Contents preserved below:
Some months ago I started writing a scripted clone of Ahk2Exe. Now that 32-bit scripts also use the resource method and there's a(n incomplete) scripted rewrite out there, I got the motivation to finish it.
If you're thinking, "Wow, it looks exactly the same as the existing Ahk2Exe!"; well, that's exactly the point of it! Everything has been faithfully cloned (I hope), up to the error messages!
Bundled with AutoHotkey_L
GitHub repo
What's supported
Everything: command line, #Include, FileInstall, StdLib (with #include <...> support too), icon changing (!), settings on registry...
Extra featuresTodo list
- Script size reduction is now more thorough: empty lines and leading and trailing whitespace are removed, except in continuation sections.
- Multiple .bin file support in the GUI: for it to work you must have bin files other than AutoHotkeySC.bin in the Compiler folder (in the screenshot above, I had ANSI 32-bit.bin, Unicode 32-bit.bin and Unicode 64-bit.bin).
Implement Handle FileInstall on same-line If* commands.
Not supported (yet?)
#CommentFlag, #Delimiter, ...
Old pre-bundling changelog
- Added missing 'v' to <COMPILER: ...> comment in compiled scripts
- Added Help command to Help menu
- The hotkeys were removed
- CLI errors now actually close the program instead of making the script persistent
- The logo is now embedded into the executable
- [*:3dgxhmdo]Removed arbitrary 16 images per icon limit
- Tolerate the absence of AutoHotkey.exe and remove the /iLib temp script
- Add support for changing the .bin file in the GUI (the selection is also stored in the registry)
- Actually implement the GUI hotkeys
- Fix the title bar typo