Search found 2848 matches

by flyingDman
Yesterday, 13:53
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: Prevent a script from creating multiple instances
Replies: 9
Views: 276

Re: Prevent a script from creating multiple instances

Your issue might not be that the previous instance does not close, it might be that the previous tray icon of the script does not disappear. In that case the link in my previous post (or below: Tray_refresh()) would get rid of that icon. Tray_Refresh() Tray_Refresh() { WM_MOUSEMOVE := 0x200 allTitle...
by flyingDman
12 Jun 2024, 17:46
Forum: Ask for Help (v2)
Topic: Forget script, hold key function
Replies: 10
Views: 344

Re: Forget script, hold key function

It's interesting that having the OP change the title does not immediately trickle down to the subsequent responses as the original title still shows in the Re:...

BTW I am glad that prof. @mikeyww confirms that cerebral flatulence is only a "mental state". ;)
by flyingDman
11 Jun 2024, 16:02
Forum: Ask for Help (v2)
Topic: Need Help Converting a V1 GoSub/Function to V2 -- RadioButton GUI
Replies: 4
Views: 224

Re: Need Help Converting a V1 GoSub/Function to V2 -- RadioButton GUI

IMHO using a Gui and the clipboard for this is pretty clunky. I have used a Menu for similar circumstances. oldSub := ";;;" M1 := Menu() for x,y in strsplit(oldSub,";") M1.Add(x " " y, (item,*) => send(RegExReplace(item, "U)^\d*\s"))) M...
by flyingDman
09 Jun 2024, 12:35
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: Excel COM: Copy EntireRow to Variable?
Replies: 1
Views: 189

Re: Excel COM: Copy EntireRow to Variable?

This would be one way: xl := ComObjActive("excel.application") sarr := xl.intersect(xl.activecell.entirerow,xl.activesheet.usedrange).value ; this is a safearray loop, % sarr.maxindex(2) msgbox % xl.cells(1,a_index).text " -> " sarr[1,a_index] See
by flyingDman
08 Jun 2024, 17:46
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: Help: My menubar in my AHK GUI disappeared
Replies: 4
Views: 313

Re: Help: My menubar in my AHK GUI disappeared

What about moving the line Gui Main:new to the top (above the menu lines)? Or deleting it, if not needed.
by flyingDman
07 Jun 2024, 14:38
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: 2-dimensional array is faulty?
Replies: 3
Views: 360

Re: 2-dimensional array is faulty?


Code: Select all

e := "e,a.i,o.h,k.t,j" 					; list with 4 pairs
c := []
for x,y in strsplit(e,".")
	;MsgBox % c[x, 1] "`n" c[x, 2]
MsgBox % c[1, 1] "`n" c[1, 2]
by flyingDman
03 Jun 2024, 20:19
Forum: Pedir Ayuda
Topic: ayuda con este código
Replies: 4
Views: 375

Re: ayuda con este código


Pon "Persistent" en la parte superior de tu script. Si tienes una hotkey en tu script, no lo necesitas.
by flyingDman
01 Jun 2024, 19:10
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: Gui +Resize - Caption Topic is solved
Replies: 13
Views: 4095

Re: Gui +Resize - Caption Topic is solved

I am not sure what the most effective way of doing this but this seems to work: F1:: Gui, destroy OnMessage(0x84, "WM_NCHITTEST",0) OnMessage(0x83, "WM_NCCALCSIZE",0) gui, color, c33FFA8 Gui, +resize MinSize200x200 maxsize400x400 Gui, Show, w300 h300 Return ;etc. or use a toggle: F1:: Gui, destroy O...
by flyingDman
30 May 2024, 23:35
Forum: Ich brauche Hilfe
Topic: IniRead,last,%A_ScriptFullPath%:Stream:$DATA
Replies: 3
Views: 389

Re: IniRead,last,%A_ScriptFullPath%:Stream:$DATA

Ich weiß nicht, wie das genau funktioniert, muss aber zugeben, dass das Verstecken von Daten in der Datei ein bisschen wie „Magie“ ist. Ich habe es viele Jahre lang für verschiedene Anwendungen verwendet und hatte keine Probleme. Es funktioniert mit kompilierten und nicht kompilierten Skripten und v...
by flyingDman
27 May 2024, 19:50
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: Is there a way to store data of a code into the code itself instead of creating a INI file?
Replies: 5
Views: 640

Re: Is there a way to store data of a code into the code itself instead of creating a INI file?

