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Re: Flat Earth vs. Globe Earth

Posted: 04 Nov 2017, 12:07
by Gio
alghought the idea of "progress" is the principle that underlies your statements IMO: 4D necessarily "overcome" the 3D or 2D like AHK v2 in comparaison with v1 :lol:
You are mostly right. In the heat of a discussion, perhaps i may have adopted terms that seem to indicate very strict views or the adoption of a 4D shape as absolute, but context still has to be applied. I actually stand that there is no "correct" or "ultimate" answer to the question of earths shape. I also don't think 2D or 3D views will ever disappear as both are very usefull in our everday lives. We have flat maps all around us, and we also have google earth or desk globes to remind us of the beauty of the globe shape and to allow us an understanding of astronomical concepts such as orbits. And we have GPS and other recent technologies to remind us of the possibilities of considering the 4D shape. Whenever we need to complete a task, we will still adopt whichever shape is most suited to represent the land and space for the task at hand. Adopting any model as final is thus seemingly not a very good idea and that is perhaps what we call flat-earth mentality. It is curious though that some people display a flat-earth mentality when it comes to defending the 3D shape as final and complete. I maintain that considering the 4D shape is good for any academic discussion, but i do not intend to say it is absolute in any way, rather i keep my conclusion: The earth has no definitive shape. :beer:

Re: Flat Earth vs. Globe Earth

Posted: 22 Nov 2017, 14:05
by derz00

Re: Flat Earth vs. Globe Earth

Posted: 22 Nov 2017, 16:06
by garry
Earth IS flat .... or otherwise ...


Re: Flat Earth vs. Globe Earth

Posted: 05 Dec 2017, 00:41
by jeeswg
led to this:
Watch an astrophysicist explain what happened when he secretly infiltrated the Flat Earth Society ... h-society/
which featured this:
Physics, the Flat Earth, and Cosmic Humility (with Dr. Dan Batcheldor) - YouTube

Re: Flat Earth vs. Globe Earth

Posted: 05 Dec 2017, 11:23
by garry
@jeeswg , thank for the links

- you'll have to know :
'From the earth we only see the illuminated side of the sun'


other 'fake' news :

Box from 1935 finally opened: Schrödinger's cat is definitely dead .

A chance finding has finally provided the answer to a question we have been asking for nearly a century:
is the cat dead or alive?
The cat in question being the famous ‘Schrödinger’s cat’ who gained that name for taking part in an experiment of the same name.
The animal was locked inside a box with a vial of poison for the experiment and the question could only be answered by opening the box.
Archivists at the University of Vienna have now found the box and have therefore been able to answer the question:
the cat is unmistakably dead.

Re: Flat Earth vs. Globe Earth

Posted: 30 Mar 2018, 02:04
by jeeswg
This video was great. Lots of interesting challenges from the flat earth advocate who says that they've been looking at it for 9 months (at 51:54).

The Flat Earth Conspiracy Debate! Yes, Really. - YouTube

Re: Flat Earth vs. Globe Earth

Posted: 30 Mar 2018, 04:26
by garry

Re: Flat Earth vs. Globe Earth

Posted: 30 Mar 2018, 13:05
by joedf
CONVEX?!?!?! whaaattt..... i dont even....

Re: Flat Earth vs. Globe Earth

Posted: 30 Mar 2018, 19:43
by gregster
joedf wrote:CONVEX?!?!?! whaaattt..... i dont even....
Wow, that was really unwatchable... but I had to choke really hard on my tea, when they actually zoomed in to southern France and said: "well, we are now at the Strait of Gibraltar in southern France" :crazy: Just a 1000 kilometers off :wtf: They really know what they are doing :D

Re: Flat Earth vs. Globe Earth

Posted: 30 Mar 2018, 19:49
by joedf
ahahaha :lolno:

Re: Flat Earth vs. Globe Earth

Posted: 07 Apr 2018, 12:21
by Atharva
Oh,come on!What's the gigantic reason that the scientists and governments can possibly give us for hiding the fact that the earth is of other shape than a sphere?

Re: Flat Earth vs. Globe Earth

Posted: 07 Apr 2018, 14:40
by derz00
Our society's new opium is unbelief

Re: Flat Earth vs. Globe Earth

Posted: 20 Apr 2018, 16:26
by joedf

Re: Flat Earth vs. Globe Earth

Posted: 21 Apr 2018, 00:55
by Noesis
LOL, cool pic, but surely the picture is wrong aren't we more like a Frisbee shape, that way we're more aerodynamic when flying around the sun ;) - and aerodynamics in space is important, because if you're going to ignore physics you have to do it properly - oh but aerodynamics is physics, crap :wtf:. OK Frisbee's look cooler than squares that's why !!.

Seriously though,
Atharva wrote:Oh,come on!What's the gigantic reason that the scientists and governments can possibly give us for hiding the fact that the earth is of other shape than a sphere?
Technically the earth is an Oblate Spheroid and actually isn't a sphere. The difference is akin to an oval vs a circle, both could be described as circular, but not both could be described as a circle. So the earth is spherical but not a sphere, the actual shape as mentioned is Oblate Spheroid, and nobody hides it, well except the "flat earther's" who seemingly hide it from themselves.

Re: Flat Earth vs. Globe Earth

Posted: 22 Jul 2018, 05:02
by garry

Re: Flat Earth vs. Globe Earth

Posted: 22 Jul 2018, 10:07
by joedf
ahaha valid XD

Re: Flat Earth vs. Globe Earth

Posted: 06 Sep 2018, 01:07
by tomoe_uehara
joedf wrote:In this scenario, it would mean we would have an infinite flat surface.
Maybe it's a Möbius strip :monkeysee:

Re: Flat Earth vs. Globe Earth

Posted: 06 Sep 2018, 15:17
by joedf
@tomoe_uehara my goodness! You have solved the mystery! :dance:

Re: Flat Earth vs. Globe Earth

Posted: 07 Sep 2018, 01:25
by garry
@tomoe_uehara my goodness! You have solved the mystery!
fine, now can this thread be closed ...

Re: Flat Earth vs. Globe Earth

Posted: 11 Sep 2018, 10:49
by joedf
I guess so ? tidbit?