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Re: « What's on your mind? »

Posted: 03 Oct 2017, 06:57
by Delta Pythagorean

Re: « What's on your mind? »

Posted: 04 Oct 2017, 00:26
by Noesis
I wonder in light of this if MS will come to the realization that a simple UI based way to uninstall these forced apps, is perhaps something they shouldn't have removed.

Re: « What's on your mind? »

Posted: 05 Oct 2017, 06:08
by Joe Glines
I'm not one of them... Are you?
70% of USA fear Robots taking over lives

Re: « What's on your mind? »

Posted: 05 Oct 2017, 06:51
by nnnik
This is actually a pretty interesting question that cannot be answered this easily.
Actually if you look at humans you will see that we create tools to simplify our work - whatever that may be.
We created weapons to hunt and wage war, we created tools to dig our ground and we created tools to measure data like temperature etc...
What you will find is that wherever a tool got successfully better at something than we were ourselves it turned the previously existing process obsolete, due to internal selection systems.
Now we have reached the age of quantum computing and a lot of experimenting is being done. Experimenting with something that has the potential to have processing capacity than any human could ever hope to achieve.
We just have to be careful that we never create something that is better at acting and thinking than we are.

Re: « What's on your mind? »

Posted: 05 Oct 2017, 07:12
by Delta Pythagorean
My mind is saying to get a job, but my computer says stay here and play video games.
Either way it's too much work :P

Re: « What's on your mind? »

Posted: 05 Oct 2017, 07:28
by TLM
nnnik wrote:We just have to be careful that we never create something that is better at acting and thinking than we are.
Speaking of which...

That said, Google's machine learning on their new Cloud TPUs is fun to try.

edit: Did I say fun? I meant my A.I. cat test came out HORRIFIC!!

Re: « What's on your mind? »

Posted: 05 Oct 2017, 13:04
by tidbit
yay win10. setting up a new printer without the need for the bloated vendor (HP) driver/software (which also now adds popups on modern printers with OSD/touchscreens). win10 just detects it and that's that. and I can use the 'Instant Ink' it came with for free without nag.

for all the spying it does (but what company doesn't these days? google, apple, etc all spy hardcore), it also does a lot of thing really well.

Re: « What's on your mind? »

Posted: 05 Oct 2017, 13:22
by runie
On the subject of bloat/spying:

Re: « What's on your mind? »

Posted: 06 Oct 2017, 13:13
by TLM

Re: « What's on your mind? »

Posted: 06 Oct 2017, 19:03
by joedf

Re: « What's on your mind? »

Posted: 06 Oct 2017, 19:23
by Delta Pythagorean
Wait, little off topic question for an off topic topic, is AHK usable on Linux?

Re: « What's on your mind? »

Posted: 06 Oct 2017, 20:13
by runie
Works decently on WINE, but not on linux.

Re: « What's on your mind? »

Posted: 07 Oct 2017, 15:14
by joedf
Ish.... there's some alternatives here.

Some good recommended modern alternatives:
electron based:
python based:

Re: « What's on your mind? »

Posted: 07 Oct 2017, 16:44
by Delta Pythagorean
joedf wrote:Ish.... there's some alternatives here.
Huh. Interesting.

Re: « What's on your mind? »

Posted: 08 Oct 2017, 04:12
by garry

Re: « What's on your mind? »

Posted: 08 Oct 2017, 12:08
by joedf
Love your site :)
geekdude wrote:@mention

Re: « What's on your mind? »

Posted: 09 Oct 2017, 14:57
by garry ... ed-n807156

More Americans have died from gunshots in the last 50 years than in all of the wars in American history.
Since 1968, more than 1.5 million Americans have died in gun-related incidents ... interview/

Interview with NRA director Cox

Dowd said that, in the last 50 years, more Americans died by gun than in all our wars.
He said more people died in those 10 Las Vegas minutes than have died of terror attacks on American soil in the last 10 years.

Wallace asked his guest about legal gun clips that carry 60 to 100 rounds, like those used in Las Vegas.
“Why do you need to have a magazine that has a hundred rounds?”
Cox tried a little misdirection, speaking in gobbledygook.
“It’s a fair question,” Cox said.
“If banning one from owning these sorts of things would prevent a criminal from going out and using them, that is a fair question."
Then he said previous bans of semi-automatic weapons were ineffective. Wallace persisted.
WALLACE: “Why do they need magazines with 100 rounds?”
COX : “It’s intentionally designed to scare people… ”
WALLACE: “Think 10 rounds would be enough?”
COX : “It depends on what you have it for.”

Re: « What's on your mind? »

Posted: 09 Oct 2017, 15:19
by tank
garry wrote:More Americans have died from gunshots in the last 50 years than in all of the wars in American history.
What sheer unadulterated bullshit unless you also count deaths in the wars of the last 50 years. Not only is this bull shit but it is a meaningless statistic as it doesn't factor in Indian deaths or the population growth over the last 50 years. I grew up in one of the most Dangerous cities in the US, Saint-Louis MO. Gun Violence is bad. but guns don't kill people. People do. If I have no gun and want to kill a bunch of people I need only an automobile and a busy pedestrian area. That actually happened in Paris remember?Gun laws only affect the law-abiding.Most violent criminals do not use legally purchased firearms. Making stupid statements like the one NBC made only harms possible solutions and polarises public ignorance

Re: « What's on your mind? »

Posted: 09 Oct 2017, 15:38
by nnnik
Actually those are some pretty straight forward statistics. Additionally a gun makes it more likely for you to hurt others or yourself.
In hindsight it might have been better if these guns were never given to people.
Most people underestimate how much the law can do once weapons are forbidden - in Germany it is extremly difficult to buy a weapon - so the criminal argument wouldn't have mattered if you didn't hand out weapons to everyone in the first place.
However now that these guns are everywhere it is pretty difficult to remove them and just forbidding them will do next to nothing in the current situation.
I also can relate to the feeling that you want to protect yourself, but one thing I really can't understand is why you sell modern warfare equipment to private households for "self defense".

Re: « What's on your mind? »

Posted: 09 Oct 2017, 16:17
by just me
tank wrote:but guns don't kill people. People do.
Atomic bombs don't kill people. People do. :roll: