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How to get AHK to wait a specified amount of time?

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I'd like to know how to get AHK to wait a specific amount of time before moving to the next step in the script.

The problem is this: the window I want to perform the keystrokes on is a Properties window. The specific window name will change daily, so using a WinWait command won't work.

I'd like to do this:

{APPSKEY}r (wait 2 seconds) {CTRLDOWN}{TAB}{TAB}{CTRLUP}

If I try without the wait, AHK attemps to send the second command too fast and it doesn't work.

I did see a reference somewhere to a "sleep" command - maybe that would work...?

Thanks much for any suggestions you might have.

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Refer AHK Doc for SetKeyDelay command

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Using SetKeyDelay as SKAN suggested will work, but the side effect is that the value you set for SetKeyDelay will apply to all keys sent (until you reset it). I think this is probably what you want.
send {APPSKEY}r 
sleep, 2000 ;(wait 2 seconds) 

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lookup sleep

send, asdf
send, asdf


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The specific window name will change daily

...but its ahk_class probably won't. I'm guessing the class (which you could find out with Window Spy) is #32770.
WinWait, ahk_class #32770

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Thanks so much for all the suggestions.

I think I must be doing something wrong, because I couldn't get Sleep or WinWait to work.

Window Spy does confirm that the class is #32770, but this script:

send {APPSKEY}r
WinWait, ahk_class #32770

Doesn't work. It goes to the Property window, then never control-tabs. Trying sleep:

send {APPSKEY}r
sleep, 2000

has the same result.

Am I missing something...?

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Thanks so much for all the suggestions.

I think I must be doing something wrong, because I couldn't get Sleep or WinWait to work.

Window Spy does confirm that the class is #32770, but this script:

send {APPSKEY}r
WinWait, ahk_class #32770
Doesn't work. It goes to the Property window, then never control-tabs. Trying sleep:

send {APPSKEY}r
sleep, 2000
has the same result.

Am I missing something...?


.everything is good except the last line...

it should have been:




you combined ctrl down & up

there must be a blank space between CTRL and DOWN/UP

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need help..


may be very simple for you people.


need to divide by /.9 and paste the window..


basicaly how can i compute.. the amout will be there in the softerware