Rosetta Code

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Re: Rosetta Code

06 Apr 2014, 20:50

kon wrote:Joystick position
Keyboard input/Keypress check
Musical scale

It's a shame that when Sobriquet was banned (for reasons unknown to me) that his/her existing posts were deleted also. It seems he/she has contributed quite a lot to Rosetta Code.
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Re: Rosetta Code

06 Apr 2014, 21:43

I wonder why too, maybe a mistake and now nobody know the reason, he posted some smart contributions in this thread.
Also, if you are curious, go to ... torg-down/
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Re: Rosetta Code

06 Apr 2014, 23:45

It is possible that he posted into a topic that was about to be nuked.
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Re: Rosetta Code

07 Apr 2014, 00:45

Awww man! This is not good. :(
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Re: Rosetta Code

07 Apr 2014, 01:01

To everyone (and in case someone knows Sobriquet, please let him know):
Some procedures to automatically deal with spam are currently being tested. His account may have been "pruned" by accident.
That's most certainly what happened. If possible, we will revert the changes (restoring the posts and his account).
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Re: Rosetta Code

07 Apr 2014, 12:03

jNizM wrote:Added first Post:
- AutoHotkey examples needing attention
Langton's ant could be fixed by d := d + !(a%x%_%y%) - !!(a%x%_%y%)

Since I've been working on the problem, here's another solution (AHK 1.1) using some good ideas of the Aime code and CreateDIB() by SKAN:

Code: Select all

SetBatchLines, -1
; Directions
Directions := {0: "North", 1: "East", 2: "South", 3: "West"}
; Initialize the plane (set all cells to white)
White := 0xFFFFFF
Plane := []
PW := PH := 100
Loop, % PH {
   I := A_Index
   Loop, % PW
      Plane[I, A_Index] := White
; Let it run
DI := D := 0 ; initial direction
X := Y := 50 ; initial coordinates
While (X > 0) && (X <= PW) && (Y > 0) && (Y <= PH) {
   D := (D + ((Plane[X, Y] ^= White) ? 1 : 3)) & 3
   If (D & 1)
      X += -(D = 3) + (D = 1)
      Y += -(D = 0) + (D = 2)
; Show the result
HBM := CreateDIB(Plane, PW, PH, 400, 400, 0)
Gui, Margin, 0, 0
Gui, Add, Text, x0 y0 w20 h440 Center 0x200, W
Gui, Add, Text, x20 y0 w400 h20 Center 0x200, N
Gui, Add, Picture, x20 y20 w400 h400 0x4E hwndHPIC ; SS_REALSIZECONTROL = 0x40 | SS_BITMAP = 0xE
DllCall("User32.dll\SendMessage", "Ptr", HPIC, "UInt", 0x172, "Ptr", 0, "Ptr", HBM) ; STM_SETIMAGE = 0x172
Gui, Add, Text, xp+5 yp h20 0x200 BackgroundTrans, % "Initial direction: " . Directions[DI]
Gui, Add, Text, x20 y420 w400 h20 Center 0x200, S
Gui, Add, Text, x420 y0 w20 h440 Center 0x200, E
Gui, Show, , Langton's ant (%PW%x%PH%)


CreateDIB(PixelArray, PAW, PAH, BMW := 0, BMH := 0, Gradient := 1) { ; SKAN, 01-Apr-2014 / array version by just me
   SLL := (PAW * 3) + (PAW & 1)
   VarSetCapacity(BMBITS, SLL * PAH, 0)
   P := &BMBITS
   Loop, % PAH {
      R := A_Index
      Loop, % PAW
         P := Numput(PixelArray[R, A_Index], P + 0, "UInt") - 1
      P += (PAW & 1)
   HBM := DllCall("Gdi32.dll\CreateBitmap", "Int", PAW, "Int", PAH, "UInt", 1, "UInt", 24, "Ptr", 0, "UPtr")
   HBM := DllCall("User32.dll\CopyImage", "Ptr", HBM, "UInt", 0, "Int", 0, "Int", 0, "UInt", 0x2008, "UPtr")
   DllCall( "Gdi32.dll\SetBitmapBits", "Ptr", HBM, "UInt", SLL * PAH, "Ptr", &BMBITS)
   If (!Gradient)
      HBM := DllCall("User32.dll\CopyImage", "Ptr", HBM, "UInt", 0, "Int", 0, "Int", 0, "Int", 8, "UPtr")
   Return DllCall("User32.dll\CopyImage", "Ptr", HBM, "UInt", 0, "Int", BMW, "Int", BMH, "UInt", 0x200C, "UPtr")
} ;
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Re: Rosetta Code

