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String - Methods/Properties (AHK_L)

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I wrote this script mainly to help myself learn AutoHotkey_L better, but I thought maybe some other people might find it helpful as well.
class StringLib {
    static init := ("".base.base := StringLib)
    static __Set := Func("StringLib_Set")
    Left(count=1) {
       return, SubStr(this, 1, count)
    Right(count=1) {
       StringRight, out, this, count
       return, out
    TrimL(count="") {
        if count.is_Str
            out := count? LTrim(this, count):LTrim(this)
            StringTrimLeft, out, this, count
        return, out
    TrimR(count="") {
        if count.is_Str
            return, count? RTrim(this, count):RTrim(this)
            StringTrimRight, out, this, count
        return, out
    Count(count) {
        StringReplace, this, this, %count%, , UseErrorLevel
        return, ErrorLevel
    Replace(find, replace="") {
       StringReplace, out, this, %find%, %replace%, A
       return, out
    GSub(needle, replace="") {
        return, RegExReplace(this, needle, replace)
    Times(times) {
        VarSetCapacity(out, times)
        Loop, %times%
            out .= this
        return, out
    Split(delim="", omit="") {
        out := object()
        if (SubStr(delim, 1, 2) = "R)") {
            this := this.Replace(omit), pos := 0, n:=start:=1
            if ((needle:=SubStr(delim, 3))="")
                return, this.Split(needle)
            while, pos := RegExMatch(this, needle, match, start)
                out[n++] := SubStr(this, start, pos-start), start := pos+StrLen(match)
            out[n] := SubStr(this, start)
        } else 
            Loop, Parse, this, %delim%, %omit%
                out[A_Index] := A_LoopField 
        return, out 
    RemoveLines(lines) {
        VarSetCapacity(out, n:=StrLen(this))
        Loop, Parse, this, `n, `r 
            if A_Index not in %lines%
                out .= A_LoopField "`n" 
        return, SubStr(out, 1, -1)
    KeepLines(lines) {
        VarSetCapacity(out, n:=StrLen(this))
        Loop, Parse, this, `n, `r 
            if A_Index in %lines%
                out .= A_LoopField "`n" 
        return, SubStr(out, 1, -1)
    __Get(key, key2="") {
        if (key = "is_int") {
            if this is integer
                out := true
                out := false
        } else if (key = "upper")
            StringUpper, out, this
        else if (key = "lower")
            StringLower, out, this
        else if (key = "capitalize")
            out := SubStr(this, 1, 1).upper . SubStr(this, 2).lower
        else if (key = "reverse") or (key = "rev")
            DllCall("msvcrt\_" (A_IsUnicode? "wcs":"str") "rev", "UInt",&this, "CDecl"), out:=this
        else if (key = "length") or (key = "len")
            out := StrLen(this)
        else if (key = "isEmpty")
            out := StrLen(this)? False:True
        else if key.is_int and key2.is_int
            out := SubStr(this, key, key2)
        else if key.is_int and key2=""
            out := SubStr(this, key, 1)
        else if (key = "toHex") {
            format := A_FormatInteger
            SetFormat, IntegerFast, Hex
            out := "" this+0 ""
            SetFormat, IntegerFast, %format%
        } else if (key = "toDec") {
            format := A_FormatInteger
            SetFormat, IntegerFast, Dec
            out := "" this+0 ""
            SetFormat, IntegerFast, %format%
        } else if (key = "is_str") {
            Format := A_FormatInteger
            SetFormat, IntegerFast, Hex
            out := SubStr(this:=this, 1, 2)="0x"? False:True
            SetFormat, IntegerFast, %Format%
        return, out
StringLib_Set(byref this, key, value){
	StringReplace, this, this, %key%, %value%, all
To use this, save the above code as a file named StringLib.ahk in your user Lib folder. Then place #Include <StringLib> at the beginning of your script. (requires AHK_L)

