Help to understand the script

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Joined: 03 Jan 2024, 08:51

Help to understand the script

03 Jan 2024, 08:56

I got this script from internet and i'm dont know how it works how what i need do to it work, I never programmed in ahk.

Code: Select all


#IfWinActive, GTA:SA:MP

OnExit, freeMemory


global newPID := getPID("GTA:SA:MP")
global hGTA := openProcess(newPID)
    MsgBox,GTA must be started

global g_dwSAMP_Addr := getModuleBaseAddress("samp.dll", hGTA)
global g_dwProcess   := 0x400000
global pMemory       := virtualAllocEx(hGTA, 6144, 0x1000 | 0x2000, 0x40)
global pParam1       := pMemory
global pParam2       := pMemory + 1024
global pParam3       := pMemory + 2048
global pParam4       := pMemory + 3072
global pParam5       := pMemory + 4096
global pInjectFunc   := pMemory + 5120


; patch back
__WRITE(0x60BA80, 0x58EC83, 3, "UInt")
__WRITE(0x740450, 0x0DD8, 2, "Short")
__WRITE(0x740450 +2, 0x00858B3C, 4, "UInt")
__WRITE(0x740456, 0x1C244CD8, 4, "UInt")
__WRITE(0x60B8A0, 0x000007A09689, 6, "UInt")
__WRITE(0x60BA80, 0x58EC83, 3, "UInt")
virtualFreeEx(hGTA, pMemory, 0, 0x8000)
FileDelete, style.html

*~rbutton up::

  If(GetPlayerWeaponID() == 24){ 

sleep 10
Send {Wheelup}
sleep 30
Send {Wheelup}
sleep 20
Send {Wheelup}
sleep 10
       send {space down}
       sleep 100
       send {space up}
       sleep 1
send {space down}
       sleep 100
       send {space up}
       sleep 1
send {space down}
       sleep 1
       send {space up}
       sleep 1
send {space down}
       sleep 1
       send {space up}
       sleep 1
send {space down}
       sleep 1
       send {space up}
       sleep 1
setbatchlines -1
setkeydelay -1

  If(GetPlayerWeaponID() == 244){ 
sleep 10
Send {Wheelup}
sleep 120
       send {space down}
       sleep 340
       send {space up}
       sleep 1
send {space down}
       sleep 100
       send {space up}
       sleep 1
send {space down}
       sleep 1
       send {space up}
       sleep 1
send {space down}
       sleep 1
       send {space up}
       sleep 1
send {space down}
       sleep 1
       send {space up}
       sleep 1
setbatchlines -1
setkeydelay -1

  If(GetPlayerWeaponID() == 424){ 

sleep 20
Send {Wheelup}
sleep 20
Send {Wheelup}
sleep 20
Send {Wheelup}
sleep 10
       send {j down}
       sleep 340
       send {j up}
       sleep 1
send {j down}
       sleep 100
       send {j up}
       sleep 1
send {j down}
       sleep 1
       send {j up}
       sleep 1
setbatchlines -1
setkeydelay -1

  If(GetPlayerWeaponID() == 245454){ 
sleep 10
Send {Wheelup}
sleep 30
Send {Wheelup}
sleep 20
Send {Wheelup} 
sleep 10
       send {space down}
       sleep 340
       send {space up}
       sleep 1
send {space down}
       sleep 100
       send {space up}
       sleep 1
send {space down}
       sleep 1
       send {space up}
       sleep 1
send {space down}
       sleep 1
       send {space up}
       sleep 1
send {space down}
       sleep 1
       send {space up}
       sleep 1
setbatchlines -1
setkeydelay -1

if (GetPlayerWeaponID() == 34){

Sendplay {lctrl down}
Send {Wheeldown}
sendplay {lctrl up}
    sleep 30
Send {Wheelup}
    sleep 20
Send {Wheeldown}
sleep 1
sendplay {vk20 down}
    sleep 7000ms
sendplay {vk20 up}
    sleep 1
sendplay {vk20 down}
    sleep 50
sendplay {vk20 up}
    sleep 1


