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Machine code binary buffer searching regardless of NULL

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Blazing fast machine-code CASE-SENSITIVE searching in a (binary) buffer for a sequence of bytes, that may include NULL characters. Returns either position of 'sought' inside 'haystack' or -1 if not found.

Time to search is 0 ms generally :-), and in case of a very hostile buffer contents (all bytes are the same and *equal Needle's first* byte) on my pc - 60megabytes in 0.1 - 0.5 sec.

InBuf - look for binary Needle in binary Buffer.
0-based (-1 = not found), case-sensitive.

InBuf(haystackAddr, needleAddr, haystackSize, needleSize, StartOffset=0)
{   Static fun
      ( LTrim join
      Loop % StrLen(h)//2
         NumPut("0x" . SubStr(h,2*A_Index-1,2), fun, A_Index-1, "Char")
   Return DllCall(&fun
      , "uint",haystackAddr, "uint",needleAddr
      , "uint",haystackSize, "uint",needleSize
      , "uint",StartOffset)

InBufRev - reverse look for binary Needle in binary Buffer.
0-based (-1 = not found), case-sensitive.
StartOffsetOfLastNeedleByte - maximum hayStack offset to contain Needle's bytes (-1=whole haystackSize)

InBufRev(haystackAddr, needleAddr, haystackSize, needleSize, StartOffsetOfLastNeedleByte=-1)
{   Static fun
      ( LTrim join
      Loop % StrLen(h)//2
      NumPut("0x" . SubStr(h,2*A_Index-1,2), fun, A_Index-1, "Char")
   return DllCall(&fun
      , "uint",haystackAddr, "uint",needleAddr
      , "uint",haystackSize, "uint",needleSize
      , "uint",StartOffsetOfLastNeedleByte)

Wrappers for searching a string in a binary buffer
;InBufStr - look for string Needle in binary Buffer
;         0-based (-1 = not found), case-sensitive.
InBufStr(haystackAddr, needleStr, haystackSize, StartOffset=0)
{   return InBuf(haystackAddr, &needleStr, haystackSize, strlen(needleStr))

;InBufStrRev - reverse look for string Needle in binary Buffer
;         0-based (-1 = not found), case-sensitive.
;         StartOffsetOfLastNeedleByte - maximum hayStack offset to contain Needle's bytes (-1=whole haystackSize)
InBufStrRev(haystackAddr, needleStr, haystackSize, StartOffsetOfLastNeedleByte=-1)
{   return InBufRev(haystackAddr, &needleStr, haystackSize, strlen(needleStr), StartOffsetOfLastNeedleByte)

Wrappers for extracting a string from a binary buffer
;substrBuf - extract a string of specified length from a binary buffer
;         usage: stringVar:=substrBuf( &buf+Offset, 100 )
;         the Length is optional, if none specified then NULL-terminated string is extracted
;         be accurate in order to not exceed the buf bounds, if no NULL is there
substrBuf(bufAddr, Length="") 
{  IfEqual,Length,
   DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "str",result, "uint", bufAddr, "uint",Length) 
   return result 

Offset := InBuf( &Buffer, &sought, 10000, 100)
Offset := InBufRev( &Buffer, &sought, 10000, 100, 5000)

Offset := InBuf[b]Str[/b]Rev( &Buffer, "ImmediateString", 10000, -1)
Offset := InBuf[b]Str[/b]( &Buffer, StringVar, 10000, StartOffset)
Offset := InBuf[b]Str[/b]( &Buffer, StringVar, 10000000)
ifNotEqual, Offset, -1
   Text := substrBuf( &buffer+Offset)
ifNotEqual, Offset, -1
   Text := substrBuf( &buffer+Offset1, Offset2-Offset1)

InFile - InBuf based case-sensitive searching in file's contents of any* size
*: even larger than 4GB, StartOffset may also be larger than 4GB.
InFile( fileName, needleAddr, needleLen, StartOffset=0 )
	IfEqual,needleLen,0, return lRet
	IfEqual,needleAddr,0, return lRet
	hFile:=DllCall("CreateFile", "str", fileName,"uint",0x80000000 ;GENERIC_READ
				,"uint", 1 ;FILE_SHARE_READ
				,"uint", 0, "uint",3 ;OPEN_EXISTING
				,"uint",0x2000000 ;FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS
				,"uint", 0)
	ifEqual,hFile,-1, return lRet

