Include Demiliters in StrSplit

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Include Demiliters in StrSplit

18 Jul 2017, 03:32

Create an option to include delimiters in strsplit arrays. Ideally an option to selectively include delimiters in strsplit arrays.
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Re: Include Demiliters in StrSplit

18 Jul 2017, 05:13

Hello. I gave you a more specific example in you ask-for help topic. I give a more general example here, if some one is interested. There needs to be an option on which "side" to include delimiters.

Code: Select all

; Example:
for k, v in a
	str.=v "`n" 
Msgbox, % str
strSplitInclude(String, Delimiters:="", IncludeDelimiters:="", includeSide:="R",OmitChars:=""){
	; Delimiters, not included in the array
	; IncludeDelimiters, a list (array) of delimiters to include after the split.
	; IncludeSide, for each delimiter in IncludeDelimiters specify if the delimiter is to be included to the left "L" or right, "R".
	;	 If omitted all delimiters are included to the right. You can specify "L" to let all delimeters be on the left side.
	static del:=chr(1)
	if !IsObject(Delimiters)
	for k, Delimiter in Delimiters
		String:=StrReplace(String, Delimiter, del)
	if !IsObject(IncludeDelimiters)
	if !IsObject(includeSide){
		loop % IncludeDelimiters.length()
	for k, Delimiter in IncludeDelimiters
		String:=StrReplace(String, Delimiter, includeSide[k]="R" ? Delimiter . del : del . Delimiter)
	return strsplit(String, Del, OmitChars)
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Re: Include Demiliters in StrSplit

18 Jul 2017, 08:43

For the specific example that seems to have inspired this, and a simple solution, see:
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Re: Include Demiliters in StrSplit

02 Dec 2022, 20:55

There needs to be an option on which "side" to include delimiters.
I would expect the delimiters to be included as elements in the array, so every second element is a delimiter. If they are included as a suffix or prefix to the delimited value, differentiating delimiters of different lengths becomes difficult.

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