Reminding new members to use code tags

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Re: Reminding new members to use code tags

Post by tidbit » 14 Aug 2019, 10:14

So is the gif/video created above having minimal effect since staff still has to edit a bunch?

Re: Reminding new members to use code tags

Post by SOTE » 14 Aug 2019, 00:50

When I see moderators editing posts of newbies about code tags, maybe they should clarify which buttons are code tags. In many cased the newbies will continually ignore the kind moderators fixing their posts a few to several times. 1) I think because the newbies don't know which are the code tag buttons. 2) There is no picture or link to a help page showing how to use code tags.

Possible example that moderators can put when fixing newbie posts. Also keep in mind other newbies and lurkers might see the corrected post, which might help when the post or decide to join the AutoHotkey forums.

This button is for code tags, </>, please use them. For more information, How To Use Code Tags link.

Re: Reminding new members to use code tags

Post by tank » 02 Jun 2019, 20:21

ok i just did it. it will apply to new users in ask for help and gaming only

Re: Reminding new members to use code tags

Post by Scr1pter » 27 May 2019, 08:10

Has any image/GIF been added inside of/ during the registration process anyway?
Because I see a lot of such threads:

I've never received any feedback for the GIF which I created a while ago.


Re: Reminding new members to use code tags

Post by Scr1pter » 04 May 2019, 18:00

I think we should consider that when new users register to the forums, they are not able to set the forum style.
(During that process)
This means all users will see the same.

Once they know how to use it, they will/should be able to perform it for other styles as well.
I believe Simplicity is the default theme anyway.


Re: Reminding new members to use code tags

Post by Xtra » 04 May 2019, 17:42

Capture.PNG (2.76 KiB) Viewed 5110 times
OMG WHERE IS THE CODE BUTTON? wtfbbq :facepalm:

:arrow: id rather see no code tags vs walls of text (no indentation)

Re: Reminding new members to use code tags

Post by gregster » 04 May 2019, 16:22

Scr1pter wrote: ↑
04 May 2019, 15:52
My signature isn't thread-relating, if/when I use it, it doesn't necessarily mean that anybody within the thread did anything wrong.
Yes, I know. I said that I wished you would use it thread-related - in threads where there is a clear reason. Anyway... let's hope for the future.

Re: Reminding new members to use code tags

Post by Scr1pter » 04 May 2019, 15:52

gregster wrote: ↑
04 May 2019, 12:46
Your signature on the other hand is affecting many, if not most, users that don't do anything "wrong"... how about you use it selectively, if you must, and not add it in every post. in the "Full Editor & Preview" you can deactivate "Attach a signature" in the options. Of course, this is an extra step every time - but what does it good, for example in this topic here, to have it in every single post of yours? Where are the code tag violators in this thread?

The problem is that I'm not Uri Geller.
This means I cannot foreseen who will read my post and who won't.
My signature isn't thread-relating, if/when I use it, it doesn't necessarily mean that anybody within the thread did anything wrong.

Anyway, I'll upgrade/downgrade/remove it, once some GIF gets included in the rules or as tutorial.
(Because it's mostly made for beginners.)

Re: Reminding new members to use code tags

Post by AlleyArtwork » 04 May 2019, 13:37

I admit i havent read all 4 pages of this topic yet but, when I'm in the full editor and preview mode, i don't see a "CODE" button, instead i see a "</>" button.

Additionally, I think it's an older crowd that is more familiar with Bulletin Board systems and their syntax. The older I get, the more i see people moving away from forums and into other avenues of conversation that is more real time. I'm not complaining about forums. I'm getting old and I still like them.

Some ideas maybe?
  • Introduce the code button on the Quick Reply section
  • I'm not sure if these are handled by Styles, or actual images, but it should be possible to edit either one to make the "Code" button at least more visible or prominent.
    • If it is an actual image, you could replace the image with... a brighter/bolded/different colour/highlighted image in the styles/themes/images directory.
    • If it's text controlled by a stylesheet, you could remove it from the default style, or assign a new style just to that button to do something similar
  • Change the verbiage of the button to say "AHK Code" or "Insert AHK code" or something? (though, that's a big button)

Re: Reminding new members to use code tags

Post by gregster » 04 May 2019, 12:46

Well, I see the good intentions, and I just stated my feelings about your signature, since you brought it up yourself that someone else didn't like it.

Visually, I feel it highly distracting (which might be the point of it). Like I said before, I don't see the code tag issue as a big problem and doubt the effectivity of nagging procedures or new strict rules about using code tags. Most users who stay for longer adapt themselves after a few posts, because they see the benefit of the tags (and get used to the forum interface). So, you are right that I criticize your signature - but that's already all. While I often explain how to use code tags to new users, I have never moaned about it.

Your signature on the other hand is affecting many, if not most, users that don't do anything "wrong"... how about you use it selectively, if you must, and not add it in every post. in the "Full Editor & Preview" you can deactivate "Attach a signature" in the options. Of course, this is an extra step every time - but what does it good, for example in this topic here, to have it in every single post of yours? Where are the code tag violators in this thread?