Or you can use Stream:$DATA: (or %A_ScriptFullPath%:xxxx:$DATA) #Requires AutoHotkey v1.1.33 IniRead,last,%A_ScriptFullPath%:Stream:$DATA,Settings,last, Hello! Type something here, close and then relaunch the script. gui, font, s12 Gui, Add, edit, gPick w500 vChoice, % last gui, show return pick: gu...
by flyingDman
24 May 2024, 17:40
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: How do I pass an array element as a parameter to an external command?
Replies: 5
Views: 675

Re: How do I pass an array element as a parameter to an external command?

I am not sure you can. But you can hide the "dos window". Try:

Code: Select all

run, % comspec " /c ffmpeg -i " Result[1] " -i " Result[2] " -update true -filter_complex hstack output2.jpg",,Hide
by flyingDman
24 May 2024, 15:58
Forum: Ask for Help (v2)
Topic: how to make a list box
Replies: 11
Views: 678

Re: how to make a list box

Get rid of the OK button? You might also want to consider using a menu for this or something like this: #Requires AutoHotkey v2.0 g := Gui("-caption", "Select") g.marginx := g.marginy := 0 g.setfont("s14") mp1 := map("calc","calc.exe","notepad","notepad.exe","excel","excel.exe","word","winword.exe")...
by flyingDman
24 May 2024, 14:54
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: How do I pass an array element as a parameter to an external command?
Replies: 5
Views: 675

Re: How do I pass an array element as a parameter to an external command?


Code: Select all

run, % comspec " /k ffmpeg -i " Result[1] " -i " Result[2] " -update true -filter_complex hstack output2.jpg"
by flyingDman
24 May 2024, 12:15
Forum: Ask for Help (v2)
Topic: How to tell a single click from a rapid double click Topic is solved
Replies: 7
Views: 624

Re: How to tell a single click from a rapid double click Topic is solved

To detect when the user has pressed Enter while a ListView has focus, use a default button (which can be hidden if desired). so perhaps: g := Gui("+AlwaysOnTop") LV := g.AddListView("w200 r12 -readonly checked", ["name","items"]) loop 12 LV.Add(, "Name " A_Index,"Item " A_Index * 10) LV.modifycol(1...
by flyingDman
19 May 2024, 20:08
Forum: Ask for Help (v2)
Topic: loop parse "CSV" doesn't work for some CSV
Replies: 9
Views: 654

Re: loop parse "CSV" doesn't work for some CSV

I do not believe that var := '"abc,def" ghi,jkl' is a proper CSV. Whether like this or with linefeeds in between. It is not properly parsed and ghi is ignored (run the code above). If double quotes are used they should be around the entire field ("enclosing the field"). RFC-4180 says "If double-quot...
by flyingDman
19 May 2024, 16:09
Forum: Ask for Help (v2)
Topic: loop parse "CSV" doesn't work for some CSV
Replies: 9
Views: 654

Re: loop parse "CSV" doesn't work for some CSV

I doubt the Python CSV library plays nicely with malformed CSV files...
by flyingDman
19 May 2024, 15:12
Forum: J'ai besoin d'aide
Topic: centrer une fenêtre d'un fichier .bat au centre d'un écran sans connaitre la taille de l'écran ?
Replies: 15
Views: 1994

Re: centrer une fenêtre d'un fichier .bat au centre d'un écran sans connaitre la taille de l'écran ?

Centrer une fenetre, CMD ou autre: f12:: Run, %comspec% /k dir *.* Winwaitactive ahk_exe WindowsTerminal.exe WinGetPos, , , w, h, ahk_exe WindowsTerminal.exe WinMove, ahk_exe WindowsTerminal.exe,, % (A_ScreenWidth - w) // 2, % (A_ScreenHeight - h) // 2 Integrer ce code dans le fichier .bat? Le conce...
by flyingDman
19 May 2024, 13:47
Forum: Ask for Help (v2)
Topic: loop parse "CSV" doesn't work for some CSV
Replies: 9
Views: 654

Re: loop parse "CSV" doesn't work for some CSV

Don't expect loop parse "CSV" to work on a malformed CSV file.
This is not going to work:

Code: Select all

var := '"abc,def" ghi,jkl'
Loop parse, var, "CSV"
	msgbox a_loopfield
The double quotes have to be around the entire field.

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