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Fade Inactive Windows

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Lots of Fixes here. Not everything is strictly new -- this is simply as list of changes I've made from the original script:

- Added configurable Fade Step for fade in and fade out
- No longer replace the standard menu, rather 'Configure' is simply added to it
- Added a check to make sure the system tray icon exits
- Loop through windows much more often (every 200 ms) for better responsiveness
- Moved processname code further down to improve performance (6% to 1% CPU)
- Make the active window non-transparent first, before making other windows transparent
- Make all windows in the active process (based on PID) non-transparent (i.e. Find Dialogs, menus, etc.)
- Fixed Drag artifacts (transparent box when dragging Desktop icons)

; AutoHotkey Version: 1.x
; Language:       English
; Platform:       WinNT
; Author:         David Earls
; Script Function:
;   Ghost inactive Windows like XFCE
; Attribution: The code to loop through windows was paraphrased from the AHK forums.
; script of Unambiguous adjusted for use with PSPad
; Modified by Jesse Elliott
; - Added configurable Fade Step for fade in and fade out
; - No longer replace the standard menu, rather 'Configure' is simply added to it
; - Added a check to make sure the system tray icon exits
; - Loop through windows much more often (every 200 ms) for better responsiveness
; - Moved processname code further down to improve performance (6% to 1% CPU)
; - Make the active window non-transparent first, before making other windows transparent
; - Make all windows in the active process (based on PID) non-transparent (i.e. Find Dialogs, menus, etc.)
; - Fixed Drag artifacts (transparent box when dragging Desktop icons)

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
#SingleInstance, force
DetectHiddenWindows, Off 

; Configurable Values
iniread, TransLvl, fadetoblack.ini, Preferences, Transparent, 200
iniread, fadeStep, fadetoblack.ini, Preferences, FadeStep, 10
iniread, delay, fadetoblack.ini, Preferences, Delay, 0

; if the icon exists, use it
ifexist, %A_Windir%\System32\accessibilitycpl.dll
  menu, tray, icon, %A_Windir%\System32\accessibilitycpl.dll, 15

; add Configure to the standard menu  
menu, tray, add
menu, tray, add, &Configure, Configure
menu, tray, default, &Configure
menu, tray, tip, Fades Inactive Windows - Please exit properly.

OnExit, ExitRoutine
SetTimer, CheckIfActive, 200  ; check windows every 200 milliseconds

; loop through all windows
WinGet, id, list, , , Program Manager
Loop, %id%
    StringTrimRight, this_id, id%a_index%, 0
    WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %this_id%
    If title =

    WinGetClass class , ahk_id %this_id%

    if class = Shell_TrayWnd ; Look down
    if class = Button ; Start Menu
    if class = SysDragImage ; Drag Objects

    ; Exclusions
    winget processname, processname, ahk_id %this_id%

    if ( processname = "PSPad.exe" and class = "TApplication" )
    if (processname = "devenv.exe") ; Visual Studio doesn't support transparency (WS_EX_LAYERED is not set)

    ; Set the active window non-transparent first
    WinGet, activeTrans, Transparent, A

    if activeTrans = %TransLvl%
        fadeTrans := TransLvl

        While, fadeTrans < 255
            fadeTrans += fadeStep

            if (fadeTrans < 255)
              Winset, Transparent, %fadeTrans%, A
              Sleep, 5

        ; set to 255 first as suggested in Help to avoid black background issues
        winset, Transparent, 255, ahk_id A
        winset, Transparent, Off, ahk_id A

        ; Debug Code
        ;WinGetTitle activeTitle, A
        ;WinGetClass activeClass, A
        ;winget activeProcessname, processname, A
        ;MsgBox, Activated %activeTitle%   Class: %activeClass%   Process: %activeProcessname%

    ; get the active process ID to make all windows in a single process the same
    WinGet, active_pid, PID, A

    WinGet, pid, PID, ahk_id %this_id%
    WinGet, id_trans, ID, ahk_id %this_id%
    WinGet, Trans, Transparent, ahk_id %this_id%

    ; if this is a window in the active process, Set non-transparent
    if (pid = active_pid)
        ; if transparent
        if Trans = %TransLvl%
            fadeTrans := TransLvl

            While, fadeTrans < 255
                fadeTrans += fadeStep

                if (fadeTrans < 255)
                  Winset,Transparent, %fadeTrans%, ahk_id %id_trans%
                  Sleep, 5

            ; set to 255 first as suggested in Help to avoid black background issues
            winset, Transparent, 255, ahk_id %id_trans%
            winset, Transparent, Off, ahk_id %id_trans%

            ; Debug Code
            ;winget processname,processname, ahk_id %this_id%
            ;MsgBox, Activated %title%   Class: %class%   Process: %processname%


