRead, ini, %inifile%

; Get all the sections of the inifile in sections variable
sections := ini_getAllSectionNames(ini)

; loop through the sections and add one by one to the listview control
Loop, Parse, sections, `,
    LV_Add("", A_LoopField, ini_getValue(ini, A_LoopField, "Path"))
;LV_Modify(1, "Select")

;sort the listview control based on the keyword (alphabetical, ASC)
LV_ModifyCol(1, "Sort")

LV_ModifyCol()  ; Auto-size each column to fit its contents.

;------------------------ Executed when the listview control's any row is double clicked -----------------------;
Gui, 3:Destroy ; this line makes sure that the variables assigned are all cleared up properly in order to show the gui again.
if A_GuiEvent = DoubleClick
    ; get the value of current row's first column
    LV_GetText(columnonetext, A_EventInfo, 1)
    ;get the value of current row's second column
    LV_GetText(columntwotext, A_EventInfo, 2)

    Gosub, EditDialog

;MsgBox,,,%columnonetext% - %columntwotext%
IfInString, columnonetext, ProgKeyword
    MsgBox,64, Select keyword ! - %progname%, Please select a row first
    Gui, 3:Destroy
    Gui, 3:Default ;this makes sure that listview control is populated with all values properly
    Gui, 3:Font, S10 CDefault, Verdana
    Gui, 3:Add, Text, x16 y10 w100 h25, Program Keyword
    Gui, 3:Add, Edit, x16 y30 w230 h25 vnewprogkeyword, %columnonetext%
    Gui, 3:Add, Text, x16 y70 w40 h25, Path
    Gui, 3:Add, Edit, x16 y90 w400 h25 vnewpath, %columntwotext%
    Gui, 3:Add, Button, x426 y90 w60 h25, &Browse
    Gui, 3:Add, Button, x16 y130 w70 h25, &Update
    Gui, 3:Add, Button, x96 y130 w70 h25, &Cancel
    if %A_EventInfo%
        row := A_EventInfo
        row := focusedrownumber
    ;get the value of old keyword
    LV_GetText(oldprogkeyword, row)
    Gui, 3:Add, Edit, hidden vcurrrownumber, %row%
    Gui, 3:Show, x293 y106 h170 w500, Edit Keyword/Path - %progname%

Gui, 3:+OwnDialogs
FileSelectFile, SelectedFileNewPath, 3, , Select the file - %progname%
;if user selects a file then update the variables
if %SelectedFileNewPath%
    columntwotext := SelectedFileNewPath
    Gosub, EditDialog

Gui, 3:Submit
;MsgBox,,,new keyword - %newprogkeyword% and new path - %newpath%
;MsgBox,,,Row Number is - %currrownumber%
;MsgBox,,,Old Prog Keyword is - %columnonetext%
if (newprogkeyword <> "" AND newpath <> "" AND currrownumber <> "")
    LV_Delete(currrownumber) ;delete the current row
    ;immediately create a new row with the updated values provided by user in the above inputbox
    LV_Add("", newprogkeyword, newpath)

    ; delete the section present in the inifile
    IniDelete, %inifile%, %columnonetext%

    ;section was not deleted
    if ErrorLevel
        MsgBox,64,Error - %progname%, Error Deleting ini section
        ; write the updated values to inifile
        IniWrite, %newpath%, %inifile%, %newprogkeyword%, Path
        if ErrorLevel
            MsgBox, 16, Error - %progname%, Failed to edit the INI file - %inifile%
    ; empty the contents of commands file and rewrite the section names in them
    FileDelete, %commandsfile%
    if ErrorLevel
        MsgBox, 16, Error - %progname%, Error recreating the commands file at - %commandsfile%
    ;fetch all the sections of inifile and write them again to commandsfile
    FileRead, inisections, %inifile%
    allsections := ini_getAllSectionNames(inisections)
    Loop, Parse, allsections, `,
        FileAppend, %A_LoopField%`n, %commandsfile%
    Gosub, SettingsButton

Gui, 2:Destroy
;reloads the script so as to catch up all the latest entries from inifile and commandsfile

    Gui, 2:+OwnDialogs
    FileSelectFile, SelectedFile, 3, , Select the file for adding it to %progname%
    if ErrorLevel <>
        ; below line will create 4 variables (name, dir, ext, name_n_ext, drive) use any of them for the loop
        SplitPath, SelectedFile, name, dir, ext, name_no_ext, drive
        if %name%
            InputBox , cmd , %progname% - keyword, Enter the keyword for this program,,300,130
            if ErrorLevel <>
                ;write the cmd variable to ini file, if the file is not present it will be created
                IniWrite, %SelectedFile%, %iniFile%, %cmd%, Path
                if ErrorLevel
                    MsgBox, 16, %progname%, Error adding the `n%SelectedFile%.
                    MsgBox, 64, %progname%, Program keyword : '%cmd%' successfully added for file : `n%SelectedFile%
                    ; now write the user entered "keyword" in your commands file
                    ; it will be created if not found
                    FileAppend, %cmd%`n, %commandsfile%
                    if ErrorLevel
                        MsgBox, 16, Error - %progname%, Error adding the %cmd% to commands file.
                    ;go to inientries sub
                    Gosub, SettingsButton

