WinMove is broken on Windows 10

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Re: WinMove is broken on Windows 10

19 May 2016, 10:01

gallaxhar wrote:#IgnoreWin10Borders, On might conflict with win7 and before compatibility, if it forces winmove to always offset as if the script is running on win 10
No, a simple if statement in the C++ code behind it would only apply the hack if the host system is Windows 10.
so it shouldn't be a directive that executes before runtime probably
Yes it probably shouldn't be, though for a different reason. Because it would allow you to disable the feature temporarily during runtime.

You have to understand that changing WinMove in the way you would like it, would introduce new "buggy behavior" and while you personally feel like the new buggy behavior would not be as bad as the old buggy behavior, I beg to differ.
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Re: WinMove is broken on Windows 10

19 May 2016, 10:11

you are so delusional and everythings already been explained to you. as i said, you have just dug your hole so deep now that it would be too embarassing for you to relent your position, which is why you are still furious and losing your mind. its a shame. you are acting like a teenage adolescent who isn't getting his way
gallaxhar wrote:yet Windows 10 seems to be functioning just fine with window-sizing, so you're mistaken

since you ignored everything thats been said to you, you must have ignored this too:
guest3456 wrote:or try this: open a few windows. then right click on an empty space on the taskbar, and choose "Show windows side-by-side"
do that on win10. then do it on win7.

you probably ignored it because it makes you look foolish. windows10 itself isn't behaving how you claim it to be

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Re: WinMove is broken on Windows 10

19 May 2016, 10:27

I think this thread is past the point of productive discussion, Lexikos has determined that this is not a bug and that he will not be implementing anything pertaining to gallaxhar's proposed workaround. Bruttosozialprodukt, if you would like to continue discussion of your proposed workaround please let me know by PM if you would like me to split out the appropriate posts in this topic to a new topic in the Wish List forum, otherwise you can start a new topic in Wish List.

This thread is locked.

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