Example Uses:
#Include <StringLib>

var := "AutoHotkey"
MsgBox % var.Length
MsgBox % var[5]
MsgBox % var.Upper
MsgBox % "AutoHotkey".Lower
MsgBox % var.Reverse
MsgBox % var.Left(4)
MsgBox % var.Right(6)
MsgBox % var.Replace("utoHotkey","HK")
MsgBox % var[5,3]
#Include <StringLib>

var =
MsgBox, % var.RemoveLines("1,3")
MsgBox, % var.KeepLines("1,3")

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I had something similar:
; Initialize syntactic sugar

s := String_new()
s.append("Hello World")
s.face := "die"
s.append("Appending content: " s.MyBoy)
msgbox % s.content

; Wipe the contents

s.append("New stuff")
s.die := "face"
s.append("Appending content: " s.AllTrueWarriors)
msgbox % s.content


; Test ini
ini =
val1 = Hello
val2 = World

val1 = My
val2 = boy

ini := IniToObject(ini)
MsgBox % ini["Sec1", "val1"] " " ini["Sec1", "val2"]
MsgBox % ini["Sec2", "val1"] " " ini["Sec2", "val2"]

; Test syntactic sugar
msgbox % myvar.assign("die") myvar
msgbox % "4,1,3,2".sort("D,")
msgbox % "abc".is("integer") " " (45).is("integer") " " (45.14).is("float")
msgbox % "faceface".toupper() " FACEFACE".tolower()
msgbox % "|" "    `t`t`tText surrounded by stuff`t`t`t    ".trim() "|"
msgbox % "|" "    `t`t`tText surrounded by stuff`t`t`t    ".ltrim() "|"
msgbox % "|" "    `t`t`tText surrounded by stuff`t`t`t    ".rtrim() "|"
msgbox % "AAAfacefaceAAA".trim("A")
msgbox % "FaceFace".replace("Face", "Die")
msgbox % "Match: " "FaceFace".match("^\w+$")
msgbox % "fACefAce".rereplace("(\w)[aA][cC][eE]", "$U1aceDie")
msgbox % "intformat: " "255".intformat("h")
msgbox % "floatformat: " "3.141592".floatformat("0.4")

q := "this,is,a,test".split(",")
Loop, % q._MaxIndex()
	MsgBox % "q[" A_Index "] = " q[A_Index] "`nq[" A_Index "].len() = " q[A_Index].len()

; Test errors
Face.Yes := "face".No

; User-defined properties test
SS_AddProp("content", "Content")
msgbox % "Content get: " "face".content
msgbox % "Content set: " (q.content := "Yes")

	Static String_base
		String_base := Object("append", "String_append", "wipe", "String_wipe", "__Set", "String__Set", "__Get", "String__Get", "__Delete", "String__Delete")
	rObj := Object("base", String_base)
	rObj._Insert("content", "") ; add the content variable
	return rObj

String__Set(obj, name, val){
	obj.append("**LOG** " name " was assigned the value '" val "'")
	return val

String__Get(obj, name){
	obj.append("**LOG** " name " was requested - returning 'dummy'")
	return "dummy"

	msgbox String object was deleted

String_append(obj, val){
	obj.content := obj.content val "`r`n"

	obj._Insert("content", "")


	oIni := Object()
	section := ""
	Loop, Parse, ini, `n, `r
		line := A_LoopField.trim()
		if(line.match("^\[(.+)\]$", o))
			section := o1.trim()
		else if(section && line.match("^(.+?)=(.*?)$", o))
			oIni[section, o1.trim()] := o2.trim()
	return oIni

	return var

Content_Set(ByRef var, val){
	return var := val


	Global __SS_Props
	; Shorthands to built-in functions
	"".base.subs := "SubStr"
	"".base.len := "StrLen"
	"".base.Trim := "Trim"
	"".base.LTrim := "LTrim"
	"".base.RTrim := "RTrim"
	"".base.Match := "RegExMatch"
	"".base.REReplace := "RegExReplace"
	"".base.Find := "InStr"
	; Shorthands to special functions
	"".base.Replace := "__Base_Replace"
	"".base.ToUpper := "__Base_ToUpper"
	"".base.ToLower := "__Base_ToLower"
	"".base.Split := "__Base_Split"
	"".base.IntFormat := "__Base_IntFormat"
	"".base.FloatFormat := "__Base_FloatFormat"
	"".base.Is := "__Base_Is"
	"".base.Assign := "__Base_Assign"
	"".base.Sort := "__Base_Sort"

