Need of Library

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Joined: 04 Dec 2017, 00:11

Need of Library

13 Jan 2021, 23:54


First in my wish list is a library folder at "AUTOHOTKEY" server (V1 and V2 separately may be) or at least links to lib in organized format at one place to search

Contributed by every ahk user as he found that lib is useful and (if You post a request on main page to contribute)
Maintained by moderator and admins only (not allowing spam and duplicated),

Which could be downloaded up-to-date lib functions instead of hosting somewhere else like ex: github or dropbox (links may expire with changes)
even though "AHK-Rare-master" is pretty useful,
I wish to see it happen because every AHK user needs it AFAIK,
Sorry if it is too much to ask because there is a lot of work needed. Thanks.

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