Ahk WoW Hunter Steady shot MS Spikes WHEN USING KEY *HELP* Topic is solved

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Ahk WoW Hunter Steady shot MS Spikes WHEN USING KEY *HELP*

14 Nov 2017, 20:12

Alright so I found a post about Hunter AHK scripts for WoW and ran into this

if not GetKeyState("1", "P")
Send, {1}
Sleep 50 : In Milliseconds

In WoW I’ve made a macro
/Castsequence reset=# Steady Shot, !!Auto Shot
/cast [exists,target=pettarget] !Kill Command
/click MultiBarBottomLeftButton5

Bottomleftbarbutton 5:
/cast !Kill Command
/cast !Gore
/cast !lightning breath
/click PetActionButton1

Now the problem isn’t that it doesn’t work it does work but when I hold down the button to start my rotation for steady shot my MS goes up to 1000 + and my shooting has like major lag nd the shoots don’t go thru is there something I need to change? Am I making it do to much so it’s giving me a spike due to spellqueing? My MS normally is around 200 230 If someone knows a way to make it so it sets the sleep or delay to whatever my MS Is in game so it fires smoothly I would appreciate it! Before using AHK it worked just yeah I’m no where near as fast as AHK but my MS never did spike before while spamming the button
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Re: Ahk WoW Hunter Steady shot MS Spikes WHEN USING KEY *HELP*  Topic is solved

15 Nov 2017, 02:37

Change Sleep 50 to a higher value like 100 or 250 and try it.
(50 is 20x a second spam, 100 is 10x and 250 is 4x)

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Re: Ahk WoW Hunter Steady shot MS Spikes WHEN USING KEY *HELP*

15 Nov 2017, 23:37

i changed it to 100 it seems to be okay but is there another command i could apply other then Sleep i seen something about Set Delay

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