if (GetPlayerWeaponID() == 3444){

Sendplay {lctrl down}
SendInput {Wheeldown}
sendplay {lctrl up}
    sleep 30
SendInput {Wheelup}
    sleep 20
SendInput {Wheeldown}
sleep 1
sendplay {vk20 down}
    sleep 7000ms
sendplay {vk20 up}
    sleep 1
sendplay {vk20 down}
    sleep 50
sendplay {vk20 up}
    sleep 1


 If(GetPlayerWeaponID() == 27) { 
    sleep 100ms
       Send {Wheelup}
    sleep 50
  Send {Wheeldown}
    sleep 10
 Send {Wheelup}
    sleep 10


 If(GetPlayerWeaponID() == 25) { 
    sleep 100ms
       Send {Wheelup}
    sleep 50
  Send {Wheeldown}
    sleep 10
  Send {Wheelup}
    sleep 10

Random, random, %min%, %max%
Sleep %random%

{   local dwPID := 0
    WinGet, dwPID, PID, %szWindow%
    return dwPID

openProcess(dwPID, dwRights = 0x1F0FFF)
{   return DllCall("OpenProcess", "UInt", dwRights, "int",  0, "UInt", dwPID, "Uint")

{   DllCall("CloseHandle", "UInt", hProcess, "UInt")

getModuleBaseAddress(sModule, hProcess)
{   dwSize = 1024*4                 
    VarSetCapacity(hMods, dwSize)
    VarSetCapacity(cbNeeded, 4)       
    dwRet := DllCall("Psapi.dll\EnumProcessModules", "UInt", hProcess, "UInt", &hMods, "UInt", dwSize, "UInt*", cbNeeded, "UInt")
    dwMods := cbNeeded / 4           
    i := 0
    VarSetCapacity(hModule, 4)       
    VarSetCapacity(sCurModule, A_IsUnicode ? 2*260 : 260)    
    while(i < dwMods) {
        hModule := NumGet(hMods, i*4)
        DllCall("Psapi.dll\GetModuleFileNameEx", "UInt", hProcess, "UInt", hModule, "Str", sCurModule, "UInt", A_IsUnicode ? 2*260 : 260)
        SplitPath, sCurModule, sFilename

        if(sModule == sFilename)
        return hModule

        i := i + 1
    return 0

callWithParams(dwFunc, aParams, bCleanupStack = true, thiscall = false) {
    validParams := 0
    i := aParams.MaxIndex()
    ; i * PUSH + CALL + RETN
    dwLen := i * 5 + 5 + 1
    dwLen += 3
    VarSetCapacity(injectData, i * 5 + 5 + 3 + 1, 0)
    i_ := 1
    while(i > 0) {
        if(aParams[i][1] != "") {
            dwMemAddress := 0x0
            if(aParams[i][1] == "p") {
                dwMemAddress := aParams[i][2]
            } else if(aParams[i][1] == "s") {
                return false
                dwMemAddress := pParam%i_%
                __WSTRING(dwMemAddress, aParams[i][2])
                return false
                i_ += 1
                } else if(aParams[i][1] == "i") {
                    dwMemAddress := aParams[i][2]
                } else {
                    return false

            NumPut((thiscall && i == 1 ? 0xB9 : 0x68), injectData, validParams * 5, "UChar")
            NumPut(dwMemAddress, injectData, validParams * 5 + 1, "UInt")
            validParams += 1
        i -= 1
    offset := dwFunc - ( pInjectFunc + validParams * 5 + 5 )
    NumPut(0xE8, injectData, validParams * 5, "UChar")
    NumPut(offset, injectData, validParams * 5 + 1, "Int")
    if(bCleanupStack) {
        NumPut(0xC483, injectData, validParams * 5 + 5, "UShort")
        NumPut(validParams*4, injectData, validParams * 5 + 7, "UChar")
        NumPut(0xC3, injectData, validParams * 5 + 8, "UChar")
    } else {
        NumPut(0xC3, injectData, validParams * 5 + 5, "UChar")
    __RAW(pInjectFunc, &injectData, dwLen)
    return false
    hThread := createRemoteThread(0, 0, pInjectFunc, 0, 0, 0)
    return false
    waitForSingleObject(hThread, 0xFFFFFFFF)
    return true