	; Meta-functions for debug & extensibility
	"".base.__Get := "__Base__Get"
	"".base.__Set := "__Base__Set"
	"".base.__Call := "__Base__Call"

	; Array to hold names of custom Set/Get functions for properties
	__SS_Props := Object()

SS_AddProp(prop, handler){
	Global __SS_Props
	__SS_Props[prop] := handler

ObjDelete(ByRef obj){
	obj := ""

__Base__Get(var, key){
	Global __SS_Props

	key := key.trim()
	func := __SS_Props[key] "_Get"
		goto __Base_Get_ErrHandler

	return %func%(var)

	MsgBox Invalid GET operation: %key%
	return ""

__Base__Set(ByRef var, key, val){
	Global __SS_Props

	key := key.trim()
	func := __SS_Props[key] "_Set"
		goto __Base_Set_ErrHandler

	return %func%(var, val)

	MsgBox Invalid SET operation: %key%
	return ""

__Base__Call(var, func, p1="", p2="", p3="", p4="", p5="", p6="", p7="", p8=""){

	MsgBox Invalid CALL operation: %func%
	return ""

__Base_Replace(txt, a, b){
	StringReplace, txt, txt, % a, % b, All
	return txt

	StringUpper, txt, txt
	return txt

	StringLower, txt, txt
	return txt

__Base_Split(txt, delim, omit=""){
	obj := Object()
	Loop, Parse, txt, % delim, % omit
		obj[A_Index] := A_LoopField
	return obj

__Base_IntFormat(num, format=""){
	num := Floor(num) ; force integer
	oldfmt := A_FormatInteger
	SetFormat, IntegerFast, %format%
	num .= "" ; update internal string representation
	SetFormat, IntegerFast, %oldfmt%
	return num "" ; force string

__Base_FloatFormat(num, format=""){
	num += 0.0 ; force float
	oldfmt := A_FormatFloat
	SetFormat, FloatFast, %format%
	num .= "" ; update internal string representation
	SetFormat, FloatFast, %oldfmt%
	return num "" ; force string

__Base_Is(var, type){
	if var is %type%
		return true
		return false

__Base_Assign(ByRef var, value=""){
	var := value
	return var

__Base_Sort(list, options=""){
	Sort, list, %options%
	return list

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Wow, that explains some of the concepts that made me hesitate to use the object functions of AHK_L, thanks!

Obviously it's just a sample but you could shorten the String_Properties function down slightly, no?

String_Properties(string, key) { 
   If (key = "upper")
      StringUpper, string, string 
   If (key = "lower")
      StringLower, string, string 
   If (key = "reverse")
      DllCall("msvcrt\_strrev", "UInt",&string, "CDecl")
   If (key = "length") 
   If key is integer 
      string:=SubStr(string, key, 1) 
   return, string

I also found that the String_Properties function limited some string extraction operations for my taste so I rewrote it in this fashion:

String_Properties(string, key,[color=red] len=""[/color]) { 
   If (key = "upper") 
      StringUpper, string, string 
   If (key = "lower") 
      StringLower, string, string 
   If (key = "reverse") 
      DllCall("msvcrt\_strrev", "UInt",&string, "CDecl") 
   If (key = "length") 
[color=red]   If len
      string:=SubStr(string, key, len) 
   If !len
      string:=SubStr(string, key)[/color]
   return, string 

Thanks again for the code! Provided much needed illumination!

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"".base.LTrim := "String_LTrim"
	"".base.RTrim := "String_RTrim"
	"".base.SubStr := "String_SubStr"

I can't confirm atm, but I suppose you can discard String_LTrim, '_RTrim and '_SubStr by replacing the above with the below:
"".base.LTrim := "LTrim"
"".base.RTrim := "RTrim"
"".base.SubStr := "SubStr"
Built-in functions can be used as "methods" in the same way as script functions, though it's probably only useful in cases like this. See Trim() for details about Trim, LTrim and RTrim.


