MonitorGetPrimary() function inconsistent with v1 SysGet MonitorPrimary Topic is solved

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MonitorGetPrimary() function inconsistent with v1 SysGet MonitorPrimary

09 Dec 2022, 04:21

[Moderator note: This thread was moved to "Bug Reports" as it was determined to be one and was reported as such.]


I'm converting a script from v1.1.36.02 to v2.0-rc.2 and I'm experiencing inconsistent results when I try to determine the primary monitor.

This is my system's (Windows 10 21H2) current configuration (monitor 1, the one on the right, is the primary monitor):
image.png (10.96 KiB) Viewed 1218 times
image.png (6.16 KiB) Viewed 1218 times

This v1 code:

Code: Select all

SysGet, primaryMonitorNumber, MonitorPrimary
SysGet, primaryMonitorCoords, Monitor, %primaryMonitorNumber%
SysGet, primaryMonitorName, MonitorName , %primaryMonitorNumber%

MsgBox, Name: %primaryMonitorName%`nNumber: %primaryMonitorNumber%`nLeft: %primaryMonitorCoordsLeft%`nTop: %primaryMonitorCoordsTop%`nRight: %primaryMonitorCoordsRight%`nBottom: %primaryMonitorCoordsBottom%
produces the following output (which is correct):
primary mon v1.ahk
Name: \\.\DISPLAY1
Number: 1
Left: 0
Top: 0
Right: 1920
Bottom: 1200
But this v2 code:

Code: Select all

MonitorGet primaryMonitorNumber, &primaryMonitorCoordsLeft, &primaryMonitorCoordsTop, &primaryMonitorCoordsRight, &primaryMonitorCoordsBottom

MsgBox ("Name:" . primaryMonitorName . "`n" . "Number: " . primaryMonitorNumber . "`n" . "Left: " . primaryMonitorCoordsLeft . "`n" . "Top: " . primaryMonitorCoordsTop . "`n" . "Right: " . primaryMonitorCoordsRight . "`n" . "Bottom: " . primaryMonitorCoordsBottom)
produces this output, which is not correct (regardless of the number (2), what is not correct is the coordinates, my primary monitor is at Left: 0 Top: 0, Left: -1920 Top: 0 are the coordinates of the secondary monitor):
primary mon v2.ahk
Number: 2
Left: -1920
Top: 0
Right: 0
Bottom: 1200

If I understand this previous thread correctly, it was concluded there that there was a known discrepancy between the monitor number displayed in Settings and the one that's returned by MonitorGetPrimary() function. But, shouldn't this number, whichever it is, when feeded to MonitorGet, produce the coordinates of the primary monitor (as is the case in v1)?

BTW, if I omit N in MonitorGet and MonitorGetName():

Code: Select all

primaryMonitorNumber:=MonitorGet( , &primaryMonitorCoordsLeft, &primaryMonitorCoordsTop, &primaryMonitorCoordsRight, &primaryMonitorCoordsBottom)

MsgBox ("Name:" . primaryMonitorName . "`n" . "Number: " . primaryMonitorNumber . "`n" . "Left: " . primaryMonitorCoordsLeft . "`n" . "Top: " . primaryMonitorCoordsTop . "`n" . "Right: " . primaryMonitorCoordsRight . "`n" . "Bottom: " . primaryMonitorCoordsBottom)
this is the output I get:
primary mon v2.ahk
Number: 1
Left: 0
Top: 0
Right: 1920
Bottom: 1200
which are the correct coordinates and consistent with v1. This also shows a discrepancy between the number of the primary monitor returned by MonitorGet() with N omitted and the one returned by MonitorGetPrimary() (in other words, shouldn't MonitorGetPrimary() and MonitorGet(<no parameters>) yield the same number?).

So, is this a bug in MonitorGetPrimary() or am I doing something wrong?

Thank you.
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Re: MonitorGetPrimary() function inconsistent with v1 SysGet MonitorPrimary

09 Dec 2022, 05:05

Can you try this and say if it returns the right monitor?

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0-beta

MsgBox "winapi:`t" GetPrimaryMonitor() "`n`nahk:`t" MonitorGetName(p := MonitorGetPrimary()) "`t [" p "]"

GetPrimaryMonitor() ;
	static MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY := 0x00000001

	;POINT := (x & 0xFFFFFFFF) | (y << 32)
	hMonitor := DllCall("user32\MonitorFromPoint", "Int64", 0, "UInt", MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY, "Ptr")

	MONITORINFOEX := Buffer(104, 0)
	NumPut("UInt", 104, MONITORINFOEX, 0)
	DllCall("user32\GetMonitorInfo", "Ptr", hMonitor, "Ptr", MONITORINFOEX)

	return StrGet(MONITORINFOEX.Ptr + 40, 32)

works for me (2.0-rc.2 + Win11-22H2)
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Re: MonitorGetPrimary() function inconsistent with v1 SysGet MonitorPrimary

09 Dec 2022, 07:54
this is probably wrong and should have been 0 (as can be seen a few lines below that)
jNizM wrote:
09 Dec 2022, 05:05

Code: Select all

	POINT := Buffer(8, 0)
	NumPut("Int", 0, POINT, 0)
	NumPut("Int", 4, POINT, 0)
	hMonitor := DllCall("user32\MonitorFromPoint", "Ptr", POINT, "UInt", MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY, "Ptr")
if ure (un?)lucky this could return a monitor handle other than the one which was presumably expected (MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY)
  • zeroinit a buffer
  • write a zero into it anyway
  • ok nevermind, overwrite the zero with a 4
  • ok now pass the address of the buffer to be chunked into two ints and reinterpreted as x/y coordinates ([in] POINT pt, by Value)

Code: Select all

DllCall("user32\MonitorFromPoint", "Int64", 0, ....
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Re: MonitorGetPrimary() function inconsistent with v1 SysGet MonitorPrimary

09 Dec 2022, 09:49

swagfag wrote:
09 Dec 2022, 07:54

Code: Select all

DllCall("user32\MonitorFromPoint", "Int64", 0, ....
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Re: MonitorGetPrimary() function inconsistent with v1 SysGet MonitorPrimary

09 Dec 2022, 12:03

jNizM wrote:
09 Dec 2022, 05:05
Can you try this and say if it returns the right monitor?

Thank you for the quick response.

This code:

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0-beta

MsgBox "winapi:`t" GetPrimaryMonitor() "`n`nahk:`t" MonitorGetName(p := MonitorGetPrimary()) "`t [" p "]"

GetPrimaryMonitor() ;
	static MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY := 0x00000001

	;POINT := (x & 0xFFFFFFFF) | (y << 32)
	hMonitor := DllCall("user32\MonitorFromPoint", "Int64", 0, "UInt", MONITOR_DEFAULTTOPRIMARY, "Ptr")

	MONITORINFOEX := Buffer(104, 0)
	NumPut("UInt", 104, MONITORINFOEX, 0)
	DllCall("user32\GetMonitorInfo", "Ptr", hMonitor, "Ptr", MONITORINFOEX)

	return StrGet(MONITORINFOEX.Ptr + 40, 32)
primary mon v2 test.ahk
winapi: \\.\DISPLAY1

ahk: \\.\DISPLAY2 [2]
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Re: MonitorGetPrimary() function inconsistent with v1 SysGet MonitorPrimary

09 Dec 2022, 17:55

swagfag wrote:
09 Dec 2022, 07:54
this is probably wrong and should have been 0 (as can be seen a few lines below that)
Yes, MonitorGetPrimary certainly wasn't intended to be completely identical to MonitorGetCount. It currently is.

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