	VarSetCapacity( lBufLen, 8, 0 )
	NumPut( DllCall("GetFileSize","uint",hFile,"uint",&lBufLen+4), lBufLen )
	DllCall( "RtlMoveMemory", "int64 *",lBufLen64, "uint",&lBufLen, "uint",8 )
	lBufLen64 -= StartOffset
	If( lBufLen64>=0 )
	{	hMap:=DllCall("CreateFileMapping", "uint",hFile, "uint",0, "uint",2 ;PAGE_READONLY
		if( hMap )
		{	lMax32b=0xFFFFFFFF
			lMaxView=0x40000000 ;1GB
			VarSetCapacity( SI, 36, 0 )
			memAllocGranularity:=NumGet( SI, 28 )
			{	FileOffs:=(StartOffset//memAllocGranularity)*memAllocGranularity
				lBufLenLo:=(lBufLen64+delta > lMaxView) ? lMaxView : lBufLen64+delta
				hView:=DllCall("MapViewOfFile", "uint",hMap, "uint", 4 ;FILE_MAP_READ
							,"uint",FileOffs>>32,"uint",FileOffs & lMax32b,"uint",lBufLenLo)
				ifEqual,hView,0, break
				lRet:=InBuf( hView, needleAddr, lBufLenLo, needleLen, delta )
				if( lRet!=-1 )
				{	lRet += FileOffs
				StartOffset += lBufLenLo-needleLen
				lBufLen64 -= lBufLenLo-needleLen
				IfLessOrEqual,lBufLen64,0, break
	return lRet
fileOffs:=InFile( "d:\filename", &needle, needleLen, StartOffset )

The advantage of using CreateFileMapping - no need to maintain chunked reading of file in case your file is under 1GB, no need to read the whole contents of file into memory, the OS does it for you automatically when actual memory access occurs (in InBuf code). The disadvantage may also be huge - given current implementation of InFile and InBuf there is no way to stop the process or show feedback... but this can also be circumvented if needed by multiple loop calls to InBuf with BufLen parameter set to a small value

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This can come in handy! Thanks for sharing it.

Could you post the full ASM code and detailed explanations? In some cases, if someone is really after speed, he might want to tweak the code. E.g. if the search string is 2, 4 or 8 byte long, you could use integer comparisons, or, if the search pattern is very long or has some regularities, some more complex algorithm.

Does anyone have experiences with MMX (SSE or 3DNow!)? They could make the code even faster, if the user has the right processor.

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Built with FlatASM.
There are optimizations for 1,2,3,4,5 byte sequences.
Note: only PROC code matters, everything else is dummy of course, only to allow fasm compile it to exe to rip the code.
format PE GUI 4.0
entry start

include 'win32a.inc'

section '.data' data readable writeable

  hayStack db '1111111122222111111'
  Needle db '22222'

section '.code' code readable executable


	push	0 5 19 Needle hayStack
	call	InBuf
	push	-1 5 19 Needle hayStack
	call	InBufRev
	invoke	ExitProcess,0

proc InBuf stdcall uses ebx ecx edx esi edi, hayStack,Needle,hayStackSize,NeedleSize,StartOffset
	local	lNeedleRemDwords:DWORD	;(NeedleSize-4)>>2
	local	lNeedleRemTail:DWORD	;Needle remainder byte count (NeedleSize-4) mod 4 -> (0..3)
	local	lNeedleRemPtr4:DWORD	;&Needle[4]


	mov	ebx,[NeedleSize]
	cmp	ebx,0
	jle	.NotFound
	mov	ecx,[hayStackSize]
	mov	eax,[StartOffset]
	sub	ecx,eax
	sub	ecx,ebx
	inc	ecx	;repetitions=hayStackSize-StartOffset-NeedleSize+1
	jle	.NotFound

	mov	edi,[hayStack]
	add	edi,eax ;edi=&(hayStack[StartOffset])

	;load Needle FirstByte
	mov	esi,[Needle]
	xor	eax,eax
	lodsb	; AL=Needle[0], keep EAX now!

