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Usenet Explorer Automatic Updater

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This is an automatic updater for Usenet Explorer(UE) which is my favorite binary usenet news client.

Two years ago there was a request for an automatic update feature in UEs support forum UEs author was not interested and felt that it was not needed.
So that gave me the idea to try to do an auto updater with AutoHotkey for UE , as it was a function I wanted too, I released the first version by posting in that thread.

And now that UE is coming out with a new version shortly I figured I would update my automatic updater and make a new release.

This is almost the same version as the one I did two years ago, I tweaked the code a bit by using regex which made some parts much simpler and added an option to keep the downloaded updates.

UEAutoUpdater.ahk Readme.txt link to thread in UEs forum

Hopefully this is of interest to someone :)

Basically the script downloads a web page containing the latest version information, that it compares to a saved value, and then prompts the user to download the newest version if the version has changed, it then looks for the correct file to download from the programs website, and downloads ,unpacks and runs the programs installer.

This could be used as inspiration for other programs that don't have automatic/live updating.

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I have updated my automatic updater to ver 0.20 last was 0.10, biggest change is that my program can update itself automatically, but only if its compiled at the moment.

More info in the first link.


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I have updated the script to ver 0.52 link to homepage.

0.52 : 2009-09-15
       Updated to use Usenet Explorers new installer name (32bit for now).
