Enhanced file patterns in "Loop, Files"

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Enhanced file patterns in "Loop, Files"

20 Nov 2020, 17:29

I would like to use asteriks in a filepath to define one level of a folder.
For example, I need to handle folders of all user.
I don't know how many users I have but I want to process all of them in one manner in one loop:

Code: Select all

loop, files, C:\Users\*\AppData\Local\SomeFolder\*.log, F
	OutputDebug, % A_LoopFileFullPath
Ideally, the idea could be extended to all other functions that make use of file patterns.
Last edited by Haswell on 21 Nov 2020, 04:52, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Enhanced file patterns in "Loop, Files"

21 Nov 2020, 04:43

Hi @Haswell ,
Nice wish, may not happen- but you never know. If the files are on NTFS drives, there's a modification from this script which should list the files you want:

Code: Select all

#SingleInstance, force
SetBatchLines, -1
showprogress := 1
#MaxMem 256
NotepadWaitCount := 0
continueWait := 0
if not A_IsAdmin
	run *runAs "%A_ScriptFullPath%"  ; Requires v1.0.92.01+
;MsgBox % RegExMatch("C:\Users\New\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\IndexedDB\https_www.greetingcardpoet.com_0.indexeddb.leveldb\000003.log", "i)(.*)local(.*)\.log$")  
; i): AHK's "break from tradition": https://www.autohotkey.com/docs/misc/RegEx-QuickRef.htm#Options
inputbox, s, ListMFTfiles, Folder [regex]`n(no spaces in regex), , 300, 140, , , , , % substr(A_WinDir, 1, 2) " US)(.*)\\AppData\\(.*)\\Local\\(.*)(.*)\.log$"
t1 := A_TickCount
s := regExReplace(regExReplace(s, "^\s+", ""), "\s+$", "")
i := instr(s, " ", true, 0)
i := (i && FileExist(s)="") ? i : strlen(s) + 1
filelist := ListMFTfiles(regExReplace(substr(s, 1, i-1), "\s$", ""), substr(s, i + 1), "|", showprogress, num, 1000000)
	if (!filelist)
			if (showprogress)
			SetTimer, WaitForNotepad, Delete
			Progress, Off
		msgbox Nothing found for %s%`nError code: %num%

if( strlen(filelist)>1250000 )
	StringReplace, filelist, filelist, |, `n, all
	file := fileOpen(A_Temp "\MFTreader file list.txt", "w", "utf-8"), file.Write(filelist), file.close()
	Run, notepad "%A_Temp%\MFTreader file list.txt"

GuiControl, -Redraw, flChoice
gui, add, listbox, % "R" (num>30 ? 30 : num) " W700 vflChoice gflClick Multi", %filelist%
gui, add, button, default gflRunBtn, &Run
gui, add, button, % x + 10 "gflFolderBtn", &Folder
gui, add, button, % x + 10 "gflSellAllBtn", &Select all
gui, add, button, % x + 10 "gflCopyBtn", &Copy names
gui, add, button, % x + 10 "gflCancel", &Cancel
GuiControl, +Redraw, flChoice

	if (showprogress)
	SetTimer, WaitForNotepad, Delete
	Progress, Off

gui, show, autosize, % "ListMFTfiles: " num " files in " (A_TickCount-t1) "ms for " s

HotKey, ifWinActive, % "ahk_id " WinExist("A")
HotKey, Enter, flRunBtn
HotKey, ^Enter, flFolderBtn
HotKey, ^a, flSellAllBtn
HotKey, ^c, flCopyBtn
HotKey, ^Ins, flCopyBtn
HotKey, ^Insert, flCopyBtn
HotKey, Escape, flCancel

	If (WinExist("MFTreader file list.txt - Notepad"))
	SetTimer, WaitForNotepad, Delete
		if (showProgress)
		Progress, Off
		if (NotepadWaitCount < 35)
			if (!continueWait)
			Progress, % 83 + NotepadWaitCount/2
			if (filelist)
				if (NotepadWaitCount > 150)
					if (showProgress)
					Progress, Off

				msgbox, 8196 , Notepad?, The MFTreader file list in Notepad is not available. Continue Waiting?
					IfMsgBox, Yes
					NotepadWaitCount := 0
					continueWait := 1
					SetTimer, WaitForNotepad, Delete

