I needed to just click a tray icon (of a plugin that deletes the song currently playing in winamp) and then have the mouse in the initial position. Searching this excellent forum I found relevant scripts, yet none of them did exactly that simple function. Although I'm not very familiar with the syntax I managed to combine and arrange elements of various scripts, and I post here the result, a short, simple, script, in case someone else needs it.
Warm congratulations on AutoHotKey and its Community.
; the number of the tray icon that you need to click, followed by a space and then the filename containing the icon : iconstr = 3 C:\Program Files\Winamp\Plugins\gen_delete.dll ;replace this with your filename. I used beardboys Icon Browser - http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5587&highlight=iconviewer - to find the icon inside the dll coordmode, mouse, screen MouseGetPos, mouseX, mouseY coordmode, pixel, screen WinGetPos, trayX, trayY, trayWidth, trayHeight, ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd ImageSearch, imageX, imageY, trayX, trayY, trayX+trayWidth, trayY+trayHeight, *Icon%iconstr% MouseMove,%imageX%,%imageY%,0 MouseClick,left,%imageX%,%imageY%,1,0 MouseMove,%mouseX%,%mouseY%,0 Return
Best wishes