ahk v1 IObjectComCompatible::Invoke does not support accepting return values from arguments? Topic is solved

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ahk v1 IObjectComCompatible::Invoke does not support accepting return values from arguments?

22 Jan 2022, 10:58


Code: Select all

a := {a:1,b:2,c:3}
objenum := a._NewEnum()
comenum := ComObject(9, &objenum)
comenum.next(k, v)  ; No value returned
VarSetCapacity(k, 24, 0), VarSetCapacity(v, 24, 0)
k := StrGet(NumGet(&k+8,"ptr"),"utf-16"), v := StrGet(NumGet(&v+8,"ptr"),"utf-16") ; No value returned
objenum.next(k, v) ; k = "c" v = "3"

Code: Select all

a := {a:1,b:2,c:3}
objenum := a.OwnProps()
comenum := ComObjFromPtr(ObjPtrAddRef(objenum))
comenum(&k, &v)  ; k = "a" v = 1
comenum(ComValue(0x400c, (k := Buffer(24, 0)).Ptr), ComValue(0x400c, (v := Buffer(24, 0)).Ptr))
k := StrGet(NumGet(k, 8, "ptr")), v := NumGet(v, 8, "int64") ; k = "b" v = 2
objenum(&k, &v) ; k = "c" v = 3
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Re: ahk v1 IObjectComCompatible::Invoke does not support accepting return values from arguments?

23 Jan 2022, 15:12

Enumerator::Next(Var *aKey, Var *aVal) needs 0, 1 or 2 Var pointers

when u do comenum.next(k, v), on the way in, whatever parameters u pass in, get encoded as a VARIANT(since thats what a COM method would normally expect to work with). theres no mechanism to signal the uninitialized variable is supposed to be treated byref, so the variable's value(an empty string) get encoded as variant containing an empty VT_BSTR

later, some COM magic happens and its finally time to invoke ur IDispatch-queried-method(ie Enumerator::Next(Var *aKey, Var *aVal)). u want to convert ur VARIANTs back into Variables, but thats impossible, since theyre VARIANTS of empty BSTRings now

u invoke. these 2 macros check if the from-VARIANT-converted-tokens u passed in are convertible to Vars - theyre not(remember: theyre empty strings now), so a nullptr is assigned instead. if u pass nullptrs in, the enumerator's Next skip its assignment routines and just iterates over to the next element
when u do comenum.next(ComObject(0x400c,&k),ComObject(0x400c,&v)), its a similar problem, except with Objects instead of strings. u cant recover the original Var, so the enumerator will always run with nullptrs as arguments
u can skip IDispatch and call the method directly. this somewhat works, but is unusable. for 32bit u need the __thiscall shim viewtopic.php?f=76&t=91105&p=402798, since Enumerator is a COM object(inherit from IUnknown) but the signature lacks __stdcall. for 64bit, u can ignore this. but theres still a problem if the Var is supposed to contain strings - u need to deallocate them before the Var goes out of scope. if u deallocate them, u get heap corruption and the script crashes. if u dont, then u get a memory leak obviously. maybe u can debug this further if u need it that bad

Code: Select all

#Requires AutoHotkey v1.1.33.10

a := {aaa:111}
objenum := a._NewEnum()
pObjEnum := &objenum

; some constants from the ahk src
VAR_LOCAL := 0x02

; x64 only code, artificially create "fake" variables
; 1>class Var	size(48):
; 1>	+---
; 1> 0	| mContentsInt64
; 1> 0	| mContentsDouble
; 1> 0	| mObject

; 1> 8	| mByteContents
; 1> 8	| mCharContents

; 1>16	| mByteLength
; 1>16	| mAliasFor

; 1>24	| mByteCapacity
; 1>24	| mBIV

; 1>32	| mHowAllocated

; 1>33	| mAttrib

; 1>34	| mScope

; 1>35	| mType

; 1>  	| <alignment member> (size=4)
; 1>40	| mName
VarSetCapacity(k, sizeofVar := 48, 0)
NumPut(ALLOC_MALLOC, k, mHowAllocated := 32, "UChar")
NumPut(VAR_DECLARE_LOCAL, k, mScope := 34, "UChar")
NumPut(VAR_NORMAL, k, mType := 35, "UChar")