#IfWinActive ListMFTfiles ahk_class #32770
	IfEqual, A_GuiEvent, DoubleClick, goto flRunBtn
	ControlGet, c, Choice, , ListBox1, A
	SplitPath, c, fname, fdir
	run, %c%, %fdir%, UseErrorLevel
	ControlGet, c, Choice, , ListBox1, A
	run, explorer /select`, "%c%", , UseErrorLevel
	PostMessage, LB_SETSEL := 0x185, 1, -1, ListBox1, A
	gui, submit, nohide
	StringReplace, Clipboard, flChoice, |, `n, all
; path:
;	where to search, drive or fully specified folder, for example C:\folder
; regex:
;	search for file names that match regex, only file name is matched, default is none
; delim:
;	filelist delimiter, default is newline `n
; showprogress:
;	show minimal progressbar in screen center
; num:
;	variable that receives number of files returned or error status when trying to obtain:
;	-1, -2: root folder handle or info, -3, -4: path handle or info (To be done), -5,  Createfile root handle
;	 -6: Query Journal fail ,-7: volume handle or info, -8: USN journal handle
; plainSearchTimeout: (ms)
;	if greater than 0 (default), plain folder enumeration is used for no more than specified time.
;	filelist or empty string if error occured (also see 'num' parameter)

ListMFTfiles(path, regex = "", delim = "`n", showProgress := 0, byref numF = "", plainSearchTimeout := 0)
; Fun fact: NTFS max files is 4,294,967,295  (2³² minus 1 file)
;Windows 2000 Change Journal Explained:  https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/it-pro/windows-2000-server/bb742450(v=technet.10)
;Nfts Workings: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/windows/it-pro/windows-server-2003/cc781134(v=ws.10)
;=== init
	t0 := A_TickCount
	drive := substr(path, 1, 2)
	path := (substr(path, 0)="\") ? path : path "\"

;=== if path can be enumerated within specified time, return filelist at once
	if( plainSearchTimeout>0 )

		numF := 0
		bUsePath := true
		VarSetCapacity(filelist, 1000 * 200) ; 1000 filepaths of ~100 widechars

			loop, %path%*, 1, 1 ;folders too, with recursion
				if(A_TickCount - t0 > plainSearchTimeout)
				bUsePath := false
				else if(regex = "" || regExMatch(A_LoopFilePath, regex))
				filelist .= A_LoopFileLongPath delim

			VarSetCapacity(filelist, -1)
			Sort, filelist, D%delim%
			return filelist

;=== get root folder ("\") refnumber

	hRoot := dllCall("CreateFile", "wstr", "\\.\" drive "\", "uint", 0, "uint", SHARE_RW, "uint", 0
					, "uint", OPEN_EXISTING, "uint", FILE_FLAG_BACKUP_SEMANTICS, "uint", 0)
	if(hRoot = -1)
		numF := -1
	;	0	DWORD dwFileAttributes;
	;	4	FILETIME ftCreationTime: DWORD Lodate DWORD Hidate
	;	12	FILETIME ftLastAccessTime; DWORD Lodate DWORD HIdate
	;	20	FILETIME ftLastWriteTime;
	;	28	DWORD dwVolumeSerialNumber;
	;	32	DWORD nFileSizeHigh;
	;	36	DWORD nFileSizeLow;
	;	40	DWORD nNumberOfLinks;
	;	44	DWORD nFileIndexHigh;
	;	48	DWORD nFileIndexLow;
	;	See note in DOCs:  Windows Server 2012 requires GetFileInformationByHandleEx for hRoot, which is 128 bits  on that system.
	;	Else it will not work on Windows Server 2012 running the Refs filesystem!
	VarSetCapacity(fi, 52, 0)

		if(dllCall("GetFileInformationByHandle", "uint", hRoot, "uint", &fi) != STATUS_SUCCESS)
		dllCall("CloseHandle", "uint", hRoot)
		numF := -2
	dllCall("CloseHandle", "uint", hRoot)
	dirDict := {}
	refMax := ((numget(fi, 44)<<32) + numget(fi, 48)) ;nFileIndex: combined Lo Hi to get a 16 digit file identifier of root
	; The big one!
	dirDict[refMax] := {"name":drive, "parent":"0", "files":{}}