    If Trans = %TransLvl% ; already Transparent

    if delay
        if wininactive%ID_trans% < %delay%
            wininactive%ID_trans% += 1
            wininactive%ID_min% = 0

    fadeTrans = 255

    While, fadeTrans > TransLvl
        if (fadeTrans > TransLvl)
          fadeTrans -= fadeStep
          Winset,Transparent, %fadeTrans%, ahk_id %id_trans%
          Sleep, 30

    Winset, Transparent, %TransLvl%, ahk_id %id_trans%

    ; Debug Code
    ;winget processname,processname, ahk_id %this_id%
    ;MsgBox, Faded %title%   Class: %class%   Process: %processname%

; on exit, set windows back to non-transparent
WinGet, id, list, , , Program Manager
Loop, %id%
    StringTrimRight, this_id, id%a_index%, 0
    WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %this_id%
    WinGetClass class , ahk_id %this_id%

    If title =
    if class = Shell_TrayWnd
    if class = Button ;you get a large square if you remove this.
    if class = SysDragImage ; Drag Objects

    winget processname,processname, ahk_id %this_id%

    ; Exclusions
    if ( processname = "PSPad.exe" and class = "TApplication" )
    if (processname = "devenv.exe") ; Visual Studio doesn't support transparency (WS_EX_LAYERED is not set)

    WinGet, id_trans, ID, ahk_id %this_id%

    ; set to 255 first as suggested in Help to avoid black background issues
    Winset,Transparent,255, ahk_id %id_trans%
    Winset,Transparent,off, ahk_id %id_trans%

gui, add, text,,Transparency:
gui, add, text,,Ghost
gui, add, slider,x+5 vTransSlider Range20-255 tooltip,%TransLvl%
gui, add, text,x+5,HiDef
gui, add, text,xm,Fade Step:
gui, add, text,,Slow
gui, add, slider,x+5 vFadeSlider Range1-50 tooltip,%fadeStep%
gui, add, text,x+5,Fast
gui, add, text,xm,`nInactivity Delay (Seconds):
gui, add, text,,Zero
gui, add, slider,x+5 tooltip vDelaySlider Range0-90, %delay%
gui, add, text,x+5,Ninety
gui, add, button,xm,&Save
gui, show,,Configure
return ;the gui

gui, submit
iniwrite, %TransSlider%, fadetoblack.ini, Preferences, Transparent
iniwrite, %FadeSlider%,  fadetoblack.ini, Preferences, FadeStep
iniwrite, %DelaySlider%, fadetoblack.ini, Preferences, Delay

gui, destroy

return ;configure sub

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Awesome work, I'll going to roll with this today and see how it runs =]


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Allrighty, here's what I got:

Posted Image

As well as this (this is a notification for a Yoono pop-up, Yoono is a Firefox extension):
Posted Image

The Yoono pop-up notification box typically looks something like this (not my photo):
Posted Image

I am going to try and get Window spy to see what the window information is for that pop-up? I would think it possible to exclude that window from being affected by this script, no? Unless it has common identifiers with the Firefox window.

Rainmeter widgets are fine.

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Meetloaf, there's some Debug code in the script that you can uncomment that will tell you window information whenever a window is faded...

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Meetloaf, there's some Debug code in the script that you can uncomment that will tell you window information whenever a window is faded...

Allright, I'll see if I can play with it. I'm still a rookie ;)

Thanks for all your updates. I'm diggin' your defaults for the fade transition BTW =]

Sweet, I just excluded siderbar.exe and my gadgets are not affected.
with the If...continue code it excludes that process from the ghosting effect.

Can you exclude other things like window classes?

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Sweet, I just excluded siderbar.exe and my gadgets are not affected.
with the If...continue code it excludes that process from the ghosting effect.

Can you exclude other things like window classes?

Absolutely. That's how I fixed the Drag problem:
if class = SysDragImage ; Drag Objects

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So, I can't use the ahk_class, b/c it's the same as Firefox,

But, the window title is different. My only problem is that the title name varies as follows:

I was thinking of using an * at the end of my expression, but it would be in quotes, so this won't work right?

Been reading about 'RegExMatch' but not sure how it works exactly.

Essentially I need something like this

if title = "layer-*"

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if Instr(...)
If var in/contains value1,value2,...

if (instr(title, "layer"))
; or
if title contains layer,Pandora,tidbit ; ignore anything with layer or Pandora or tidbit in the title.

rawr. be very afraid
. Populate the AutoHotkey city. Pointless but somewhat fun. .

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Has anyone tried locking their computer (Window’s Key + L) with this running? I don't know if it is just coincidence or not, but after I started running this script, if I lock my pc, when I unlock it, I get a black screen and the system is un responsive for like 3 minutes.