Edit: You can change the default for sigs in the User Control Panel. I guess, you could set "Attach my signature by default" to "No" in the Edit posting defaults and only add your signature via the options of the "Full Editor & Preview" in threads where you see it really necessary (and then perhaps only once per thread or page, as long as no code tags are used). That would be great!

Re: Reminding new members to use code tags

Post by Scr1pter » 04 May 2019, 09:24

gregster, at least I try and do something, rather than just moaning and criticizing...

Re: Reminding new members to use code tags

Post by gregster » 03 May 2019, 19:29

Well, I personally dislike your signature a lot more than missing code tags. So I am good with anything that makes it go away in its current form...😝

Re: Reminding new members to use code tags

Post by Scr1pter » 03 May 2019, 19:10

Well, that's my first attempt:

What do you say?
I could make the text stay longer, but since it gets repeated, the users will have chance to see it several times.

Perhaps adding some header text?
How to add code tags

Hopefully it's good enough for nnnik :P
(Cause he didn't like my sig :/ )


Re: Reminding new members to use code tags

Post by tank » 02 May 2019, 07:14

I dont believe it will make one bit of difference, BUT I like the idea of a gif or video. I want it large like the size of the full editor.. it should clearly state that help will not be offered without tags. Be friendly and kindly worded.... no anger faces :evil: and demonstrate using tags.

If someone makes the gif I will force it on all first poster.

Re: Reminding new members to use code tags

Post by Scr1pter » 02 May 2019, 05:09

I might create one later, because I did not want to have a huge signature.
Or perhaps I leave the image dimension untouched, but replace it by 2 or 3 images as GIF animation.


Re: Reminding new members to use code tags

Post by nnnik » 02 May 2019, 01:40

No its not efective enough to be worth spending time on. :P

Re: Reminding new members to use code tags

Post by Scr1pter » 01 May 2019, 08:48

Would be definitely better than nothing, right.
You can use it, guys - I'm fine with that :D


Re: Reminding new members to use code tags

Post by swagfag » 01 May 2019, 08:39

how about showing @Scr1pter's sig first thing on the registration page
its probably not gonna do much, but eh, its a start

Re: Reminding new members to use code tags

Post by Scr1pter » 01 May 2019, 08:11

I like the idea with the tutorial!
From other forums I know there is a waiting time while the forum rules get displayed.
Sure, not everybody reads them, but at least they cannot brainlessly click a button because they have to wait.

Perhaps a simple GIF animation could be used and a time limit so that the user can see it at least 3 times.
Just some pic where a user highlights code and presses the button. - with this mini description:
1. Highlight code
2. Click on this button (with a red arrow)

I really don't think we need to care for translation because pictures usually say more than 1000 words :)


Re: Reminding new members to use code tags

Post by nnnik » 01 May 2019, 07:02

An explination for code tags could work if we manage to get a new users attention onto the code tags.
A big bold red line of static text or anything so ordinary is not going to work.
The UI is not simple enough for that to work - its completely overloaded with buttons information and all kinds of things.

In order to get our users attention we need to remove all other elements and get a simple message across.
If the sentence has more than 5 words its already too complex to take in at once. Pictures should be used instead of words wherever possible.
If the user has the ability to skip the procedure they will. If the procedure can take place without user interaction they might wait it out without doing anything.
Animations can be used to keep the users attention and define a sequential order.

With this knowledge we can actually design an introduction tutorial that will teach the user to use code tags.
We'll have three slides in total. These will be shown when a new user tries to make a post.
All other elements will be overlayed with some effect to make them hard to see, or even impossible to see (blur out, make the background grey but slightly transparent, completely white/black background...)

On the first slide the only text should be: Before you proceed... centered slightly to the left and to the top.
After 5-6 blend in a button that says continue.

On the next slide we present 2 text elements and 2 pictures:
Use code tags... then quickly afterwards blend in a picture of code tags in the editor below.
Show an arrow in the middle before then blending in: share code.
And then show a picture of how that code box looks like in the actual post.
For the pictures its important not to make clean cuts - it should be immediately apparent that the codebox is the focal point but also that the actual content of the post are not deciphereable.
We blend in the texts before the corresponding pictures with a small delay. We blend in the first set before the second with a slightly longer delay.
After about 2-3 seconds we offer a button to continue to the next.

Im content with this one but essentially the same pattern as the last one but this time with:
Highlight the code... the code button.
Both with corresponding pictures.
We could potentially animate a mouse cursor that animates the "Highlight the code" and the "click the code" button part - and play it only once.
On this last slide we then present a button after 2-3 seconds that says: OK got it.

Finally we could give the code button some animation like an inverse ripple to show the user where it is as soon as the slides end.

WIth that we present the following, information in this order:
You need to know/do something to finish your post.
What code tags are and what they have to do with your post.
How to acquire code tags.

This would guarantee an almost 100% success rate of users now knowing of code tags and about 80% of new users using them.
The whole process would take at least 20-30 seconds.

The issues are: Users just disabling the overlay by modifying the css. Users that are not new having to do this tutorial.
The work required to build this is less than the amount of work needed for fixing posts without code tags.
Translations, language barriers etc.