;=== open volume

	hJRoot := dllCall("CreateFile", "wstr", "\\.\" drive, "uint", GENERIC_RW, "uint", SHARE_RW, "uint", 0
				, "uint", OPEN_EXISTING, "uint", FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN := 0x08000000, "uint", 0)
		if(hJRoot = -1)
		numF := -5

;=== open Update Sequence Number (USN) journal ("not to be confused with NTFS, a journaling file system which uses the NTFS Log ($LogFile) to record metadata changes to the volume")
; Ref https://blog.synsysit.com/smack-your-head-with-usn-journal-everything-you-ever-wanted-to-know-about-this-digital-forensic-artifact/

	; Not sure if the following works on pre NTFS 3.0 (introduced on Win2K)
	VarSetCapacity(cujd, 16) ;CREATE_USN_JOURNAL_DATA: cujd
	numput(0x800000, cujd, 0, "uint64") ;DWORDLONG: MaximumSize: target maximum size that the NTFS file system allocates for the change journal, in bytes
	numput(0x100000, cujd, 8, "uint64") ;DWORDLONG: AllocationDelta: size of memory allocation that is added to the end and removed from the beginning of the change journal, in bytes
	; FSCTL_* in this function supported in Windows Server 2012 only with a Cluster Shared Volume File System (CsvFS)
	; FSCTL_CREATE_USN_JOURNAL requires Admin privileges
	; cb receives a null ptr- it seems the documentation wants it there as a dummy.

		if(dllCall("DeviceIoControl", "uint", hJRoot, "uint", FSCTL_CREATE_USN_JOURNAL := 0x000900e7, "Ptr", &cujd, "uint", 16, "uint*", 0, "uint", 0, "uint*", cb, "Ptr", 0) != STATUS_SUCCESS)
		dllCall("CloseHandle", "uint", hJRoot)
		numF := -6
Common errors
The specified volume does not support change journals.

One or more parameters is invalid, for example, DeviceIoControl returns this error code if the handle supplied is not a volume handle.

An attempt is made to read from, create, delete, or modify the journal while a journal deletion is in process, or an attempt is made to write a USN record while a journal deletion is in process.

;=== estimate overall number of files

	;	0	LARGE_INTEGER (unique) VolumeSerialNumber;
	;	8	LARGE_INTEGER NumberSectors;
	;	16	LARGE_INTEGER TotalClusters (used and free) ;
	;	24	LARGE_INTEGER FreeClusters;
	;	32	LARGE_INTEGER TotalReserved;
	;	40	DWORD         BytesPerSector;
	;	44	DWORD         BytesPerCluster (cluster factor);
	;	48	DWORD         BytesPerFileRecordSegment;
	;	52	DWORD         ClustersPerFileRecordSegment;
	;	56	LARGE_INTEGER MftValidDataLength (length of the master file table, in bytes);
	;	64	LARGE_INTEGER MftStartLcn (starting kogical cluster number of the master file table);
	;	72	LARGE_INTEGER Mft2StartLcn (starting logical cluster number of the master file table mirror);
	;	80	LARGE_INTEGER MftZoneStart (starting logical cluster number of the master file table zone);
	;	88	LARGE_INTEGER MftZoneEnd (ending logical cluster number of the master file table zone);
	VarSetCapacity(voldata, 96, 0)
	mftFiles := 0
	mftFilesMax := 0
	; see https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/windows_protocols/ms-fscc/a5bae3a3-9025-4f07-b70d-e2247b01faa6
	; cb a pointer to a variable that receives the size of voldata, in bytes.
		if(dllCall("DeviceIoControl", "uint", hJRoot, "uint", FSCTL_GET_NTFS_VOLUME_DATA := 0x00090064, "int*", 0, "uint", 0, "Ptr", &voldata, "uint", 96, "uint*", cb, "Ptr", 0) = STATUS_SUCCESS)
			if (cb = 96)
				if(i := numget(voldata, 48))
				mftFilesMax := numget(voldata, 56, "uint64")//i ;MftValidDataLength/BytesPerFileRecordSegment
		numF := -7
	Common errors


	The handle specified is not open.