If (key = "upper") 
      StringUpper, string, string 
   If (key = "lower") 
      StringLower, string, string 

Unlike jethrow's code (which returns as soon as it has found a match) this code performs every comparison every time. I'd simply add "else":
If key = upper
      StringUpper, string, string 
   Else If key = lower
      StringLower, string, string 
Also, traditional IF performs marginally better, but it's more a matter of personal preference. I'd use it because it looks a little "cleaner", but I suppose mixing traditional IF and expression IF can be confusing for some users...

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I'm continually impressed by your dedicated efforts to improve AHK & the AHK community :D. Thank you for the information.

Edit - Actually, I hesitated using LTrim/RTrim terminology because of your Trim function, but I didn't think it would matter since I wasn't planning on developing this script any more. The functionality of my LTrim/RTrim was to trim a number of characters, rather than specific characters. Is there a way to do this with you're Trim function?

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The functionality of my LTrim/RTrim was to trim a number of characters, rather than specific characters.

Ah! I wasn't paying attention. :)

Is there a way to do this with you're Trim function?

No, I'd typically just use SubStr.

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I did some more work on this library ( maybe someone will use it someday :p ). I have to give a special thanks to HotKeyIt for this post. Here is a script that shows most of the changes:

var := "AutoHotkey"
MsgBox % "1) "	var.capitalize
	. "`n2) " .	var.reverse
	. "`n3) " .	var.isEmpty
	. "`n4) " .	"123".toHex
	. "`n5) " .	"0x7B".toDec
	. "`n6) " .	"123".isStr	; special thanks to HotKeyIt
	. "`n7) " .	(123).isStr
	. "`n8) " .	"123AutHotKey".LTrim( "12" )	; trim string
	. "`n9) " .	"123AutHotKey".LTrim( 4 )	; trim number of characters
	. "`n10 " .	"|" . "		123AutoHotKey".LTrim()	; regular LTrim() functionality
	. "`n11) " .	var.count( "t" )
	. "`n12) " .	"A".times( 5 )
	. "`n13) " .	var.gsub( "[A-Z]", "[$0]" )
array := "Testing[color=red],[/color]normal[color=red],[/color]split".split( "[color=red],[/color]" )
Loop, % array.count
	t1 .= A_Index " = " array[ A_Index ] "`n"
MsgBox, %t1%
array := "Testing[color=red]1[/color]RegEx[color=red]65[/color]split".split( "R)[color=red]\d+[/color]" ) ; use "R)" for RegEx Split
Loop, % array.count
	t2 .= A_Index " = " array[ A_Index ] "`n"
MsgBox, %t2%
If anyone has any suggestions/criticisms/questions, I'm open to comments.
[color=darkred]String_Lib()[/color] {
"".base.[color=olive]Left[/color] := "String_Left"
"".base.[color=olive]Right[/color] := "String_Right"
"".base.[color=olive]Replace[/color] := "String_Replace"
"".base.[color=olive]LTrim[/color] := "String_LTrim"
"".base.[color=olive]RTrim[/color] := "String_RTrim"
"".base.[color=olive]Count[/color] := "String_Count"
"".base.[color=olive]Times[/color] := "String_Times"
"".base.[color=olive]Split[/color] := "String_Split"

"".base.[color=olive]RemoveLines[/color] := "String_RemoveLines"
"".base.[color=olive]KeepLines[/color] := "String_KeepLines"