I have rebooted and I am going to see if it continues. Has anyone else seen this or does anyone know of a way to detect when the machine is locked and stop the timer until the system is unlocked?
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Posted Image ...which raises my next question: Could these scripts we are using so casually somehow damage our Windows OS? Posted Image

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Posted Image :shock:

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Has anyone tried locking their computer (Window’s Key + L) with this running? I don't know if it is just coincidence or not, but after I started running this script, if I lock my pc, when I unlock it, I get a black screen and the system is un responsive for like 3 minutes.

I have rebooted and I am going to see if it continues. Has anyone else seen this or does anyone know of a way to detect when the machine is locked and stop the timer until the system is unlocked?

Hmm, just tried it. It worked fine for me... Are you on Windows 7?

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if Instr(...)
If var in/contains value1,value2,...


if (instr(title, "layer"))
; or
if title contains layer,Pandora,tidbit ; ignore anything with layer or Pandora or tidbit in the title.

Tidbit, thank you for your help and the examples, one reason I love coming here to AHK forums, always learn something new.

@Aero98, I just tried lock/unlock and no issues.

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- Now keeps track of currently active process to improve performance (brings CPU to 0%)
- Fixed regression in Inactive Delay (it now works again)
- Added excludes for sidebar.exe and windows with title starting with 'layer-'

; AutoHotkey Version: 1.x
; Language:       English
; Platform:       WinNT
; Author:         David Earls
; Script Function:
;   Ghost inactive Windows like XFCE
; Attribution: The code to loop through windows was paraphrased from the AHK forums.
; script of Unambiguous adjusted for use with PSPad
; Modified by Jesse Elliott
; - Added configurable Fade Step for fade in and fade out
; - No longer replace the standard menu, rather 'Configure' is simply added to it
; - Added a check to make sure the system tray icon exits
; - Loop through windows much more often (every 200 ms) for better responsiveness
; - Moved processname code further down to improve performance (6% to 1% CPU)
; - Make the active window non-transparent first, before making other windows transparent
; - Make all windows in the active process (based on PID) non-transparent (i.e. Find Dialogs, menus, etc.)
; - Fixed Drag artifacts (transparent box when dragging Desktop icons)
; - Keep track of currently active process (brings CPU to 0%)
; - Fixed regression in Inactive Delay
; - Added excludes for sidebar.exe and windows with title starting with 'layer-'

#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
SetTitleMatchMode, 2
#SingleInstance, force
DetectHiddenWindows, Off 

; Configurable Values
iniread, TransLvl, fadetoblack.ini, Preferences, Transparent, 200
iniread, fadeStep, fadetoblack.ini, Preferences, FadeStep, 10
iniread, delay,    fadetoblack.ini, Preferences, Delay, 0

; if the icon exists, use it
ifexist, %A_Windir%\System32\accessibilitycpl.dll
  menu, tray, icon, %A_Windir%\System32\accessibilitycpl.dll, 15

; add Configure to the standard menu  
menu, tray, add
menu, tray, add, &Configure, Configure
menu, tray, default, &Configure
menu, tray, tip, Fades Inactive Windows - Please exit properly.

; keep track of the current active PID for performance reasons
curActivePID = -1

OnExit, ExitRoutine
SetTimer, CheckIfActive, 200  ; check windows every 200 ms


WinGet, active_pid, PID, A

; if the active process hasn't changed, don't do anything
if (active_pid = curActivePID)
    canReturn = 1

    if (delay)
        WinGet, id, list, , , Program Manager
        Loop, %id%
            StringTrimRight, this_id, id%a_index%, 0

            if wininactive%this_id% > 0
                canReturn = 0

    if (canReturn)

curActivePID := active_pid

; Set the active window non-transparent first
WinGet, activeTrans, Transparent, A

if activeTrans = %TransLvl%
    fadeTrans := TransLvl

    While, fadeTrans < 255
        fadeTrans += fadeStep

        if (fadeTrans < 255)
          Winset, Transparent, %fadeTrans%, A
          Sleep, 5

    ; set to 255 first as suggested in Help to avoid black background issues
    winset, Transparent, 255, A
    winset, Transparent, Off, A

    ; Debug Code
    ;WinGetTitle activeTitle, A
    ;WinGetClass activeClass, A
    ;winget activeProcessname, processname, A
    ;MsgBox, Activated %activeTitle%   Class: %activeClass%   Process: %activeProcessname%

; loop through all windows
WinGet, id, list, , , Program Manager
Loop, %id%
    StringTrimRight, this_id, id%a_index%, 0
    WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %this_id%
    If title =

