The help file of v2 need more examples.

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The help file of v2 need more examples.

Post by cgx5871 » 19 Jan 2024, 15:33

The help file of v1 is relatively detailed.
The help file of v2 is not friendly to newcomers. More examples should be included.
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Is there a possibility to train ahk's AI model for some newcomers to get started?
Last edited by cgx5871 on 19 Jan 2024, 17:09, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: The help file of v2 has too few examples.

Post by geek » 19 Jan 2024, 16:31

The documentation is editable by anyone who signs up for GitHub. You are allowed, even encouraged, to submit new examples whenever you look for an example to show something, do not find it, then write code to do that on your own.

To do this, open the documentation page online at and click the pencil icon at the top of the documentation page.

It will take you to the editor where you can make changes. You may have to register or sign in with GitHub.

Click the "Commit Changes" button when you are done to save the change to a new copy of the documentation.

Then click to create a Pull Request. This will request that the documentation maintainer includes the change from your copy in the official copy.

While the request is open, it can be discussed and if needed adjusted to fix any syntax issue you might have made. So do not worry too much if you write it exactly right.

If the request is accepted, it will be added to the page in the online docs more or less immediately, and the change will be in the offline documentation for the next released version of AutoHotkey.

It is sometimes difficult for the people who already know how to use a feature to write a lot of examples, because in their mind something a newcomer may want to be demonstrated is something they would be able to write already without an example showing how it is done. So community contributions for this can be very valuable.
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Re: The help file of v2 has too few examples.

Post by flyingDman » 19 Jan 2024, 17:09

@cgx5871 I do not disagree with that.
@geek That's a good thing to know. Thank you.
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