	;decide on needle length
	dec	ebx
	jz	.NeedleLenIs1
	dec	ebx
	jz	.NeedleLenIs2
	dec	ebx
	jz	.NeedleLenIs3
	dec	ebx
	jz	.NeedleLenIs4
	dec	ebx
	jnz	.NeedleLenIsLong

	xchg	eax,ebx
	lodsd		;AL=Needle[0]
	xchg	eax,ebx ;EBX=bytes 1..5 of Needle

	repne	scasb
	jne	.NotFound
	cmp	[edi],ebx
	jne	.ScanNeedleLenIs5
	jmp	.Found

	dec	esi
	lodsd	;EAX=first 4 bytes of Needle
	repne	scasb
	jne	.NotFound
	cmp	[edi-1],eax
	jne	.ScanNeedleLenIs4
	jmp	.Found

	repne	scasb
	jne	.NotFound
	jmp	.Found

	mov	ah,[esi]
	repne	scasb
	jne	.NotFound
	cmp	[edi],ah
	jne	.ScanNeedleLenIs2
	jmp	.Found

	xchg	ebx,eax
	xchg	ebx,eax
	repne	scasb
	jne	.NotFound
	cmp	[edi],bx
	jne	.ScanNeedleLenIs3
	jmp	.Found

	; get (needleSize-1)//4, (needleSize-1) mod 4
	dec	esi	;ESI=&(Needle[0])
	inc	ebx	;EBX=NeedleSize-4
	lodsd	;EAX=first 4 bytes of Needle
	mov	[lNeedleRemPtr4],esi
	mov	edx,ebx
	shr	ebx,2
	mov	[lNeedleRemDwords],ebx
	and	edx,3
	mov	[lNeedleRemTail],edx

	xchg	ebx,edi ;EBX=save EDI buf ptr for scasb
	xchg	edx,ecx ;EDX=save ECX counter for scasb

	xchg	edi,ebx ;load saved buf ptr
	xchg	ecx,edx ;load saved counter
	repne	scasb
	jne	.NotFound

	;check all 4 bytes
	cmp	[edi-1],eax
	jne	.ScanNeedleLenIsLongJustScan

	;check up to Needle's tail
	mov	ebx,edi
	mov	edx,ecx
	add	edi,3
	mov	esi,[lNeedleRemPtr4]
	mov	ecx,[lNeedleRemDwords]
	test	ecx,ecx
	jz	.ScanNeedleLenIsLongTail
	repe	cmpsd
	jne	.ScanNeedleLenIsLong
	mov	ecx,[lNeedleRemTail]
	test	ecx,ecx
	jz	.ScanNeedleLenIsLongFound
	repe	cmpsb
	jne	.ScanNeedleLenIsLong
	mov	edi,ebx ;FOUND!

	dec	edi
	mov	eax,edi
	sub	eax,[hayStack]
	xor	eax,eax
	not	eax
	jmp	.popOut


proc InBufRev stdcall uses ebx ecx edx esi edi, hayStack,Needle,hayStackSize,NeedleSize,StartOffsetOfLastByte
	local	lNeedleRemDwords:DWORD	;(NeedleSize-4)>>2
	local	lNeedleRemTail:DWORD	;Needle remainder byte count (NeedleSize-4) mod 4 -> (0..3)
	local	lNeedleRemPtr4:DWORD	;&Needle[4]


	mov	ebx,[NeedleSize]
	cmp	ebx,0
	jle	.NotFound
	mov	eax,[hayStackSize]
	dec	eax
	mov	ecx,[StartOffsetOfLastByte]
	cmp	ecx,-1
	cmovE	ecx,eax
	cmp	eax,ecx
	cmovL	ecx,eax
	sub	ecx,ebx
	mov	edi,ecx
	inc	ecx	;repetitions=min(hayStackSize-1,StartOffsetOfLastByte)-NeedleSize+2
	jle	.NotFound

	add	edi,[hayStack]	;edi=&(hayStack[min(hayStackSize-1,StartOffsetOfLastByte)-NeedleSize+1])

	;load Needle FirstByte
	mov	esi,[Needle]
	and	eax,0
	lodsb	; AL=Needle[0], keep EAX now!

