Ahk2Exe ignore error

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Ahk2Exe ignore error

01 Sep 2015, 17:52

Would it be possible to have a command line parameter that would instruct Ahk2Exe to compile the script even if it finds syntax errors ?
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Location: GeekDude

Re: Ahk2Exe ignore error

01 Sep 2015, 17:55

Could you provide an example of how this could be useful?
Posts: 24
Joined: 18 Aug 2015, 11:20

Re: Ahk2Exe ignore error

01 Sep 2015, 21:42

GeekDude wrote:Could you provide an example of how this could be useful?
My injector compiles several scripts like this:

Code: Select all

LoadResource(resource, module = "")
	if not module
		hModule := dllcall("GetModuleHandle", uint,  0)
	else FreeLater := hModule := dllcall("LoadLibraryW", str, module)
	HRSRC := dllcall("FindResourceW", uint, hModule, str, resource, ptr, 10)
	hResource := dllcall("LoadResource", uint, hModule, uint, HRSRC)
	DataSize := DllCall("SizeofResource", ptr, hModule, ptr, HRSRC, uint)
	pResData := dllcall("LockResource", uint, hResource, ptr)
	ret := strget(pResData, DataSize, "UTF-8")
	;dllcall("FreeResource", uint, hResource) 
	FreeLater ? dllcall("FreeLibrary", uint, hModule)
	return ret
	if A_iscompiled 
	splitpath, script, , , ,script_name	
	runwait, Ahk2Exe.exe  /in %script% /out %script_name%.exe 							
	script_txt := LoadResource(">AUTOHOTKEY SCRIPT<", script_name ".exe")
	filedelete, %script_name%.txt
	fileappend, %script_txt%, %script_name%.txt

if not A_iscompiled
	FileInstall, ..\Xinput.ahk, ?Dummy	
	FileInstall, gdi.hooks.ahk, ?Dummy	
	FileInstall, exlib.txt, ?Dummy
	FileInstall, remote_lib.txt, ?Dummy	
	FileInstall, dshow.hooks.txt, ?Dummy
	FileInstall, dsound.hooks.txt, ?Dummy	
	FileInstall, dinput.hooks.txt, ?Dummy
	FileInstall, d3D.hooks.txt, ?Dummy	
	FileInstall, gl.hooks.txt, ?Dummy
	runwait, Ahk2Exe.exe /in %A_scriptName% /out Injector.exe 	
when needed, this scripts are loaded and injected in the target:

Code: Select all

if g_globals.controller 	
	g_globals.remoteScript .= "`n" LoadResource("dinput.hooks.txt")	"`n"	
if (g_globals.d3D > 0 and g_globals.d3D < 4) or g_globals.d3D = 7 or g_globals.upScale or g_globals.8bitColorFix or g_globals.ddraw
	g_globals.remoteScript .= "`n" LoadResource("d3D.hooks.txt")
if ...	
success := dllcallEx(g_globals.proc.hProcess, "autohotkey.dll", "ahktextdll", g_globals.remoteScript)	
All scripts depend on remote_lib.txt and therefore the compilations fail with the latest Ahk2Exe version
Posts: 9583
Joined: 30 Sep 2013, 04:07

Re: Ahk2Exe ignore error

02 Sep 2015, 00:07

It doesn't make sense to generate a "compiled script" which can't be run.

Why are you "compiling" the script? If it's to pre-process/merge #includes, I think you would be better off taking the Ahk2Exe source code and adapting it to your purpose.
Posts: 24
Joined: 18 Aug 2015, 11:20

Re: Ahk2Exe ignore error

03 Sep 2015, 12:02

lexikos wrote:It doesn't make sense to generate a "compiled script" which can't be run.

Why are you "compiling" the script? If it's to pre-process/merge #includes, I think you would be better off taking the Ahk2Exe source code and adapting it to your purpose.
Yes, that's why i'm compiling them.

Fortunately for me, old version of the compiler show a messagebox but still compile the script
Posts: 1052
Joined: 02 Oct 2013, 22:13
Location: GeekDude

Re: Ahk2Exe ignore error

11 Sep 2015, 09:05

I've actually already ripped out the preprocessing bit myself.

