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by PuzzledGreatly
06 May 2023, 01:15
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: ddl - set height of rows?
Replies: 1
Views: 221

ddl - set height of rows?

I have a dropdown list that contains filepaths. Sometimes some are really long and the end gets truncated by the available width. I know how to use Guicontrol's font option to change the size of the font in the ddl. My problem is that this also change the height of the rows. Is there anyway to have ...
by PuzzledGreatly
29 Apr 2023, 01:07
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: Please help me understand what's happening with this regex code
Replies: 2
Views: 304

Please help me understand what's happening with this regex code

Rohwedder kindly gave me some code to split a string and give letters values: t := "P5S1T10" Loop, Parse,% "PST" RegExMatch(t, A_LoopField "\K\d+", %A_LoopField%) msgbox, 4096, Result,% P A_tab S A_tab T I tried to add an additional letter: t := "P5S1T1E4" Loop, Parse,% "PSTE" RegExMatch(t, A_LoopFi...
by PuzzledGreatly
21 Apr 2023, 22:20
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: Problem with FileCopyDir and FileMovedir
Replies: 7
Views: 554

Re: Problem with FileCopyDir and FileMovedir

I've never mapped a drive in my life and I don't store data in the documents folder. Do you mean I should make a folder called t1 and see if I can rename it to t2? Thanks.
by PuzzledGreatly
21 Apr 2023, 20:48
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: Problem with FileCopyDir and FileMovedir
Replies: 7
Views: 554

Re: Problem with FileCopyDir and FileMovedir

Thanks, but I don't follow. Do you mean that it is usual for filemovedir to copy files and not the directory itself, or the error number? I have one machine, one user. My other scripts appear fine. The issue seems to be with filecopydir and filemovedir.
by PuzzledGreatly
21 Apr 2023, 20:06
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: Problem with FileCopyDir and FileMovedir
Replies: 7
Views: 554

Re: Problem with FileCopyDir and FileMovedir

Thanks for the reply. I just tried this script: source := "S:\test" dest := "s:\target" FileMoveDir % source, % dest MsgBox 64, ErrorLevel, % ErrorLevel I got an error level of 1 indicating a problem. The directory was not moved. The files in s:\test were copied (not moved) to s:\target. Something i...
by PuzzledGreatly
21 Apr 2023, 01:23
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: Problem with FileCopyDir and FileMovedir
Replies: 7
Views: 554

Problem with FileCopyDir and FileMovedir

I'm trying to copy or move files and folders selected in W10 File Explorer. Everything seems to be working except my final function to execute the copy or move. Here it is: Execute(f) { msgbox, 4096, Execute,% f A_tab InStr(FileExist(f), "D") if (copy || loc = "Q:\") { msgbox, 4096, copy,% f A_tab I...
by PuzzledGreatly
18 Apr 2023, 07:00
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: WMP playback speed
Replies: 5
Views: 490

Re: WMP playback speed

Thanks Mikey, your post led me to re-examine my code. I had a typo. I had typed setting instead of settings. I just didn't see it before I posted. Your code works and now mine does as well, thanks again.
by PuzzledGreatly
17 Apr 2023, 18:06
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: WMP playback speed
Replies: 5
Views: 490

Re: WMP playback speed

Thanks for the replies. I want to avoid using vlc, if possible, as wmp is "built" into windows directly. Mikey, do you have an ahk example? I've tried using various permutations of rate eg WMP.settings.rate = 0.5 WMP.controls.rate = 0.5 WMP.controls.settings.rate = 0.5 WMP.rate = 0.5 Amongst others,...
by PuzzledGreatly
17 Apr 2023, 01:32
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: WMP playback speed
Replies: 5
Views: 490

WMP playback speed

I know how to embed windows media player into an activex control and start and pause a video and move around the timeline. Does anyone know how to change the playback speed. - have a video player more slowly or more quickly. Thanks. This is the basic code I'm using: Gui, Video:New, -Caption +owndial...
by PuzzledGreatly
10 Apr 2023, 18:16
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: Randomising an array
Replies: 4
Views: 410

