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mouse kicks on the sreen edge

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Hey dudes!

I was wondering if it is possible to trigger an action through mouse kicks on the sreen edge, similar gestures.
I thought of using a timer like SetTimer, watchmouse, 100 but it is not functional since it will uses cpu in vain most part of the time just to check mouse x and y.

is there a way to that?

(see, the idea is not gestures and all that... i need only "kicks on the sreen edge")


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You aren't very clear as to what "action" you wish upon.

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You aren't very clear as to what "action" you wish upon.

Does the action really matters?
okay.. lets say....

msgbox hey, you hit the screen edge 2 times in less than 500ms

crystal clear now! :D

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Okay, you would probably use something like this...

MouseGetPos, X, Y, Win

WinGetPos,,, W, H, A

If (X < 20 || Y < 15 || W - X < 20 || H - Y < 15)

   MsgBox You Clicked The Edge!


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I think he's trying to detect that the mouse pointer went off an edge rather than using a click. When I saw "kick" at first I thought it was "click." I don't know how to constantly check it without running up the CPU. Seems like that's what Windows does when you pull the mouse past the Taskbar when it's set in AutoHide mode. Probably needs something a bit more responsive and low level to avoid dragging down system performance. Unless maybe there's a mouse hook for that edge test.

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Well what is the name of the window you would like to know when the mouse has left the edge then Barney Gumble, I mean Azevedo?

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Search for "mouse corner".

Related: this topic and nimda's snippet


Antonio França -- git.io -- github.com -- ahk4.net -- sites.google.com -- ahkscript.org

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Hey everybody!
Thanks for the answers.
Yes, by kick i mean: touch the mouse on the screen edges 2x quikly, not click event, move event.
Certainly windows doesnt keep querying x & y constanly using the cpu. it uses some hardware hook/event to get notified whenever the mouse changes x or y.
Afaik, there is no MOUSE MOVE HOOK on AHK, sadly.
No way i'll set the cpu to keep quering about x & y constantly on AHK.

But thanks everyone!

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It could probably be done with some DllCall code
<!-- m -->http://stackoverflow... ... pplication<!-- m -->

But it would be easier if you could hit a key at the same time. Then just call MouseGetPos. Even back in Dos days there was a Dos interrupt that could be used to call user code on mouse events.

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Looks like what you would need to do is register a TrackMouseEvent and then monitor for WM_MOUSEHOVER and WM_MOUSELEAVE events. That combined with a SendMessage involving WM_NCHITTEST should do the trick.

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hmm those seems to fit!

any sample with AHK? (forgive my newbieness)


G. Sperotto
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Hi Azevedo.

É sempre bom ver mais uns brazucas por aqui :wink:

You can do that without a hook by using OnMessage() and MouseGetPos.

The code bellow does it with 4 1-pixel-thin windows. The called function simply gets the current mouse position and displays it in a message box. It does so only when the borders of the screen are touched. The XAddresses and YAddresses can be mathematically compared to retrieve which border was "kicked". Also, to get an idea on how to implement time checks, see A_TickCount.

Gui 2: +AlwaysOnTop -Caption
Gui 2: Color, 0x000000
WidthOfGui1 := A_ScreenWidth - 1
Gui 2: Show, w1 h%A_ScreenHeight% x%WidthOfGui1% y0
Gui 2: +Owner

Gui 3: +AlwaysOnTop -Caption
Gui 3: Color, 0x000000
Gui 3: Show, w1 h%A_ScreenHeight% x0 y0
Gui 3: +Owner

Gui 4: +AlwaysOnTop -Caption
Gui 4: Color, 0x000000
Gui 4: Show, w%A_ScreenWidth% h1 x0 y0
Gui 4: +Owner

Gui 5: +AlwaysOnTop -Caption
Gui 5: Color, 0x000000
HeightOfGui4 := A_ScreenHeight - 1
Gui 5: Show, w%A_ScreenWidth% h1 x0 y%HeightOfGui4%
Gui 5: +Owner

Onmessage(0x200, "Shout")


Shout(wParam, lParam)
	CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
	MouseGetPos, XAddress, YAddress
	msgbox % "XAddress: " XAddress "`n" "YAddress: " YAddress

:O I'm actually surprised no one thought about doing it like this because it is a pretty straightforward idea coming from the example on the youtube AhkTuts video series

Best wishes.

