If your using COM to automat outlook you may be able to use ".SentOnBehalfOfName" insted of ".from"
Confirmed working, thankyou!
If your using COM to automat outlook you may be able to use ".SentOnBehalfOfName" insted of ".from"
Confirmed working, thankyou!
Yet another question I am afraid...
If you, for example, send an email to yourself via exchange, the SenderEmailAddress property of the MailItem does not look like an email address.
ie, instead of the string peter.jones@mycompany.com
Does anyone know how to either resolve this to their primary SMTP address, or if there is another property which holds the primary SMTP address?
; http://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/office/forum/office_2007-customize/need-vba-to-obtain-smtp-address-of-exchange-user/97833c7c-18e3-4b8d-923a-606b81c9ecd1?auth=1 olApp := ComObjActive("Outlook.Application") olNamespace := olApp.GetNamespace("MAPI") Window := olApp.ActiveWindow if (Window.Class = 35) ; 35 = An Inspector object. (The email is open in its own window) { SmtpAddress := "" MailItem := Window.CurrentItem FromName := MailItem.SenderName Recip := olApp.Session.CreateRecipient(FromName) Recip.Resolve if (Recip.Resolved) { UserType := Recip.AddressEntry.AddressEntryUserType if (UserType = 0 || UserType = 10) ; olExchangeUserAddressEntry || olOutlookContactAddressEntry SmtpAddress := Recip.AddressEntry.GetExchangeUser.PrimarySmtpAddress else if (UserType = 1) ; olExchangeDistributionListAddressEntry SmtpAddress := Recip.AddressEntry.GetExchangeDistributionList.PrimarySmtpAddress } if (SmtpAddress = "") SmtpAddress := MailItem.SenderEmailAddress } MsgBox, % "SmtpAddress: " SmtpAddress return
I am trying to iterate through MailItems in a folder, and on some PCs the loop iterates one way (oldest->newest), but on some PCs it iterates the other way (newest->oldest).
Same version of Outlook, same OS, different results. I'm stumped.
I tried to do a Sort
, but I cannot seem to get it to change anything.
Any ideas?
#SingleInstance force folder := 6 mail := ComObjActive("Outlook.Application").GetNameSpace("MAPI").GetDefaultFolder[folder] ;mail.Items.Sort("[ReceivedTime]", False) oExp := ComObjActive("Outlook.Application").ActiveExplorer oExp.ClearSelection msgbox Nothing should be selected Loop % mail.Items.Count { mi := A_Index MailItem := mail.Items[mi] oExp.ClearSelection ; Select message oExp.AddToSelection(MailItem) MsgBox, 4, Confirm Step, % "Item " A_Index " selected with subject " MailItem.Subject ".`nContinue?" IfMsgBox No { break } }
mail := ComObjActive("Outlook.Application").GetNameSpace("MAPI").GetDefaultFolder(6) oExp := ComObjActive("Outlook.Application").ActiveExplorer MyItems := mail.Items MyItems.Sort("[Received]", true) for MailItem, in MyItems { ; Or ;Loop, % MyItems.Count { ; MailItem := MyItems.Item(A_Index) oExp.ClearSelection oExp.AddToSelection(MailItem) MsgBox, 4, Confirm Step, % "Item " A_Index " selected with subject " MailItem.Subject ".`nContinue?" IfMsgBox No { break } }
Explanation: MailItem Collection Order for a folder
Thankyou Kon, that worked.
Here is a code snippet to automate the Outlook 2007 "Account" button:
Adapted from sample VB code
static ID_ACCOUNTS := 31224 desiredaccount := "me@there.com" oOutlook := ComObjActive("Outlook.Application") oInspector := oOutlook.Application.ActiveInspector CBs := oInspector.CommandBars CBP := CBs.FindControl(, ID_ACCOUNTS) for MC in CBP.Controls { if (InStr(MC.Caption, desiredaccount)){ MC.Execute } }