error or a setting issue?

Report problems with documented functionality
Posts: 2
Joined: 11 Jun 2017, 05:20

error or a setting issue?

11 Jun 2017, 05:37

I seem to have very differnt funtionality compared to the tutorial videos Pulover has made.
Some functions work, lika opening a webpage, but clicking something or writing text in a box seems to be very diffrent from the videos.
I get this message when i try to select an area to do an image search to find a button to clik.
DrawButton message.png
DrawButton message.png (5.29 KiB) Viewed 1136 times
Is that %DrawButton% a sign there is something wrong or are my problems a setting issue?
Posts: 2
Joined: 11 Jun 2017, 05:20

Re: error or a setting issue?

11 Jun 2017, 06:04

Maybe i should tell that i run it on win 8.1, and the computer is a virtual one, tho i have no problems with oter programs in virtual computers.
I have a whole bunch :)

Re: error or a setting issue?

11 Jun 2017, 10:39


Are you sure you clicked on ImageSearch; that looks like a control-type command. I don't know PMC, but you appear to be trying to use a "control" command on a webpage. The control-type commands work on standard Windows controls. Unfortunately this is always going to fail because webpages don't use "controls", so at best you can use the X and Y screen coordinates. If using X and Y coordinates, remember Coordmode. ImageSearch would also work on webpages, but coordmode applies to that too. And if your resolution changes or the webpage changes that will break the imagesearch in the future.

I don't know what videos you are referring to, but I'm guessing they do not show wenpages? Maybe there are some PCM videos on COM and Internet Explorer? That would be the place to look.

The title of this post, "error or a setting issue?", suggests you don't know if this is a bug. In that case you should post in "Ask for Help". This section of the forum is for confirmed bugs in AHK. You have not confirmed that this is unexpected behavior of PMC. Even if it was a confirmed bug in PMC, there is no reason at this point to think that a bug could be traced back to AHK. Best to be safe, if you are unsure, posting in "Ask for Help" is better.

HTH :)

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