Search found 12 matches

by Dixtroy
22 Jan 2024, 09:27
Forum: Scripts and Functions (v1)
Topic: [Library] Chrome.ahk - Automate Google Chrome using native AutoHotkey. No IE!
Replies: 668
Views: 471655

Re: [Library] Chrome.ahk - Automate Google Chrome using native AutoHotkey. No IE!

If we want to use the same script on several pages, it speeds up the process significantly if we don't send the javascript again and again using Evaluate(), but record it in DevTool and send only the ID. I suggest for you, to add these functions to the class: /* Enable script compilation. For exampl...
by Dixtroy
04 Jan 2024, 09:57
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: capture the output of an ffmpeg console command
Replies: 3
Views: 545

Re: capture the output of an ffmpeg console command

You have to get information from StdErr instead of StdOut. DetectHiddenWindows On command:= "ffmpeg -i FilePath.mp3 -hide_banner -nostats -filter:a volumedetect -vn -dn -sn -f null nul" Run %ComSpec%,, Hide, pid WinWait ahk_pid %pid% DllCall("AttachConsole", "UInt", pid) WshShell := ComObjCreate("Ws...
by Dixtroy
03 Jan 2024, 17:12
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: capture the output of an ffmpeg console command
Replies: 3
Views: 545

Re: capture the output of an ffmpeg console command

The problem is that, ffprobe info arrives on channel 2. The long explanation: If you try this, info.txt will be empty: ffprobe -hide_banner -i "b-r.webm" > ../info.txt Input #0, matroska,webm, from 'b-r.webm': Metadata: ENCODER : Lavf58.20.100 Duration: 00:03:31.62, start: -0.007000, bitrate: 2720 k...
by Dixtroy
18 Oct 2023, 14:13
Forum: Scripts and Functions (v1)
Topic: [Class] SQLiteDB - Update on 2022-10-04
Replies: 303
Views: 227544

Re: [Class] SQLiteDB - Update on 2022-10-04

You did great work with prepared statement. Ive tried to optimizing a bit on the usability. DB := new SQLiteDB DB.OpenDB(A_Scriptdir "\tst.db") DB.Exec("drop table if exists test;") DB.Exec("CREATE TABLE test ( 'id' INTEGER, 't' TEXT, 'nu' double, 'i' integer, 'b' blob, PRIMARY KEY('id' AUTOINCREMEN...
by Dixtroy
25 Feb 2022, 16:14
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: AHK Console
Replies: 9
Views: 6423

Re: AHK Console

Just another consoling solution. Logging lines with time. I have 2 screen, so I want to observe log on the second monitor. JUst pus q for test. console(row) { mk=" static hGui, Console, vWinW := A_ScreenWidth/3, vWinH := A_ScreenHeight-80 html:= "<div style=" mk "background-color:black;" mk ">" . "<...
by Dixtroy
13 Dec 2021, 13:57
Forum: Gaming Help (v1)
Topic: Help to calculate angle
Replies: 10
Views: 1641

Re: Help to calculate angle

Yeah i wana make a movement , with OCR i read my current location(50,50) and i want to move to another location (60,50), wasted few days and all for nothing , after this i notice that coordinate grid isn't square, and can u explain what is code on top do? i dont understand it at all. What is F? F.f...
by Dixtroy
13 Dec 2021, 13:31
Forum: Gaming Help (v1)
Topic: Help to calculate angle
Replies: 10
Views: 1641

Re: Help to calculate angle

At first, you do not needs ocr, wow has a lot of addon for example this: Ok, so there is an information from your actual position. A I remember you can moving with press mouse right and left click, and rotate with A - D buttons? You needs a loop, with...
by Dixtroy
13 Dec 2021, 04:25
Forum: Gaming Help (v1)
Topic: Help to calculate angle
Replies: 10
Views: 1641

Re: Help to calculate angle

Direction angle is in radiant, that means with [x,y] coordiantes [1,0] is 0 or 2PI, [0,-1] 1/2 PI , [-1,0] PI , [0,1] 2/3 PI, in a normal coordinate system. You have mirrored system to x axis, so +y is down -y is up. This code still gives back normal radiant angles, North is 2/3 PI, south is 1/2 PI,...
by Dixtroy
05 Dec 2019, 07:05
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: Running .ahk automatically when the computer starts
Replies: 4
Views: 1179

Re: Running .ahk automatically when the computer starts

1. Push win + R
2. Type into the filed and enter:

Code: Select all

3. Copy there your ahk file, it starts when windows starts.
by Dixtroy
05 Dec 2019, 06:59
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: StdOutStream encoding problem
Replies: 0
Views: 2898

StdOutStream encoding problem

The goal is a JSON code formatter on any platform. OP system is W10 hungarian x64, with Node.js. The idea is call JSON.stringify( "{example:true}", 0, 1 ) via StdOutStream, and replace code with the nicer result. original code: mk=" #!f:: arr:= Base64_Encode( getCli() ) cmd:= "node.exe -e " mk "glob...
by Dixtroy
08 Jul 2019, 01:47
Forum: Scripts and Functions (v1)
Topic: [Class] SQLiteDB - Update on 2022-10-04
Replies: 303
Views: 227544

Re: [Class] SQLiteDB - Update on 2016-03-28

My solution is based on https /c3ref/stmt.html prepared statement. As you wrote the syntaxes, I had saw it, but it does not helps. The problem was on timing, due to common UTF8 variable, the value must be converted to UTF8 (if it even double!), and when I started to use UTF8[1..n] var...
by Dixtroy
05 Jul 2019, 04:18
Forum: Scripts and Functions (v1)
Topic: [Class] SQLiteDB - Update on 2022-10-04
Replies: 303
Views: 227544

Re: [Class] SQLiteDB - Update on 2016-03-28

Hello, Ive just tried to develop the prepared mode, based on this class, and it works well on text and int. (files attached) The idea is that, prepare 2 or more table for insert, do inserts, and close connection. prepare.ahk is a short example: #Include Class_SQLiteDB.ahk DBFileName :=A_Scriptdir "\...

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