Gui, 2:+OwnDialogs
Gui, 3:Destroy ; free up variables used earlier by gui 3
if A_GuiEvent = Normal
    ; get the value of current row's first column
    LV_GetText(columnonetext, LV_GetNext(0, "Focused"), 1)
    ;get the value of current row's second column
    LV_GetText(columntwotext, LV_GetNext(0, "Focused"), 2)
focusedrownumber := LV_GetNext(0, "Focused")
Gosub, EditDialog

Gui 2:+OwnDialogs

; check if atleast one row is selected for deletion
rownumber := LV_GetNext(0, "Focused")
if(%rownumber% <> 0)
    MsgBox, 36, Confirm Keyword Delete - %progname%, % "Are you sure you want to delete row number : " . LV_GetNext(0, "Focused")
    IfMsgBox Yes
        ;fetch the details of the row number selected above
        LV_GetText(sectionname, rownumber, 1)

        ;store the status of delete in a variable
        deletesuccess := LV_Delete(rownumber)
        if %deletesuccess%
            IniDelete, %inifile%, %sectionname%
            MsgBox, 64, Deleted - %progname%, Keyword has been deleted successfully.

        ; empty the contents of commands file and rewrite the section names in them
        FileDelete, %commandsfile%
        if ErrorLevel
            MsgBox, 16, Error - %progname%, Error recreating the commands file at - %commandsfile%
        ;fetch all the sections of inifile and write them again to commandsfile
        inisections := ""
        FileRead, inisections, %inifile%
        allsections := ""
        allsections := ini_getAllSectionNames(inisections)
        Loop, Parse, allsections, `,
            FileAppend, %A_LoopField%`n, %commandsfile%
    MsgBox,64, Select keyword ! - %progname%, Please select a row first

Gui, 3:Destroy
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Setttings Dialog Section ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

	SetKeyDelay, 0
	SetBatchLines, 5ms
	CoordMode, ToolTip, Relative
	AutoTrim, Off

    global progname
    global author
    global commandsfile



	; Editor Window Recognition
	; (make it blank to make the script seek all windows)

	ETitle = %progname% By %author%

	;Minimum word length to make a guess

	WLen = 1

	; Press F4 to complete command
	; Escape & Enter clear command


	;Gets path to AutoHotkey
	RegRead, AHKPATH, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, AutoHotkeyScript\Shell\Run\Command,
	StringGetPos, POS, AHKPATH, \AutoHotkey.exe
	StringReplace, AHKPATH, AHKPATH, ",, A

	;reads command syntaxes
	Loop, Read, %commandsfile%
	   tosend = %a_loopreadline%

	   StringReplace, tosend, tosend, }, +], a
	   StringReplace, tosend, tosend, {, +[, a
	   StringReplace, tosend, tosend, #, {#}, a
	   StringReplace, tosend, tosend, ``n, {enter}, a
	   StringReplace, tosend, tosend, ``t, {tab}, a
	   StringReplace, tosend, tosend, ``b, {bs}, a

	   cmd%a_index% = %toSend%

	   ;Editor window check
	   WinGetActiveTitle, ATitle
	   IfNotInString, ATitle, %ETitle%
		  Setenv, Word,
		  sleep, 500
	   ;Get one key at a time
	   Input, chr, L1 V, {enter}{F4}{bs}{esc}
	   EndKey = %errorlevel%
	   ;Blanks word reserve
	   ifequal, EndKey, Endkey:Enter, Setenv, Word,
	   ifequal, EndKey, Endkey:Escape, Setenv, Word,
	   ;Backspace clears last letter
	   ifequal, EndKey, Endkey:BackSpace, StringTrimRight, Word, Word, 1
	   ifnotequal, EndKey, Endkey:BackSpace, Setenv, Word, %word%%chr%
	   ;Wait till minimum letters
	   StringLen, len, Word
	   IfLess, len, %wlen%
	   ;Match part-word with command
	   Num =
	   Match =
		  IfEqual, cmd%a_index%,, Break
		  StringLen, len, word
		  StringLeft, check, cmd%a_index%, %len%
		  IfEqual, word, %check%
			 num = %a_index%
	   ;If no match then clear Tip
	   IfEqual, Num,
	   ;Show matched command
	   StringTrimLeft, match, cmd%num%, 0
	   display_y = %A_CaretY%
	   display_y -= 20 ; Move tooltip up a little so as not to hide the caret.
	   IfNotEqual, Word,,ToolTip, %match%, %A_CaretX%, %display_y%
	   ;Complete command
	   IfNotEqual, Word,, IfEqual, EndKey, Endkey:F4
		  StringLen, len, Word
		  Send, {BS %len%}%match%
		  Word =

;;;; include (paste) the inilibrary code (mentioned in this thread) below here,.