Code: Select all

ExtraFiles := []
PreprocessScript(Text, "C:\Path\To\Script.ahk", ExtraFiles)
MsgBox, % Text

PreprocessScript(ByRef ScriptText, AhkScript, ExtraFiles, FileList="", FirstScriptDir="", Options="", iOption=0)
	SplitPath, AhkScript, ScriptName, ScriptDir
	if !IsObject(FileList)
		FileList := [AhkScript]
		;		ScriptText := "; <COMPILER: v" A_AhkVersion ">`n"
		FirstScriptDir := ScriptDir
		IsFirstScript := true
		Options := { comm: ";", esc: "``" }
		OldWorkingDir := A_WorkingDir
		SetWorkingDir, %ScriptDir%
	IfNotExist, %AhkScript%
		if !iOption
			Util_Error((IsFirstScript ? "Script" : "#include") " file """ AhkScript """ cannot be opened.")
	else return
	cmtBlock := false, contSection := false
	Loop, Read, %AhkScript%
		tline := Trim(A_LoopReadLine)
		if !cmtBlock
			if !contSection
				if StrStartsWith(tline, Options.comm)
				else if tline =
				else if StrStartsWith(tline, "/*")
					cmtBlock := true
			if StrStartsWith(tline, "(") && !IsFakeCSOpening(tline)
				contSection := true
			else if StrStartsWith(tline, ")")
				contSection := false
			tline := RegExReplace(tline, "\s+" RegExEscape(Options.comm) ".*$", "")
			if !contSection && RegExMatch(tline, "i)^#Include(Again)?[ \t]*[, \t]?\s+(.*)$", o)
				IsIncludeAgain := (o1 = "Again")
				IgnoreErrors := false
				IncludeFile := o2
				if RegExMatch(IncludeFile, "\*[iI]\s+?(.*)", o)
					IgnoreErrors := true, IncludeFile := Trim(o1)
				if RegExMatch(IncludeFile, "^<(.+)>$", o)
					&& (IncFile2 := FindLibraryFile(o1, FirstScriptDir))
					IncludeFile := IncFile2
					StringReplace, IncludeFile, IncludeFile, `%A_ScriptDir`%, %FirstScriptDir%, All
					StringReplace, IncludeFile, IncludeFile, `%A_AppData`%, %A_AppData%, All
					StringReplace, IncludeFile, IncludeFile, `%A_AppDataCommon`%, %A_AppDataCommon%, All
					StringReplace, IncludeFile, IncludeFile, `%A_LineFile`%, %AhkScript%, All
					if InStr(FileExist(IncludeFile), "D")
						SetWorkingDir, %IncludeFile%
						continue ; Done processing this line, go to next line
				IncludeFile := Util_GetFullPath(IncludeFile)
				AlreadyIncluded := InArray(FileList, IncludeFile)
				if(IsIncludeAgain || !AlreadyIncluded)
					if !AlreadyIncluded
					PreprocessScript(ScriptText, IncludeFile, ExtraFiles, FileList, FirstScriptDir, Options, IgnoreErrors)
			else if !contSection && tline ~= "i)^FileInstall[, \t]"
				if tline ~= "^\w+\s+(:=|\+=|-=|\*=|/=|//=|\.=|\|=|&=|\^=|>>=|<<=)"
					continue ; This is an assignment!
				if !RegExMatch(tline, "i)^FileInstall[ \t]*[, \t][ \t]*([^,]+?)[ \t]*(,|$)", o) || o1 ~= "[^``]%" ; TODO: implement `, detection
					Util_Error("Error: Invalid ""FileInstall"" syntax found. Note that the first parameter must not be specified using a continuation section.")
				_ := Options.esc
				StringReplace, o1, o1, %_%`%, `%, All
				StringReplace, o1, o1, %_%`,, `,, All
				StringReplace, o1, o1, %_%%_%,, %_%,, All
				ScriptText .= tline "`n"
			}else if !contSection && RegExMatch(tline, "i)^#CommentFlag\s+(.+)$", o)
				Options.comm := o1, ScriptText .= tline "`n"
			else if !contSection && RegExMatch(tline, "i)^#EscapeChar\s+(.+)$", o)
				Options.esc := o1, ScriptText .= tline "`n"
			else if !contSection && RegExMatch(tline, "i)^#DerefChar\s+(.+)$", o)
				Util_Error("Error: #DerefChar is not supported.")
			else if !contSection && RegExMatch(tline, "i)^#Delimiter\s+(.+)$", o)
				Util_Error("Error: #Delimiter is not supported.")
				ScriptText .= (contSection ? A_LoopReadLine : tline) "`n"
		}else if StrStartsWith(tline, "*/")
			cmtBlock := false
	Loop, % !!IsFirstScript ; equivalent to "if IsFirstScript" except you can break from the block
		static AhkPath := A_IsCompiled ? A_ScriptDir "\..\AutoHotkey.exe" : A_AhkPath
		IfNotExist, %AhkPath%
			break ; Don't bother with auto-includes because the file does not exist
		Util_Status("Auto-including any functions called from a library...")
		ilibfile = %A_Temp%\_ilib.ahk
		IfExist, %ilibfile%, FileDelete, %ilibfile%
			AhkType := AHKType(AhkPath)
		if AhkType = FAIL
			Util_Error("Error: The AutoHotkey build used for auto-inclusion of library functions is not recognized.", 1, AhkPath)
		if AhkType = Legacy
			Util_Error("Error: Legacy AutoHotkey versions (prior to v1.1) are not allowed as the build used for auto-inclusion of library functions.", 1, AhkPath)
		RunWait, "%AhkPath%" /iLib "%ilibfile%" /ErrorStdOut "%AhkScript%", %FirstScriptDir%, UseErrorLevel
		if (ErrorLevel = 2)
			Util_Error("Error: The script contains syntax errors.")
		IfExist, %ilibfile%
			PreprocessScript(ScriptText, ilibfile, ExtraFiles, FileList, FirstScriptDir, Options)
			FileDelete, %ilibfile%
		StringTrimRight, ScriptText, ScriptText, 1 ; remove trailing newline
	if OldWorkingDir
		SetWorkingDir, %OldWorkingDir%