virtualAllocEx(hProcess, dwSize, flAllocationType, flProtect) 
{   return DllCall("VirtualAllocEx", "UInt", hProcess, "UInt", 0, "UInt", dwSize, "UInt", flAllocationType, "UInt", flProtect, "UInt")

virtualFreeEx(hProcess, lpAddress, dwSize, dwFreeType)
{   return DllCall("VirtualFreeEx", "UInt", hProcess, "UInt", lpAddress, "UInt", dwSize, "UInt", dwFreeType, "UInt")

createRemoteThread(lpThreadAttributes, dwStackSize, lpStartAddress, lpParameter, dwCreationFlags, lpThreadId)
{   return DllCall("CreateRemoteThread", "UInt", hGTA, "UInt", lpThreadAttributes, "UInt", dwStackSize, "UInt", lpStartAddress, "UInt", lpParameter, "UInt", dwCreationFlags, "UInt", lpThreadId, "UInt")

waitForSingleObject(hThread, dwMilliseconds) {
    return DllCall("WaitForSingleObject", "UInt", hThread, "UInt", dwMilliseconds, "UInt")

__ansiToUnicode(sString, nLen = 0) {
    If !nLen
    nLen := DllCall("MultiByteToWideChar", "Uint", 0, "Uint", 0, "Uint", &sString, "int",  -1, "Uint", 0, "int", 0)
    VarSetCapacity(wString, nLen * 2)
    DllCall("MultiByteToWideChar", "Uint", 0, "Uint", 0, "Uint", &sString, "int",  -1, "Uint", &wString, "int",  nLen)
        return wString

__unicodeToAnsi(wString, nLen = 0)
{   pString := wString + 1 > 65536 ? wString : &wString

    If !nLen
    nLen := DllCall("WideCharToMultiByte", "Uint", 0, "Uint", 0, "Uint", pString, "int",  -1, "Uint", 0, "int",  0, "Uint", 0, "Uint", 0)
    VarSetCapacity(sString, nLen)
    DllCall("WideCharToMultiByte", "Uint", 0, "Uint", 0, "Uint", pString, "int",  -1, "str",  sString, "int",  nLen, "Uint", 0, "Uint", 0)
        return sString

__READ(dwAddress, dwLen, type, ByRef dwRead=0)
{   VarSetCapacity(dwRead, dwLen)
    DllCall("ReadProcessMemory", "UInt", hGTA, "UInt", dwAddress, "Str", dwRead, "UInt", dwLen, "UInt", 0, "UInt*", 0)
    dwRead := NumGet(dwRead, 0, type)
    return dwRead

__FLOAT(dwAddress, ByRef dwRead=0)
{   VarSetCapacity(dwRead, 4)
    DllCall("ReadProcessMemory", "UInt", hGTA, "UInt", dwAddress, "Str", dwRead, "UInt", 4, "UInt*", 0, "UInt", 0)
    dwRead := NumGet(dwRead, 0, "Float")
    return dwRead

__DWORD(dwAddress, ByRef dwRead=0)
{   VarSetCapacity(dwRead, 4)
    DllCall("ReadProcessMemory", "UInt", hGTA, "UInt", dwAddress, "Str", dwRead, "UInt", 4, "UInt", 0, "UInt*", 0)
    dwRead := NumGet(dwRead, 0, "UInt")
    return dwRead