	The specified volume is no longer mounted.



	;=== USN journal query

	;USN_JOURNAL_DATA_V0 returned in object ujd
	;USN_JOURNAL_DATA_V1 is not supported before Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012. USN_JOURNAL_DATA_V2 is not supported before Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2.
	;	0	DWORDLONG UsnJournalID (The NTFS file system uses this current journal identifier for an integrity check)
	;	8	USN FirstUsn (number of first record that can be read from the journal)
	;	16	USN NextUsn (number of next record to be written to the journal)
	;	24	USN LowestValidUsn (First record written into the journal for this journal instance)
	;	32	USN MaxUsn (The largest USN that the change journal supports.)
	;	40	DWORDLONG MaximumSize (target maximum size for the change journal, in bytes)
	;	48	DWORDLONG AllocationDelta (number of bytes of disk memory added to the end and removed from the beginning of the change journal each time memory is allocated or deallocated)
	;	V1
	;	56	WORD MinSupportedMajorVersion (minimum supported version of the USN change journal supported by the filesystem)
	;	58	WORD MaxSupportedMajorVersion (maximum supported version of the USN change journal supported by the filesystem)
	;	V2
	;	60	DWORD Flags (A toggle: FLAG_USN_TRACK_MODIFIED_RANGES_ENABLE := 0x00000001 Range tracking is turned on for the volume, 0 otherwise)
	;	64	DWORDLONG RangeTrackChunkSize (granularity of tracked ranges, valid when flags above := 1)
	;	72	LONGLONG RangeTrackFileSizeThreshold (File size threshold to start tracking range for files with equal or larger size, valid when flags above := 1)
	VarSetCapacity(ujd, 56, 0)
	; cb a pointer to a variable that receives the size of ujd, in bytes.
		if( dllCall("DeviceIoControl", "uint", hJRoot, "uint", FSCTL_QUERY_USN_JOURNAL := 0x000900f4, "uint*", 0, "uint", 0, "Ptr", &ujd, "uint", 56, "uint*", cb, "Ptr", 0) != STATUS_SUCCESS)
		dllCall("CloseHandle", "uint", hJRoot)
		numF := -8
Common errors
The specified volume does not support change journals. Where supported, change journals can also be deleted.

One or more parameters is invalid.

For example, DeviceIoControl returns this error code if the handle supplied is not a volume handle.

An attempt is made to read from, create, delete, or modify the journal while a journal deletion is in process, or an attempt is made to write a USN record while a journal deletion is in process.

An attempt is made to write a USN record or to read the change journal while the journal is inactive.


	JournalMaxSize := numget(ujd, 40, "uint64") + numget(ujd, 48, "uint64") ;MaximumSize + AllocationDelta
	JournalChunkSize := 0x100000 ;1MB chunk, ~10-20 read ops for 150k files
		if(!mftFilesMax) ; then get an estimate (which might impact performance a little)
		mftFilesMax := JournalMaxSize/JournalChunkSize ;

	t1 := A_TickCount
		if showprogress
		Progress, b p0

;=== enumerate USN journal

	cb := 0
	numF := 0
	numD := 0
	VarSetCapacity(pData, DWORDLONG_SIZE + JournalChunkSize, 0)
	dirDict.SetCapacity(JournalMaxSize//(128 * 50)) ;average file name ~64 widechars, dircount is ~1/50 of filecount. dirDict[refMax] is preserved, of course