VarSetCapacity(v, sizeofVar, 0)
NumPut(ALLOC_MALLOC, v, mHowAllocated, "UChar")
NumPut(VAR_DECLARE_LOCAL, v, mScope, "UChar")
NumPut(VAR_NORMAL, v, mType, "UChar")

; "ComCall" the Next method
; 1>class Object::Enumerator	size(16):
; 1>	+---
; 1> 0	| +--- (base class EnumBase)
; 1> 0	| | +--- (base class ObjectBase)
; 1> 0	| | | +--- (base class IObjectComCompatible)
; 1> 0	| | | | +--- (base class IObject)
; 1> 0	| | | | | +--- (base class IDispatch)
; 1> 0	| | | | | | +--- (base class IUnknown)
; 1> 0	| | | | | | | {vfptr}
; 1>	| | | | | | +---
; 1>	| | | | | +---
; 1>	| | | | +---
; 1>	| | | +---
; 1> 4	| | | mRefCount
; 1>	| | +---
; 1>	| +---
; 1> 8	| mObject
; 1>12	| mOffset
; 1>	+---
; 1>Object::Enumerator::$vftable@:
; 1>	| &Enumerator_meta
; 1>	|  0
; 1> 0	| &IObjectComCompatible::QueryInterface
; 1> 1	| &ObjectBase::AddRef
; 1> 2	| &ObjectBase::Release
; 1> 3	| &IObjectComCompatible::GetTypeInfoCount
; 1> 4	| &IObjectComCompatible::GetTypeInfo
; 1> 5	| &IObjectComCompatible::GetIDsOfNames
; 1> 6	| &IObjectComCompatible::Invoke
; 1> 7	| &EnumBase::Invoke
; 1> 8	| &Object::Enumerator::Type
; 1> 9	| &ObjectBase::DebugWriteProperty
; 1>10	| &ObjectBase::Delete
; 1>11	| &Object::Enumerator::{dtor}
; 1>12	| &Object::Enumerator::Next

; x64 only!!, x86 requires the __thiscall shim
; int Object::Enumerator::Next(Var *aKey, Var *aVal)
hr := DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(pObjEnum+0, "Ptr"), 12 * A_PtrSize, "Ptr"), "Ptr", pObjEnum, "Ptr", &k, "Ptr", &v, "Int")

key := fakeVarContentsToNormalVar(&k)
val := fakeVarContentsToNormalVar(&v)

MsgBox % key "`n" val

fakeVarContentsToNormalVar(pFakeVar) {
	; more constants
	static VAR_ATTRIB_OBJECT := 0x02 ; mObject contains an object; mutually exclusive of the cache attribs.
	static VAR_ATTRIB_HAS_VALID_INT64 := 0x10 ; Cache type 1. Mutually exclusive of the other two.
	static VAR_ATTRIB_HAS_VALID_DOUBLE := 0x20 ; Cache type 2. Mutually exclusive of the other two.

	; figure out what the Var contains
	mAttrib := NumGet(pFakeVar+33, "UChar")

	; 1>class Var	size(48):
	; 1>	+---
	; 1> 0	| mContentsInt64
	; 1> 0	| mContentsDouble
	; 1> 0	| mObject