"".base.[color=olive]SubStr[/color] := "SubStr"
"".base.[color=olive]InStr[/color] := "InStr"
"".base.[color=olive]Trim[/color] := "Trim"
"".base.[color=olive]gsub[/color] := "RegExReplace"
"".base.__Get  := "String_Properties"
Return, True
[color=darkred]String_Properties( in, key )[/color] {
	If ( key = "[color=olive]upper[/color]" )
		StringUpper, out, in
	Else If ( key = "[color=olive]lower[/color]" )
		StringLower, out, in
	Else If ( key = "[color=olive]capitalize[/color]" )
		out := SubStr( in, 1, 1 ).upper . SubStr( in, 2 ).lower
	Else If ( key = "[color=olive]reverse[/color]" ) || ( key = "[color=olive]rev[/color]" ) ; http://www.autohotkey.com/forum/topic46040.html&start=5
		DllCall("msvcrt\_" ( A_IsUnicode ? "wcs" : "str" ) "rev", "UInt",&in, "CDecl"), out:=in
	Else If ( key = "[color=olive]length[/color]" ) || ( key = "[color=olive]len[/color]" )
		out := StrLen( in )
	Else If ( key = "[color=olive]isEmpty[/color]" )
		out := StrLen( in ) ? False : True
	Else If key is integer
		out := SubStr( in, key, 1 )
	Else If ( key = "[color=olive]toHex[/color]" ) {
		format := A_FormatInteger
		SetFormat, IntegerFast, Hex
		out := "" in+0 ""
		SetFormat, IntegerFast, %format%
	} Else If ( key = "[color=olive]toDec[/color]" ) {
		format := A_FormatInteger
		SetFormat, Integerfast, Dec
		out := "" in+0 ""
		SetFormat, IntegerFast, %format%
	} Else If ( key = "[color=olive]isStr[/color]" ) {
		Format := A_FormatInteger
		SetFormat, IntegerFast, Hex
		out := SubStr( in:=in, 1, 2 )="0x" ? False : True
		SetFormat, IntegerFast, %Format%
	Return, out
[color=darkred]String_Left( in, count=1 )[/color] {
   Return, SubStr( in, 1, count )
[color=darkred]String_Right( in, count=1 )[/color] {
   StringRight, out, in, count
   Return, out
[color=darkred]String_LTrim( in, count="" )[/color] {
	If count.isStr
		out := count ? LTrim( in, count ) : LTrim( in )
		StringTrimLeft, out, in, count
	Return, out
[color=darkred]String_RTrim( in, count="" )[/color] {
	If count.isStr
		Return, count ? RTrim( in, count ) : RTrim( in )
		StringTrimRight, out, in, count
	Return, out
[color=darkred]String_Count( in, count )[/color] {
	StringReplace, in, in, %count%, , UseErrorLevel
	Return, ErrorLevel
[color=darkred]String_Replace( in, find, replace="" )[/color] {
   StringReplace, out, in, %find%, %replace%, A
   Return, out
[color=darkred]String_Times( in, times )[/color] {
	VarSetCapacity( out, times )
	Loop, %times%
		out .= in
	Return, out
[color=darkred]String_Split( in, delim="", omit="" )[/color] {
	out := object()
	If ( SubStr( delim, 1, 2 ) = "R)" ) {
		in := in.Replace( omit ), pos := 0, n:=start:=1
		If ( (needle:=SubStr( delim, 3 ))="" )
			Return, in.Split( needle )
		While, pos := RegExMatch( in, needle, match, start )
			out[n++] := SubStr( in, start, pos-start ), start := pos+StrLen( match )
		out[n] := SubStr( in, start )
	} Else 
		Loop, Parse, in, %delim%, %omit%
			out[ A_Index ] := A_LoopField
	out.base := object( "__Get", "Split_Count" )
	Return, out
[color=darkred]Split_Count( obj, key )[/color] {
	Return, key="count" ? obj._MaxIndex() : ""
[color=darkred]String_RemoveLines( in, lines )[/color] {
	VarSetCapacity( out, n:=StrLen( in ) )
	Loop, Parse, in, `n, `r 
		If A_Index not in %lines%
			out .= A_LoopField "`n" 
	Return, SubStr( out, 1, -1 )
[color=darkred]String_KeepLines( in, lines )[/color] {
	VarSetCapacity( out, n:=StrLen( in ) )
	Loop, Parse, in, `n, `r 
		If A_Index in %lines%
			out .= A_LoopField "`n" 
	Return, SubStr( out, 1, -1 )

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Would it be possible to do this with class syntax?