	;MFT_ENUM_DATA for med.
	;	0	DWORDLONG StartFileReferenceNumber (ordinal position within the files on the current volume at which the enumeration is to begin);
	;	8	USN LowUsn (lower bounds of range of USN values used to filter which records are returned);
	;	16	USN HighUsn(upper bounds of range of USN values used to filter which files are returned);
	;	V1 (Only for Windows Server 2012)
	;	24	WORD MinMajorVersion (minimum supported major version for the USN change journal)
	;	26	WORD MaxMajorVersion (maximum supported major version for the USN change journal: 2 or 3 dependent on USN_RECORD_V2 or USN_RECORD_V3)
	VarSetCapacity(med, 24, 0)
	numput(numget(ujd, 16, "uint64"), med, 16, "uint64") ;med.HighUsn=ujd.NextUsn
		; Outer loop is through JournalChunkSize. cb a pointer to a variable that receives the size of med, in bytes.
		while(dllCall("DeviceIoControl", "uint", hJRoot, "uint", FSCTL_ENUM_USN_DATA := 0x000900b3, "Ptr", &med, "uint", 24, "Ptr", &pData, "uint", DWORDLONG_SIZE + JournalChunkSize, "uint*", cb, "Ptr", 0))

Common errors

The file system on the specified volume does not support this control code.

One or more parameters is invalid e.g. handle supplied is not a volume handle.
		t1a := A_TickCount
			if showprogress
			Progress, % (mftFiles*82)//mftFilesMax

		pUSN := &pData + DWORDLONG_SIZE ; &pData: A pointer to the output buffer that ***receives a USN*** followed by zero or more USN_RECORD_V2 or USN_RECORD_V3 structures so...
										; The USN first received may not be the same as the USN in following the USN_RECORD structure. A USN is DWORDLONG.
			while(cb>DWORDLONG_SIZE) ;cb decrements by USN.RecordLength as pUSN increments by USN.RecordLength
			;	0	DWORD RecordLength (total length of a record, in bytes);
			;	4	WORD   MajorVersion (major version number of the change journal software for this record, here it's 3);
			;	6	WORD   MinorVersion (minor version number of the change journal software for this record);
			;	USN_RECORD V2 (XP & Server 2003)... (V3 (Win8+ & Win Server 2012) looks like this structure- but FileReferenceNumber & ParentFileReferenceNumber are 128 bit)
			;	https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/openspecs/windows_protocols/ms-fscc/d2a2b53e-bf78-4ef3-90c7-21b918fab304
			;	8	DWORDLONG FileReferenceNumber (64 bit ordinal number of the file or directory for which this record notes changes);
			;	16	DWORDLONG ParentFileReferenceNumber (64-bit ordinal number of the directory where the file or directory that is associated with this record is located);
			;	24	USN Usn (USN of this record);
			;	32	LARGE_INTEGER TimeStamp (standard UTC time stamp (FILETIME) of this record, in 64-bit format.);
			;	40	DWORD Reason ( flags that identify reasons for changes that have accumulated in this file or directory journal record since the file or directory opened see: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winioctl/ns-winioctl-usn_record_v3);
			;	44	DWORD SourceInfo (Additional info on the source of the change, set by the FSCTL_MARK_HANDLE of the DeviceIoControl operation);
			;	48	DWORD SecurityId (unique security identifier assigned to the file or directory associated with this record);
			;	52	DWORD FileAttributes (attributes for the file or directory associated with this record, as returned by the GetFileAttributes);
			;	56	WORD   FileNameLength (length of the name of the file or directory associated with this record, in bytes);
			;	58	WORD   FileNameOffset ( offset of the FileName member from the beginning of the structure.);
			;	60	WCHAR FileName[1] (name of the file or directory associated with this record in Unicode format. This file or directory name is of variable length);
			;	USN_RECORD_V4 record is only output when range tracking is turned on. Suitable tor Win8.1+, the structure varies from the above e.g. TimeStamp
			fnsize := numget(pUSN + 56, "ushort")
			fname := strget(pUSN + 60, fnsize//2, "UTF-16")
			isdir := numget(pUSN + 52) & 0x10 ;USN.FileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY
			ref := numget(pUSN + 8, "uint64") ;USN.FileReferenceNumber
			refparent := numget(pUSN + 16, "uint64") ;USN.ParentFileReferenceNumber

