Select some text, press Ctrl-C to copy it to multiple new clipboards.
Now hold down Ctrl and press V repeatedly to step through the clipboards. C steps backwards.
When you've got the clipboard you want, release Ctrl to paste.
To delete a clipboard, hold down Ctrl, press V followed by X twice to delete, three times to delete all, or once to cancel. Release Ctrl to accept.
The clipboards are saved to separate files, so place the script in it's own folder.
Thank's to skywalka who posted this idea in another forum.
:!: Updated to v1.2: Removed a few bugs, tweaked some functions.
;ClipStep.ahk v1.2 ; ;Control multiple clipboards using only the keyboard's Ctrl-X-C-V ; ;Select some text, press Ctrl-C a couple of times to copy it to multiple new clipboards. ; Now hold down Ctrl and press V repeatedly to step through the clipboards. C steps backwards. ; When you've got the clipboard you want, release Ctrl to paste. ; To delete a clipboard, hold down Ctrl, press V followed by X twice to delete, three times to ; delete all, or once to cancel. Release Ctrl to accept. ; ; The clipboards are saved to separate files, so place the sctipt in it's own folder. ; ;Skrommel @2005 SetBatchLines,-1 numofclips=0 activeclip=1 paste=no delete=no Gosub,INDEX LOOP: Sleep,100 GetKeyState,state,CTRL If state=u { If delete=delete { readclip=filearray%activeclip% readclip:=%readclip% Filedelete,%readclip%.clip tooltip=Deleting Clip %activeclip% of %numofclips% Gosub,TOOLTIP Gosub,INDEX Gosub,FINDPREV } Else If delete=all { tooltip=Deleting all clips Gosub,TOOLTIP Filedelete,*.clip numofclips=0 activeclip=0 filearray1=0 Gosub,INDEX activeclip=%numofclips% } Else If paste=paste { readclip=filearray%activeclip% readclip:=%readclip% tooltip=Pasting clip %activeclip% Gosub,TOOLTIP Gosub,PASTECLIP } delete=no paste=no } Goto,LOOP $^x:: If paste<>no { If delete=delete { ToolTip,Delete all clips SetTimer,TOOLTIPOFF,Off delete=all paste=yes Return } Else If delete=cancel { If numofclips<1 { tooltip=No clip exists Gosub,TOOLTIP Return } readclip=filearray%activeclip% readclip:=%readclip% FileRead,Clipboard,*c %readclip%.clip StringLeft,clip,Clipboard,100 ToolTip,Delete Clip %activeclip% of %numofclips%`n%clip% SetTimer,TOOLTIPOFF,Off delete=delete paste=yes Return } Else { tooltip=Cancel Gosub,TOOLTIP delete=cancel paste=yes Return } } clip1:=ClipboardAll Clipboard= Send,^x ClipWait,1 clip2:=ClipboardAll If clip2= { tooltip=Empty selection Gosub,TOOLTIP } Else If clip1<>%clip2% { tooltip=Copying to clip 1 Gosub,TOOLTIP Gosub,ADDCLIP Gosub,INDEX } Else { tooltip=Same selection Gosub,TOOLTIP } clip1= clip2= Return $^c:: If paste<>no { If numofclips<1 { tooltip=No clip exists Gosub,TOOLTIP delete=no paste=yes Return } Gosub,FINDPREV Gosub,SHOWCLIP delete=no paste=paste Return } clip1:=ClipboardAll Clipboard= Send,^c clip2:=ClipboardAll If clip2= { tooltip=Empty selection Gosub,TOOLTIP } Else If clip1<>%clip2% { tooltip=Copying to clip 1 Gosub,TOOLTIP Gosub,ADDCLIP Gosub,INDEX } Else { tooltip=Same selection Gosub,TOOLTIP } clip1= clip2= Return $^v:: If numofclips<1 { tooltip=No clip exists Gosub,TOOLTIP delete=no paste=yes Return } If paste<>no Gosub,FINDNEXT Gosub,SHOWCLIP delete=no paste=paste Return ADDCLIP: readclip=filearray1 readclip:=%readclip% lastclip=%readclip% lastclip+=1 numofclips+=1 activeclip=1 IfExist,%lastclip%.clip FileDelete,%lastclip%.clip FileAppend,%ClipboardAll%,%lastclip%.clip Return SHOWCLIP: readclip=filearray%activeclip% readclip:=%readclip% clip1:=ClipboardAll IfExist,%readclip%.clip FileRead,Clipboard,*c %readclip%.clip StringLeft,clip2,Clipboard,100 If clip2= clip2=... Image ToolTip,Clip %activeclip% of %numofclips%`n%clip2% ... SetTimer,TOOLTIPOFF,Off Clipboard:=clip1 clip1= clip2= Return PASTECLIP: readclip=filearray%activeclip% readclip:=%readclip% IfExist,%readclip%.clip FileRead,Clipboard,*c %readclip%.clip Send,^v delete=no paste=no Return DELETECLIP: delete=no paste=no Return TOOLTIP: ToolTip,%tooltip% SetTimer,TOOLTIPOFF,900 Return TOOLTIPOFF: ToolTip, SetTimer,TOOLTIP,Off Return INDEX: filelist= Loop,*.clip { StringTrimRight,filename,A_LoopFileName,5 filelist=%filelist%%filename%`n } StringTrimRight,filelist,filelist,1 Sort,filelist,N R StringSplit,filearray,filelist,`n numofclips=%filearray0% Return FINDNEXT: If numofclips<1 { tooltip=No clip exists Gosub,TOOLTIP delete=no paste=yes Return } activeclip+=1 If activeclip>%numofclips% activeclip=1 Return FINDPREV: If numofclips<1 { tooltip=No clip exists Gosub,TOOLTIP delete=no paste=yes Return } activeclip-=1 If activeclip<1 activeclip=%numofclips% Return