    WinGetClass class , ahk_id %this_id%

    if class = Shell_TrayWnd ; taskbar
    if class = Button ; Start Menu
    if class = SysDragImage ; Drag Objects
    if class = WorkerW ; Desktop

    ; Exclusions
    winget processname, processname, ahk_id %this_id%

    if (processname = "PSPad.exe" and class = "TApplication" )
    if (processname = "devenv.exe") ; Visual Studio doesn't support transparency (WS_EX_LAYERED is not set)
    if (processname = "sidebar.exe")

    ; if the title starts with 'layer-', continue
    StringGetPos, strPos, title, layer-

    if (strPos = 0)

    WinGet, pid, PID, ahk_id %this_id%
    WinGet, id_trans, ID, ahk_id %this_id%
    WinGet, Trans, Transparent, ahk_id %this_id%

    ; if this is a window in the active process, Set non-transparent
    if (pid = active_pid)
        ; if transparent
        if Trans = %TransLvl%
            fadeTrans := TransLvl

            While, fadeTrans < 255
                fadeTrans += fadeStep

                if (fadeTrans < 255)
                  Winset,Transparent, %fadeTrans%, ahk_id %id_trans%
                  Sleep, 5

            ; set to 255 first as suggested in Help to avoid black background issues
            winset, Transparent, 255, ahk_id %id_trans%
            winset, Transparent, Off, ahk_id %id_trans%

            ; Debug Code
            ;winget processname,processname, ahk_id %this_id%
            ;MsgBox, Activated* %title%   Class: %class%   Process: %processname%


    If Trans = %TransLvl% ; already Transparent

    if delay
        ; scale delay based on loop frequency (200 ms)
        scaledDelay := delay * 4 ; should be 5, but this seems to work :)

        if wininactive%ID_trans% < %scaledDelay%
            wininactive%ID_trans% += 1
            wininactive%ID_trans% = 0

    fadeTrans = 255

    While, fadeTrans > TransLvl
        fadeTrans -= fadeStep

        if (fadeTrans > TransLvl)
          Winset,Transparent, %fadeTrans%, ahk_id %id_trans%
          Sleep, 30

    Winset, Transparent, %TransLvl%, ahk_id %id_trans%

    ; Debug Code
    ;winget processname,processname, ahk_id %this_id%
    ;MsgBox, Faded %title%   Class: %class%   Process: %processname%


; on exit, set windows back to non-transparent
WinGet, id, list, , , Program Manager
Loop, %id%
    StringTrimRight, this_id, id%a_index%, 0
    WinGetTitle, title, ahk_id %this_id%
    WinGetClass class , ahk_id %this_id%

    If title =
    if class = Shell_TrayWnd
    if class = Button ;you get a large square if you remove this.
    if class = SysDragImage ; Drag Objects
    if class = WorkerW ; Desktop

    winget processname,processname, ahk_id %this_id%

    ; Exclusions
    if (processname = "PSPad.exe" and class = "TApplication" )
    if (processname = "devenv.exe") ; Visual Studio doesn't support transparency (WS_EX_LAYERED is not set)
    if (processname = "sidebar.exe")

    WinGet, id_trans, ID, ahk_id %this_id%

    ; set to 255 first as suggested in Help to avoid black background issues
    Winset,Transparent,255, ahk_id %id_trans%
    Winset,Transparent,off, ahk_id %id_trans%

gui, add, text,,Transparency:
gui, add, text,,Ghost
gui, add, slider,x+5 vTransSlider Range20-255 tooltip,%TransLvl%
gui, add, text,x+5,HiDef
gui, add, text,xm,Fade Step:
gui, add, text,,Slow
gui, add, slider,x+5 vFadeSlider Range1-50 tooltip,%fadeStep%
gui, add, text,x+5,Fast
gui, add, text,xm,`nInactivity Delay (Seconds):
gui, add, text,,Zero
gui, add, slider,x+5 tooltip vDelaySlider Range0-90, %delay%
gui, add, text,x+5,Ninety
gui, add, button,xm,&Save
gui, show,,Configure
return ;the gui

gui, submit
iniwrite, %TransSlider%, fadetoblack.ini, Preferences, Transparent
iniwrite, %FadeSlider%,  fadetoblack.ini, Preferences, FadeStep
iniwrite, %DelaySlider%, fadetoblack.ini, Preferences, Delay

gui, destroy

return ;configure sub

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I've been busy at work/home all week and I missed all of this. Even the Lifehacker part. I've created a web page for (my version) of the program located here:


It has several bug fixes and the priority of the process is configurable. Judging by all your comments I need to read exclusions from an INI file and consider stealing (:-) the gradual fade effect worked on by y'all.

I'll sign up for an AHK forums account so I'm not so out of the loop in the future.

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Jesse's edits are butter. Running it right now it most of the bugginess is gone.