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WRandom - random field out of a weighted set

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Originally provided as a solution to this request.
Thanks [VxE] for the original code!

USAGE + FUNCTION (download)
; Function:     WRandom
; Description:  Gets a random field from a weighted set
; Online Ref.:  http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=47586
; Last Update:  12/August/2009 19:30
; Created by:   MasterFocus
;               https://ahknet.autohotkey.com/~MasterFocus/
; Thanks to:    [VxE] for original code/algorithm
;               www.autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=287940#287940
; p_FieldString [, p_Chance, p_P2D, p_D2P]
; + Required parameters:
; - p_FieldString    CSV string containing a decimal weight for each field
; + Optional parameters:
; - p_Chance         Boolean, shows chance (%) the selected field had
; - p_P2D            Boolean, shows 1% in decimal
; - p_D2P            Boolean, shows 1 (decimal) in percentage
; The function returns the number of the selected field.
; If any optional parameters are present, they will be concatenated to
; the returned string (CSV) in the order they are presented.

  Loop, Parse, p_FieldString, `,
    l_Tot += A_LoopField
  Random, l_Sum, 0, % l_Tot
  Loop, Parse, p_FieldString, `,
    If ( 0 >= l_Sum -= A_LoopField )
      Return A_Index ( p_Chance ? "," (100*A_LoopField)/l_Tot : "" ) ( p_P2D ? "," l_Tot/100 : "" ) ( p_D2P ? "," 100/l_Tot : "" )

EXAMPLE (download)
#Include WRandom.ahk

; =============================

MsgBox % "** EXAMPLE 1 **"

aux := "Field , Chance , %->Dec , Dec->%`n"
aux .= "`n" WRandom("50,50",1,1,1)
aux .= "`n" WRandom("20,30",1,1,1)
aux .= "`n" WRandom("30,30,40",1,1,1)
aux .= "`n" WRandom("200,600",1,1,1)
aux .= "`n" WRandom("99,1",1,1,1)
aux .= "`n" WRandom("15,14",1,1,1)
aux .= "`n" WRandom("123,276,57,93",1,1,1)
aux .= "`n" WRandom("50.3,27.9,36.5,42.8,50.3,27.9,36.5,42.8,50.3,27.9,6.5,42.8",1,1,1)
MsgBox % aux

; =============================

MsgBox % "** EXAMPLE 2 **"

aux := ""
Loop, 9
  aux .= ( aux ? "," : "" ) Field%A_Index% := (A_Index*10)+A_Index
aux := WRandom(aux,1) ; same as WRandom( "11,22,33,44,55,66,77,88,99" , 1 )
Loop, Parse, aux, `,
  If ( A_Index = 1 )
    num := A_LoopField
    aux := A_LoopField
MsgBox % "Field " num "/9 was selected (had " aux "% chance!)"

; =============================



Antonio França -- git.io -- github.com -- ahk4.net -- sites.google.com -- ahkscript.org

Member of the AHK community since 08/Apr/2009. Moderator since mid-2012.