hackmud bot

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hackmud bot

02 Apr 2017, 10:26

Hey there.

Automation is allowed as you can see here:
https://hackmud.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/ar ... Automation

I'm hoping someone would be happy to help me out a bit.

Right so, first off, what is hackmud you ask? Well, it's a hacking simulator in which you can write scripts to do stuff for you

I have two scripts. Let's call them, poisonus.harvest and lets call the other one poisonus.crack.
Now, in order to hack a target you have to have kernel.hardline activated, this requires a small minigame, which is easy to complete with a spamming of 1-0 keys, followed by deleting all input afterwards, it's actually pretty simple.

What i want to achieve is the following autohotkey scripts:

Autoharvest and add to target list:
autoharvesting should type "/list" then find a fullsec address in a shell.txt file which exists in "C:\Users\%user%\AppData\Roaming\hackmud"
Then it should run poisonus.harvest{t:#s.fullsecaddress.entrypoint, i:0} (i can be from like 0-15. but we wont know how long it is)
now the i:0 part is the page number, so we should do this a couple of times and then wait a bit untill we're sure that shell.txt is updated, since it only updates every minute or so.
parse the data, and add the targets to target.txt

Autocrack targetlist:
Check if we're in kernel.hardline (the interface will be red)
If we're not, wait 30 secs, and do /hl, wait 10, spam numerical keys to solve minigame puzzle. spam backspace afterwards to make sure shell is clear. Now we have approximately 120 seconds to do some cracking
it should now run poisonus.crack{t:#s.targetaddress.entrypoint}
Wait approximately 7 seconds, unless there is some way to tell if the hack is successful by screen reading? dunno.
repeat untill there's no more targets.

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