[v2] Zero-length variadic argument should not trigger an error message Topic is solved

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[v2] Zero-length variadic argument should not trigger an error message

28 Feb 2022, 00:19

If an unpacked array is passed to a function, and the array has a length of zero, it should not trigger the "too many params passed to function" error message.
Posts: 1472
Joined: 13 Aug 2016, 21:04

Re: [v2] Zero-length variadic argument should not trigger an error message

28 Feb 2022, 12:06

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; v1

1:: Highlight.StrUpper()

StrUpper(s) {
   StringUpper _s, s
   return _s

class Highlight extends Highlight.Delegate {
   class Delegate {
      __Call(function, args*) {
            ? Paste(function.call("", Copy(), args*))
            : Paste(%function%(Copy(), args*))

Copy() {
   Clip0 := ClipboardAll
   Clipboard := ""               ; Must start off blank for detection to work
   Send ^c
   ClipWait 0.5
   if !ErrorLevel
      s := Clipboard
   Clipboard := Clip0
   VarSetCapacity(Clip0, 0)      ; Free memory
   return s                      ; Allows the empty string ("") for side-effects

Paste(s) {
   if (s == "")
   Clip0 := ClipboardAll
   Clipboard := s
   Send ^v
   Sleep 50                      ; Don't change Clipboard while it is pasted! (Sleep > 0)
   Clipboard := Clip0            ; Restore original Clipboard
   VarSetCapacity(Clip0, 0)      ; Free memory
I don't think so? Maybe just this way is ok.
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Re: [v2] Zero-length variadic argument should not trigger an error message  Topic is solved

11 Jul 2022, 01:43

You both wrote words which are true, but with mistaken implications.

Yes, v1 has this error, but it is never triggered by a dynamic or variadic call. The total parameter count is allowed to exceed MaxParams at runtime in v1.

You are correct that the condition you described should not trigger that error message. And it doesn't.

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0-beta
nondynamic0() {
nondynamic1(1, []*)
nondynamic1(n) {
dynamic := nondynamic0
dynamic := nondynamic1
dynamic(1, A_Args*)
The non-dynamic calls trigger a load-time error in v2.0-a122 and earlier (even with syntax changed to suit the version) because the parser saw a non-empty parameter at an invalid position. It is permitted in later versions because the function parameters are validated at a later stage.

However, unset elements at the end of the array still count toward the parameter validation. This is by design.

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noargs() => MsgBox("is not called")
I would guess that you might have been using the wrong syntax for __Call in v2, and ended up with a variadic Array that was not empty because it contained an Array of parameters.
Posts: 1472
Joined: 13 Aug 2016, 21:04

Re: [v2] Zero-length variadic argument should not trigger an error message

14 Jul 2022, 23:08

Okay, I see that the syntax for meta-functions has changed from v1 to v2.

Previously I had to collect all the values into an array myself:
__Call(name, params*) ; v1 https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/Objects.htm#Meta_Functions
__Call(name, params) ; v2 https://lexikos.github.io/v2/docs/Objects.htm#Meta_Functions

Code: Select all

class Highlight {
   static __Call(name, params) => Paste(%name%(Copy(), params*))

1:: Highlight.Notepad()
2:: Highlight.AutoHotkey(250, "string")
3:: Highlight.DuckDuckGo()
4:: Highlight.Translate()

; This is a wrapper class.
; Use this class with dot notation without the first argument
; as in Highlight.myFunc(param1, param2, ...)
; The first argument will be the highlighted text.

Copy() {
   s := ""
   ClipSaved := ClipboardAll()
   A_Clipboard := ""             ; Must start off blank for detection to work
   Send "^c"
   if ClipWait(0.5)
      s := A_Clipboard
   A_Clipboard := ClipSaved
   return s                      ; Allows the empty string ("") for side-effects

Paste(s) {
   if (s == "")
   ClipSaved := ClipboardAll()
   A_Clipboard := s
   Send "^v"
   Sleep 50                      ; Don't change Clipboard while it is pasted! (Sleep > 0)
   A_Clipboard := ClipSaved      ; Restore original Clipboard

AutoHotkey(s, wait := 1000, extra := true) {
   MsgBox "function params: " wait ", " extra
   Run "https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/AutoHotkey.htm"
   Sleep wait
   Send "!s"
   Send "{Enter}"

DuckDuckGo(s) {
   Run "https://duckduckgo.com/?q=\" s

Notepad(s) {
   Run "notepad.exe",,, &_pid
   WinWait "ahk_pid" _pid
   return s

Translate(s) {
   Run "https://translate.google.com/?sl=auto&tl=en&text=" s

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