I've tried reassigning the base to my class, extending "", extending "".base, and none of it works. The last two give errors.

Any ideas?
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You should be able to just call this StringLib.ahk, put it in your Lib filder, then put #Include <StringLib> at the top of your script. If there's not errors, I'll replace the original post:
class StringLib {

    static init := ("".base.base := StringLib)

    static __Set := Func("StringLib_Set")

    Left(count=1) {

       return, SubStr(this, 1, count)


    Right(count=1) {

       StringRight, out, this, count

       return, out


    TrimL(count="") {

        if count.is_Str

            out := count? LTrim(this, count):LTrim(this)


            StringTrimLeft, out, this, count

        return, out


    TrimR(count="") {

        if count.is_Str

            return, count? RTrim(this, count):RTrim(this)


            StringTrimRight, out, this, count

        return, out


    Count(count) {

        StringReplace, this, this, %count%, , UseErrorLevel

        return, ErrorLevel


    Replace(find, replace="") {

       StringReplace, out, this, %find%, %replace%, A

       return, out


    Times(times) {

        VarSetCapacity(out, times)

        Loop, %times%

            out .= this

        return, out


    Split(delim="", omit="") {

        out := object()

        if (SubStr(delim, 1, 2) = "R)") {

            this := this.Replace(omit), pos := 0, n:=start:=1

            if ((needle:=SubStr(delim, 3))="")

                return, this.Split(needle)

            while, pos := RegExMatch(this, needle, match, start)

                out[n++] := SubStr(this, start, pos-start), start := pos+StrLen(match)

            out[n] := SubStr(this, start)

        } else 

            Loop, Parse, this, %delim%, %omit%

                out[A_Index] := A_LoopField 

        return, out 


    RemoveLines(lines) {

        VarSetCapacity(out, n:=StrLen(this))

        Loop, Parse, this, `n, `r 

            if A_Index not in %lines%

                out .= A_LoopField "`n" 

        return, SubStr(out, 1, -1)


    KeepLines(lines) {

        VarSetCapacity(out, n:=StrLen(this))

        Loop, Parse, this, `n, `r 

            if A_Index in %lines%

                out .= A_LoopField "`n" 

        return, SubStr(out, 1, -1)


    __Get(key, key2="") {

        if (key = "is_int") {

            if this is integer

                out := true


                out := false

        } else if (key = "upper")

            StringUpper, out, this

        else if (key = "lower")

            StringLower, out, this

        else if (key = "capitalize")

            out := SubStr(this, 1, 1).upper . SubStr(this, 2).lower

        else if (key = "reverse") or (key = "rev")

            DllCall("msvcrt\_" (A_IsUnicode? "wcs":"str") "rev", "UInt",&this, "CDecl"), out:=this

        else if (key = "length") or (key = "len")

            out := StrLen(this)

        else if (key = "isEmpty")

            out := StrLen(this)? False:True

        else if key.is_int and key2.is_int

            out := SubStr(this, key, key2)

        else if key.is_int and key2=""

            out := SubStr(this, key, 1)

        else if (key = "toHex") {

            format := A_FormatInteger

            SetFormat, IntegerFast, Hex

            out := "" this+0 ""

            SetFormat, IntegerFast, %format%

        } else if (key = "toDec") {

            format := A_FormatInteger

            SetFormat, IntegerFast, Dec

            out := "" this+0 ""

            SetFormat, IntegerFast, %format%

        } else if (key = "is_str") {

            Format := A_FormatInteger

            SetFormat, IntegerFast, Hex

            out := SubStr(this:=this, 1, 2)="0x"? False:True

            SetFormat, IntegerFast, %Format%


        return, out



StringLib_Set(byref this, key, value){

	StringReplace, this, this, %key%, %value%, all


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Thanks, I'll try it out next time I'm on windows (maybe in a few hours).
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  • Last active: Feb 05 2015 02:49 PM
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Sorry for the very, very late reply. It works great!

#Include <StrLib>
text := "That links it nicely"
Msgbox % text[1,3] . text[8,3]

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