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utilities/websites to test a PC's speed

Posted: 07 Jul 2019, 07:52
by jeeswg
Does anyone have any recommended utilities/websites to test a PC's speed. E.g. to compare the performance of 2 PCs.

Re: utilities/websites to test a PC's speed

Posted: 07 Jul 2019, 11:50
by wolf_II
I would recommend to write an algorithm with fixed outcome. eg: add up all primes below 2,000/20,000/200,000/2,000,000.
You can go as high as you want, but I expect around 100,000 is enough.
Test the script on both PC, the faster PC will need less time.

Re: utilities/websites to test a PC's speed

Posted: 22 Jul 2019, 08:49
by lmstearn
It's also important to choose equivalent power plans before running the tests.
A very old thread worth reviving:
This online one has been around long time:
Nova is favoured in this review, the others look promising as well.
GPUCheck compare the performance of various games wrt cpu & gpu alone- a fair enough test if no OC.

Re: utilities/websites to test a PC's speed

Posted: 27 Jul 2019, 09:25
by Sam_
MATLAB's bench() function, with a few iterations.