	; 1> 8	| mByteContents
	; 1> 8	| mCharContents

	; 1>16	| mByteLength
	; 1>16	| mAliasFor

	; 1>24	| mByteCapacity
	; 1>24	| mBIV

	; 1>32	| mHowAllocated

	; 1>33	| mAttrib

	; 1>34	| mScope

	; 1>35	| mType

	; 1>  	| <alignment member> (size=4)
	; 1>40	| mName
	case (mAttrib & VAR_ATTRIB_OBJECT): 
		pObj := NumGet(pFakeVar+0, "Ptr") ; get ptr from Var.mObject
		contents := Object(pObj) ; reconstruct the obj from the pointer and assign it to a "normal" ahk var
		ObjRelease(pObj) ; this counteracts the AddRef() that Var::ObjectAssign did when storing the object in our "fake" enumerator outparam ahk var

	case (mAttrib & VAR_ATTRIB_HAS_VALID_INT64): 
		contents := NumGet(pFakeVar+0, "Int64") ; nothing special to do here, get int from Var.mContentsInt64

		contents := NumGet(pFakeVar+0, "Double") ; nothing special to do here, get int from Var.mContentsDouble

	default: ; otherwise it must be a string
		pStr := NumGet(pFakeVar+8, "Ptr") ; get strPtr from Var.mCharContents
		contents := StrGet(pStr+0) ; get string from strPtr

		; also need to free the ALLOC_MALLOC'd memory for the string, but this 
		; crashes the script, so i gave up on it. u have a memory leak here
		; DllCall("msvcrt\free", "Ptr", pStr, "cdecl") 

	return contents

in v2, this was probably "fixed" when VarRef and the byref changes got introduced. for v1, idk if this will ever be "fixed", assuming its at all fixable. maybe with a new type VT_PTR or VT_USERDEFINED. seems like a very niche case either way
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Re: ahk v1 IObjectComCompatible::Invoke does not support accepting return values from arguments?

23 Jan 2022, 20:14

This can be done through a raw interface call, but that seems to complicate matters.
I think the problem is that the VT_BYREF parameter is not marked and the corresponding parameter is updated after the call ends.

For example
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Re: ahk v1 IObjectComCompatible::Invoke does not support accepting return values from arguments?

10 Feb 2022, 04:03

swagfag wrote:
23 Jan 2022, 15:12
; also need to free the ALLOC_MALLOC'd memory for the string, but this
; crashes the script, so i gave up on it. u have a memory leak here
; DllCall("msvcrt\free", "Ptr", pStr, "cdecl")
It seems that you can use GetProcessHeaps, HeapValidate, HeapWalk these winapis to find the heap where the memory block is located, and then call HeapFree to release it. And heap handle always is equal to DllCall('GetProcessHeap', 'ptr') in the MT version.

Code: Select all

findHeap(block) {
	c := 10
	loop {
		buf := Buffer(A_PtrSize * (n := c))
		c := DllCall('GetProcessHeaps', 'uint', n, 'ptr', buf, 'uint')
	} until c <= n
	if !c
	PROCESS_HEAP_ENTRY := Buffer(3 * A_PtrSize + 16, 0)
	NumPut('short', 1, PROCESS_HEAP_ENTRY, A_PtrSize + 6)
	loop c {
		if DllCall('HeapValidate', 'ptr', heap := NumGet(buf, (A_Index - 1) * A_PtrSize, 'ptr'), 'int', 0, 'ptr', block) {
			NumPut('ptr', 0, PROCESS_HEAP_ENTRY)
			if DllCall('HeapWalk', 'ptr', heap, 'ptr', PROCESS_HEAP_ENTRY) {
				lpData := NumGet(PROCESS_HEAP_ENTRY, 'ptr')
				cbData := NumGet(PROCESS_HEAP_ENTRY, A_PtrSize, 'uint')
				lpFirstBlock := NumGet(PROCESS_HEAP_ENTRY, A_PtrSize + 16, 'ptr')
				lpLastBlock := NumGet(PROCESS_HEAP_ENTRY, 2 * A_PtrSize + 16, 'ptr')
				if lpFirstBlock <= block && block < lpLastBlock
					return heap
	return 0
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Re: ahk v1 IObjectComCompatible::Invoke does not support accepting return values from arguments?  Topic is solved

08 Apr 2022, 23:28

Correct, this is not supported by v1.
v2-changes wrote:Calls to AutoHotkey objects via the IDispatch interface now transparently support VT_BYREF parameters.

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