				v := dirDict[ref]
					if(v = "") ;Not populated yet
					v := {}
					v.files := {}
				v.setCapacity(4) ;MaxItems: 4th value 'dir' is created later in resolveFolder()
				v.setCapacity("name", fnsize), v.name := fname
				v.setCapacity("parent", strlen(refparent)), v.parent := refparent
				; "Windows computes the file reference number as follows: 48 bits are the index of the file's primary record in the master file table (MFT), and the other 16 bits are a sequence number"
				; The following bit shift will fail for nested directories of > Some_To_be_Tested_Value (20 at least). If the bits in a refparent are joined, its length looks to be pretty much the same irrespective of its distance from Root.
				;v.setCapacity("parent", strlen(refparent)<<1), v.parent := refparent
				dirDict[ref] := v
					if(regex = "" || regExMatch(fname, regex))
					v := dirDict[refparent]
						if(v = "")
						v := {}
						dirDict[refparent] := {"files":v}
						v := v.files

					; 3rd value of v
					v.SetCapacity(ref, fnsize), v[ref] := fname
			; Numget: "Do not pass a variable reference if the variable contains the target address; in that case, pass an expression such as MyVar+0"
			i := numget(pUSN + 0) ;USN.RecordLength
			pUSN += i
			cb -= i

		nextUSN := numget(pData, "uint64")
		numput(nextUSN, med, "uint64")

		t1b += A_TickCount - t1a

	dllCall("CloseHandle", "uint", hJRoot)

	t2 := A_TickCount
		if showprogress
		Progress, 83

		SetTimer, WaitForNotepad, 30
		SetTimer, WaitForNotepad, , 2147483647

;=== connect files to parent folders & build new cache
	VarSetCapacity(filelist, numF*200) ;average full filepath ~100 widechars
	bPathFilter := strlen(path) > 3 && instr(FileExist(path), "D")>0
	numF := 0
	if (bPathFilter)
	for dk, dv in dirDict
			dir := _ListMFTfiles_resolveFolder(dirDict, dk)
			if(instr(dir, path) = 1)
				for k, v in dv.files
				filelist .= dir v delim, numF++
	for dk, dv in dirDict
			dir := _ListMFTfiles_resolveFolder(dirDict, dk)
				for k, v in dv.files
				filelist .= dir v delim, numF++

	VarSetCapacity(filelist, -1)

;=== sort
	Sort, filelist, D%delim%

	;msgbox % "init`tenum`twinapi`tconnect`tsort`ttotal, ms`n" (t1-t0) "`t" t1b "`t" (t2-t1-t1b) "`t" (t3-t2) "`t" (t4-t3) "`t" (t4-t0) "`n`ndirs:`t" numD "`nfiles:`t" numF
	return filelist

_ListMFTfiles_resolveFolder(byref dirDict, byref ddref)
	p := dirDict[ddref], pd := p.dir
		pd := (p.parent ? _ListMFTfiles_resolveFolder(dirDict, p.parent) : "") p.name "\"
		p.setCapacity("dir", strlen(pd )* 2) ; wchar_t
		p.dir := pd
	return pd
Necro edit: This script somehow magically worked when posted, doesn't appear to any more, with the path in the regex failing. The linked thread has been updated with a better version, however.
Last edited by lmstearn on 30 May 2022, 08:05, edited 1 time in total.
:arrow: itros "ylbbub eht tuO kaerB" a ni kcuts m'I pleH
Posts: 819
Joined: 02 Oct 2013, 12:21

Re: Enhanced file patterns in "Loop, Files"

13 Feb 2021, 14:12

Haswell wrote:
20 Nov 2020, 17:29
I would like to use asteriks in a filepath to define one level of a folder.
For example, I need to handle folders of all user.
I don't know how many users I have but I want to process all of them in one manner in one loop:

Code: Select all

loop, files, C:\Users\*\AppData\Local\SomeFolder\*.log, F
	OutputDebug, % A_LoopFileFullPath
Ideally, the idea could be extended to all other functions that make use of file patterns.
Hi @Haswell,

Interesting request. It seems easy enough to do it using the built-in function. See below.

Code: Select all

Loop, Files, C:\Users\*, D
   Loop, Files, %A_LoopFileFullPath%\AppData\Local\SomeFolder\*.log, F
      OutputDebug, % A_LoopFileFullPath
Windows 10 Pro (64 bit) - AutoHotkey v2.0+ (Unicode 64-bit)

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