InArray(Array, Value)
	for k, v in Array
		if (v = Value)
			return true
	return false

	Loop, Parse, tline, %A_Space%%A_Tab%
		if !StrStartsWith(A_LoopField, "Join") && InStr(A_LoopField, ")")
			return true
	return false

FindLibraryFile(name, ScriptDir)
	libs := [ScriptDir "\Lib", A_MyDocuments "\AutoHotkey\Lib", A_ScriptDir "\..\Lib"]
	p := InStr(name, "_")
	if p
		name_lib := SubStr(name, 1, p-1)
	for each,lib in libs
		file := lib "\" name ".ahk"
		IfExist, %file%
			return file
		if !p
		file := lib "\" name_lib ".ahk"
		IfExist, %file%
			return file

StrStartsWith(ByRef v, ByRef w)
	return SubStr(v, 1, StrLen(w)) = w

	static _ := "\.*?+[{|()^$"
	Loop, Parse, _
		StringReplace, t, t, %A_LoopField%, \%A_LoopField%, All
	return t

	VarSetCapacity(fullpath, 260 * (!!A_IsUnicode + 1))
	if DllCall("GetFullPathName", "str", path, "uint", 260, "str", fullpath, "ptr", 0, "uint")
		return fullpath
		return ""

Util_Error(txt, doexit=1, extra="")
	if extra
		txt .= "`n`nSpecifically: " extra
	MsgBox, 16, Ahk2Exe Error, % txt
	if doexit

	static _ := DllCall("AllocConsole")
	FileAppend, %s%`n, CONOUT$

; Based on code from SciTEDebug.ahk
	FileGetVersion, vert, %exeName%
	if !vert
		return "FAIL"
	StringSplit, vert, vert, .
	vert := vert4 | (vert3 << 8) | (vert2 << 16) | (vert1 << 24)
	exeMachine := GetExeMachine(exeName)
	if !exeMachine
		return "FAIL"
	if (exeMachine != 0x014C) && (exeMachine != 0x8664)
		return "FAIL"
	if !(VersionInfoSize := DllCall("version\GetFileVersionInfoSize", "str", exeName, "uint*", null, "uint"))
		return "FAIL"
	VarSetCapacity(VersionInfo, VersionInfoSize)
	if !DllCall("version\GetFileVersionInfo", "str", exeName, "uint", 0, "uint", VersionInfoSize, "ptr", &VersionInfo)
		return "FAIL"
	if !DllCall("version\VerQueryValue", "ptr", &VersionInfo, "str", "\VarFileInfo\Translation", "ptr*", lpTranslate, "uint*", cbTranslate)
		return "FAIL"
	oldFmt := A_FormatInteger
	SetFormat, IntegerFast, H
	wLanguage := NumGet(lpTranslate+0, "UShort")
	wCodePage := NumGet(lpTranslate+2, "UShort")
	id := SubStr("0000" SubStr(wLanguage, 3), -3, 4) SubStr("0000" SubStr(wCodePage, 3), -3, 4)
	SetFormat, IntegerFast, %oldFmt%
	if !DllCall("version\VerQueryValue", "ptr", &VersionInfo, "str", "\StringFileInfo\" id "\ProductName", "ptr*", pField, "uint*", cbField)
		return "FAIL"
	; Check it is actually an AutoHotkey executable
	if !InStr(StrGet(pField, cbField), "AutoHotkey")
		return "FAIL"
	; We're dealing with a legacy version if it's prior to v1.1
	return vert >= 0x01010000 ? "Modern" : "Legacy"

	exe := FileOpen(exepath, "r")
	if !exe
	exe.Seek(60), exe.Seek(exe.ReadUInt()+4)
	return exe.ReadUShort()

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