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TouchDirs: update "modified" timestamps of a direc

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my 1st AHK script, hoping it may be useful for somebody else as well ...

; AutoHotKey script: TouchDirs.ahk (V1.0 08.08.06)
; set "modified" timestamp of a directory
; to the one of the newstest file OR directory in it
; propagate timestamps up the dir tree
; (empty dirs keep their timestamp)
; (possible extension: set "creation" timestamp to oldest file/dir)
; use script or parts of it as you like but at your own risk
; andreas lang, conTEXT AG, Zurich, Switzerland

#SingleInstance ignore               ; don't start script more than once

                                                               ; globals
mod = 0                 ; flag to check if any timestamp update happened
touched = 0                       ; updated timestamp for that many dirs

if 0 <> 1                                      ; exactly 1 parm required
  msgBox usage: TouchDirs pathspec

dir = %1%

IfNotExist, %dir%
  msgBox can't find "%dir%"

StringRight, lastDirChar, dir, 1                ; fetch last char of dir
If lastDirChar = \
  StringTrimRight, dir, dir, 1                 ; chop trailing backslash

                 ; round 1: set dir date to the one of newest FILE in it

             ; round 2-n: set dir date to the one of newest SUBDIR in it
passes = 1
{                          ; do as long as any timestamp update happened
  If mod = 0
    mod = 0                                          ; assume we're done

msgBox %touched% dir(s) touched in %passes% pass(es).


; functions
  global mod, touched
  actDir = %dir%
  FileGetTime, dirDate, %dir%, M

  Loop, %dir%\*.*, 1, 0      ; loop over files AND folders, no recursion
    FileGetAttrib, attr, %A_LoopFileLongPath%

    IfNotInString, attr, D                               ; file: process
      If A_LoopFileTimeModified > %dirDate%        ; file newer than dir
        FileSetTime, %A_LoopFileTimeModified%, %actDir%, M, 2, 0
        dirDate = %A_LoopFileTimeModified%       ; remember new dir date
        mod = 1                                      ; timestamp updated
    Else                                                          ; dirs
      TouchDirFromFiles(A_LoopFileLongPath)                 ; drill down
  global mod, touched
  actDir = %dir%
  FileGetTime, dirDate, %dir%, M

  Loop, %dir%\*.*, 2, 0           ; loop over folders only, no recursion
    If A_LoopFileTimeModified > %dirDate%            ; newer than parent
      StringRight, lastDirChar, dir, 1          ; fetch last char of dir
      If lastDirChar <> :                          ; if not drive itself
        FileSetTime, %A_LoopFileTimeModified%, %actDir%, M, 2, 0
        dirDate = %A_LoopFileTimeModified%       ; remember new dir date
        mod = 1                                      ; timestamp updated

    TouchDirFromDirs(A_LoopFileLongPath)                    ; drill down

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line 6 should obviously start with a ; instead of :

sorry, andreas

(note from moderator: it has been fixed in the post above)

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Hehe...I noticed that too.

I remember writing a script like this, but I called it "violate.exe" instead of touch... :wink:
//TODO: Create kewl sig...

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GUIed version of TouchDirs
same functionality as in the command line version above

; AutoHotKey script: TouchFolders.ahk (V1.0 14.08.06)
; set "modified" timestamp of a directory
; to the one of the newstest file OR directory in it
; propagate timestamps up the dir tree
; (empty dirs keep their timestamp)
; (possible extension: set "creation" timestamp to oldest file/dir)
; use script or parts of it as you like but at your own risk
; andreas lang, conTEXT AG, Zurich, Switzerland

#SingleInstance ignore               ; don't start script more than once

                                                               ; globals
mod     = 0             ; flag to check if any timestamp update happened
touched = 0                       ; updated timestamp for that many dirs

FileSelectFolder, dir, *C:\, 0           ; don't allow making new folder
if ErrorLevel or dir =
  msgBox no folder selected. exit!

StringRight, lastDirChar, dir, 1                ; fetch last char of dir
If lastDirChar = \
  StringTrimRight, dir, dir, 1                 ; chop trailing backslash

                 ; round 1: set dir date to the one of newest FILE in it

             ; round 2-n: set dir date to the one of newest SUBDIR in it
passes = 1
{                          ; do as long as any timestamp update happened
  If mod = 0
    mod = 0                                          ; assume we're done

msgBox %touched% dir(s) touched in %passes% pass(es).


; functions
  global mod, touched
  actDir = %dir%
  FileGetTime, dirDate, %dir%, M

  Loop, %dir%\*.*, 1, 0      ; loop over files AND folders, no recursion
    FileGetAttrib, attr, %A_LoopFileLongPath%

    IfNotInString, attr, D                               ; file: process
      If A_LoopFileTimeModified > %dirDate%        ; file newer than dir
        FileSetTime, %A_LoopFileTimeModified%, %actDir%, M, 2, 0
        dirDate = %A_LoopFileTimeModified%       ; remember new dir date
        mod = 1                                      ; timestamp updated
    Else                                                          ; dirs
      TouchDirFromFiles(A_LoopFileLongPath)                 ; drill down
  global mod, touched
  actDir = %dir%
  FileGetTime, dirDate, %dir%, M

  Loop, %dir%\*.*, 2, 0           ; loop over folders only, no recursion
    If A_LoopFileTimeModified > %dirDate%            ; newer than parent
      StringRight, lastDirChar, dir, 1          ; fetch last char of dir
      If lastDirChar <> :                          ; if not drive itself
        FileSetTime, %A_LoopFileTimeModified%, %actDir%, M, 2, 0
        dirDate = %A_LoopFileTimeModified%       ; remember new dir date
        mod = 1                                      ; timestamp updated

    TouchDirFromDirs(A_LoopFileLongPath)                    ; drill down