AutoHotkey64.exe v2.0.6 heap corruption with GroupAdd & WinWaitActive( ahk_group ) Topic is solved

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Joined: 25 Mar 2015, 02:21

AutoHotkey64.exe v2.0.6 heap corruption with GroupAdd & WinWaitActive( ahk_group )

Post by ludamo » 01 Sep 2023, 17:55

I have a long v2 AHK script that has been running fine for a long time but with version 2.0.6 has started silently exiting after startup with no MsgBox error. I have debugged in VS 2022 and come up with the following Debug Error and stack trace.

HEAP CORRUPTION DETECTED: after normal block... CRT detected that the application wrote to memory after end of heap buffer.

AutoHotkey64.exe!free_dbg_nolock(void * const block, const int block_use) Line 952 C++
AutoHotkey64.exe!_free_dbg(void * block, int block_use) Line 1030 C++
AutoHotkey64.exe!free(void * block) Line 32 C++
AutoHotkey64.exe!WindowSearch::~WindowSearch() Line 163 C++
AutoHotkey64.exe!WinGroup::IsMember(HWND__ * aWnd, ScriptThreadSettings & aSettings) Line 325 C++
AutoHotkey64.exe!WindowSearch::IsMatch(bool aInvert) Line 1613 C++
AutoHotkey64.exe!WinActive(global_struct & aSettings, const wchar_t * aTitle, const wchar_t * aText, const wchar_t * aExcludeTitle, const wchar_t * aExcludeText, bool aUpdateLastUsed) Line 467 C++
AutoHotkey64.exe!WinWait::__l28::<lambda>(void * pp) Line 269 C++
AutoHotkey64.exe!bool <lambda>(void *)::<lambda_invoker_cdecl>(void * pp) Line 276 C++
AutoHotkey64.exe!Wait(int aTimeout, void * aParam, bool(*)(void *) aWaitCompleted) Line 33 C++
AutoHotkey64.exe!WinWait(ExprTokenType * aWinTitle, optl<wchar_t const *> aWinText, optl<double> aTimeout, optl<wchar_t const *> aExcludeTitle, optl<wchar_t const *> aExcludeText, unsigned int & aRetVal, BuiltInFunctionID aCondition) Line 280 C++
AutoHotkey64.exe!WinWaitActive(ExprTokenType * aWinTitle, optl<wchar_t const *> aWinText, optl<double> aTimeout, optl<wchar_t const *> aExcludeTitle, optl<wchar_t const *> aExcludeText, unsigned int & aRetVal) Line 306 C++

I have reduced my script to the following much shorter one to try and isolate the error. It seems that if the GroupAdd WinTitle is too complex or contains too many spaces this may trigger the exit because if I exclude some of these lines it seems to run OK.
Since the source code seems to have been recently changed in windows.h, WinGroup.cpp & Window.cpp I wonder if this may have somehow caused the change? or maybe I have to simplify my code somewhat. The code is used to facilitate "Snap to default button" for dialogs which don't natively support this feature of windows.

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v2.0-a
#Warn VarUnset	;, OutputDebug
#Warn LocalSameAsGlobal	;, OutputDebug
#Warn Unreachable 	;, OutputDebug

Persistent( True )
ListLines( True )

CoordMode "ToolTip", "Screen"
ToolTip "AutoHotkey v" A_AHKVersion, A_ScreenWidth - 250, SysGet(4)

GroupAdd "gWinWaitA", "Help ahk_class #32770",, "HTML"		; No topics found Dialog default snaps to Static control ID=0xFFFF, OK Button ID=2

GroupAdd "gWinWaitA", "Microsoft Office Publisher ahk_class #32770"
GroupAdd "gWinWaitA", "Microsoft Visual Basic ahk_class #32770"
GroupAdd "gWinWaitA", "Microsoft Word ahk_class NUIDialog"
GroupAdd "gWinWaitA", "References - ahk_class #32770"					; VB6 References Dialog

GroupAdd "gWinWaitA", "Access Denied ahk_class #32770"				; UAC prompt
GroupAdd "gWinWaitA", "Customise Toolbar ahk_class #32770"			; Customize (en-US)
GroupAdd "gWinWaitA", "Extract Compressed (Zipped) Folders ahk_class NativeHWNDHost"
GroupAdd "gWinWaitA", "Select User or Group ahk_class #32770"		; Security Dialog
GroupAdd "gWinWaitA", "Shortcut ahk_class #32770"						; Create Shortcut Save to Desktop
GroupAdd "gWinWaitA", "Properties ahk_class #32770 ahk_exe explorer.exe"
GroupAdd "gWinWaitA", "Properties ahk_class #32770 ahk_exe locate32.exe"
GroupAdd "gWinWaitA", "Properties ahk_class #32770 ahk_exe xplorer2_UWP.exe"
GroupAdd "gWinWaitA", "Properties ahk_class #32770 ahk_exe xplorer2_64.exe"
GroupAdd "gWinWaitA", "Remove Device ahk_class #32770"				; Devices and Printers Dialog 
GroupAdd "gWinWaitA", "Windows Security ahk_class #32770"			; info when changing file ownership
GroupAdd "gWinWaitA", "Replace or Skip Files ahk_class OperationStatusWindow"			; File copy warning

GroupAdd "gWinWaitA", "Process Monitor Highlighting ahk_class #32770"				; Process Monitor Dialog 

GroupAdd "gWinWaitA", "Please Confirm ahk_class #32770"
GroupAdd "gWinWaitA", "VideoPad Free Version ahk_class #32770"
GroupAdd "gWinWaitA", "VideoPad Video Editor ahk_class #32770"

SetTimer f_WinWaitA, -500, -1

f_WinWaitA() {		; used 1x

	hWnd := WinWaitActive("ahk_group gWinWaitA",, 10, " ·")	; sets LastFound Window, " ·" &nbsp · OR + excludes some windows already detected
	if !hWnd
		Goto l_reset
	MsgBox "gWinWait window found"	
	SetTimer f_WinWaitA, -500, -1			; Restart thread after small wait for next instance of a Dialog 

Posts: 44
Joined: 25 Mar 2015, 02:21

Re: AutoHotkey64.exe v2.0.6 heap corruption with GroupAdd & WinWaitActive( ahk_group )

Post by ludamo » 02 Sep 2023, 22:05

Thanks for that, it seems to be running OK again.

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