Activar y desactivar bluetooth

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Re: Activar y desactivar bluetooth

by garry » 28 Feb 2024, 08:32

F7 > toggle ON/OFF

Code: Select all

;- Activar y desactivar bluetooth 

#Requires AutoHotkey v2

;- toggle
static toggled := false
if toggled := !toggled
class RadioModule
    ; Docs:
    ; Header: windows.devices.radios.h
    RadioKind         := ['Other', 'WiFi', 'MobileBroadband', 'Bluetooth', 'FM']
    RadioState        := ['Unknown', 'On', 'Off', 'Disabled']
    RadioAccessStatus := ['Unspecified', 'Allowed', 'DeniedByUser', 'DeniedBySystem']
    ; kind can be 'WiFi', 'MobileBroadband', 'Bluetooth', 'FM'
    __New(kind) {
        radios := IReadOnlyList( RadioModule.Await(IRadioStatics.GetRadiosAsync()) )
        Loop radios.Count {
            radio := IRadio(radios.Item[A_Index - 1])
        } until this.RadioKind[radio.Kind + 1] = kind && this.module := radio
        if !this.HasOwnProp('module') {
            MsgBox kind . ' not found', 'Not found', 0x30
        this.kind := kind
    ; state can be 'On' or 'Off'
    SetState(state) {
        accessStatus := ''
        if !(state ~= 'i)^(On|Off)$') {
            MsgBox 'Only "On" and "Off" states are supported', 'State not supported', 0x30
        } else if this.State = state {
            MsgBox this.kind . ' is already turned ' . StrLower(state), ' ', 0x40
        } else {
            pIAsyncOperation := this.module.SetStateAsync(state = 'On' ? 1 : 2)
            accessStatus := this.RadioAccessStatus[RadioModule.Await(pIAsyncOperation) + 1]
            if accessStatus != 'Allowed' {
                MsgBox 'Failed to turn ' . StrLower(state) . ' ' . this.kind . '.`nAccess status: ' . accessStatus, 'Error', 0x10
			MsgBox 'BLUETOOTH now TURNED to >  ' . StrLower(state)
        return accessStatus = 'Allowed'
    State {
        get => this.RadioState[this.module.State + 1]
        set => this.SetState(value)
    Name => WrtString(this.module.Name).GetText()
    static Await(pIAsyncOperation) {
        static AsyncStatus := ['Started', 'Completed', 'Canceled', 'Error']
        AsyncOperation := IAsyncOperation(pIAsyncOperation)
        AsyncInfo := IAsyncInfo(AsyncOperation.QueryIAsyncInfo())
        Loop {
            Sleep 10
            status := AsyncStatus[AsyncInfo.Status + 1]
        } until status != 'Started'
        if (status != 'Completed') {
            throw OSError('AsyncInfo error, status: "' . status . '"', A_ThisFunc)
        return AsyncOperation.GetResults()
class IRadioStatics {
    static __New() {
        static IID_IRadioStatics := '{5FB6A12E-67CB-46AE-AAE9-65919F86EFF4}'
             , VT_UNKNOWN := 13, runtimeClass := 'Windows.Devices.Radios.Radio'
        DllCall('Ole32\CLSIDFromString', 'Str', IID_IRadioStatics, 'Ptr', CLSID := Buffer(16))
        this.comObj := ComValue(VT_UNKNOWN, WrtString(runtimeClass).GetFactory(CLSID))
        this.ptr := this.comObj.ptr
    static GetRadiosAsync() => (ComCall(6, this, 'PtrP', &pIAsyncOperation := 0), pIAsyncOperation)
class IRadio extends InterfaceBase
    SetStateAsync(state) => (ComCall(6, this, 'Int', state, 'PtrP', &pIAsyncOperation := 0), pIAsyncOperation)
    State => (ComCall( 9, this, 'IntP', &state   := 0), state)
    Name  => (ComCall(10, this, 'PtrP', &hString := 0), hString)
    Kind  => (ComCall(11, this, 'IntP', &kind    := 0), kind)
class IReadOnlyList extends InterfaceBase
    Item[index] => (ComCall(6, this, 'Int', index, 'PtrP', &pItem := 0), pItem)
    Count => (ComCall(7, this, 'UIntP', &count := 0), count)
class IAsyncOperation extends InterfaceBase
    QueryIAsyncInfo() => ComObjQuery(this, IID_IAsyncInfo := '{00000036-0000-0000-C000-000000000046}')
    GetResults() => (ComCall(8, this, 'PtrP', &pResult := 0), pResult)
class IAsyncInfo extends InterfaceBase
    Status => (ComCall(7, this, 'PtrP', &status := 0), status)
class InterfaceBase
    __New(ptr) {
        this.comObj := ComValue(VT_UNKNOWN := 0xD, ptr)
        this.ptr := this.comObj.ptr
class WrtString
    __New(stringOrHandle) {
        if Type(stringOrHandle) = 'Integer'
            this.ptr := stringOrHandle
        else {
            DllCall('Combase\WindowsCreateString', 'Str', stringOrHandle, 'UInt', StrLen(stringOrHandle), 'PtrP', &HSTRING := 0)
            this.ptr := HSTRING
    __Delete() => DllCall('Combase\WindowsDeleteString', 'Ptr', this)
    GetText() => DllCall('Combase\WindowsGetStringRawBuffer', 'Ptr', this, 'Ptr', 0, 'Str')
    GetFactory(riid) {
        hr := DllCall('Combase\RoGetActivationFactory', 'Ptr', this, 'Ptr', riid, 'PtrP', &pInterface := 0)
        if (hr != 0)
            throw OSError(WrtString.SysError(hr), A_ThisFunc)
        return pInterface
    static SysError(nError := '') {
        static flags := (FORMAT_MESSAGE_ALLOCATE_BUFFER := 0x100) | (FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM := 0x1000)
        (nError = '' && nError := A_LastError)
        DllCall('FormatMessage', 'UInt', flags, 'UInt', 0, 'UInt', nError, 'UInt', 0, 'PtrP', &pBuf := 0, 'UInt', 128)
        err := (str := StrGet(pBuf)) = '' ? nError : str
        DllCall('LocalFree', 'Ptr', pBuf)
        return err

Re: Activar y desactivar bluetooth

by garry » 27 Feb 2024, 16:21

un ejemplo breve y sencillo para probar

Code: Select all

;Run,ms-settings:bluetooth  ;- ahk_V1
Run("ms-settings:bluetooth") ;- ahk_V2
F8/F9 > ON/OFF

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2
; or RadioModule('Bluetooth').State := 'On'
; or RadioModule('Bluetooth').State := 'Off'

Activar y desactivar bluetooth

by imloza » 27 Feb 2024, 04:23

Hola buenas, tengo este codigo y necesito que cuando lo vuelva a ejecutar me desactive el bluetooth, he probado otros metodos, pero directamente no lo activaba ni desactivaba, este si me activa el bluetooth, pero cuando lo vuelvo a ejecutar me dice que el bluetooth esta activado, lo que yo quiero es que lo desactive, es decir si lo activo manualmente, detecte que lo tiene que desactivar.

Muchas gracias de antemano.
Nuevo AutoHotkey Script.ahk
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