InSync - Script mit zugewiesener Anwendung starten und beenden
Posted: 23 May 2022, 08:15
Basierend auf einer Anfrage von hier ein kleines script, dessen Aufgabe es ist, Dateien (hier AHK scripts) in Echtzeit mit einer zugewiesenen Anwendung zu starten, sowie zu beenden.
Code: Select all
#SingleInstance, Force
SetWorkingDir, A_ScriptDir
global apps := {"notepad.exe":0 ; apps-array <application>:<script status>
SetTimer, runApp, 500 ; check every 500ms..
for proc, scr in apps ; ..for existing apps that are listed in the array
proc(app) {
if FileExist(app)=0 { ; check for an associated script for this process
MsgBox % "Missing " SubStr(app,1,-4) ".ahk !"
Process, Exist,% app ; let's see if the expected app is processing.
if (errorlevel != 0) && (apps[app] = 0) { ; it is - but no associated script is running.
Run % SubStr(app,1,-4) ".ahk",,, scrID ; so, let's run the script..
apps[app] := scrID ; ..and update its status within the apps-array.
if (errorlevel = 0) && (apps[app] != 0) { ; nope, the app isn't processing anymore, but its associated script is still running
Process, Close,% apps[app] ; therefore let's close the scripts process
apps[app] := 0 ; ..and let's update the scripts 'running' status accordingly!