your personal AutoHotkey style guide

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Re: your personal AutoHotkey style guide

03 Sep 2018, 04:57

I would choose MyFunc1. Preferences change over time, but the fact that the function returns either one of two value is for my eyes more visible in MyFunc1.

Tomorrow, I might want to emphasize the fact of "default behaviour" being False. Then I might choose MyFunc2, with an extra empty line before the return statement, like I often do for more possible results to choose from.

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If (isSpecialCase1 = True)
    Return, "Bingo"
If (isSpecialCase2 = True)
    Return, "Bongo"

; default
Return, "Bungo"    
I guess, my personal style prefers to put similar Return statements at similar indentation levels.
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Re: your personal AutoHotkey style guide

19 Sep 2018, 18:14

- Often, when writing scripts, I might choose an object's variable name based on what the keys are, e.g. oPID.
- But it can be unclear what values that object contains, so perhaps a better name would be oPIDToHWnd.
- Even with this, the syntax can get quite confusing regarding the order, e.g. hWnd := oPIDToHWnd[vPID].
- But if you were to add an hWnd key for each PID, it seems like overkill, e.g. hWnd := oPID[vPID].hWnd.
- hWnd := oHWndFromPID[vPID] isn't great.
- ObjGetValueByRef(oPIDToHWnd, vPID, hWnd) perhaps. Hmm.
- I wondered what other people thought.
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Re: your personal AutoHotkey style guide

21 Sep 2018, 03:12

using To make no sense imo. I'd do it like this, hwnd := hwnds[ pid ], it clearly shows the association between pid and hwnd in a list of hwnds. When you first create the hwnds array, make a comment describing it. Prefixing o or v only clutters the view imo.

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Re: your personal AutoHotkey style guide

21 Sep 2018, 03:28

Or make a function which is descriptive and keep using your unreadeable names.
Yeah using o and v makes no sense. It doesn't tell you anything at all.
v means value - yeah great what kind of value? Is it float a string or an integer? Maybe a boolean or you expect a hex string?
o is even worse. It tells you its an object but what kind of object? Is it a function object a menu item or maybe even a self defined image object?
o and v contain no information whatsoever. Having descriptive names is more important.
And what do you do if the variable can be a callable object or a function name?
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Re: your personal AutoHotkey style guide

21 Sep 2018, 04:37

- To me, the main problem when reading code is to know what is a variable and what isn't. Whether the language is familiar or unfamiliar.
- I can instantly see what is a variable in my code, other people's code takes longer to read/debug. This is particularly true of LaTeX for example.
- (Using a letter prefix means that you can use CamelCase for functions and vCamelCase for a variable name, and I find 'camelCase' for variable names awful, and 'var_name' unfortunate.)
- (To use the word 'unreadable' seems a bit perverse, I was converting some code today and noticed how much more readable it was becoming with the 'v' prefixes and CamelCase.)
- My naming system makes it very easy to identify/enumerate/replace variables (and to not accidentally replace words in comments), and to spot unusual entries in the variables list.
- I don't think people appreciate how quick and easy my systems make it to code.
- In some (many/most?) languages: XXX(), this could be a function or a variable. So you need some kind of identifier. So perhaps a prefix e.g. sXXX, or the use of numbers as a suffix: XXX1. I'm moving to the latter for languages that enforce types since there are just too many types (and thus prefixes).
- I use vFunc and oFunc for function names and function objects(/bound funcs).
- (There's a logic to using oHWnds/oPIDs instead of oHWnd/oPID, but I find it neater without the 's'.)
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Re: your personal AutoHotkey style guide

21 Sep 2018, 05:08

Its more readeable because your used to it. I'm not used to it so its not readeable to me.
Also in other languages like python or javascript there is not a single difference between a variable and a function.
I really assumed you had at least the sense to choose something different than variable as the long version for v.
Everything you put that v in front is a variable. But also everything you don't put this in front of.
Essentially there is no difference between a variable and a function in many languages.
It's pushed the furthest in languages like python or javascript where you cannot have function but only references to function types.
What you say is the most senseless thing I've heard of you since quite a while - you are once again loosing any contact with the actual reality of programming and development.
Thus I will not respond any further - since it would be a massive waste of time.
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Re: your personal AutoHotkey style guide

21 Sep 2018, 05:43

I really assumed you had at least the sense to choose something different than variable as the long version for v.
Everything you put that v in front is a variable. But also everything you don't put this in front of.
- I don't understand this point. Use something other than 'v', like what?
- I use 'v' for non-object variables and nothing else.
What you say is the most senseless thing I've heard of you since quite a while - you are once again loosing any contact with the actual reality of programming and development.
Thus I will not respond any further - since it would be a massive waste of time.
- I don't know what you're referring to. I said that variables and functions can look(/be) similar in some languages, which you agreed with.
- (Let's pretend that I didn't know that. There are all sorts of things that people happen not to know. You could be gentler with people.)
- (You're using words/phrases like 'senseless'/'losing touch with reality'/'waste of time' over literally nothing. This can be bad because you can mislead people reading your comment.)