__INT(dwAddress, ByRef dwRead=0)
{   VarSetCapacity(dwRead, 4)
    DllCall("ReadProcessMemory", "UInt", hGTA, "UInt", dwAddress, "Str", dwRead, "UInt", 4, "UInt", 0, "UInt*", 0)
    dwRead := NumGet(dwRead, 0, "Int")
    return dwRead

__SHORT(dwAddress, ByRef dwRead=0)
{   VarSetCapacity(dwRead, 2)
    DllCall("ReadProcessMemory", "UInt", hGTA, "UInt", dwAddress, "Str", dwRead, "UInt", 4, "UInt", 0, "UInt*", 0)
    dwRead := NumGet(dwRead, 0, "Short")
    return dwRead

__STRING(dwAddress, size, ByRef dwRead=0)
{   VarSetCapacity(dwRead, size)
    DllCall("ReadProcessMemory", "UInt", hGTA, "UInt", dwAddress, "Str", dwRead, "UInt", size, "UInt*", 0, "UInt", 0)
    if A_IsUnicode
        dwRead := __ansiToUnicode(dwRead)

__WRITE(dwAddress, writevalue, size=4, type="Int")
{   VarSetCapacity(finalvalue,size, 0)

__WSTRING(dwAddress, wString)
{   sString := wString
    if A_IsUnicode
        sString := __unicodeToAnsi(wString)

    DllCall("WriteProcessMemory", "UInt", hGTA, "UInt", dwAddress, "Str", sString, "UInt", StrLen(wString) + 1, "UInt", 0, "UInt")

__RAW(dwAddress, pBuffer, dwLen)
{   DllCall("WriteProcessMemory", "UInt", hGTA, "UInt", dwAddress, "UInt", pBuffer, "UInt", dwLen, "UInt", 0, "UInt")

wb_BeforeNavigate2(wb, url, flags, frame, postdata, headers, cancel){
    global _mainGui
    global _mainGui2
    if(SubStr(url, 1, 6) = "about:")    
    static m1, m2  
    NumPut(-1, ComObjValue(cancel), "short")    
    if(RegExMatch(url, "i)^navigateto://(.*?)/(.*)$", m)){  
        StringReplace m2, m2, `%20, %A_Space%, All 
        SetTimer wb_bn2_call, -15
    else if(SubStr(url, 1, 8) != "file:///"){ 
        Run, %url%,, UseErrorLevel  
            ToolTip, % "Dein Browser/Programm konnte nicht korrekt gestartet werden!" 
    if(m1 = "go" OR m1 = "g"){  
        loop, Parse, m2, `;
            if(IsLabel(A_LoopField) AND (wb != _maingui || wb != _mainGui2))
                gosub %A_LoopField%     
wb_NavigateError(wb, url, frame, status, cancel){
wb_BeforeNavigate2(wb, url, 0, frame, "", "", cancel)

{  return (__DWORD(ADDR_VEHICLE_PTR) > 0)

    loop % ptr_ranges.MaxIndex()
        If(toggle) {
            __WRITE(ptr_ranges[A_Index], 9999, 4, "float")
            __WRITE(ptr_ranges[A_Index], ranges[A_Index], 4, "float")



{   return __DWORD(0xBAA410)

{   dwFunc := g_dwSAMP_Addr + FUNC_ADDMSG
    __DWORD(g_dwSAMP_Addr + ADDR_SAMP_CHATMSG_PTR, dwAddress)
    callWithParams(dwFunc, [["i", dwAddress],["i", 8],["s", text],["i", 0],["i", "0xFF" . color],["i", 0]], false, true)