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G. Sperotto that works nicely. Only thing for use by others it should have a mechanism to recover from work area change(the user moves the Taskbar.) As it is now it works on all 4 edges. But if I move Taskbar to the top it stops reacting on that edge. Evidently Taskbar stay on top trumps Gui AlwaysOnTop. :)

I have a getworkarea function but I haven't used multiple guis and am not accustomed to moving them around.

edit: those who autohide taskbar may not care. But it would be nice to periodically check the work area for change and accommodate for those who don't use autohide. I have this preliminary code.

edit2: (one would think it better to get notification of work area change. I tried it in another app and it doesn't work. I also saw MSDN articles where it didn't work as documented. Screen res change notification worked fine. But work area change notification was useless.. that's why the polling approach. )

L1 := 0, L2 := 0, T1 := 0, T2 := 0, R1 := 0, R2 := 0, B1 := 0, B2 := 0
L1 := L2, T1 := T2, R1 := R2, B1 := B2

; your code that creates and shows the guis here should use work are info
; then poll however often for work area change .. 10 seconds to try it
Onmessage(0x200, "Shout")

  if (L1 != L2)
    ; Taskbar moved to left edge .. move gui
  else if (T1 != T2)
    ; Taskbar moved to top ...
  else if (R1 != R2)
    ; Taskbar moved to right edge ...
  else if (B1 != B2)
    ; Taskbar moved to bottom
; copy work area info to check for change next
; timer trigger
  L1 := L2, T1 := T2, R1 := R2, B1 := B2
; set it back to long polling period
; presumably if you get an edge hit you would
; shorten the polling for one go to fix it during the
; time the user is kicking it if unresponsive on one edge.. maybe 1/4 sec.

_GetWorkArea(ByRef left, ByRef top, ByRef right, ByRef bottom)
  success := DllCall( "SystemParametersInfo", "uint", 0x30, "uint", 0, "uint", &work_area, "uint", 0 )
  if success =
    return 0
  left := NumGet(work_area,0)
  top := NumGet(work_area,4)
  Right := NumGet(work_area,8)
  Bottom := NumGet(work_area,12)
  return 1

Shout(wParam, lParam)
   ; do shout code then check for work area change

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On second thought Reload allows a less complicated accommodation. Just check work area like every 3 seconds. Or you could put a key trigger in if the user wants to manually notify the program of change.

Something like this works even out of Scite

#SingleInstance force
L1 := 0, L2 := 0, T1 := 0, T2 := 0, R1 := 0, R2 := 0, B1 := 0, B2 := 0
L1 := L2, T1 := T2, R1 := R2, B1 := B2

Gui 2: +AlwaysOnTop -Caption
Gui 2: Color, 0x000000
WidthOfGui1 := A_ScreenWidth - 1
Gui 2: Show, w1 h%A_ScreenHeight% x%WidthOfGui1% y0
Gui 2: +Owner

Gui 3: +AlwaysOnTop -Caption
Gui 3: Color, 0x000000
Gui 3: Show, w1 h%A_ScreenHeight% x0 y0
Gui 3: +Owner

Gui 4: +AlwaysOnTop -Caption
Gui 4: Color, 0x000000
Gui 4: Show, w%A_ScreenWidth% h1 x0 y0
Gui 4: +Owner

Gui 5: +AlwaysOnTop -Caption
Gui 5: Color, 0x000000
HeightOfGui4 := A_ScreenHeight - 1
Gui 5: Show, w%A_ScreenWidth% h1 x0 y%HeightOfGui4%
Gui 5: +Owner
Onmessage(0x200, "Shout")

  if (L1 != L2) or (T1 != T2) or (R1 != R2) or (B1 != B2)

Shout(wParam, lParam)
   CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
   MouseGetPos, Xaddress, Yaddress
  If (Xaddress = 0)
   MsgBox, 8256, , You Kicked Left Edge
  else if (Yaddress = 0)
    MsgBox, 8256, , You Kicked Top Edge
  else if (Xaddress = A_ScreenWidth - 1)
    MsgBox, 8256, , You Kicked Right Edge
  else if ( Yaddress = A_ScreenHeight - 1)
    MsgBox, 8256, , You Kicked Bottom Edge

_GetWorkArea(ByRef left, ByRef top, ByRef right, ByRef bottom)
  success := DllCall( "SystemParametersInfo", "uint", 0x30, "uint", 0, "uint", &work_area, "uint", 0 )
  if success =
    return 0
  left := NumGet(work_area,0)
  top := NumGet(work_area,4)
  Right := NumGet(work_area,8)
  Bottom := NumGet(work_area,12)
  return 1

"Some people, when confronted with a problem, think I know, I'll use regular expressions.  Now they have two problems."

- Jamie Zawinski

G. Sperotto
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Very nice MilesAhead. I had not actually considered the possibility of a workarea change. The script was supposed to be only an example, but it does look better now :)

I was wondering if it is possible to trigger an action through mouse kicks on the sreen edge, similar gestures.

Have you checked Shirubadappuru's MouseGestureL?

Just in case you are interested in triggering actions with mouse movements.

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