Joe Glines wrote:BTW- I borrowed & tweaked my code from that original post but I can't claim to understand a lick of it (nor can I follow yours) Could you go back and annotate it to help me understand what they are doing?
ROFL. I've seen some of your posts on and you're streets ahead of me!
For creating WMI queries from scratch I still tend to use the
Scriptomatic V2 for Win 7 HTA to construct the initial query then check out
AHK - WMI - Snippets ( ... &hilit=WMI) to see whether I have the AHK code right.
Code: Select all
While (ComObjGet("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!\\" . A_ComputerName . "\root\cimv2").ExecQuery("Select * From Win32_BaseBoard")._NewEnum)[objMBInfo]
MsgBox % objMBInfo["SerialNumber"]
I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong but, to me, all this means is to run a WMI query against the
Win32_BaseBoard collection and return the result for the object named
SerialNumber. If you use
Scriptomatic it will show you every available object available for each collection. Sorry, I don't use WMI often enough to have found a better tool... although I'm sure one or more exists.
Code: Select all
objWMIService := ComObjGet("winmgmts:{impersonationLevel = impersonate}!\\.\root\cimv2")
colItems := objWMIService.ExecQuery("Select * from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration WHERE IPEnabled = True")._NewEnum
while colItems[objItem]
if objItem.IPAddress[0] = A_IPAddress1
MsgBox % objItem.MACAddress
Similarly, all this means is run a WMI query against all
Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration collections that have
IPEnabled set to
True and return the result for the object named
MACAddress. This way it will catch the
active network adaptor and ignore inactive or pseudo/virtual adapters.
WMI can sometimes be a little flaky, especially now that
PowerShell has gained such a foothold (which is why I've been playing with wrapping PowerShell cmdlets in AHK). Whilst
PowerShell still supports WMI cmdlets, some WMI classes have been deprecated and I guess this trend will continue. Have a read of this
CIM vs. WMI CmdLets – The top reasons I changed over article ( ... i-changed/). On the other hand, most WMI queries will remain for some time... and only MS can tell us how long that will be.
Hope this helps...