    __WRITE(g_dwSAMP_Addr + cReport, 0x90909090, 4)
    cReport += 0x4
    __WRITE(g_dwSAMP_Addr + cReport, 0x90, 1)
    cReport += 0x9
    __WRITE(g_dwSAMP_Addr + cReport, 0x90909090, 4)
    cReport += 0x4
    __WRITE(g_dwSAMP_Addr + cReport, 0x90, 1)

    for i, patch in SAMP_AC_PATCHES
        tobin(d, SAMP_AC_BYTES[i])
        __RAW(g_dwSAMP_Addr + patch, &d, StrLen(SAMP_AC_BYTES[i]) / 2)

tobin(byref addr, str="")
        msgbox % "fail tobin"
    VarSetCapacity(addr, i)
    dataddr := &addr
        if(A_Index & 1)
            x := A_Loopfield
                        , "UInt", dataddr
                        , "UInt", 1
                        , "UChar", "0x" x A_Loopfield)

getWeaponName(id) {
    weapons := {0: "Fist", 1: "Brass Knuckles", 2: "Golf Club", 3: "Nightstick", 4: "Knife", 5: "Baseball Bat", 6: "Shovel", 7: "Pool Cue", 8: "Katana", 9: "Chainsaw", 10: "Purple Dildo", 11: "Dildo", 12: "Vibrator", 13: "Silver Vibrator", 14: "Flowers", 15: "Cane", 16: "Grenade", 17: "Tear Gas", 18: "Molotov Cocktail", 22: "9mm", 23: "Silenced 9mm", 24: "Desert Eagle", 25: "Shotgun", 26: "Sawnoff Shotgun", 27: "Combat Shotgun", 28: "Micro SMG/Uzi", 29: "MP5", 30: "AK-47", 31: "M4", 32: "Tec-9", 33: "Country Rifle", 34: "Sniper Rifle", 35: "RPG", 36: "HS Rocket", 37: "Flamethrower", 38: "Minigun", 39: "Satchel Charge", 40: "Detonator", 41: "Spraycan", 42: "Fire Extinguisher", 43: "Camera", 44: "Night Vis Goggles", 45: "Thermal Goggles", 46: "Parachute", 47: "Fake Pistol", 49: "Vehicle", 50: "Helicopter Blades", 51: "Explosion", 53: "Drowned", 54: "Splat", 255: "Suicide"}
    if(weapons[id]) {
        return weapons[id]

global sizeofDataType := {   "UChar":    1,  "Char":     1
			             ,   "UShort":   2,  "Short":    2
			             ,   "UInt":     4,  "Int":      4
			             ,   "UFloat":   4,  "Float":    4
			             ,   "Int64":    8,  "Double":   8}  

global ptr_ranges :=    [0xc8ab2c,0xc8ab9c,0xc8ac0c,0xc8ac7c,0xc8acec,0xc8ad5c,0xc8adcc,0xc8ae3c,0xc8aeac

global ranges := 		[10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,10,30,30,30,30,30
						,30,30,30,30,35,30,40,30,40,45,45,30,55,50,50,50,4 ,65,30,25

global SAMP_AC_PATCHES := [0x99250, 0xB2F70, 0xB30F0, 0x99247]
global SAMP_AC_BYTES   := ["C3", "B845000000C21C00", "B801000000C3", "9090"]

global ADDR_VEHICLE_PTR         := 0xBA18FC         ; dword

global OFFSET_CPED_OTARGET      := 0x79C            ; dword
global ADDR_WEAPON_TARGET       := 0xB6F3B8         ; dword

global FUNC_ADDMSG := 0x64010
global ADDR_SAMP_CHATMSG_PTR := 0x21A0E4
global ADDR_SAMP_INCHAT_PTR := 0x21a10c

[Mod action: Moved topic to the v1 section since this is v1 code. The main section is for v2. And moved it to the Gaming section since it’s for a game.]
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Posts: 27372
Joined: 09 Sep 2014, 18:38

Re: Help to understand the script

03 Jan 2024, 10:30

Welcome to this AutoHotkey forum!

Just an idea here. It looks like you want help with understanding the script. I think it will take a while. One great resource is the AutoHotkey documentation, which includes an introduction to the program; a description of every command, directive, and function; and examples of each. This forum is also a tremendous resource of solutions and examples. The documentation comes with the program and is also freely available online.

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