08 Apr 2014, 00:47

Thx for your help and I uploaded your version

- Langton's ant (by just me)
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Re: Rosetta Code

09 Apr 2014, 04:07

First-class functions

I believe that this should meet the requirements (but there might be better/easier solutions):

Code: Select all

; Set the floating-point precision
SetFormat, Float, 0.15
; Super-global variables for function objects
Global F, G
; User-defined functions
Cube(X) {
   Return X ** 3
CubeRoot(X) {
   Return X ** (1/3)
; Function arrays, Sin/ASin and Cos/ACos are built-in
FuncArray1 := [Func("Sin"),  Func("Cos"),  Func("Cube")]
FuncArray2 := [Func("ASin"), Func("ACos"), Func("CubeRoot")]
; Compose
Compose(FN1, FN2) {
   Static FG := Func("ComposedFunction")
   F := FN1, G:= FN2
   Return FG
ComposedFunction(X) {
   Return F.(G.(X))
; Run
X := 0.5 + 0
Result := "Input:`n" . X . "`n`nOutput:"
For Index In FuncArray1
   Result .= "`n" . Compose(FuncArray1[Index], FuncArray2[Index]).(X)
MsgBox, 0, First-Class Functions, % Result
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Re: Rosetta Code

16 Apr 2014, 23:58

Added First-class functions by just me.

Also added:
Emirp primes
Extensible prime generator
Hello world/Newbie

I've started to work on Polymorphism as a way to learn about classes. I would appreciate some feedback and corrections before I post it to Rosetta Code.
Polymorphism - Task Description wrote:Create two classes Point(x,y) and Circle(x,y,r) with a polymorphic function print, accessors for (x,y,r), copy constructor, assignment and destructor and every possible default constructors

Code: Select all

MyCircle := new Circle(4, 7, 9)
MyCircle2 := MyCircle.Clone()
MyCircle.SetX(100), MyCircle.SetY(1000), MyCircle.SetR(10000) 
MsgBox, % MyCircle.GetX() "`n" MyCircle.GetY() "`n" MyCircle.GetR() "`n" 

class Point
		return this.x
		return this.y
	__New(x, y)
		this.x := x
		this.y := y
		MsgBox, % "Point`n`nx:`t" this.x "`ny:`t" this.y
		this.x := aValue
		this.y := aValue

class Circle extends Point
		return this.r
	__New(x, y, r)
		this.r := r
		base.__New(x, y)
		MsgBox, % "Circle`n`nx:`t" this.x "`ny:`t" this.y "`nr:`t" this.r
		this.r := aValue
Edit: When the task description says "assignment" and "accessors", does it require a method like GetX() and SetX() or can it just be done with MyCircle.x := 2.
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Re: Rosetta Code

17 Apr 2014, 02:38

I think that you could add two versions. AHK doesn't support private/protected properties and thus doesn't need assignment and accessor methods. On the other hand, the code posted above is corresponding to many samples of other languages. Maybe you might add a Copy() method returning This.Clone() this code.
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Re: Rosetta Code

18 Apr 2014, 13:45

@just me thanks for the input and taking the time to look it over. I've posted it to Rosetta Code. I added a copy method as you suggested and also used your explanation:
AHK doesn't support private/protected properties and thus doesn't need assignment and accessor methods.
Instead of writing two versions of the task, I both included the assignment and accessor methods, and demonstrated directly accessing the properties also.
Thanks again.
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Re: Rosetta Code

19 Apr 2014, 17:18

These are pretty simple. IBAN is the only one that's more than a handful of lines.

Generate lower case ASCII alphabet
Read a file character by character/UTF8
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Re: Rosetta Code

04 May 2014, 13:30

good idea adding the machine code there!
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Re: Rosetta Code

04 May 2014, 15:58

Thanks joedf!
That task is still just a draft task. There seems to be some skepticism on the talk page regarding the usefulness of MCode. But MCode has been a valuable and powerful tool for AutoHotkey users.
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Re: Rosetta Code

04 May 2014, 16:07

Yeah, true.. There's two versions of the MCode() function that i know of..
Id say that the advantage of mcode is speed..
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Re: Rosetta Code

04 May 2014, 16:16

joedf wrote:Id say that the advantage of mcode is speed..
Agreed. Plus you can include all the code in the script itself.
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Re: Rosetta Code

05 May 2014, 01:36

joedf wrote:Yeah, true.. There's two versions of the MCode() function that i know of..
Id say that the advantage of mcode is speed..
You can also do low level tasks easier.
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