	;decide on needle length
	dec	ebx
	jz	.NeedleLenIs1
	dec	ebx
	jz	.NeedleLenIs2
	dec	ebx
	jz	.NeedleLenIs3
	dec	ebx
	jz	.NeedleLenIs4
	dec	ebx
	jnz	.NeedleLenIsLong

	xchg	eax,ebx
	lodsd		;AL=Needle[0]
	xchg	eax,ebx ;EBX=bytes 1..4 of Needle (0-based)

	repne	scasb
	jne	.NotFound
	cmp	[edi+2],ebx
	jne	.ScanNeedleLenIs5
	jmp	.Found

	repne	scasb
	jne	.NotFound
	jmp	.Found

	mov	ah,[esi]	;AH=Needle[1]
	repne	scasb
	jne	.NotFound
	cmp	[edi+2],ah
	jne	.ScanNeedleLenIs2
	jmp	.Found

	xchg	ebx,eax
	xchg	ebx,eax
	repne	scasb
	jne	.NotFound
	cmp	[edi+2],bx
	jne	.ScanNeedleLenIs3
	jmp	.Found

	dec	esi
	lodsd	;EAX=first 4 bytes of Needle
	repne	scasb
	jne	.NotFound
	cmp	[edi+1],eax
	jne	.ScanNeedleLenIs4
	jmp	.Found

	; get (needleSize-1)//4, (needleSize-1) mod 4
	dec	esi	;ESI=&(Needle[0])
	inc	ebx	;EBX=NeedleSize-4
	lodsd	;EAX=first 4 bytes of Needle
	mov	[lNeedleRemPtr4],esi
	mov	edx,ebx
	shr	ebx,2
	mov	[lNeedleRemDwords],ebx
	and	edx,3
	mov	[lNeedleRemTail],edx

	xchg	ebx,edi ;EBX=save EDI buf ptr for scasb
	xchg	edx,ecx ;EDX=save ECX counter for scasb

	xchg	edi,ebx ;load saved buf ptr
	xchg	ecx,edx ;load saved counter
	repne	scasb
	jne	.NotFound

	;check all 4 bytes
	cmp	[edi+1],eax
	jne	.ScanNeedleLenIsLongJustScan

	;check up to Needle's tail
	mov	ebx,edi
	mov	edx,ecx
	add	edi,5
	mov	esi,[lNeedleRemPtr4]
	mov	ecx,[lNeedleRemDwords]
	test	ecx,ecx
	jz	.ScanNeedleLenIsLongTail
	repe	cmpsd
	jne	.ScanNeedleLenIsLong
	mov	ecx,[lNeedleRemTail]
	test	ecx,ecx
	jz	.ScanNeedleLenIsLongFound
	repe	cmpsb
	jne	.ScanNeedleLenIsLong
	mov	edi,ebx ;FOUND!

	inc	edi
	mov	eax,edi
	sub	eax,[hayStack]
	xor	eax,eax
	not	eax
	jmp	.popOut

data import

library kernel32,'KERNEL32.DLL'
import kernel32,ExitProcess,'ExitProcess'

end data

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This seems to be the first pure assembler function written for AHK. Of course we don’t laugh at you, but learn from it and at some point try to improve or to adapt it to some other task. Not many programmers want to write perfect code, just one, which does the job.

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InBuf (consequently, InBufStr wrapper as well) has undergone a very serious optimization, I've updated my earlier posts (also with asm code).

Time to search a very hostile buffer contents (all bytes are the same and equal Needle's first byte) on my pc - 60megabytes for 0.1sec minimum in case of 1 byte search, 0.5 sec - other lengths. That's time being measured before and after DllCall, for a simple case of under 1MB buffer the time was less than 1ms sometimes :-) which indicates actually anything less than 18ms - not bad either way :-D

Initial version yielded 1.2seconds in most cases for hostile 60MB buffer, so the maximum difference is 12 times!

InBufRev will be the next to get optimized.

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Thx for your work. Highly appriciated.

I don't have use for it right now, so I will not test it ATM.

Have fun.
Posted Image

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i wonder, if this routine might be used to update/modify the array the autohotkey.exe files generates on runtime for its controls.

if it'll be accessible, so this tiny script can search for a particular name assigned to a control by a script and modyfies it somehow (without corrupting the array structure - like replacing the varName through 012N123 without changinit its value) it should be possible to remove a control, by sending WM_CANCEL or WM_DESTROY, modify the autohotkey array and reassign a particular varName again to a new generated control.

im sure, unless the array wont be updated correctly - means the variable and the value deleted out of its structure - this would hit the 11,000 Control Limit / Gui when used frequently.

Found on:

but it might be a workaround, if someone really needs desperate to detroy a control item and reassign that previously used varName to a new Control



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New: InBufRev (reverse lookup) is now also optimized (the way as InBuf is).

Fixed: a dumb bug, now -1 is returned if nothing is found (was '0' :-D )

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Great functions!

