Here's a Desktop Sidebar for your desktop.
You can add as many modules to it as you like.
Desktop Sidebar
Started by
, Jun 19 2005 08:18 PM
10 replies to this topic
Posted 19 June 2005 - 08:18 PM : Bite sized latest news headlines from India with zero bloat
Looks pretty cool. I like its creative use of SetParent.
Posted 20 June 2005 - 12:24 AM
How can you add the it so you can have a right click menu ?
I tried this but it stop the rest of the script .
Like to add to menu to add border and remove border with the
Gui, +ToolWindow -Border
I tried this but it stop the rest of the script .
Like to add to menu to add border and remove border with the
Gui, +ToolWindow -Border
Menu, tray, add, Item1, MenuHandler return DetectHiddenWindows, On ;set drives here Drives = CDEF Gui, +ToolWindow +Border ;transparency Gui, Color, FF33FF ;keep updating PosY after every item added PosY = 7 Loop, Parse, Drives { BarPos := PosY + 2 Gui, Add, Text, x6 y%PosY% w20 h20, %A_LOOPFIELD%: Gui, Add, Progress, x26 y%BarPos% w60 h10 vBar%A_Index%, PosY += 20 } PosY += 10 FormatTime, CurrTime, , h:mm tt Gui, Add, Text, x6 y%PosY% w80 h40 vTime, %CurrTime%`n%A_DD% %A_MMM%`, %A_DDDD% PosY += 40 Gui, Show, x684 y250 h%PosY% w95, DeskBar WinSet, TransColor, FF33FF, DeskBar WinGet, Prnt, ID, Program Manager WinGet, Chld, ID, DeskBar DllCall("SetParent", Int, Chld, Int, Prnt) Gosub, CheckFree SetTimer, CheckFree, 30000 SetTimer, TimeShow, 1000 Return GuiClose: ExitApp CheckFree: Loop, Parse, Drives { DriveGet, %A_LOOPFIELD%_Cap, Capacity, %A_LOOPFIELD%: DriveSpaceFree, %A_LOOPFIELD%_Free, %A_LOOPFIELD%: %A_LOOPFIELD%_Bar := ( %A_LOOPFIELD%_Cap - %A_LOOPFIELD%_Free ) / %A_LOOPFIELD%_Cap * 100 GuiControl,, Bar%A_Index%, % %A_LOOPFIELD%_Bar } Return TimeShow: FormatTime, CurrTime,, h:mm tt GuiControl,, Time, %CurrTime%`n%A_DD% %A_MMM%`, %A_DDDD% Return Menu, tray, add, Item1, MenuHandler return MenuHandler: MsgBox You selected %A_ThisMenuItem% from menu %A_ThisMenu% return
Posted 21 June 2005 - 02:02 AM
remove 'return' from second line.
Posted 21 June 2005 - 03:41 AM : Bite sized latest news headlines from India with zero bloat
Thank you , this is what I have so far and it works nice .
Menu, tray, add, Addborder, border RegRead, pname, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion, ProductName RegRead, pspack, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion, CSDVersion RegRead, pbuild, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion, CurrentBuildNumber DetectHiddenWindows, On Gui, Add, Text,x5 y175 w100 h100, You're using`n %pname%, %pspack%, Build %pbuild% ;set drives here Drives = CDEF Gui, +ToolWindow +Border ;transparency Gui, Color, FF33FF ;keep updating PosY after every item added PosY = 7 Loop, Parse, Drives { BarPos := PosY + 2 Gui, Add, Text, x6 y%PosY% w20 h20, %A_LOOPFIELD%: Gui, Add, Progress, x26 y%BarPos% w60 h10 vBar%A_Index%, PosY += 20 } PosY += 10 FormatTime, CurrTime, , h:mm tt Gui, Add, Text, x6 y%PosY% w80 h40 vTime, %CurrTime%`n%A_DD% %A_MMM%`, %A_DDDD% PosY += 40 Gui, Show, x600 y250 h300 w150, DeskBar WinSet, TransColor, FF33FF, DeskBar WinGet, Prnt, ID, Program Manager WinGet, Chld, ID, DeskBar DllCall("SetParent", Int, Chld, Int, Prnt) Gosub, CheckFree SetTimer, CheckFree, 30000 SetTimer, TimeShow, 1000 Return GuiClose: ExitApp CheckFree: Loop, Parse, Drives { DriveGet, %A_LOOPFIELD%_Cap, Capacity, %A_LOOPFIELD%: DriveSpaceFree, %A_LOOPFIELD%_Free, %A_LOOPFIELD%: %A_LOOPFIELD%_Bar := ( %A_LOOPFIELD%_Cap - %A_LOOPFIELD%_Free ) / %A_LOOPFIELD%_Cap * 100 GuiControl,, Bar%A_Index%, % %A_LOOPFIELD%_Bar } Return TimeShow: FormatTime, CurrTime,, h:mm tt GuiControl,, Time, %CurrTime%`n%A_DD% %A_MMM%`, %A_DDDD% Return Menu, tray, add, Removeborder, MenuHandler return MenuHandler: Gui, +ToolWindow -Border return Menu, tray, add, Addborder, border return border: Gui, +ToolWindow +Border return
Posted 21 June 2005 - 04:44 AM
Posted 21 June 2005 - 08:15 AM : Bite sized latest news headlines from India with zero bloat
Anyway to read ram usage and show it like the hard drives ?
Posted 21 June 2005 - 08:19 AM
i don't know of a pure ahk solution to that.
Posted 21 June 2005 - 10:13 AM : Bite sized latest news headlines from India with zero bloat
no example here works at my XP Home? Do I understand it right, that a Deskbar is like the searchfield of Google Desktop or MSN Search in the Taskbar?
no example here works at my XP Home? Do I understand it right, that a Deskbar is like the searchfield of Google Desktop or MSN Search in the Taskbar?
Posted 11 November 2005 - 04:14 PM
This is awesome! Question though...Is it possible to use this sidebar as a launchpad for files? Right now I'm using a couple of listview windows, but I like this sidebar due to the fact that it has no taskbar button. Or is this mainly for viewing stats?
Posted 19 November 2005 - 04:40 AM