- Here is my view on variable names:

Code: Select all

InStr(vText, vNeedle, vCaseSen, vPos, vOcc) ;preferred
InStr(text, needle, caseSen, pos, occ)
InStr(text, needle, case_sen, pos, occ)

SplitPath, vPath, vName, vDir, vExt, vNameNoExt, vDrive ;preferred
SplitPath, path, name, dir, ext, nameNoExt, drive
SplitPath, path, name, dir, ext, name_no_ext, drive
- Another advantage of my system is that you can stick in an extra word at the start, without having to change the capitalisation. And that key words always start with a capital (useful when searching).

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vPath -> vPfxPath
path -> pfxPath
path -> pfx_path
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Re: your personal AutoHotkey style guide

25 Sep 2018, 14:20

On Stack Overflow, it seems that all the Java for/while examples use curly braces for one-liners even if they're not required e.g.:
java - Regex to find all matches - Stack Overflow ... ll-matches

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    while (m.find()) {

    while (m.find())
What's more common, use or don't use? Are they using some official/unofficial Java style guide?
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Re: your personal AutoHotkey style guide

27 Sep 2018, 02:36

jeeswg wrote:On Stack Overflow, it seems that all the Java for/while examples use curly braces for one-liners even if they're not required e.g.:
java - Regex to find all matches - Stack Overflow ... ll-matches

Code: Select all

0. while (m.find()) 
1. while (m.find()) {
2.    while (m.find())
What's more common, use or don't use? Are they using some official/unofficial Java style guide?
i dont konw. i always using 2 or 1. 0 i really dont like.
with PHP i often see style 0.

i like this (nearly like 1.) ... small-Stil
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Re: your personal AutoHotkey style guide

27 Sep 2018, 09:53

Code: Select all

;~ comment
; comment

;Indentation style - Wikipedia

Loop, 3
	Loop, 3
		InputBox, vInput
;NO (K&R: one true brace)
Loop, 3 {
	Loop, 3 {
		InputBox, vInput

if (var1 = var2)
if ( var1 = var2 )

oArray := ["a", "b", "c"]
oArray := ["a","b","c"]

		, Ptr, 0
		, Str, "text"
		, Str, "title"
		, UInt, 0)
DllCall("MessageBox", "Ptr", 0, "Str", "text", "Str", "title", "UInt", 0)

MsgBox, % var "text" var var "text" "text" var "text"
MsgBox, % var . "text" . var . var . "text" . "text" . var . "text"

;YES (initial commas)
Loop, Parse, vText, `n, `r
;NO (no initial commas)
Loop Parse, vText, `n, `r

;YES (initial commas)
MouseGetPos, vCurX, vCurY, hWnd, vCtlClassNN
MouseGetPos,,, hWnd, vCtlClassNN
;NO (no initial commas)
MouseGetPos vCurX, vCurY, hWnd, vCtlClassNN
MouseGetPos ,, hWnd, vCtlClassNN


if !(var1 = var2)
if not (var1 = var2)

if (var1 && var2)
if (var1 || var2)
if (var1 AND var2)
if (var1 OR var2)

var := "text"
var1 := var2
var = text
var1 = %var2%

vText = 
line 1
line 2
line 3
;NO (the 'n' combines with the string, bad for spellchecking)
vText := "line 1`r`nline 2`r`nline 3"

vText := A_Space A_Space
;NO (never have multiple consecutive spaces)
vText := "  "

;YES (indentation of 1 tab)
if (var1 = var2)
;NO (indentation of 4 spaces)
if (var1 = var2)


if (var1 = var2)
if (var1 = var2)

var := 1 + 1
var := 1+1
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Re: your personal AutoHotkey style guide

22 Mar 2019, 10:29

When dealing with structs, I see two approaches. I find the former far simpler and easier to debug.

