Hi All,
I am a relative noobie. Here is the problem I am facing. On an internal website of my company there is a REQ number i want to obtain. This normally requires me to click a link then manually highlight and copy it.
I want to rip it directly from the innertext without having to launch that annoying slow pop up.
I have had success with commands such as..
REQ := rwb.document.all[2021].innertext
MsgBox % REQ
However the problem lies in the fact that the [2021] index location changes each time the frame loads. Does anyone know any alternate solutions to this problem?
One potential solution I thought of was to loop through the index locations and look for the string REQ. The problem here is I dont know how to use wildcards to include the random numbers that come afterwards. I also am not sure how to set up a proper loop, A full REQ number looks like REQ92390329 so I need a wildcard command along the lines of REQ*********.
So basically what I want to do is loop through the innertexts until I find the "REQ#########" number and copy that to a variable called REQ.