;substrBuf - extract a string of specified length from a binary buffer
;         usage: stringVar:=substrBuf( &buf+Offset, 100 )
substrBuf(bufAddr, Length)
{  VarSetCapacity(result,Length)
   DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "str",result, "uint", bufAddr, "uint",Length)
   return result
;substrZBuf - extract a NULL terminated string from a binary buffer
;         usage: stringVar:=substrZBuf( &buf+Offset )
{  L:=dllCall("lstrlen","uint",bufAddr)
   DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "str",result, "uint", bufAddr, "uint",L)
   return result

Couldn't this be combined?
;substrBuf - extract a string of specified length from a binary buffer
;         usage: stringVar:=substrBuf( &buf+Offset, 100 )
; Omit Length to extract null-terminated string
substrBuf(bufAddr, Length="")
   If (Length = "")
   DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", "str",result, "uint", bufAddr, "uint",Length)
   return result

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NICE, the first post is updated

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You know RegEx can search past null chars too.

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You know RegEx can search past null chars too.

If Haystack contains nulls, it looks easy, but could you give some example, how to handle search- and replacement strings, which contain null chars?

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If Haystack contains nulls, it looks easy, but could you give some example, how to handle search- and replacement strings, which contain null chars?

Don't see why you couldn't have experimented yourself, but for the sake of it here's a lousy demonstration:

var = abcdef123ghi
NumPut(0, var, 3, "Char") ; replace 4th char with null byte

MsgBox, % "Position of null: " . RegExMatch(var, "\0") ; find
	. "`nPosition of last char: " . RegExMatch(var, ".$") ; search past

new := RegExReplace(var, "\d", "-") ; replace digits which are past the null char
NumPut(46, new, 3, "Char") ; 'unmask' var from ahk display
MsgBox, %new%

Time to search a very hostile buffer contents (all bytes are the same and equal Needle's first byte) on my pc - 60megabytes for 0.1sec minimum in case of 1 byte search, 0.5 sec - other Needle's lengths (full 60MB span)

Using the following script I got speeds as fast as 0.0069785545369593 ms (on P4 3ghz) to search for a char past a null byte in a 60MB stack:

i = 10
s := VarSetCapacity(var, 60 * 1000 * 1000, 0xff) ; 60 MB
Random, r, 1, s - 1
NumPut(0, var, r, "UChar")
NumPut(0x61, var, r + 1, "UChar")

t1 := t2 := 0x00000000 + 0
RegExMatch(var, "\x61")

DllCall("QueryPerformanceCounter", "Int64P", t1)

Loop, %i%
	RegExMatch(var, "\x61")

DllCall("QueryPerformanceCounter", "Int64P", t2)
DllCall("QueryPerformanceFrequency", "Int64P", f)

SetFormat, Float, 0.16
MsgBox, % (t2 - t1) / i / f . " ms"

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hm, your example is the most simple of all the possible ones, of course my function will be even faster in such case, because it will check all the 60MB in ONE asm command: REPNE SCASB, and there hardly could be anything faster.

A good call though anyway.

P.S. RegExMatch has the advantage of being built-in in AHK core code, whereas my InBuf is being called via extremely slow in itself DllCall mechanism.
On the other hand there is no sane way to use regExMatch to search adlib binary data inside binary buffer, lest you create an escapement function, which is well also possible :-D

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Don't see why you couldn't have experimented yourself

I could, but you sounded as someone, who already did the work. Still, your example does not answer the question.

It looks like RegExMatch/Replace uses counted strings for haystack, not NULL terminated ones. I did not find it documented, but it is a pleasant surprise. However, I asked for an example to search for a string containing nulls. Your example indicates that in the search string we have to replace each special character ([]()"\'.*?<>^$|null…) with a hex (or octal, as in your example) escape sequence (or precede them with ""), which is not a very elegant solution.

AHK passes the length of HayStack to the regular expression function. The difficulty is setting the right StrLen if we get a binary buffer to RAM. When characters of an existing string are overwritten with NumPut (as in your example), StrLen stays unchanged.

When a binary file is to be read into RAM, we have to use the *c option, which sets StrLen the file size, but the data is stored in a special variable, not usable for RegEx. We have to copy it into another variable (or use dllcalls to open/read/close the file).
FileRead a, *c %A_AhkPath%
DllCall("RtlMoveMemory", UInt,&b, UInt,&a, Uint,StrLen(a))
MsgBox % "It is found: " RegExMatch(b, "\0\03")