Re: Randomising an array

I haven't been able to ascertain if the following is faster but I think it is cleaner and fixes an error with prioritizing elements at the beginning of the array: Aran(byref a,n:= 0,p:=0) ;Randomly reorders/resizes an array { static i, k,v, r n := !n ? a.length() : n if !a.length() return ;currently...
by PuzzledGreatly
10 Apr 2023, 00:56
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: Randomising an array
Replies: 4
Views: 410

Re: Randomising an array

Thanks for the reply, interesting reading.
by PuzzledGreatly
09 Apr 2023, 17:37
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: Randomising an array
Replies: 4
Views: 410

Randomising an array

I had a function for randomizing and resizing an array: Aran(byref a,n:= "") ;Randomly reorders/resizes an array { static i, k, r n := !n ? a.length() : n if !a.length() return i := [] loop { k := a.removeat(RanNum(1,a.length())) if k i.push(k) if (i.length() = n || !a.length()) break } a := i.clone...
by PuzzledGreatly
09 Apr 2023, 17:12
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: Function recursion limit - what am I missing?
Replies: 4
Views: 308

Re: Function recursion limit - what am I missing?

My apologies. I mispoke when I said I'd posted all the code. I was tired when I posted the sample code last night and missed out a msgbox that I had put in to track down a problem with my whole code. It was the msgbox that was rerunning the Aran code: msgbox, 4096, n%n%,% Aran(a) "`n`n--------------...
by PuzzledGreatly
09 Apr 2023, 09:28
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: Function recursion limit - what am I missing?
Replies: 4
Views: 308

Re: Function recursion limit - what am I missing?

Thanks for the replies, It's the full code. I was going to use the r but had the recursion problem. I've used similar code before without issue.
by PuzzledGreatly
09 Apr 2023, 07:59
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: Function recursion limit - what am I missing?
Replies: 4
Views: 308

Function recursion limit - what am I missing?

I have a function that is stuck in a loop and I can't work out why. Here is some sample code: Global gems := ["#polyb","#polyb","#polyb","#polyo","#polyo","#polyo","#polyp","#polyp","#polyp","#polyy","#polyy","#polyy"] msgbox, 4096, gems, go! Aran(gems) Aran(byref a,n:= "",p:=0) { static i, k,v, r n...
by PuzzledGreatly
22 Mar 2023, 20:24
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: Problem with fileread
Replies: 7
Views: 381

Re: Problem with fileread

Thanks for the replies. On my system I'm only getting three lines with fileread and that file when I use *t. I get a long string when I don't. Could reinstalling AutoHotKey fix this issue? Thanks again.
by PuzzledGreatly
22 Mar 2023, 00:14
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: Problem with fileread
Replies: 7
Views: 381

Re: Problem with fileread

Thanks for the replies. Sample code:

Code: Select all

fileread, update, #[settings].txt	
msgbox, 4096, update,% update
fileread, update, *t #[settings].txt	
msgbox, 4096, update,% update
With the attached file the first msgbox has no linefeeds resulting in a long string while the second does.
by PuzzledGreatly
20 Mar 2023, 19:40
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: How to store/reference a group of arrays?
Replies: 3
Views: 298

Re: How to store/reference a group of arrays?

Thanks very much for the replies. I think an array of objects is what I need.
by PuzzledGreatly
20 Mar 2023, 19:36
Forum: Ask for Help (v1)
Topic: Problem with fileread
Replies: 7
Views: 381

Problem with fileread

Suddenly fileread is not inserting linefeeds unless I use the option *t which help says should be unnecessary. . What could be causing this change in behaviour? I'm only trying to read text files. Thanks. Edit: I checked two different text files using notepad++ to see the hidden cr and lf characters...

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