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;read UInt at offset 20 (64-bit AHK) or 12 (32-bit AHK):
vNum := NumGet(&vData, A_PtrSize=8?20:12, "UInt") ;yes
vNum := NumGet(&vData, A_PtrSize*2+4, "UInt") ;no
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Re: your personal AutoHotkey style guide

25 Mar 2019, 03:52

Code: Select all

; I prefer
DllCall("ntdll\NtQuerySystemInformation", "int", 0x5, "ptr", &buf, "uint", size, "uint*", 0)

NumGet(&buf + 56 + A_PtrSize * 3, "ptr")

; and / or for special cases with while (addr)
addr := &buf
while (addr) {
	; NumGet(...)
	NumGet(addr + 56 + A_PtrSize * 3, "ptr")
	; more NumGet(...)
	addr += NumGet(addr + 0, "uint")
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Re: your personal AutoHotkey style guide

01 Apr 2019, 15:23

1. De Morgan's Rule - which one?

Code: Select all

if (!w || !h)
    ; Do stuff

Code: Select all

if !(w && h)
    ; Do stuff
2. Negation - inside the parenthesis or outside the parenthesis? This has bothered me for the longest time.

Code: Select all

if (!str)
    ; Do stuff

Code: Select all

if !(str)
    ; Do stuff
I'm not interested in a argument based on "it looks better". I'm sure if many of you look through your code you'd seem to use both styles in equally and consistently. For example if I were negating a value from an object, I'd tend to write (!obj.value) but if I were negating the object itself, I'd tend to write !obj or !(obj). Would be curious to see what you guys find out after looking at your code!
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Re: your personal AutoHotkey style guide

01 Apr 2019, 15:32

update: Sorry I did not read the note on "De Morgan's Rule" yesterday

so far I use it anyway the round bracket outside: means 1.1 if (!w || !h) or 1.2 if (!(w && h))
Of course this one is a bit ugly: 1.2 if (!(w && h)).
this almost always has historical reasons (refactoring an old source).
in other languages, I often use then newline:

Code: Select all

if( !(w && h)
  && (a && b)
  && ....
With such a question, I often look for the development in very new programming languages:
Here you can see that the brackets are always outside and exist.

but I find the arguments that count must rather be simplicity and clarity less my habits.
means maybe if w insstead of if (w.

However, the space saving is very low and I would therefore tend to neglect.
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Re: your personal AutoHotkey style guide

01 Apr 2019, 15:40

Great post iseahound. Cheers.

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;De Morgan's laws
if (!w || !h) ;generally yes, usually more logical/intuitive
if !(w && h) ;generally no, might do this on a long list (yes if it was intuitive in the context)

;not equals comparison
if !(a = b) ;yes, more intuitive
if (a != b) ;no

if !str ;yes
if !(str) ;OK, 2nd best, more readable than (!str)
if (!str) ;OK

;negation and assignment
if !(str := value) ;more readable than the others
if !str := value
if (!str := value)
In C++, if-statements must be in parentheses, so this might skew what I choose for that language.

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Re: your personal AutoHotkey style guide

10 Apr 2019, 09:39

SL5 wrote:
01 Apr 2019, 15:32
.. so far I use it anyway the round bracket outside ...
... but I find the arguments that count must rather be simplicity and clarity less my habits.
... However, the space saving is very low and I would therefore tend to neglect.
update 19-04-10_16-36. I found a bit of evolution in my style :P
if !(mode == "DEBUG" && InStr(A_ComputerName,"xyz"))
becouse i dont like:
..."xyz"))) better ..."xyz"))
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Re: your personal AutoHotkey style guide

20 Apr 2019, 08:04

Pattern "...The least parameters the better". It's both convenient in terms of code clarity and it actually saves stack memory (not much, but every bit is important in the long run).

Having different names helps allot with auto complete as well.

For example i would go for

The reason for this, after get, the first letter that I write will identify what i want...."
Copied from somewhere
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Re: your personal AutoHotkey style guide

28 Apr 2019, 03:06

I would always return an array with all the values - so most of your naming scheme seems redundant to me.
I would also note down sub with child since it seems like a parent-child relationship.
Lastly functionnames should not use any shortcuts. They are meant to be called by anyone using (potentially even inconsistent) shortcuts only adds confusion.
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Re: your personal AutoHotkey style guide

06 May 2019, 10:35

jeeswg wrote:
12 Apr 2018, 02:19
- Great feedback so far, especially re. Hungarian notation, thanks.
- I don't think that noting the exact type is that important, but distinguishing between variables/objects is useful.
This is strange. I am Hungarian and did a very similar thing, but I've never heard about this thing before. :shifty:
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